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The reaction to P. infestans in the foliage and tubers of potato was evaluated in resistant genotypes and in their progeny. The genotypes originated from wild species known to carry genes for specific resistance. Evidence was obtained that three types of resistance to P. infestans were presented in the genotypes: (1) Resistance due to major, dominant genes was predominant. The presence of these genes was expressed in both foliage and tubers and did not influence maturity. Some of the genes were R genes, providing specific resistance, but for others this could not be determined as they were effective against the fungus inoculum with the highest virulence available: (2) Resistance was present, associated with late maturity. (3) Tuber resistance was present, expressed after inoculation of whole tubers but not after inoculation of tuber slices. Testing of the progeny was essential for the determination of the type of resistance present in the genotypes evaluated.  相似文献   

Screening for resistance to the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, in potatoes from. Bolivia, was carried out in 1983 and 1984, using a mixture of four nematode populations representing pathotypes Pa1, Pa2 and Pa3 From the 66 accessions of 17 species and subspecies evaluated, highly resistant genotypes were identified in 21 accessions from seven species. All had Pf/Pi values of 2 or less, whereas the susceptible control, Solanum tuberosum cv. ‘Disiree’ had Pf/Pi values of more than 2G in both tests. Two diploid wild species, S. brevicaule and S. leptophyes, showed the best resistant. The geographical distributional of resistant populations and the evolution of resistance in wild potato populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic lines of Brassica napus were derived by combining the genomes of B. atlantica and B. oleracea var. alboglabra, which were respectively resistant and susceptible to foliar infection by Leptosphaeria maculans, with a susceptible line of B. rapa. Resistance was expressed in the synthetic lines containing the genome of B. atlantica. The high levels of alkenyl glucosinolates which occur in leaves of B. atlantica, and which have been implicated in disease resistance, were also expressed within the synthetic lines, although the dominant glucosinolate had changed from sinigrin to glucobrassicanapin. Disease resistance and glucosinolate profiles did not co-segregate in F2 progeny from crosses between the synthetic lines.  相似文献   

Orobanche crenata , Orobanche aegyptiaca and Orobanche foetida constitute serious threats to grain legumes in the Mediterranean Basin. Lentil can be severely infected by O. crenata . It can also be damaged although with less virulence by O. aegyptiaca , and can only be slightly infected by O. foetida . Resistance breeding is hampered by scarcity of proper sources of resistance in cultivated lentil and of a reliable and practical screening procedure. A germplasm collection of 23 wild Lens spp. accessions was screened for resistance to O. crenata under field conditions. A wide range of responses was observed, from complete resistance to susceptibility. The higher levels of resistance were observed in accessions of Lens ervoides , Lens odemensis and Lens orientalis . Resistance of selected accessions proved to be mainly because of early hampered tubercle formation, with no observed necrosis of established tubercles. No differences were observed in levels of induction of broomrape germination, but necrosis of broomrape radicles was significant in some cases, particularly in the L. odemensis–O. foetida interaction. Escape because of the reduced root biomass diminishing the chance of contact between host and parasite was also observed in L. odemensis .  相似文献   

本文研究了马铃薯对卷叶和花叶病毒抗性的遗传及与产量性状的关系.结果表明,抗病性与群体产量没有显著的遗传相关性,抗病性主要通过保证马铃薯植株的正常生长发育而间接保持群体的高产稳产性能.马铃薯对卷叶病毒抗性、株高、茎粗、有效株率和主要产量性状的遗传主要由亲本的累加基因效应决定,且同一亲本在不同性状上的一般配合力效应差异较大.因此,抗病高产育种中各目标性状的协调选择是十分重要的.群体有效株率和茎粗的选择可使抗病性和丰产性同步提高.马铃薯对花叶病毒的抗性、加性和非加性作用同时存在.群体抗病性、有效株率和产量的遗传进度高,选择潜力大.  相似文献   

Accessions of the wild tomato species Lycopersicon chilense LA 1969 and L. hirsutum LA 1777 which are resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in field- and in whitefly-mediated transmission tests were agroinoculated with a tandem repeat of the TYLCV genome. Large amounts of viral DNA started to accumulate in the agroinoculated L. chilense and L. hirsutum plants about 10 days after the agroinoculation. Yellowing and narrowing of the upper leaves were observed in the L. chilense plants but no curling as in susceptible L. esculentum cultivars. The agroinoculated L. hirsutum plants showed typical yellowing and curling of young leaves. These findings indicate that TYLCV introduced by means of agroinoculation leads to the breakdown of natural resistance mechanisms which prevent the replication, spread and expression of symptoms in resistant tomato genotypes.  相似文献   

Resistance to potato viruses was examined in the F1 hybrids (TET) obtained from a cross between a diploid (2n = 24), tuber-bearing interspecific hybrid 87HW13.7 (Solanum tuberosum W231 ×S. multi-dissectum PI 473354) and a diploid (2n = 24), nontuber-bearing wild potato species (S. brevidens CPC 2451) using S. phureja IvP35 (2n = 24) for rescue pollination. The parental plants were susceptible to PVX, whereas two hybrids (TET38.2 and TET38.9) and S. phureja IvP35 reacted with hypersensitivity to PVX. Two hybrids (TET 38.9 and TET 38.12) were extremely resistant to PVY°, which was similar to S. brevidens and S. phureja IvP35, whereas the remaining two hybrids were moderately resistant to PVY°. No resistance to PVA and PLRV was observed in the progenies, in contrast to S. brevidens which was extremely resistant to PVA and PLRV. Hypersensitivity to PVX in two progenies suggested (1) integration by somatic translocation or heterofertilization and expression of genes from the rescue pollinator S. phureja IvP35, or (2) transgressive or complementary gene action.  相似文献   

The present investigation discusses the scope for transferring of resistance to leaf spot disease incited by Alternaria helianthi from two hexaploid wild species (H. tuberosus and H. resinosus) to diploid cultivated sunflower. Interspecific hybrids produced between sunflower and these two hexaploid species were partially fertile with tetraploid chromosome status. Backcrosses of these interspecific hybrids with cultivated sunflower resulted in the formation of sterile triploid plants. To overcome the problem of sterility and facilitate backcrosses with cultivated sunflower, anther culture of the tetraploid interspecific hybrids was carried out to bring down their chromosome number to diploid status. Anthers from both interspecific hybrids were cultured on basal Murashige and Skoog media supplemented with varying concentrations of organics and the growth regulators benzyladenine and naphthaleneacetic acid. Anthers of interspecific hybrids involving H. resinosus responded well and regenerated through an embryogenic route at a frequency of 98.7%. But in interspecific hybrids with H. tuberosus, anthers formed callus and subsequently regenerated shoots through an organogenic pathway. DNA ploidy analysis of anther culture plants of interspecific hybrids derived from H. tuberosus crosses was carried out to identify plants with desired diploid status. In vitro screening of parents, interspecific hybrids and anther culture plantlets against A. helianthi showed resistance in 68.5% of the anther culture plants of interspecific hybrids from H. tuberosus and in 24.3% of the plants derived from interspecific hybrids involving H. resinosus.  相似文献   

向作物中转多价抗虫基因是增强作物抗虫性、拓宽抗虫谱、延长抗虫时限的有效措施。从粳稻品种吉粳81、吉粳88和通887的成熟胚诱导出愈伤组织,以愈伤组织作为转化的受体,利用农杆菌介导法,转化苏云金杆菌毒蛋白基因CryIA(a)和半夏凝集素(Pinelliaternataagglutinin,PTA)基因。表达双价抗虫基因的载体p3300-bt-pta的bt和pta分别由Ubiquitin启动子和CaMV35S启动子驱动,宿主菌株为EHA105。用除草剂草丁膦(PPT)筛选得到转基因植株25株。以bt基因和pta基因两端序列为引物在一个反应体系同时做2个基因的PCR检测,检测到bt、pta基因的2条带,Bar基因的PCR检测也显阳性。转化株对PPT除草剂抗性鉴定呈抗性,证明外源基因已整合到水稻基因组中。水稻二化螟接虫鉴定结果表明,23株转基因植株抗虫性比对照明显提高,2株表现感虫。  相似文献   

A total of four traits related to bioactive potential of the tetraploid potato were studied in a North Carolina II cross‐experiment. The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for target bioactive compounds in a tetraploid potato population, to determine phenotypic and genotypic correlations and to calculate combining ability effects of cultivars and breeding lines included in the crossing scheme. Total monomeric anthocyanins, phenolics, carotenoids and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity were measured by spectrophotometric methods. The sources of variation female (GCAf), male (GCAm) and their interaction (SCA) were significant for bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity. Narrow‐sense heritability estimates (h2) were moderate for all the traits (0.413–0.657). Both phenotypic and genotypic correlations were highly significant for phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. As regards combining ability, positive and negative GCA and also SCA effects have been identified for bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity. These results indicate that hybrid breeding lines can be obtained by choosing parents with significant GCA, whose bioactive potential can also be further enhanced if the crosses have a significant SCA.  相似文献   

A. Lebeda 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(1):75-77
Thirty-one accessions of four Lactuca species (L. serriola, L. saligna, L. aculeata, L. squarrosa) and one L. serriola×L. sativa hybrid were screened for field resistance to Bremia lactucae. In the L. serriola group, significant differences in the level of field resistance were distinguished. The accessions PI 281876 and PI 253467 were free of infection. Moreover, all L. saligna accessions tested were totally free from disease during three-year-investigation.  相似文献   

王清  黄惠英  陈亚兰  王蒂 《作物学报》2005,31(9):1162-1166
选择14个已插入反义PPO基因的纯合四倍体马铃薯“GD-9-qc”系列,进行叶片、微型薯PPO活性检测和同工酶分析,结果表明,不同品系间的叶片、微型薯PPO活性存在极显著差异,其中2个品系的叶片及8个品系的微型薯PPO活性明显低于对照;供试转基因品系间的叶片PPO同工酶谱带的颜色深浅表现差异,所示结果与PPO活性检测基本一致;  相似文献   

Screening of 144 varieties of celery A. graveolens L. for late blight (Septoria apiicola Speg.) resistance resulted in the detection of significant differences for disease reaction. However, each accession displayed greater than 25 % leaf necrosis area due to the disease pathogen. Hence the magnitude of infection in the least susceptible plants was still too great to use them as a valuable source for resistance. The wild species A. chilense and A. panul exhibited a few discrete yellow spots with very little, if any, pycnidial development. This type of resistance was not observed in any accession of celery screened. The degree of resistance was intermediate in the F1 hybrids between A. graveolens × A. chilense and A. graveolens×A. panul, indicating incomplete dominance. The resistance to late blight found in these wild species and their ability to cross with celery provides a novel germplasm source for breeding celery lines with improved resistance to late blight.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is one of the most devastating diseases in potato cultivation and is mostly controlled by the application of chemicals. However, introduction of combinations of resistance ( R ) genes conferring broad-spectrum resistance from wild Solanum species into cultivated potatoes is considered the most practical and promising approach to achieve durable resistance. This can be realized via classical breeding or genetic modification (GM). Because classical breeding is very time-consuming and is often hampered by linkage drag, a GM approach seems logic in this heterozygous and vegetatively propagated crop. During the last decades, many R genes have been identified in several wild Solanum species. Some have been cloned and more will follow. When these genes are derived from species crossable with cultivated potato (so-called cisgenes), application in resistance breeding using a GM approach is similar to an introgression breeding approach, in that the exploited genes are indigenous to the crop. Pending deregulation or derogation of cisgenesis, the use of cisgenic R genes would be an ideal strategy to accomplish durable resistance in potato.  相似文献   

A high level of PLRV resistance has been found in four diploid genotypes originating from resistant ancestors widely utilized in European potato breeding. Plants of these genotypes were difficult to infect not only with aphids, but also with graft inoculation. Their resistance is associated with limited virus spread, but not with intolerance. The level of PLRV resistance in these genotypes appears to be comparable to a high level of resistance detected recently in some wild potato species. Evaluation of virus concentration after graft inoculation with PLRV was found useful in the selection of potato genotypes highly resistant to PLRV.  相似文献   

A germplasm collection of 39 eggplant Solanum melongena genotypes and one accession of S. torvum was evaluated for resistance to the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) by using controlled greenhouse tests. Different degrees of resistance to the disease caused by this nematode species were observed among the genotypes tested. Complete resistance (no nematode egg mass formation up to 7 weeks after inoculation) was detected in one accession belonging to domesticated S. melongena species. Good levels of incomplete resistance were also observed in some commercial eggplant genotypes. This is apparently the first report of a source of complete resistance to M. javanica within the S. melongena gene pool and our finding could greatly facilitate the incorporation of this trait into commercial eggplant cultivars. S. torvum, previously described as resistant to several root-knot nematode species (including M. javanica, M. arenaria, and M. incognita) was also confirmed as a source of resistance to this Brazilian population of M. javanica. Therefore, S. torvum can be considered as one of the most promising sources of broad-spectrum resistance genes against root-knot nematodes. Broad-spectrum resistance is of paramount importance for breeding programmes focused on the development of cultivars for tropical and subtropical areas of the world where multiple infestation of soils with distinct Meloidogyne species is a very common feature.  相似文献   

Jai  Gopal  P. C. Gaur  M. S. Rana 《Plant Breeding》1994,112(1):80-83
The relative importance of the components of tuber yield in selection in early generations of a potato-breeding programme was studied. In seedling generation the number of tubers were more important than average tuber weight, whereas in clonal generations the average tuber weight was more important. Correlation coefficients between number of tubers and tuber yield varied from generation to generation whereas those of average tuber weight and tuber yield were more or less constant. Unlike the number of tubers, the average tuber weight of a genotype in a generation influenced its tuber yield in subsequent generations. The average tuber weight had higher heritability than the number of tubers and tuber yield.  相似文献   

Under controlled environmental conditions, the effect of optimal (20 °C) and supraoptimal (30 °C) root-zone temperature on root activity (respiration, soluble sugar content, ethylene release, nitrogen uptake and translocation) was studied in water culture with two potato clones differing in the heat tolerance of their root systems. Root respiration was little affected by raising temperature from 20 °C to 30 °C. However, in both clones assimilate allocation to the roots was strongly depressed. In the heat sensitive clone LT-1 exposed to 30 °C root-zone temperature, concentrations of soluble sugars in the apical root zone (0–10 mm) increased with time, presumably as a result of the cessation of root growth. The rate of nitrate absorption was not significantly affected by root-zone temperature. However, the export of nitrogen (xylem exudate) was depressed in the heat tolerant clone whereas in the heat sensitive clone the export of total nitrogen and the proportion of nitrate increased. No effect of root-zone temperature on ethylene release was observed in our experiments.  相似文献   

Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) is a limiting factor for the success of pepino (Solarium muricatum) as a new crop. The effects of ToMV infection on total and marketable yield, fruit weight, length/width ratio and soluble solids content (SSC) have been studied in two commercial clones (`Sweet Long' and `Sweet Round'). ToMV infection depressed total yield in infected plants of `Sweet Long' (43.1%), while it had no effect on this trait in `Sweet Round' . Marketable yield was dramatically reduced by ToMV infection in both clones, 94% in `Sweet Long' and 100% in `Sweet Round'. Infected plants of clone `Sweet Long' had a lower weight than healthy plants. Although no differences in fruit weight were detected in `Sweet Round' between ToMV infected and healthy plants, many fruits from infected plants showed deformities. Changes in fruit length/width ratio and SSC as a result of ToMV infection were not relevant, but fruit quality was lower in infected fruits, most of which had corky-like flesh. Forty-two clones from cultivated (S. muricatum), wild (S. caripense and S. tabanoense) and interspecific hybrids were tested for ToMV resistance. All but seven clones (four from S. muricatum and three from interspecific hybrids S. muricatum × S. caripense) were susceptible. Non-susceptible clones showed variable degrees of resistance and developed hypersensitive local lesions. Among these clones the most promising as sources of variation for resistance to ToMV are those belonging to the cultivated species. Although no immunity was found, plants from these clones remained asymptomatic and absorbance values resulting from the DAS-ELISA tests in these plants were always lower than those of the susceptible control (cv. `Sweet Round'). These sources of resistance may be of great utility in developing commercial clones resistant to this severe disease affecting pepino. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

烟草PVY抗性的遗传分析与分子标记筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以抗马铃薯Y病毒(简称PVY)的烟草品种RY5,感病品种Coker176为亲本,构建F1、正反交F2和正反交BC1群体,苗期摩擦接种PVY的抗性遗传分析结果表明,接种后第21d群体PVY抗性数据符合孟德尔单基因隐性质量性状的遗传模型。接种后第28d群体PVY抗性数据偏离孟德尔单基因隐性质量性状的遗传模型。提取F2代群体中抗病和感病单株DNA,从多条RAPD引物和一对SCAR引物中,筛选出两个紧密连锁的分子标记。RAPD标记O12V3695与RY5的抗病基因对应的显性等位基因位点(Va)间的遗传距离为2.10cM,而SCAR标记与Va间的遗传距离为2.52cM,这两个分子标记可用于抗PVY抗性育种。  相似文献   

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