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试验结果表明,当板栗进入结果期后,少量金龟子的存在(危害程度30%以下)对板栗当年产量和单果重并不产生显著影响,一般不需对其进行药物防治;当金龟子危害程度超过30%时,可采取相应的综合有效的防治方法,而建园当年和幼龄期板栗,金龟子危害会严重影响板栗早期丰产树冠的形成,应及时采取适宜的防治措施。  相似文献   

金龟子属鞘翅目昆虫,分布极为广泛。幼虫称为蛴螬,危害多种树苗、农作物、板栗林等,以春秋两季危害最严重。防治方法: 一、育苗措施 1.改变耕作制。实行苗、麦轮作,可降低虫害;实行水、旱轮作,可根本性地防治蛴螬地下害虫。  相似文献   

金龟子是危害板栗的一种重要害虫,在生产中表现为经常将板栗幼树的嫩叶吃光,造成2次长叶,使板栗的初花最佳授粉时期光合效能减弱,影响板栗的产量和质量。在2008~2010年期间,作者对嫁接后的板栗幼林中金龟子发生规律和生活史进行了调查,利用金龟子的"假死性"特点,采取人工捕捉措施、以及加强营林管理技术等无公害防治方法进行了防治。结果表明:这种防治措施可以大幅度地减少虫口数量,控制翌年虫口发生密度,达到了有害不成灾的效果。  相似文献   

蛴螬,又名白土蚕,是金龟子的幼虫。金龟子,又名金龟甲,俗称葫芦虫、麦秆虫、铁豆虫。它种类多,食性杂,啮食板栗根系。危害板栗生长的多为大栗色金龟子,属鞘翅目金龟子科昆虫。成虫体长15~20毫米,鞘翅板栗色,成虫除咬食梨、桃、李、杏、梅、板栗等果树叶片外,还危害多种林木,  相似文献   

张兴旺 《云南林业》2007,28(2):28-28
蛴螬,又名白土蚕,是金龟子的幼虫。金龟子,又名金龟甲,俗称葫芦虫、麦秆虫、铁豆虫。它种类多,食性杂,啮食板栗根系危害板栗生长的多为大栗色金龟子,属鞘翅目金龟子科昆虫。  相似文献   

金龟子属鞘翅目昆虫,分布极为广泛。幼虫称为蛴螬,危害多种苗木,以春秋两季危害最大,危害程度轻则苗木生长不良,重则全株枯死,造成苗圃缺株断垄,板栗林一旦染上蛴螬会其致死的机会。结合耕作随时拣拾消灭翻出的蛴螬。  相似文献   

果园害虫--铜绿金龟子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜绿金龟子是果园主要害虫之一,幼虫危害植物根系,使寄主植物叶子萎黄甚至整株枯死,而成虫主要群集危害植物叶片,喜食柿子叶、葡萄叶、板栗叶等。同时也危害大豆、花生、甘薯、苜蓿等其他农作物。如果防治不及时,可导致危害成灾,严重影响产量和品质。在此简介铜绿金龟子的发生特点和防治技术。  相似文献   

6月初,中国科学院动物研究所板栗病虫害危害调查研究生张义峰、习学敏来到徽州区潜口镇,对该镇板栗林展开病虫害调查。他们将从板栗开花到结果全过程进行跟踪取样,对板栗开花、挂果、生理落果、病害  相似文献   

近来有部分林农对笔者反映,调整林种结构以来,他们连片开发种板栗,各方面都加强管理,可板栗树春来幼叶刚长,不知被啥虫吃光了。怎样防治?春季是板栗幼叶生长和开花结果时节,此时危害板栗的害虫有金龟子类、丽盾蝽等,这些害虫一年发生一代,以成虫在土中越冬。次年春三四月栗树幼叶生长时开始危害,受害栗树不仅当年的产量、花芽分化受影响,重者甚至死亡。防治方法有四:1.成虫发生和为害时,利用成虫假死性,敲震枝干,震落成虫并及时收集消灭。有条件的可开展灯光诱杀。2.板栗长叶现蕾期及时喷药保护叶、花。药剂可用90%晶体敌…  相似文献   

板栗是我国的珍贵干果,以味美、营养丰富深受人们喜爱。但随着近年板栗的迅速发展,病虫害日益严重。受害板栗林,轻者减产,重者几乎颗粒无收,现将主要的几种板栗病虫危害及其防治方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

A regional study of consumer satisfaction and preferences for various chestnut attributes was conducted in 2009. Surveys were distributed to five chestnut growers/sellers in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio and Illinois to accompany chestnut sales to their individual customers. Returned surveys represented consumers from 18 states, mainly the U.S. Midwest but also from the East and West coasts. The survey measured consumer satisfaction with the chestnuts purchased (by using affective, cognitive and behavioral constructs), assessed consumer’s general knowledge about chestnuts, frequency of consumption and familiarity with cooking. The survey also included a choice-based conjoint analysis to evaluate the effects of origin, production process and price on consumer preferences for chestnuts. Results show that high satisfaction with chestnuts purchased increases the likelihood of future purchase. Most consumers who buy chestnuts know that chestnuts need to be refrigerated but more educational effort is needed regarding the low fat content of chestnuts as compared to other nuts and the gluten-free attribute of chestnut flour. Conjoint analysis of chestnut attributes (origin, production process and price) confirmed results of past studies. Holding other attributes constant, chestnut origin is the most important attribute influencing purchases, consumers strongly preferring locally grown chestnuts over U.S. grown or imported. Chestnuts grown organically or pesticide free were preferred over conventional production. Price also has a significant influence on the purchase decision but its relative effect was lowered when bundled with the other product attributes.  相似文献   

浙江省板栗蛾类害虫寄生蜂种类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浙江省21种板栗蛾类害虫上采集到31种寄生性天敌,其中7种小蜂,24种姬蜂,除姬蜂寄生幼虫外,7种小蜂中有5种寄生卵,1种寄生蛹,1种为重寄生。  相似文献   

授粉树与花粉活力对板栗结实率和坐果率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京市怀柔区3个板栗主栽品种为授粉母树,采用9个不同种源的良种作为父本,进行授粉试验,研究授粉树与花粉活力对板栗结实率和坐果率的影响。结果表明:东陵明珠和石丰是燕山红粟的最佳授粉树;遵玉和紫珀是怀九的最佳授粉树;紫珀和东陵明珠是怀黄的最佳授粉树;花粉活力在盛花期时最高,对任何品种而言,盛花期都是最佳的授粉期。  相似文献   

采用0.1 g/L SA、0.3 g/L SA、0.5 g/L SA、500 mg/L NaClO和清水浸泡处理‘乌壳’栗种子后低温贮藏,测定贮藏过程中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性、淀粉酶活性变化。结果显示:0.1 g/L SA处理在减缓淀粉酶活性的增加、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的下降、可溶性蛋白分解和可溶性糖的增加方面均显著优于其他4种处理。  相似文献   

A study of frequency of consumption and familiarity with preparing chestnuts was conducted in the state of Missouri from 2003 to 2008. A conjoint analysis of chestnut attributes was completed in 2008 to expand on previous consumer preference research. Information from final consumers was collected during the annual Missouri Chestnut Roast festival at the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center in New Franklin, Missouri. The study tracks changes in frequency of consumption and consumer familiarity with preparing chestnuts. The conjoint analysis evaluated pair-wise profiles to quantify the effects of origin, production process and price on consumer preferences. Results show improvements in the frequency of consumption and familiarity with cooking chestnuts in Missouri. Findings suggest the festival has influenced consumption patterns among return visitors. The conjoint analysis identified locality of produce and organic certification to be major drivers behind consumer preferences. Price is also an important attribute influencing consumer preferences. Conjoint analysis results indicate that chestnuts grown in Missouri or the U.S. carrying an organic label can capture price premiums.  相似文献   

对板栗贮藏保鲜方法的特点进行分析,并根据不同的贮藏保鲜目的要求和实际条件来合理应用。对于贮藏量大、贮存期长、保鲜质量要求高的单位,宜应用机械冷藏方法。对于缺乏冷藏设备条件的单位和广大农户,可应用常温贮藏法。  相似文献   

The research was performed in a new and isolated ink disease outbreak. Nine sweet chestnuts of comparable age, growing under same environmental and site conditions, and belonging to three phytosanitary classes (healthy, infected but asymptomatic and symptomatic) were randomly selected. Their ectomycorrhizal community was monitored during two periods, with regard to species abundance, to verify whether the community composition can be useful as an ink disease bioindicator. From the 216 samples, 29 ectomycorrhizal species were recorded, with abundances that changed with the health status of the tree. The results demonstrated that the mycorrhizal community composition was highly related to the ink disease level, allowing the consideration of the use of this parameter as a tool for the quick detection and control of the early stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Disturbance histories drive spatiotemporal patterns of species distributions, and multiple disturbances can have complex effects on these patterns of distribution. The introduction of the chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica (Murril.) Barr.) to the eastern United States in the early 1900s coincided with an increase in logging, thus presenting an ideal situation for studying the effect of two disturbance events, logging and disease. The purpose of this study was to compare chestnut (Castanea dentata) abundance and the prevalence of chestnut blight among (1) sites that were and were not logged for chestnuts during the blight pandemic and (2) sites that varied in time since the last logging event. Current chestnut abundance and chestnut blight prevalence were assessed in areas where chestnut was known to occur before the blight. Elevation, soil pH, slope, aspect, age of canopy trees, and presence or absence of chestnut stumps indicating selective logging of chestnuts were recorded at each site. Chestnuts were more abundant on sites that had not been selectively logged for pre-blight chestnuts. Chestnut presence was more likely at high elevations (857 m ± 33 m). Chestnut abundance was greater at high elevations (>1000 m) and acidic soils (pH 4-5). Chestnut blight prevalence was not correlated with any measured environmental variable. Rather, 15.1% of all chestnut stems were infected with blight regardless of chestnut density. Thus, higher chestnut abundance is not due to lower mortality from the chestnut blight, although the temporal dynamics of blight infection and stem recovery were not within the scope of this study. This research shows that local rates of chestnut population decline differ between locations with different chestnut logging histories. Chestnut site preferences are better understood within the context of history, and thus teasing apart the effects of disease, logging, and environment will result in more successful chestnut restoration efforts.  相似文献   

华栗绛蚧 Kermes castaneae Shi et L iu曾大面积危害板栗林 ,现仍有一些板栗林受该蚧虫的危害。以预测预报为依据 ,营林措施为基础 ,化学治疗为应急 ,天敌保护为重点的综合防治技术 ,是防治华栗绛蚧的有效途径  相似文献   

Greece has been traditionally considered as a chestnut-producing country; yet, chestnut production has experienced a dramatic decline in the last decades, mainly due to chestnut blight Cryphonectria parasitica and chestnut feeding pests. Though chestnut blight is partially under control, little attention has been granted on chestnut feeding pests in Greece. Two species are described as major pests, i.e., Cydia splendana and Curculio elephas, without any information regarding their distribution. This study aimed to identify species diversity that feed on chestnuts trees using genetic markers and further to obtain insight into their distribution. Besides C. splendana and C. elephas, three additional species were determined namely Cydia fagiglandana, Curculio glandium as well as a Curculio sp. that has never been genetically determined before. The distribution of these species was inhomogeneous in Greece. These results demonstrate clearly the need for a carefully planned pest management approach adapted to the local mixture of chestnut feeding pests of each area rather than one general approach.  相似文献   

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