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To determine the dynamics of the transmission of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida infection, chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, were exposed to bacteria by cohabitation. The latent period (time between exposure and infectivity) was determined by exposing a group of chinook salmonid fingerlings to A. salmonicida by bath, then, at daily intervals, by holding five exposed (donor) fish with approximately 50 naive fish for 24 h. The latent period was 3 days post-infection and the time period between the initial exposure to bacteria and the beginning of bacterial shedding was 4.5 days for the same animals. The prevalence and intensity of infection in the donor fish, to which recipient fish were exposed, i.e. the level of exposure, was highly correlated with the development of disease in recipient (susceptible) chinook salmon (r2 = 0.57). An experiment was conducted to determine the daily progress of infection and development of a furunculosis epidemic among recipient fish by cohabiting a single exposed fish with 43 unexposed salmon. At daily intervals, all fish (in seven treatment tanks and one control tank daily) were sacrificed and tested for the presence of A. salmonicida in the kidney (n = 3520). Over 10 days, mean prevalence among recipient fish reached 75% and disease related mortality exceeded 50%. Bacterial concentrations in the water continued to increase over the duration of the experiment in concert with the number of infected animals present in the population.  相似文献   

Juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were held in 8–11°C freshwater, starved for 3 days and subjected to a low‐water stressor to determine the relationship between the general stress response and oxidative stress. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels (lipid hydroperoxides) were measured in kidney, liver and brain samples taken at the beginning of the experiment (0‐h unstressed controls) and at 6, 24 and 48 h after application of a continuous low‐water stressor. Tissue samples were also taken at 48 h from fish that had not been exposed to the stressor (48‐h unstressed controls). Exposure to the low‐water stressor affected LPO in kidney and brain tissues. In kidney, LPO decreased 6 h after imposition of the stressor; similar but less pronounced decreases also occurred in the liver and brain. At 48 h, LPO increased (in comparison with 6‐h stressed tissues) in the kidney and brain. In comparison with 48‐h unstressed controls, LPO levels were higher in the kidney and brain of stressed fish. Although preliminary, results suggest that stress can cause oxidative tissue damage in juvenile chinook salmon. Measures of oxidative stress have shown similar responses to stress in mammals; however, further research is needed to determine the extent of the stress–oxidative stress relationship and the underlying physiological mechanisms in fish.  相似文献   

A syndrome affecting cultured chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), characterized by distended abdomens, gastric dilation, air sacculitis (GDAS), increased feed conversion rates and increased mortality has been recognized in New Zealand. Affected fish were most obvious in sea cages but were also present in fresh water. Mortality rates associated with this condition were highest in late summer and approached 6% per month. A dilated and flaccid stomach, without visible rugal folds containing copious oil, watery fluid or undigested feed was typical. Gastric mucosal ulceration or inflammation were not present. The air sacculitis consisted of a thickened, dilated bladder with a mixed mucosal inflammatory infiltrate and a luminal exudate associated with large numbers of morphologically diverse bacteria. Gastric dilation or air sacculitis occurred alone or together in the same fish. In a group of 20 subclinically affected fish with or without gastric dilation, there were no significant differences in weight, length, serum osmolality, sodium, total protein or packed cell volume. Twenty-three severely affected fish had significantly ( P  < 0.05) higher serum osmolality but similar sodium and total protein to that of clinically normal fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. This report describes the gross and histopathological appearance as well as the bacteriological findings in an outbreak of panophthalmitis in farmed chinook salmon. In all cases, the bacteria were either Mycobacterium neoaurum or an unidentified Rhodococcus spp.; in some fish, both types were present in roughly equal numbers, while in others, one type dominated. Despite occasionally recovering the bacteria from kidney or spleen, no lesions were found in these or in any other organ, suggesting that the localization to the eye was not incidental, but a specific tropism. Nevertheless, the possibility of predisposing cause(s) must be considered and these are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight separate neoplasms with five distinct morphologies are described in the present report. The spontaneous neoplasms were identified in farmed chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), during processing. The masses were examined histologically and were classified as teratoma, rhabdosarcoma, biliary and renal cystadenomas, renal carcinoma and three leiomyomas. This represents one neoplasm detected for every 125000 fish processed during the sampling period.  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline (OTC), a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is used widely to treat bacterial diseases in farmed fish. In the present study, the time course of OTC concentrations in freshwater rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), and seawater chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were compared, tissue by tissue, after receiving a bolus dose of the antibiotic (5 mg kg–1 or 50 mg kg–1) intra-arterially (i.a.). The OTC concentration–time profiles of rainbow trout tissues were found to be very similar to those of the corresponding tissues in chinook salmon. Therefore, neither water salinity nor fish species seemed to play an important role in the disposition and elimination of OTC in these salmonids. In a separate experiment, rainbow trout were implanted surgically with a urinary cannula and received a single dose of OTC (50 mg kg–1) i.a. Urine was collected from the cannula daily for 13 days. The amount of OTC excreted into the bile was found to be larger than that eliminated by the urine. These results show the similarity of OTC pharmacokinetics in freshwater rainbow trout and seawater chinook salmon and render support in using a single fish species to study the pharmacokinetics of a drug for other species in the same taxon.  相似文献   

Since somatostatin (SRIF) inhibits the release of growth hormone (GH), its immunoneutralization may provide an alternative to GH therapy as a means of enhancing somatic growth in fish. The present study examined the feasibility of accelerating growth in juvenile chinook salmon by means of antiSRIF administration. Yearling salmon of Nicola River stock (BC, Canada) were injected intraperitoneally every 5 days, for a total of 40 days, with either SRIF (1 μg g-1 body wt.), antiSRIF (SOMA-10, 1 μg g−1), recombinant bovine GH (rbGH, 2.5 μg g−1), recombinant porcine GH (rpGH, 2.5 μg g−1) or saline (controls). No significant differences were observed in length, weight or final condition factor (k) between the SRIF-treated and control fish over the experimental period. However, the fish treated with the antiSRIF were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) longer and heavier than the control salmon after 25 and 30 days respectively. Furthermore, antiSRIF treatment caused a lowering in k when compared to the control salmon. Fish injected with rbGH or rpGH were significantly longer and heavier than all other groups (p ≤ 0.05), after only 5 days. GH treated groups also returned higher k when compared against all other treatments (p ≤ 0.05). No differences were observed in growth between the two rGH treatments over the experimental period.  相似文献   

Abstract. Carotenoid distribution was examined in muscle, ovary, integument and serum from red- and white-fleshed chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), along with their muscle proximate compositions. There were no significant differences in muscle compositions of moisture, protein and lipid except for the carotenoid levels between red- and white-fleshed salmon. Similar carotenoid levels of ovaries were found between red- and white-fleshed chinook salmon, although the muscle carotenoid level of white-fleshed salmon was apparently low compared to red-fleshed salmon. This suggests that white-fleshed chinook salmon have the ability to accumulate the carotenoids in their ovaries but not muscle. The white-fleshed chinook salmon may be devoid of carotenoid receptors in their muscle and this seems to be the reason for the failure to accumulate the carotenoids in their muscle.  相似文献   

Abstract. Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), from a northern streamtype (Bear River) and a southern ocean-type (Robertson Creek) population in British Columbia were mated within populations in a nested breeding design and the resulting juveniles were challenged with high water temperatures. Juveniles in the southern population died significantly later than those in the northern population, but none of the variation among families in mortality rate or time to death in the southern population was attributable to additive genetic variation. Non-additive genetic or maternal effects or both were observed for mortality rates in the Robertson Creek population, whereas additive genetic effects were observed for mortality at temperatures less than 22°C in the Bear River population. Larger fish survived better during the challenges than did smaller fish, and there was a negative genetic correlation (based on dam variance components) between body weight and mortality.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon from New Zealand were shown to have a generalized membranous glomerulonephritis that was most severe in large fish. Marked thickening of the glomerular basement membrane was the most consistent lesion, with the presence of an electron-dense deposit beneath the capillary endothelium.Severely affected glomeruli also had expansion of the mesangium and loss of capillaries,synechiae of the visceral and parietal epithelium and mild fibrosis of Bowmans capsule. Chinook salmon from British Columbia, Canada with bacterial kidney disease caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum had similar histological lesions. They also had thickened glomerular basement membranes that were recognized by rabbit antiserum to rainbow trout immunoglobulin. This was true only when frozen sections of kidney were used and not formalin-fixed tissue. An attempt to experimentally produce a glomerulopathy in rainbow trout by repeated immunization with killed R. salmoninarum was not successful. Case records from the Fish Pathology Laboratory at the University of Guelph over a 10-year period revealed that a range of species were diagnosed with glomerulopathies similar to those seen in Chinook salmon. The majority of these cases were determined to have chronic inflammatory disease. This report has identified the presence of immunoglobulin within thickened basement membranes of Chinook salmon with glomerulonephritis and supports the existence of type III hypersensitivity in fish.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of using clove oil as an alternative to tricaine methanesulphonate as a fish anaesthetic, particularly in fish stress research. The physiological stress responses of juvenile chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) anaesthetized with either tricaine (50 mg L?1) or clove oil (20 p.p.m.) were compared using unanaesthetized fish as controls. Haematocrit, serum cortisol and serum glucose concentrations, serum lysozyme activity and differential leucocyte counts were measured from blood samples collected before, during and upon recovery from anaesthesia and at specified intervals up to 72 h after recovery. Differences between the two anaesthetic groups were not significant for most of the physiological traits measured. Serum lysozyme activity of control fish, however, was significantly suppressed relative to the treated fish for 72 h after stress. Clove oil may be a safe and cost‐effective alternative to tricaine without significantly affecting study results. Furthermore, clove oil may be more practical for field‐based research, because a withdrawal period is unnecessary, and clove oil does not pose an environmental hazard.  相似文献   

Epizootic mortalities of returning adult Rogue River fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were first observed in 1978. These mortalities reached approximately 76% in 1979 and declined to 30--50% in 1980 and less than 10% in 1981 and 1982. Histopathological examination of kidneys from moribund returns in 1981 and 1982 showed a diffuse chronic glomerulonephritis (GN) in 83% and 30% of the fish examined, respectively. In most cases glomerular damage was severe enough to cause morbidity from osmoregulatory failure. The lesion was markedly similar to immune complex-mediated glomerular disease in higher vertebrates, but tissues for further ultrastructural examination and diagnosis were not processed. Giemsa-stained sections also revealed unidentified sporozoan-like vegetative stages encysted within the extracellular mesangial matrix of glomeruli in both GN and normal kidneys. Although probably incidental to the glomerular lesion, the causal relationship of the organism to GN remains unknown until further investigation. Glomeruli of outmigrating Rogue River fall chinook salmon smolts collected in 1983 were normal and free of the organism.  相似文献   

The large-scale spatial patterns of straying of marked chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), produced at hatcheries in the Columbia River (north-west USA) are described. Straying rates were extremely variable among hatcheries (from 1% to 95%). Fish produced near the mouth of the river strayed more commonly than those produced farther upriver. While the large-scale straying patterns were well explained by the distance between the hatchery of origin and alternative destinations, substantial deviations from this pattern were observed at smaller scales. Three distinct areas of origin were identified and most straying occurred between hatcheries and natural spawning grounds within each area. The location of the stream where the hatchery of origin is located affects the patterns of straying. Fish reared at hatcheries in the main stem of the river did not stray into tributaries as often as predicted by a model based exclusively on linear distance between alternative locations. Likewise, fish released from large tributaries strayed to main stem hatcheries less often than predicted by the model. Fish produced at hatcheries on north bank tributaries appeared to stray less into southern streams than fish released from southern streams. These findings indicate that salmon are more likely to stray to spawning areas similar to their natal site than to dissimilar sites, in addition to the tendency to stray to nearly sites. In addition to the general patterns, examination of data from two types of transplants indicated that there is a genetic component to homing/straying behaviour within the watershed. However, salmon transplanted into the Columbia River watershed from elsewhere showed homing precision comparable to that of local fish, although they retained their ancestral marine distribution.  相似文献   

Two salmon smolt barge transport experiments were conducted to measure tissue trace element selenium (Se) loss during the 30 h transport 500 km downriver past seven hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River. Carcass Se was measured before and after the barge trip. Liver glutathione peroxidase (GTPX) activity and total ascorbate concentrations were assayed to correlate Se loss with GTPX levels. Hatchery‐reared smolt chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were tested before and after barging. Liver ascorbate concentrations, measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography techniques, showed levels adequate to support GTPX activity. Salmon smolts lost up to 20% of carcass tissue Se during the 30 h barge confinement. Selenium was analysed by analytical polarography. Samples collected after two barging episodes showed Se loss and concomitant elevated liver GTPX activity after the transport. Tissue Se loss may be useful to measure stress in fish, and increasing tissue Se in hatchery salmon smolts prior to release and transport may be warranted.  相似文献   

A method for the purification of chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) GH, which retains its biological activity, is described. The biological activity was investigated with an established radioreceptor assay using liver membranes from pregnant rabbits and bovine GH as standard and labelled hormone. The enrichment of the preparation was checked with electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Extraction and further steps were carried out using low molarity alkaline buffer (pH 8–10, M = 100 mM). Three chromatography steps were performed (Concanavalin-A sepharose, Bio-gel P60, DEAE). Ion exchange chromatography was performed under isocratic conditions (using a 50 cm column). Two isoforms (sGH1 and sGH2) were isolated. The purification yield is 0.7% compared to lyophilized pituitaries. The molecule is homogeneous in SDS-PAGE. Contamination by prolactin, gonadotrophin and corticotrophin is negligible (< 0.5%). It could be demonstrated that the biological activity of the preparation is maintained since this preparation stimulates the growth of juvenile trout (Salmo gairdneri) and binds specifically (35%) to trout liver membranes.  相似文献   

Three health indicators, plasma lysozyme activity, PCR‐based detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum (a causative agent of bacterial kidney disease), and a necropsy‐based Health Assessment Index (HAI), were used to examined genetically based variation in a captive population of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha W.). The study group consisted of four distinct genetic cross‐types: two purebred cross‐types originating from mating wild parents (Big Qualicum River, BC, Canada) and domestic parents (Yellow Island Aquaculture, Ltd, Quadra Island, BC, Canada) and two reciprocal hybrid cross‐types from the mating of wild and domestic parents. Narrow‐sense heritability estimates for plasma lysozyme activity and the incidence of R. salmoninarum were calculated, and the genetic correlation of health indicator response with survival and growth was estimated. Significant differences among cross‐types were found for plasma lysozyme activity, HAI, survival after a natural outbreak of vibriosis (but not after a vibriosis disease challenge), relative growth rate, size‐at‐age (420 and 615 days post fertilization), and R. salmoninarum presence. Despite a significant sire component of heritability for plasma lysozyme activity, the lack of significant heritability estimates for R. salmoninarum presence, and non‐significant genetic correlations with performance variables indicates that selection to improve the health status of fish stock using the three health indicators examined here would likely not result in a measurable correlated response in survival or growth.  相似文献   

A cataractogenic diet (C) and a control diet (A), containing high and low levels, respectively, of calcium, phosphorus and sodium phytate, were fed to juvenile chinook salmon in various sequences for three 42-day periods post swim-up. In addition, a diet (B), containing high levels of calcium and phosphorus but low sodium phytate, was fed for 126 days and in various sequences with diet A. All diets contained 0.06 g of zinc/kg dry diet. Cataracts were detected at day 126 in fish which were fed diet C between days 42 and 84. Fish growth was depressed severely by diet C and to a lesser extent by diet B. It is concluded that juvenile chinook salmon may be most prone to cataract formation between 42 and 84 days after swim-up. The results show that high dietary levels of calcium and phosphorus reduce smolt size and it is suggested that this may compromise marine survival.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival of small-sized (<50.8 cm) chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kitsutch (Walbaum), caught by sport fishing was determined to assess the potential for increasing the size limit for these fish. Fishermen were recently catching smaller salmon than in the 1970s, but salmon growth rates had not changed. To be an effective management option, the survival rate of hooked and returned fish must be high. The overall survival rates were high: 76% for chinook salmon and 70% for coho salmon. There was no significant difference in survival of the coho salmon with size of hook used ( P = 0.31). Any mortality among fish was generally acute; fish hooked deep in the mouth or gills generally bled and died shortly after capture. Fish hooked in the gills had a significantly greater mortality ( P = 0.0002). The overall high survival rate for these species was the result of a small proportion of fish being hooked in the gills or deep in the mouth. Since the survival rate of the salmon was high, the size limit could be increased to allow smaller fish to grow to sizes preferred by sport fishermen.  相似文献   

We examined trends in the growth regulatory hormones growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) from August to December in chinook salmon. Fish on 100% (ad libitum) and 64% rations of a low fat high protein diet, and a 64% ration of commercial feed (BioOregon-grower) were sampled twice a month. Fish were kept on simulated natural photoperiod at constant temperature. GH declined in late August and early September, consistent with photoperiodic regulation. No effects of ration or diet composition on GH were found. IGF-I increased to a peak on 4 October 1998 and declined thereafter. High dietary ration and the higher fat commercial diet increased IGF-I. Fish length and IGF-I level were positively correlated. This study shows that a peak in IGF-I may occur in the fall in chinook salmon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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