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The undergraduate teaching of veterinary parasitology in an African perspective is reviewed. Information was gathered from 8 of approximately 20 veterinary schools/faculties in Africa. In order to compare teaching in the different schools a standard questionnaire was designed for collecting data on different aspects of the curriculum, including the curriculum structure, the year(s) in which veterinary parasitology is taught, the contact hours allocated to teaching and the methods of teaching. The results of the eight faculties/schools reveal that veterinary parasitology is taught in a disciplinary approach allocating a total of 90-198 h to lectures (46-75%) and practicals 38-196 h (25-54%) during the full curriculum. There are considerable differences in structure of the curricula and methods of teaching undergraduate veterinary parasitology between the various schools/faculties. Availability of teaching staff and the cost of running practical classes are the most limiting factors in teaching of veterinary parasitology. There is a need to constantly review the curriculum of undergraduate veterinary parasitology and to standardise the materials and methods in light of new knowledge.  相似文献   

Some thoughts on training and recruitment of academic teachers and future trends in teaching veterinary parasitology are presented with emphasis on the European situation. It is underlined that research is an indispensable basis for academic teaching. Besides a broad scientific background of the teacher, motivation and teaching methods are also important. Many academic teachers do not receive formal training in teaching methods. In order to improve future education, training of staff members in teaching methods should be promoted. Quality control of teaching and research, already established in many schools, should generally be introduced. Teaching is mostly underestimated in relation to research. Therefore, more weight should be placed on the former both in selecting scientists for the career as academic teachers and in evaluating and ranking departments for their academic activities. In the future veterinary medicine will have to cope with profound changes in the society and the veterinary profession, and the progressing European unification will enhance trends for internationalizing teaching curricula. Therefore, veterinary medicine has to reconsider the teaching subjects and methods and to lay more emphasis on flexibility, skills of problem-solving and self-learning and on training for life-long learning. At present there is an ongoing discussion on the question how to teach veterinary medicine, including veterinary parasitology. There are various options, and some of them are discussed, namely, the disciplinary and the problem-based/organ-focussed approaches. It is concluded that for teaching of veterinary parasitology and related disciplines a combined disciplinary and problem-based approach offers the best chances for fulfilling the requirements of teaching for the future. In the curriculum of undergraduate teaching of veterinary medicine at least 70-90 h should be dedicated to veterinary parasitology using a disciplinary and taxonomic approach. Additional hours are required for instructions on clinical cases in approaches focussed on animal species and/or organ diseases. As there is a need for discussing teaching issues, post-graduate specialization, and continuing education in parasitology and related disciplines on national and international levels, it is recommended to WAAVP to include regular workshops on teaching in the programmes of the biannual conferences, and to establish a permanent committee which should collect information and submit proposals for improvement of teaching veterinary parasitology.  相似文献   

为了提升寄生虫形态学教学水平,充分利用内蒙古农业大学预防兽医学寄生虫教研室积累的大量寄生虫标本进行授课,通过加强兽医寄生虫标本室建设和兽医寄生虫学实验教学改革探索,提升标本管理水平及寄生虫标本服务教学的水平,以期为该课程的教学改革提供思路。  相似文献   

The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) initiated a study of parasitology curricula in veterinary schools in the US and Canada in November 1989. An ad hoc committee (Task Force) and then the Education Committee developed a position paper on teaching parasitology in veterinary colleges. In addition to confirming the importance of parasitology as a discipline they recommended a set of general learning objectives and proposed topic-specific titles rather than parasite-/group-specific titles. Another problem observed in teaching parasitology was a significant reduction in time available to teach parasitology. One way to compensate for the lost classroom time is to utilize some of the technological advances in presenting the material to students.  相似文献   

A review revealed that at 20 veterinary faculties in European countries parasitology is represented in the curriculum of veterinary medicine with an average of 105 core contact hours, devoted to lectures (58%) and practicals (42%). However, there is a high diversity between faculties with ranges of total contact hours between 48 and 156. Three faculties are close to the minimum of 70 core contact hours recommended by WAAVP (2002), and one faculty is below this limit. In one of the faculties parasitology is completely integrated into interdisciplinary teaching activities, in some others there are developments in this direction which include the risk of dissolving parasitology as a discipline. One faculty with a high degree of integrated teaching has already abolished the parasitological examination. Parasitology is preferentially taught in the years three, four and five of the curriculum, but there is great variation between the faculties. Most teachers in the faculties are veterinarians. In many faculties the large numbers of students and the unsatisfactory academic teaching staff:student ratio represent a significant problem. This problem may increase with more teaching obligations caused by new curricula. Due to the high diversity in content and structure of teaching curricula of veterinary medicine between veterinary faculties in Europe international and even national exchange of students is inhibited. Therefore, and for many other reasons more activities should be initiated towards harmonisation of the study curricula in Europe.  相似文献   

Teaching of veterinary parasitology: the Italian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The curriculum in veterinary medicine in Italy is undergoing important changes, as in the rest of Europe. The 2001 fall semester will mark the beginning of a new format for the degree in veterinary medicine and these changes will obviously affect the teaching of veterinary parasitology. In Italy, veterinary parasitology is usually taught in the third year with a disciplinary approach, similar to that described by Euzéby [Vet. Parasitol. 64 (1996) 21] and Eckert [Vet. Parasitol. 88 (2000) 117]. Approximately 90 h of lectures and 40 h of laboratory are offered and are usually divided into parasitology, followed by parasitic diseases. A more problem-oriented approach to parasitology is offered to fifth-year students within several professional routes (large animal medicine, small animal medicine, hygiene and food safety, etc.), amounting to approximately 15-60 h per student. Indeed, in the last year of study, there are less students and it is possible to present clinical cases and orient the students towards team work and critical discussion. This new curriculum guarantees a reduction in the number of lecture hours and an increase in both laboratory work and personal study, as suggested by the guidelines of the European association of establishment for veterinary education (EAEVE).  相似文献   

随着科学技术的迅速发展以及网络和电脑的普及,多媒体教学已成为现代教育发展的必然趋势.因此,本研究的目标是以建立门类齐全、系统、规范、适用、典型的形态学图片素材库为基础,充分利用数字多媒体的优势,有力地加强数字A化教学模式在兽医寄生虫学教学中的重要作用,提高教学质量和效率.本文根据工作实际和需要,主要探讨了图片库建立在《兽医寄生虫学》教学中的方法与意义.  相似文献   

In order to understand how the teaching of parasitology in veterinary schools and faculties in the world is carried out, a questionnaire was sent to all centres listed in the W.H.O. World Directory. A total of 91 replies were received. Additional information was obtained from the report of a symposium held in Hannover, Germany in 1978 and from the Education Committee of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists in 1981. The academic level, the place of parasitology in the veterinary curriculum, textbooks and practical instruction, evaluation techniques, teaching staff, institute organization and publications are discussed.  相似文献   

《动物寄生虫病学》课程教学方法的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物寄生虫病学是一门由一般生物学和兽医学构成的综合性学科,是阐明寄生于动物的各种寄生虫及其对动物所发生影响和所引起疾病的科学,是动物医学和畜牧兽医专业的一门专业基础课。通过对以往教学方法的改革和教学过程的实践,在教学过程中不仅改进常规教学方法,同时还增加学术论文的使用和实践操作的类型及时间比例,获得良好的教学效果。介绍了《动物寄生虫病学》课程的教学现状,并阐述了该课程教学方法改革与实践工作中的几点体会。  相似文献   

The history of veterinary parasitology in France can be divided into three parts. (1) The early period of veterinary education, and development of sections on parasites and parasitic diseases, immediately following the creation of the veterinary colleges in France in 1762-1765 by Cl. Bourgelat until the beginning of the 19th century. This was the period of academics, naturalists and zoologists, with the exception of P. Chabert who, as early as 1782, directed attention to the harmful effects of parasites on animals and tried to control them. (2) Identification and establishment of the field of veterinary parasitology and the development of specific research work, mostly in veterinary colleges, on the biology and systematic control of parasites. This period was dominated by the tremendous amount of work carried out by L.G. Neumann and A. Railliet in every topic of veterinary parasitology. (3) The modern period of veterinary parasitology (before and after World War II). This period is characterized by the increasing development of the most sophisticated techniques in fundamental and applied research to provide efficient cheap and practical means for the diagnosis and control of parasitic diseases in animals.  相似文献   

兽医药理学作为畜牧兽医专业的专业基础课.是联系基础兽医学与临床兽医学的桥梁和纽带。该课程由理论教学和实验教学两部分组成,实验教学为理论教学服务.是夯实理论知识的一种手段。根据高职高专畜牧兽医专业的教学要求和特点,探索并改进兽医药理学课程教学方法,改变传统的填鸭式教学方法,采用多种手段教学以提高学生的自主学习能力、发现问题和解决问题的能力,以激发学生学习积极性.提高教学质量,从而为临床一线培养合格的应用型专业技术人员打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

《家畜外科手术学》课程是本科生兽医专业教学的一个重要环节,是提升学生学习兴趣、强化实践操作能力的重要桥梁。提高《家畜外科手术学》的教学质量,对于学生培养基本技能和掌握手术的基本操作技术,具有非常重要的意义。经过多年教学实践,摸索并总结出"兴趣+理论+实践"的教学方法,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

兽医药理学实验是兽医药理学中重要的组成部分,实验教学质量的好坏,直接关系到学生日后临床课程的学习。为适应动物医学专业发展的需要,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生学习的积极性和主动性得到充分调动,在江西省教改项目的支持下,针对兽医药理学实验教学的特点,从实验教学内容、实验教学模式方面进行了一些有益的探索与实践,旨在提高兽医药理学实验教学效果的同时,也使学生在素质、能力和创新方面有所提高。  相似文献   

A World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology tradition for its conference is to present some highlights of the country hosting the event, and with an emphasis on the history of, and research in, veterinary parasitology. A review of Canada's peoples, physiography, climate, natural resources, agriculture, animal populations, pioneers in veterinary parasitology, research accomplishments by other veterinary parasitologists, centres for research in veterinary parasitology, and major current research had been presented at a World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology Conference in Canada in 1987, and was published. The present paper updates the information on the above topics for the 22 years since this conference was last held in Canada.  相似文献   

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, established a new curriculum for teaching veterinary medicine in 1995 with the main objectives to improve the problem-solving and communication competences of the students and their scientific education. Because it is accepted that graduates cannot get a starting competence in all fields of the veterinary profession, a differentiation of education focused on animal species and life-long learning is emphasised. Major characteristics of this curriculum are a high degree of horizontal and vertical integration of the various disciplines, the preference for teaching in small working groups and the training for self-learning. This curriculum is described in some detail. Parasitology is not taught as a coherent subject but is integrated into various subjects, presented in an interdisciplinary approach. The number of contact hours is variable depending on optional courses and the differentiation tracks taken but it amounts for a minimum of approximately 90 contact hours for each student during the full curriculum. A major disadvantage of the curriculum is that examination of parasitology is within integrated subjects. Thus, students that perform poorly on parasitology may still pass. An advantage is the extended presence of parasitology in the last year of clinical training and the improved interdisciplinary interaction between parasitologists and clinicians. The curriculum has been changed again in 2001; study paths focused on animal species and other subjects start already in the first year, and approximately 25% of the first 4 years of the curriculum will be within these study paths.  相似文献   

Undergraduate teaching of veterinary parasitology in South American countries is basically similar to most of the veterinary schools and offers lectures and practicals in parasitology (P) predominantly in the second year of the curriculum, and parasitic diseases (PD) in the third year, but in some schools also in the fourth and fifth years. However, there is a great variation in teaching hours allocated to P/PD between totals of about 50-169 h during the full curriculum. In addition to the lectures and practicals, schools are increasingly using tools (CD-ROMs) for self-instruction and new forms of education, such as workshops, round tables, and field practicals. The large number of important parasite species of large and small animals in tropical and subtropical areas would require additional hours for teaching--at least in some of the schools--considering the multidisciplinary characteristics of veterinary parasitology.  相似文献   

兽医药理学是动物医学专业基础兽医学与临床兽医学的桥梁课程。课程内容中引入病例分析,并采用翻转课堂教学法进行实践分析。结果显示,翻转课堂与传统教学中进行病例分析均使学生学习兴趣增加;采用翻转课堂教学模式课堂活跃,学生参与度高,有助于提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

高职高专中兽医教学的目的是使学生掌握中兽医的基本理论和技能,初步具备运用中兽医诊疗技术对畜禽疾病进行临床诊断、预防和治疗的实际工作能力。针对高职高专人才培养的要求和畜牧兽医高职高专教育自身的特点,以"培养实用型、应用型人才"为目标,对中兽医课程教学进行了大胆的改革与探索,突破了原有本科式《中兽医学》的课程体系和教学模式,重组教学内容,构建适宜于高职高专的理论和实践教学体系。在教学设计上充分考虑高职特点,本着"理论够用"的原则,突出技能培养和强化实践性教学为特色,旨在探索和创新一种全新的高职高专中兽医教学模式。  相似文献   

家畜育种学是动物科学专业必修的专业基础课。根据养殖企业人才需求及本科和专科学生的特点,实践开展了匹配专科畜牧兽医和本科动物科学专业(4+0)共享的家畜育种学课程,从重新组织编排教学内容到合理组织教学策略,即突出有用性、适用性和新颖性;采用丰富的教学方法和手段,合理安排理论和实训课程;通过多样的考核方式,综合评定教学效果。以培养学生科学思维为出发点,熟练掌握一线实践技能为落脚点,逐步提高学生的综合实践能力,并获得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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