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Methylmethacrylate castings of the eye microvasculature were prepared from 10 Spargue-Dawley rats and studied by electron microscopy. The choroidal arterioles are larger in diameter than retinal arterioles, and have a shorter course to choroidal capillaries than retinal arterioles to retinal capillaries. Retinal capillaries are extremely thin in diameter and form a sparse retinal capillary network. The choriocapillaris is large and sinusoid-like, forming a compactly arranged network in the choroid. These differences in the microvasculature between the choroid and retina help explain the differences in ocular hemodynamics; that is, the blood flow in the choroid is faster than that in the retina. Capillaries of the iris show a zigzag configuration, which may be an accommodation for dilation and constriction of the pupil. Capillaries of the ciliary body are of large diameter forming leaf-like configurations, presumably to contribute to the secretion of the aqueous humor. Capillaries of the conjunctiva exhibit a somewhat coiled configuration, the arrangement of which reduce tension of the conjunctiva vessels caused by eyeball movement. Intra-arterial cushions, which control blood flow at the branching sites, are found in both choroidal or retinal arterioles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the functional anatomy of the ocular circulation in four bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and five melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra). PROCEDURE: Eyes were obtained postmortem from whales that died while in captivity and/or were found beached. Specimens from whales were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of vascular corrosion casts and histology. The thermal characteristics of live dolphin eyes were measured using an infrared imaging system. RESULTS: The whale eye receives its primary blood supply from the ophthalmic rete, which extends just behind the eyeball. The ophthalmic rete diverges from the basilar rete and the cervical rete via the posterior thoracic artery. The iris and ciliary processes are supplied by iridic arteries via the major arterial circle that is located around the iris edge. The retinal vessels show the holangiotic type. Choroidal arteries run in parallel arrays so as to interdigitate the densely packed choroidal veins. The venules in the conjunctival fold and palpebral conjunctiva form a well-developed venous plexus. Thermographic examination revealed that the eye shows a substantially higher degree of thermal emission than adjacent skin areas. CONCLUSIONS: The cetacean eye is characterized by a unique vascular pattern and multivessel plexuses, which are quite different from those of terrestrial mammals. This suggests that the ocular vasculature might function as a thermoregulatory system so that the appropriate operating temperature for the photoreceptors can be maintained in a deep and cold aquatic environment. The distinctive plexuses in the orbit might also be for pooling blood in the eye to conserve oxygen during dives. The ophthalmic rete might play a role in a pressure-damping effect on cetacean ocular circulation as well.  相似文献   

The microvasculature of the eye of 10 pigs was investigated using scanning electron micrographs of corrosion casts. The ciliary body, iris and bulbar conjunctiva were supplied by the iridociliary ring artery via the long posterior ciliary artery. Capillaries of the ciliary process were of large diameter (23.2-27.5 microm) with an irregular bore, forming a thoroughfare channel draining blood in the ciliary arterioles into the pars plana venous vessels. Arterioles and venules in the iris exhibited a zigzag or spiral features. The third palpebra was supplied by the anterior ciliary artery. The capillary bed of the third palpebra was dense and was formed by many rows of fine hair-pin loops. Capillaries in the bulbar conjunctiva formed a sparse network disposing approximately parallel to the epithelium and formed a well-developed venous plexus, draining into the vortex veins. Retinal arterioles formed a slender and long course to capillaries. Retinal capillaries were extremely thin (3.0-4.0 microm in diameter). The choroid was supplied by the short posterior ciliary arteries. Choroidal arterioles exhibited a thick and short course to the choriocapillaris. The choriocapillaris was flat and sinusoid-like (8.9-13.9 microm in diameter), forming a dense sheet-like network. Blood from the choroid emptied into the episcleral vein via the vortex vein. Blood from the retina was drained by the posterior ciliary veins. The functional significance of this vascular architecture was discussed.  相似文献   

Vascular changes at various stages of growth of 7,12‐dimethylbenz(α)anthracene (DMBA)‐induced mammary adenocarcinomas in 22 female Sprague‐Dawley rats were investigated using histology, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of corrosion casts. In the early stage of tumour growth, capillaries within the neoplasms were thin, with 8–10 μm diameter, and characterized by rows of vascular sprouts representing extensive neovascularization and formation of a high‐density capillary plexus. In the intermediate stage of tumour growth, the growing tumour was multi‐nodular and tumour cells were arranged in a tubulopapillary pattern. Capillaries formed spheroid vascular capsules and were characterized by dilation, to a diameter of 10–80 μm, and blind ends. In the late stage of tumour growth, a remarkable reduction in the number of vascular endothelial growth factor‐positive cells and Ki‐67‐stained nuclei was demonstrated. The tunica media of nutritive arteries displayed a tendency to atrophy. Many arteriovenous anastomoses between the major arteries and the veins were found in regions just before their entry into the tumour. The central regions of the tumour were degenerative and necrotic, and vasculature was confined to surface regions of the tumour, forming a basket‐like configuration around the avascular central regions. Resin leakages representing haemorrhage or oedema and distortions such as flattening, break‐off and strangulations of capillaries were frequently observed, all of which are known as late tumour signs. We concluded that these microvascular alterations might change the homogeneity of tumour perfusion and contribute to necrosis in central portions of the tumour.  相似文献   

The vascular bed of the rabbit ear has been studied with light microscopy, microangiography and scanning electron microscopy of resin casts in a series of 20 ears. The major arteries supplying the ear were the central and rostral auricular branches of the caudal auricular artery. The caudal auricular branch was not observed, except as a small vessel supplying the rostral auricular base. The central auricular branch supplied blood to most of the auricular integument and was surrounded by capillaries extended from those supplying the skin. The periarterial capillaries formed a fine, compact network in the tunica media and were closely related to the central auricular branch. Evidence is presented suggesting that this vascular mechanism has a counter-current heat-exchange function for regulating body temperature. The artery had the well-developed internal elastic lamina and intimal cushions that regulate blood flow at the branching sites. A number of arteriovenous anastomoses were also observed between arterioles and venules, particularly in marginal regions of the ear. The intimal cushions and arteriovenous anastomoses might play an additional role in thermoregulation by regulating local blood flow in the ear.  相似文献   

The microvasculature of the eyes of 5 rabbits was investigated using scanning electron microscopy on corrosion casts. The study revealed that the pars plana vessels draining blood from the iris and ciliary body coursed directly into the anterior vortex venous system constituting the scleral venous plexus (the venous circle of Hovius). The episcleral vasculature was found to possess a specialized morphology, with channels draining the aqueous humor. The capillaries of the third palpebral, bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva formed a single-layered capillary network approximately parallel to the epithelium and formed a well-developed venous plexus in the stroma. The retina was found to be merangiotic, meaning that vessels were present only in a small part of the retina, extending in a horizontal direction to form bands on either side of the optic disc. Channels representing the aqueous veins that drained blood mixed with aqueous humor were found to derive directly from the suprachoroidal space and communicate with the scleral venous plexus via the anterior vortex veins. The functional significance of the microvasculature of the iris, cilia, retina and choroid is discussed in this report as well. The elaborate microvasculature of the conjunctiva may be a prerequisite for the exchange of nutrients and gasses between the cornea and the vessels across the conjunctival epithelium when the eyelids are shut during sleep, and possibly for the dynamics of eye drop delivery. The scleral venous plexus in rabbits may be analogous to the scleral venous sinus (Schlemm's canal) in rats, primates and humans.  相似文献   

Dogs are well adapted to cold climates and they can stand, walk and run on snow and ice for long periods of time. In contrast to the body trunk, which has, dense fur, the paws are more exposed to the cold due to the lack of fur insulation. The extremities have a high surface area-to-volume ratio, so they lose heat very easily. We offer anatomical evidence for a heat-conserving structure associated with dog footpad vasculature. Methylmethacrylate vascular corrosion casts for scanning electron microscopy, Indian ink-injected whole-mount and histological specimens were each prepared, in a series of 16 limbs from four adult dogs. Vascular casts and Indian ink studies showed that abundant venules were arranged around the arteries supplying the pad surface and formed a vein-artery-vein triad, with the peri-arterial venous network intimately related to the arteries. In addition, numerous arteriovenous anastomoses and well-developed venous plexuses were found throughout the dermal vasculature. The triad forms a counter-current heat exchanger. When the footpad is exposed to a cold environment, the counter-current heat exchanger serves to prevent heat loss by recirculating heat back to the body core. Furthermore, the arteriovenous anastomoses shift blood flow, draining blood to the skin surface, and the venous plexuses retain warm blood in the pad surface. Hence, the appropriate temperature for the footpad can be maintained in cold environments.  相似文献   

Vasculature of the ophthalmic rete (rete ophthalmicum) in the night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) was studied using scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts and light microscopy on tissue sections. Most blood to the eyeball and a lesser volume of blood to the brain passed through the ophthalmic rete via the external ophthalmic artery. The collateral retial arterioles originated from the external ophthalmic artery forming a flat and fusiform-shaped arterial network at the ventrotemporal region of the eyeball. The arterial network was intermixed with a similar complex of the veins from the eye. The ophthalmotemporal artery, which supplied the eyeball posteriorly, and supraorbital and infraorbital arteries, which supplied the eyeball anteriorly, originated from the rete. Blood from the eye, which is a site of potential heat loss, drained into the ophthalmic rete via the ophthalmotemporal vein. On the casts of retial arterioles, slit-like cleavages at branching sites representing flap valves, which might play a role as sluice valves, were seen. In addition, marks of circularly running grooves, which might represent tufts of smooth muscle cells and might contribute to a sphincter activity, were observed. These anatomical specializations of the avian ophthalmic rete, involving parallel arrangement of arteries and veins, may function to facilitate counter-current heat exchange and to regulate blood pressure and volume to the eye and the brain.  相似文献   

We have studied the vasculature of the retina, ciliary processes and choroid in the North American raccoon (Procyon lotor), a nocturnal mammal, using light and scanning electron microscopic examination of corrosion casts. We carried out an identical study in the crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis), which forages only during the daytime, in order to compare the ocular vasculature with that of nocturnal mammals. Our observations in raccoons demonstrated a photoreceptor layer associated with rich lymph and a poorly vascularized retina. The meridian region of the eye, which lies in the horizontal plane and pass around the optic disc, had a markedly sparse capillary network. This horizontal sparse vascular band may correspond to a visual streak. Ciliary process capillaries were delicate, and formed a well-developed and compact network. Choriocapillaries were quite thin and formed a coarse capillary network. This contrasted with the dense retinal and well-extended choroidal capillary networks noted in the macaques. Our findings suggest that the sparse retinal capillary network in raccoons is extremely beneficial for photon capture, thereby allowing the raccoon to see well at night, as the retinal vessels restrict the inflow of photons toward the photoreceptors. The well-developed lymph probably compensates for the sparse retinal capillaries and choriocapillaries and nourishes the retina in the nocturnal raccoon.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize structural changes in pulmonary vessels of dogs with dirofilariosis. ANIMALS: 8 dogs with dirofilariosis and 2 unaffected control dogs. PROCEDURE: Pulmonary artery pressure was measured in affected dogs, and dogs then were euthanatized. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine vascular corrosion casts of pulmonary vasculature. Tissue sections of pulmonary vasculature were evaluated by use of histologic examination. RESULTS: Pulmonary artery pressure was higher in dogs with severely affected pulmonary vessels. In tissue sections, dilatation, as well as lesions in the tunica intima and proliferative lesions resulting in constriction or obstruction, were frequently observed in branches of the pulmonary artery. Numerous dilated bronchial arteries were observed around affected pulmonary arteries. Hyperplastic venous sphincters were observed in small pulmonary veins and venules. In corrosion casts, affected pulmonary lobar arteries had dilatation, pruning, abnormal tapering, constriction, and obstruction. In small arteries and arterioles, surface structures representing aneurisms and edema were seen. Bronchial arteries were well developed and extremely dilated, and they formed numerous anastomoses with pulmonary arteries at all levels, from the pulmonary trunk to peripheral vessels. Capillaries in the lungs were dilated with little structural change. Small pulmonary veins and venules had irregular annular constrictions that were caused by hyperplastic smooth muscle cells of venous sphincters. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Scanning electron microscopy of microvascular casts delineated links between the bronchial and pulmonary circulations in dogs with dirofilariosis. Results of scanning electron microscopy provided a structural explanation for the development of pulmonary circulatory disturbances and pulmonary hypertension in dogs affected by dirofilariosis.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts of the optic nerve region in normal and glaucomatous Beagles demonstrated that the blood supply to the laminar optic nerve is derived from short posterior ciliary arteries, cilioretinal arteries, and longitudinal pial vessels. The short posterior ciliary arteries formed a ring of striated pillars around the scleral canal. The central retinal artery was not present in the dog. Differences between the casts in normal and glaucomatous dogs were not detected.  相似文献   

Zebrafish have come to the forefront as a flexible, relevant animal model to study human disease, including cardiovascular disorders. Zebrafish are optically transparent during early developmental stages, enabling unparalleled imaging modalities to examine cardiovascular structure and function in vivo and ex vivo. At later stages, however, the options for systematic cardiovascular phenotyping are more limited. To visualise the complete vascular tree of adult zebrafish, we have optimised a vascular corrosion casting method. We present several improvements to the technique leading to increased reproducibility and accuracy. We designed a customised support system and used a combination of the commercially available Mercox II methyl methacrylate with the Batson's catalyst for optimal vascular corrosion casting of zebrafish. We also highlight different imaging approaches, with a focus on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray microtomography (micro-CT) to obtain highly detailed, faithful three-dimensional reconstructed images of the zebrafish cardiovascular structure. This procedure can be of great value to a wide range of research lines related to cardiovascular biology in small specimens.  相似文献   

Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae parasites were collected from the intestines of 300 fish belonging to three tilapia species sourced at the River Nile, Giza, Egypt. The proboscis of the parasite was characterized by three rows of hooks that curved towards the posterior of the body. The first row is supported by unmodified hooks. The parasite tegument has a series of alternative folds and a large number of pores. Sensory ganglia are located on the surface of the proboscis and body. Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae provokes an aggressive host response indicated by hyperplasia of the intestinal goblet cells and focal eosinophil infiltrations. This acanthocephalan parasite shows a highly modified adaptation to its site of host infection.  相似文献   

Eyes are the most primarily required sensory organs during the migration of migratory birds and Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) are known to make long migrations. This study examined for the first time the structure of pecten oculi in northern bald ibises by using macroscopic anatomy as well as light and electron microscopic methods. In the study 20 eye globes from 10 adult bald ibises were used. The pecten was of pleated type. As in most bird species, it was located on the optic nerve head and projects into the vitreous from the optic nerve head. The wider basal part was observed to attached to retina and its free apical part was found in camera vitrea bulbi embedded in corpus vitreum. The pecten had 13–14 accordion like pleats lying between the basal and apical parts. In addition to arterial and venous vessels, numerous capillary vessels as well as melanocytes were observed within each pleat. The bridge binding the pleats at the apical part showed a stronger pigmentation compared to other parts of the pecten. The results of the study indicated that the general morphology of pecten oculi in northern bald ibises which is a migratory bird species were similar to that in other diurnal bird species.  相似文献   

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