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A possible management strategy to alter fetal development and enhance sow productivity and progeny performance was examined by maternal administration of porcine somatotropin during early gestation. Eighteen crossbred gilts were bred naturally to boars of similar genetics, and pregnancy was confirmed between Days 21 and 24 of gestation by ultrasound. All animals were allowed ad libitum consumption of a 16% CP gestation diet through Day 21 of gestation and 3.0 kg/d for the remainder of gestation. Gilts were injected twice daily with 0 (n = 10) or 15 μg/kg body weight (BW) (n = 10; total, 30 μg/kg BW per d) pituitary-derived porcine somatotropin (pST) during Days 28 to 40 of gestation. Data were collected postmortem during embryonic, neonatal, and market-weight phases. At 41 d of gestation, pST treatment increased embryonic survival (87.9 versus 77.0%; P < 0.05) and embryo crown rump lengths (77.96 versus 65.14 mm; P < 0.01), but embryo weight was not altered (10.15 and 9.03 g; P > 0.10). Pigs from pST-treated gilts had increased (P < 0.01) crown rump lengths at birth (31.5 versus 30.4 cm) and 21 d (50.9 versus 48.4 cm). However, no differences were observed in birth or 21-d weights as a result of pST treatment (P > 0.10). Neonatal carcasses of progeny (20 kg BW) from the pST-treated gilts had heavier semitendinosus muscles (76.1 versus 66.0 g; P < 0.10), larger longissimus muscle cross-sectional area (10.1 versus 8.2 cm2; P < 0.05), longer sides (51.2 versus 47.9 cm; P < 0.001), and decreased 10th rib backfat (6.67 versus 8.64 mm; P < 0.001) compared with those of controls. Carcasses of market-weight progeny (100 kg BW) from pST-treated gilts had larger longissimus muscle cross-sectional area (P < 0.10), heavier trimmed loins (P < 0.10), and longer carcass sides (P < 0.05). Data are supportive of a hypothesis that mechanisms during early embryonic development are sensitive to manipulation through selected management strategies of the sow and that modifications of this strategy may serve as a model for the examination of molecular and cellular events controlling early embryonic growth.  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) on growth, feed intake, feed conversion, back-fat thickness and lean percentage were examined in growing Meishan pigs. The experiment comprised 42 barrows of which 20 were administered 14 mg rpST twice a week i.m., starting at 40 kg, the others received a placebo. Pigs were fed ad libitum a diet containing 9.2 MJ net energy and 156 g crude protein kg−1 and were slaughtered at 90 kg liveweight. From 40 to 90 kg liveweight, rpST effects were: daily gain +17.9%; feed intake −5.1%; feed conversion −17.5%; backfat thickness −29.8%; lean percentage +16.0%. The effects of rpST in Meishan are much larger than in a similar experiment with leaner western pigs. Development of synthetic breeds with Meishan in combination with the use of rpST in cross-bred fattening pigs may be a way to economically exploit the high fertility of Meishan.  相似文献   

Exogenous administration of porcine somatotropin (PST) has been shown to promote growth in the pig; however, dose-response relationships and interactions with PST source and sex for animals taken to market weight have not been established clearly. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between dosage of pituitary-derived and recombinantly manufactured PST (pPST and rPST) and growth (ADG), structural soundness, gain-to-feed ratio (G/F) and average daily feed intake (ADF). Crossbred barrows (n = 113) and gilts (n = 97) were injected with either saline, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 or 9.0 mg/d of pPST or rPST from 57 +/- .3 to 103.5 +/- .7 kg live weight. Pigs were housed five per pen and had ad libitum access to an 18% crude protein diet for the duration of the experiment. Response curves for pPST and rPST did not differ (P greater than .20) for ADG, soundness score or ADF. Although regression coefficients for response of G/F to pPST and rPST differed (P = .05), pairwise comparisons of treatment means did not (P greater than .10). Response curves for barrows and gilts did not differ for ADG or soundness (P greater than .05). Averaged over PST source and sex, quadratic dose-responses were detected for ADG, G/F and ADF (P less than .01), but PST had no effect on soundness (P greater than .25). Exponential regression models best described the dose-response relationships, and 6.0 mg.pig-1.d-1 was predicted to result in 95% of maximal achievable response for days to 103.5 kg and G/F. At this dose, pigs were predicted to grow .15 kg/d (20%) faster during the treatment period, reach slaughter weight 11.6 d earlier, consume .56 kg/d (19%) less feed, and have a G/F .095 (36%) greater than controls.  相似文献   

A study was performed to delineate bST and IGF-1 variation, over a whole lactation, in cows treated with a nowadays widely commercialised but little studied sustained release formulation of recombinant bST. Total bST levels were found to be exceptionally high in the first days after administration, but decreased rapidly in the second week after injection. The increase in the IGF-1 serum concentration was significant for almost the entire biweekly cycle. Based on this study, the peaks of ST (often above 100 ng/ml) are considered particularly unlikely to be found in non-treated bovines, even under pathological conditions, especially when detected in a number of animals within a herd. Notwithstanding the great heterogeneity of results on this topic, these data suggest that tests against fraud involving the use of rbST in dairy products may be regarded as a feasible possibility.  相似文献   

Temporal responses in the circulating concentrations of a number of intermediary metabolites and metabolic hormones were studied in chronically catheterized barrows (n = 4 per treatment) after either daily i.m. injection of porcine somatotropin (pST, 120 micrograms/kg of BW) or excipient. Blood sampling (every 1 or 2 h) began 24 h before the first injection (d 0) and continued until the end of d 2. Sampling was repeated on d 7 of treatment. Feed intake declined by d 3 in the pST-treated pigs and was 31% lower by d 7 of treatment (P less than .05). Blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations began to increase about 3 h after the first pST injection, almost returning to preinjection levels before the next injection. By the end of d 2, circulating levels of glucose and insulin were higher in pST-treated pigs than in the controls. A temporal pattern of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia was observed postinjection on each day of treatment. Although pST treatment did not chronically increase basal plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and glycerol, both metabolites exhibited transient postinjection elevations, the magnitudes of which were augmented by duration of treatment. Plasma urea nitrogen concentrations began to decrease within a few hours after the first pST injection and by d 7 were 70% (P less than .01) lower in the pST-treated pigs. A model is presented implicating pST-induced decreases in peripheral tissue insulin sensitivity and(or) responsiveness in the observed temporal responses in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Morphological and structural data of the testes of thirty male pigs were recorded in order to evaluate the effects of an anabolic clenbuterol treatment. Pigs aged 6 months were randomly allocated to one of three experimental groups. In two treated groups, the animals were fed with anabolic doses of clenbuterol (1 ppm); in the CLB group (n = 10) clenbuterol was given until they were slaughtered (treatment period = 3 months) whereas in the CLBW group (n = 10) the clenbuterol was withdrawn two weeks before slaughter (treatment period = 2.5 months); clenbuterol was not given to the pigs of the control group (n = 10). Stereological estimations of the tissular volume fraction and tubular volume density were applied to quantify the structural constituents of the testes. The results showed an increased volume fraction of the testicular interstitium especially in the Leydig cell population, as a result of the clenbuterol treatment. The increase in the nuclear volume fraction of the Leydig cells was the more persistent change in the variations recorded in both treated groups with respect to the control. A regression of the seminal epithelium was also recorded in the treated animals. The rest of the structural parameters were closer to the normal figures in the CLBW group, suggesting a recovery of the testicular structure when clenbuterol was withdrawn.  相似文献   

Sixteen crossbred sows (Yorkshire x Duroc) were used to determine the effect of recombinantly derived porcine somatotropin (pST) on lactational performance and the pattern of plasma metabolites and growth rate of nursing pigs. Daily s.c. injections of either pST (8.22 mg.sow-1.d-1) or excipient were administered at 1000 on d 12 through d 29 of lactation. Jugular cannulas were inserted in three sows/treatment and hourly blood samples were collected on d 11 to 13 and d 28 to 29 of lactation to determine the effect of treatment on plasma concentrations of somatotropin, glucose and nonesterified fatty acids in plasma. Milk production and weight of nursing pigs were determined pretreatment (d 9 and 10) and on d 16, 22 and 28. Milk production of sows receiving pST progressively increased above that of control sows and was 22% greater on d 28. Milk composition was not affected by treatment with pST (P greater than .10), so that the increase in yields of milk fat, lactose and solids paralleled the increases in milk yield. Total milk protein yield tended to be higher in sows receiving pST, but protein yield was greater (P less than .10) only on d 28. Pigs suckling sows treated with pST weighed .34 kg more at the end of the lactation period (P less than .05). Sows receiving pST consumed less feed (P less than .05) during the treatment period, and, as a result, lost more weight (P less than .10) and backfat (P less than .05) than control sows. Average concentrations of plasma somatotropin were elevated approximately 2.5-fold above baseline levels by exogenous pST. No acute alterations in plasma glucose or nonesterified fatty acids were observed in response to pST treatment, however, sows receiving pST had a chronic elevation of plasma glucose on d 29 of lactation.  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) on growth, lean tissue growth, feed intake, feed conversion, lean tissue feed conversion, backfat thickness and lean percentage were examined in 96 growing pigs. The experiment used barrows and gilts from the genotypes Duroc, F1 (Dutch Yorkshire x Dutch Landrace) and Pietrain. Half the pigs received 14 mg rpST i.m. twice each week starting at 60 kg; others received a placebo. Pigs had ad libitum access to a diet containing 2,162 kcal net energy and 182 g crude protein per kilogram and were slaughtered at either 100 or 140 kg live weight. From 60 to 100 and from 100 to 140 kg, live weight responses to rpST averaged as follows: daily gain, +4.5 and +19.9%; feed intake, -4.4 and +3.5%; feed conversion, -8.4 and -13.9%; backfat thickness, -13.8 and -22.8%; lean percentage, +4.4 and +8.7%; lean tissue growth rate, +8.6 and +35.8%; and lean tissue feed conversion, -13.1 and -24.9%. No gender x rpST interaction was detected. However, a genotype x treatment interaction was significant for backfat thickness at both slaughter weights, showing a higher response to rpST in Duroc than in Pietrain and F1. Growth performance was improved more by rpST in F1 and Pietrain than in Duroc, especially at higher weights, but carcass traits were improved more by rpST in Duroc. The response to rpST in lean tissue growth rate from 60 to 100 kg was highest in fatter animals (Duroc, barrows), whereas from 100 to 140 kg, response in lean tissue growth rate to rpST was highest in leaner animals (Pietrain, F1, gilts).  相似文献   

The effects of clenbuterol administered at anabolic doses on the testicular interstitium were studied in 30 pigs allocated to three experimental groups. The diet of two groups was supplemented with clenbuterol (Clb) (1 ppm), but whereas in the Clb+ group the treatment was given until slaughter (treatment period: 3 months), in the Clb- group the clenbuterol was withdrawn 2 weeks before slaughter (treatment period: 2-5 months); in the control group, the pigs were fed without clenbuterol. For histological procedures, a fractional sampling scheme was applied and routine techniques for light and transmission electron microscopy were used. The results of subjective morphology and morphometrics showed slight differences between the treated and the control groups. Conversely, the stereological results identified a prominent hyperplasia of the Leydig cells and ultrastructural analysis of these cells revealed a conspicuous increase in the organelles related to testosterone production, suggesting a functional activation of the interstitial cells in response to the clenbuterol treatment.  相似文献   

In three experiments the interrelationship between dietary CP and recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpSt, i.m. daily) on ADG, feed efficiency (F/G) and carcass traits was examined in crossbred Yorkshire gilts and barrows given ad libitum access to their diets during the finishing period (55 to 110 kg BW). Pigs, blocked by BW and gender, were assigned (four/pen) within block. In Exp. 1, 140 pigs were assigned two/gender per pen to each of five pens/block and received a diet of either 12%, 18% or 24% CP (n = 2, 1 and 2 pens/block, respectively). Pigs received rpSt, either 0 or 120 micrograms/kg BW (12% and 24% CP groups) or 60 micrograms/kg BW (18% CP group). When CP was 12%, rpSt decreased ADG and increased F/G (P less than .05), whereas when CP was 18% or 24%, rpSt increased ADG and lowered F/G (P less than .05). Backfat thickness was reduced (P less than .05) by rpSt regardless of CP. In Exp. 2, 120 pigs were assigned two/gender per pen to each of five pens/block and received a diet of 24% CP. Either 0, 15, 30, 60 or 120 micrograms of rpSt/kg BW was administered to each pig. All doses of rpSt increased ADG, lowered F/G and decreased backfat thickness compared with measurements for control pigs (P less than .05). In Exp. 3, 140 pigs were assigned two/gender per pen to each of seven pens/block and received a diet of either 14%, 18% or 24% CP (n = 3, 2 and 2 pens/block, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of maternal treatment with porcine somatotropin (pST) during early gestation on embryonic survival, fetal development, and internal environment for fetal growth. Sixty-two crossbred gilts received daily injections of either 3 mL of a placebo (control, n = 31) or 6 mg of pST (n = 31) from d 10 to 27 of gestation. Representative gilts were slaughtered on d 28, 37, and 62 of gestation. The remaining gilts were allowed to farrow. It was found that embryonic survival was not influenced by pST treatment (P > 0.10). However, pST affected the growth and composition of the maternal (endometrium) and fetal (chorion) parts of the placenta. Thus, endometrial RNA concentration tended to be increased by pST at d 37 (P = 0.15), and it was increased at d 62 (P < 0.05) of gestation, which is indicative of increased capacity for protein synthesis. At birth, placental chorion weight (P < 0.10) and contents of DM and protein (P < 0.05) were increased due to pST treatment, but no effects were detectable up to d 62 of gestation. Maternal pST treatment was effective at increasing nutrient supply to the embryo as suggested from elevated glucose concentrations in amniotic and allantoic fluids (P < 0.05) at d 28 of gestation. With regard to prenatal growth, embryonic DNA concentration was slightly elevated at d 28 (P < 0.10), but pST did not induce any changes in average embryonic, fetal, or neonatal weights. However, within litters, the birth weights of piglets in the 25% lowest weight group (LW) were increased by pST treatment vs control LW pigs (1,241+/-55 vs 1,099+/-59 g, P < 0.10). Thirty-eight neonates from 15 litters divided among the three weight groups were examined for body composition. The weight of the intestinal tract was increased above average after maternal pST treatment (P < 0.01). Additionally, the amounts of tissues such as bone (P = 0.12) and s.c. fat (P = 0.06), and of protein, fat (P = 0.10), and ash (P < 0.05) were increased, whereas the relative body composition remained unchanged by pST (P > 0.10). On average, muscle protein concentration was elevated due to pST (P < 0.01), and, in LW piglets, plasma IGF-I concentration was increased (P < 0.10). The results suggest that maternal somatotropin is a critical factor in early pregnancy capable of influencing placental nutrient transfer and placental growth. It thereby selectively improves the growth conditions for the smaller littermates.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary protein and recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) administration on growth and body composition was investigated in barrows. Ten groups of six pigs starting at 30 kg were restrictively fed (approximately 80% of ad libitum) one of five diets containing 11, 15, 19, 23 or 27% protein. Diets contained skim milk (12%). Soybean meal diluted with cornstarch was used as the supplemental source of dietary protein. Diets were isocaloric (3.8 Mcal DE/kg) and all contained the same amount of lysine (18 to 20 g/kg). Thirty pigs were treated daily with rpST (100 micrograms/kg) by i.m. injection; the remaining pigs were treated with sterile diluent (control) for 42 d. Growth rate was greater in rpST-treated pigs at all levels of protein intake; however, the magnitude of the response to rpST treatment was lowest among pigs fed the diet containing 11% protein. Feed:gain ratio, backfat depth and carcass fat content were decreased in rpST-treated pigs compared to respective controls. Additionally, the concentration of carcass fat decreased concomitantly with an increase in dietary protein intake. Concentration of carcass protein increased linearly as dietary protein increased in control and rpST-treated pigs. In contrast, treatment with rpST was associated with an increased visceral mass; the concentration of protein and fat in the viscera was influenced by protein intake but not by rpST. These results, characterized by few treatment interactions, suggest that when energy intake is kept constant and appropriately fed pigs serve as controls, dietary protein and rpST influence growth and body composition by independent mechanisms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ninety-six pigs were used to investigate the relationship of diet (control vs fat-supplemented with equal energy:protein ratios), porcine somatotropin (pST) administration (non-treated; 2 mg/d, daily injection; and 2 mg/d, 6-wk implant), and sex (barrows and gilts) to performance and carcass characteristics. Diet and pST treatments were initiated at 87 kg of BW and continued for 38 d. Both the fat-supplemented diet (P less than .001) and pST treatment (P less than .0001) improved feed efficiency. The effects of diet were accounted for by differences in energy density of the diets. Across diets, pST improved gain:feed ratio by 29 and 16% in pigs treated by daily injection and the implant, respectively; the two modes of delivery resulted in different responses (P less than .01). Circulating insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels, determined from blood samples drawn on d 35, were increased 2.5-fold above those of controls in pigs treated by either daily injection or the implant. However, the elevation of glucose and decrease in blood urea nitrogen concentrations in response to pST were of a greater magnitude in pigs treated by daily injection. Similarly, reductions in backfat thickness and the rate of backfat accretion determined by ultrasound were greater in response to the daily injection of pST than in response to the implant. Lean meat ratio, calculated from measurements with a Fat-O-Meater probe, was increased by 6 and 13% by the implant and daily injection, respectively. It is concluded that although the use of an implant that delivers pST on a continuous basis was as effective as the same dose administered as a bolus injection for increasing IGF-I levels, it was less effective in improving feed efficiency and carcass quality.  相似文献   

Treatment of pigs with porcine ST (pST) in early to mid-pregnancy increases body weight and length of their fetuses by mid-pregnancy, but this increased weight may not persist to birth. We investigated the effects of short- (25 d) and long-term (75 d) treatment with pST, and interactions between long-term pST treatment and crude protein content of diet, in restricted-fed gilts. In both experiments, Large White x Landrace gilts were bred at first estrus to Large White x Duroc boars and allowed to farrow naturally. In the first experiment, gilts were fed 1.8 kg/d of a diet containing 13.5 MJ DE/kg of DM and 15.05% CP (as-fed basis) throughout pregnancy, and were injected daily with 0, 2, or 4 mg pST from d 25 to 50 of pregnancy. Maternal treatment with pST from d 25 to 50 of pregnancy did not affect the number of piglets born per litter or progeny size at birth. In the second experiment, gilts were injected daily with 0 or 2 mg of pST and fed 2.2 kg/d of a diet containing 14.5 MJ DE/kg and either (as-fed basis) 16.6% (0.81% lysine) or 22.2% CP (1.16% lysine) from d 25 to 100 of pregnancy. All gilts were then fed 3.0 kg/d of the lower protein diet from d 100 of pregnancy to farrowing. Treatment with 2 mg pST/d from d 25 to 100 of pregnancy increased live weight of all gilts during the treatment period (P = 0.016), but the change in maternal live weight from d 25 to 100 of pregnancy was only increased (P = 0.001) by pST in gilts fed the higher protein diet. Live weight of gilts 1 d after farrowing was increased by pST treatment (P = 0.007), but was not altered by protein content of diet during pregnancy. In gilts fed the lower protein diet, but not in those fed the higher protein diet, pST treatment decreased maternal backfat depth during treatment (P < 0.020) and 1 d after farrowing (P = 0.002). Treatment with pST during pregnancy did not affect the number of piglets born per litter but independently increased body weight by 11.6% (P < 0.001) and length by 3.4% (P = 0.005) of progeny at birth and decreased (P < 0.01) the negative effect of litter size on body weight at birth. We conclude that in feed-restricted gilts, fetal weight gains in response to 25 d of pST treatment before mid-pregnancy are not maintained to term but that treatment with pST during most of pregnancy increases progeny size at birth and reduces maternal constraint of fetal growth.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine responses of gilts to treatment with and withdrawal of exogenous porcine somatotropin (PST). In Exp. 1, 36 prepubertal gilts (79.7 +/- .9 kg; 159.1 +/- .7 d) were allotted randomly to receive daily either 0 micrograms PST (C) or 70 micrograms PST/kg initial BW for either 21 (PST-3) or 42 d (PST-6). Gilts were examined for estrus daily by a mature boar starting on d 22 and continuing for up to 50 d. Gilts that expressed estrus were mated and removed from treatment. PST-treated gilts had higher ADG (P less than .01) and lower feed/gain (P less than .02) than C gilts. Following initiation of boar exposure, C gilts (mean interval to estrus = 2.0 d) exhibited estrus earlier than PST-3 (24.8 d) and PST-6 (24.0 d) gilts (P less than .07); however, only two C gilts were observed in estrus compared with six PST-3 and six PST-6 gilts. In Exp. 2, 40 prepubertal gilts (72.6 +/- 1.0 kg; 141.1 +/- .7 d) were allotted randomly to receive daily either 0 mg PST (C) or 5 mg PST for 30 d. On d 31, half the gilts were comingled with unfamiliar penmates and examined for estrus daily by a mature boar for up to 45 d. Estrual gilts were removed from treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three litters of four pigs from each of four different groups were used to evaluate the effect of porcine somatotropin (pST) on growth performance, body gain composition, energy and N metabolism, and in vitro cytochrome oxydase (final enzyme of the respiratory chain) activity of tissues. The four groups included boars from a synthetic line (SG1) or the Large White breed (SG2) and barrows from the Large White breed (SG3) or crossbred between Large White and Meishan breeds (SG4). Inherent capacity for daily lean tissue growth (LTG) decreased from SG1 to SG4. Within a litter, one pig was slaughtered and dissected at the beginning of the experiment (55 kg BW) and the three others were fed the same daily supply of protein and amino acids (26 g of lysine/d) but relative daily energy levels were either 113 (without pST: E1/0), 100 (3 mg of pST/d: E2/pST) or 87 (3 mg of pST/d: E3/pST). The 100 energy level corresponded to the ad libitum intake of E2/pST pigs. Two energy and N balances were carried out in respiration chambers during the experimental period. Pigs were slaughtered and dissected at approximately 95 kg BW and composition of gain was estimated using the comparative slaughter technique. In E1/0 pigs, daily BW, lean, and N gain were affected (P less than .01) by group; 566, 471, 374, and 315 g/d of lean tissue gain in SG1, SG2, SG3, and SG4 pigs, respectively. At high ME intake (E2/pST vs E1/0), pST increased daily BW (+14%), lean (+27%), or N (+26%) gain and reduced adipose tissue (-50%) gain, but the pST effect was inversely related to LTG: for N, the improvement was 2.8, 7.1, 7.0, and 11.1 g/d in SG1, SG2, SG3, and SG4 groups, respectively. Energy restriction (E3/pST vs E2/pST) reduced (P less than .001) adipose tissue gain in all groups but did not affect lean tissue or N gains in SG1, SG2, and SG3 pigs. In the pST-treated pigs of the SG4 group, the lean tissue or N gains were reduced (P less than .01) by energy restriction. Energy restriction combined with pST treatment (E3/pST) led to negligible amounts of fat deposited (40 g/d for SG1 + SG2 + SG3 pigs) and a gain:feed ratio higher than 500 g/kg (580 in SG1 pigs). The increased heat production measured in pST-treated pigs was due to its maintenance component: 275 vs 257 kcal of ME.kg BW-.60.d-1 (P less than .01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) on metabolic rate were studied in two trials with 24 crossbred barrows (Yorkshire x Landrace) in each. The barrows weighed about 80 kg (SE within trials 2.2 kg) at the start of the measurements and in each trial 12 pigs received 4 mg of rpST and 12 received a placebo. The diet contained 2.57 Mcal NE/kg and 20% CP (about 1% lysine). Animals were fed approximately 2.8 times maintenance (280 kcal ME.kg-.75.d-1). Heat production (gaseous exchange of CO2 and O2) and activity were measured continuously. Heat production associated with activity was calculated from the regression of heat production on activity. Animals treated with rpST exceeded controls in rate of gain by 252 g/d (P less than .001) and in metabolic rate by 14.5 kcal.kg-.75.d-1 (P less than .01). The rpST treatment increased rectal (+ .2 degrees C) and surface (+ .8 degrees C) temperatures. Activity-related heat production in treated pigs was increased, but this was only partly related to the increase in metabolic rate with rpST. The daily patterns of total and activity-related heat production were similar between pigs in both experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Effects of daily injections of pituitary-derived bovine somatotropin (bST) for 6 wk were evaluated in 10 growing heifers and compared to 9 placebo-treated control animals. Bovine somatotropin was injected at 50 micrograms/kg BW each day. Body weight and growth, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and somatotropin (ST) were assessed. To measure plasma concentrations of IGF-I, we validated a RIA in which bovine plasma samples were extracted with acid-ethanol, a method that resulted in greater than 90% recovery of IGF-I. Average daily gain was similar during the first 4 wk of the experiment in both control and bST-treated groups; however, at the end of the experimental period (wk 4 and 6) ADG was greater (P less than .05) in bST-treated heifers (1.24 +/- .21 kg/d vs .75 +/- .25 kg/d). Plasma IGF-I from wk 2 to wk 6 were increased in bST-treated animals (452 +/- 97 ng/ml at wk 2; 683 +/- 106 ng/ml at wk 6) compared with controls (293 +/- 62 ng/ml at wk 2 (P less than .01) and 293 +/- 115 ng/ml at wk 6 (P less than .001). Moreover, ADG over the 6-wk experimental period was correlated with mean IGF-I concentrations determined over the same period (r = .55; P less than .01). As expected, mean plasma ST concentrations were increased in bST-injected animals from wk 1 to 6. Gel chromatographic profiles of bovine plasma exhibit a 150,000 molecular weight ST-dependent binding protein-IGF-I complex and a 30,000 molecular weight non-ST-dependent complex. This study validates a method for measuring IGF-I in cattle, and shows a positive relationship among IGF-I and ADG after ST treatment. No correlation, however, was found between plasma ST and growth performance.  相似文献   

Although the beta2 adrenergic agonists have been seen to have important effects on the mechanisms regulating the development and death of T-cells in the thymus, the side-effects on the immune system of anabolic treatments of these substances have hardly been considered. In order to evaluate the effects exerted by the beta2 adrenergic agonist clenbuterol on the thymocyte population, the thymus of eight pigs treated with anabolic doses of this substance was studied by morphometric methods, regarding apoptotic (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL)-positive) and normal (TUNEL-negative) cells. The thymus of another eight pigs fed without clenbuterol served as a control. The clenbuterol treatment had a clear effect on the thymocyte size, decreasing their mean nuclear area. The T-cell apoptosis index was also affected by the clenbuterol, significantly increasing the apoptosis percentage in the treated group with respect to the control. In the light of our results, the clenbuterol induced thymocyte apoptosis throughout the thymus and caused morphometric changes in the thymocyte population, which was in line with the immunosuppressive role attributed to other beta2 adrenergic agonists.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Yorkshire cross pigs of three stress susceptibility classes (stress positive, stress-carrier, and stress negative) were injected daily with porcine somatotropin (pST; 4 mg/d) or placebo. Each pig was injected in the neck once daily until taken off test, starting when the pigs weighed 59 kg. Porcine somatotropin treatment was terminated at weekly intervals as individual pigs reached 109 kg, but animals continued to be fed for six additional days to allow for required withdrawal time. The effect of pST and stress classification on the sensory, physical, chemical, and processing characteristics of cured semimembranosus (SM) muscle was evaluated. Treatment of animals with pST had no effect on the sensory scores, lipid and protein content, cooking yields, or color values of SM muscle slices. Semimembranosus muscles from stress-positive animals, however, had reduced sensory scores for texture, flavor, and overall palatability. Semimembranosus muscles from stress-positive pigs also had smaller cooking yields and greater Hunter a and b values of processed slices. The greater Hunter a and b values suggested that the color of these slices were redder and yellower than the color of SM muscle slices from negative and carrier animals. Semimembranosus muscles from stress-susceptible animals also had a significantly lower lipid content. Treatment of animals with pST did not significantly alter sensory, chemical, or processing characteristics of SM muscle slices from these animals.  相似文献   

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