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Bonamiosis affects the viability of oyster culture in Galicia (NW Spain). This study shows the effects of the disease on three oyster populations from hatcheries in different culture areas (Cambados and Bueu) and different origin: stock A [F1], stock B [F2], and stock C [F2]. These stocks were cultured between November 1998 and November 2000 in Cambados and Bueu. In the Cambados area, bonamiosis is considered to be endemic, while the disease does not generally affect Bueu area. Sampling was conducted at 3-month intervals to study prevalence of Bonamia, mortality and growth rates. In the Cambados area, bonamiosis was detected 12 months after beginning culture but in the Bueu area, it was not detected until 24 months after initiating cultures. Our results suggest that there is a relationship between presence of Bonamia ostreae and oyster mortalities, which were observed in the three stocks from Cambados. These mortalities were associated with the culture area (Cambados) and not with stock of oysters. Growth was satisfactory in both areas as oysters reached commercial size (60 mm) 15 months after beginning the cultures. In an area where Bonamia is present, such as Cambados, the oysters should be marketed promptly (after approximately 15–18 months of culture) but in areas where Bonamia is not present, such as Bueu, the oyster farmer can culture oysters over a long period of time, prior to harvest, if necessary.  相似文献   

The influence of algal diet on survival, growth and development of hatchery reared flat oyster, Ostrea angasi, larvae was investigated in a series of uni, binary and ternary algal diet trials. Early stage larvae (140–230 μm shell length) generally grew faster than late‐stage larvae (230–340 μm shell length) when fed unialgal diets. Of the 24 algal diets evaluated, larvae fed unialgal diets of Isochrysis sp. (T. Iso), Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis chuii or Pavlova lutheri; a binary diet of T. chuii+T. Iso; or ternary diets of T. chuii+T. Iso combined with P. lutheri or N. oculata had the greatest larval growth, survival, development and metamorphosis, in the respective trials. The correlation between growth rate and spat produced in late‐stage larvae was stronger when fed unialgal diets (= 0.75) than when larvae were fed either binary or ternary diets (= 0.44 and = 0.45 respectively). Marked differences in proportion of spat produced (24 h post metamorphosis) were evident among diets producing similar growth rates. For hatchery production of O. angasi larvae, ternary diets of T. chuii+T. Iso combined with either P. lutheri or N. oculata were the best diets to maximize larval growth rate, development and survival 24 h post metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Bonamia spp. parasites threaten flat oyster (Ostrea spp.) farming worldwide. Understanding test performance is important for designing surveillance and interpreting diagnostic results. Following a pilot survey which found low Bonamia sp. intensity in farmed Ostrea angasi, we tested further oysters (= 100–150) from each of three farms for Bonamia sp. using heart smear, histology and qPCR. We used a Bayesian Latent Class Model to assess diagnostic sensitivity (DSe) and specificity (DSp) of these tests individually or in combination, and to assess prevalence. Histology was the best individual test (DSe 0.76, DSp 0.93) compared to quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (DSe 0.69, DSp 0.93) and heart smear (DSe 0.61, DSp 0.60). Histology combined with qPCR and defining a positive from either test as an infected case maximized test performance (DSe 0.91, DSp 0.88). Prevalence was higher at two farms in a high‐density oyster growing region than at a farm cultivating oysters at lower density. Parasite intensities were lower than in New Zealand and European studies, and this is probably contributed to differences in the performance of test when compared to other studies. Understanding diagnostic test performance in different populations can support the development of improved Bonamia surveillance programs.  相似文献   

Bonamia ostreae is an intracellular haplosporidian parasite in European flat oysters Ostrea edulis that occurs on both coasts of the United States and causes significant mortality in Europe. Canada was considered free of B. ostreae until 2004, when it was first detected in O. edulis obtained for laboratory study from a western Canadian oyster farm. Bonamia ostreae was confirmed in O. edulis at the index farm in November 2004 using histopathology, conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and sequencing of the PCR product. Archived samples of European flat oysters obtained from the index farm between 1999 and 2004 (n = 343) were re-examined and all samples collected before 2003 (n = 306) were confirmed negative for B. ostreae by histopathology (n = 306) and PCR (n = 62). In archived samples from 2003, B. ostreae was detected in 3 of 37 O. edulis by histopathology (n = 2) and/or PCR (n = 2). Also, records indicate that B. ostreae was not detected in O. edulis (n = 348) from five other locations in western Canada between 1986 and 2000. To better understand the distribution and prevalence of B. ostreae in western Canada, 607 oysters from the index farm and 2 additional farms were sampled in the summer of 2005. All 3 farms had been stocked with O. edulis spat from the State of Washington, USA, where B. ostreae is endemic. Samples were analyzed by histopathology and a new real-time PCR that amplifies a 68-bp target DNA fragment. B. ostreae was detected in all three locations, with prevalence ranging from 0.5 to 11.1%. Diagnostic sensitivity of the real-time PCR method was consistently greater than histopathology. Also, preliminary evidence supports the conclusion that real-time PCR on paraffin sections is more sensitive than histopathology; B. ostreae DNA was confirmed in 4 oysters by real-time PCR on paraffin-embedded tissues (and independently confirmed on unfixed tissues) that was not detected by histopathology. As a result of these findings, O. edulis spat are no longer allowed to be imported from endemic areas into Canada.  相似文献   

  • 1. Despite the extensive literature on the ecology, systematics and culture of oysters worldwide, an assessment of their diversity, distribution and conservation status for the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts (i.e. depth <50 m) of South America is lacking. Such information is crucial because of the increasing coastal development that threatens most nearshore habitats throughout the region.
  • 2. The available information on oysters on Atlantic and Caribbean coasts is reviewed with a focus on identifying regional conservation priorities based on ecological and socio‐economic importance, as well as the magnitude of current or potential threats faced by oyster populations. The current status of α‐ taxonomy within the Ostreidae was also examined.
  • 3. Ten species of native Ostreidae (plus three introduced species) inhabit the coastal waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts of South America.
  • 4. Oyster species were ranked according to their biological/ecological and socio‐economic value and conservation status within 10 distinct ecoregions. Crassostrea gasar in the Eastern Brazil ecoregion, C. rhizophorae in the Central Caribbean ecoregion and Ostrea puelchana in the North Patagonian Gulfs ecoregion should receive the highest priority for immediate conservation action due to extensive loss of mangrove habitat in the two former regions and evidence of decline of one of the most important populations for the latter. The need for a standardized methodology to assess the status of oyster populations throughout the ecoregions is identified.
  • 5. On a local scale, the allocation of territorial use rights for fisheries under a collaborative/voluntary community framework is strongly advocated to fulfil management, conservation and poverty alleviation goals in these developing countries.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌产酶能力的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌的产酶特性 ,筛选出有应用潜力的有益菌 ,本实验从近江牡蛎养殖水体中分离到 32株菌。革兰氏染色表明 ,10株为革兰氏阳性菌 ,2 2株革兰氏阴性菌。在此基础上研究了它们蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶的产酶能力。结果表明 ,6 1.9% ( 17株 )的菌株能分泌蛋白酶 ,71.9% ( 2 3株 )菌株能分泌脂肪酶或淀粉酶 ,34.4 % ( 11株 )的菌株产纤维素酶。这些产酶菌株均以革兰氏阴性菌为主。在这 32株菌中 ,产四种酶的有 5株菌 ,产三种酶的有 9株菌 ,产两种酶的有 9株菌 ,产一种酶的有 9株菌 ,也就是说 ,所有的菌株都能产酶。由此表明近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌在该环境物质循环中的重要地位。  相似文献   

三倍体僧帽牡蛎生殖腺发育观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
曾志南 《水产学报》1998,22(2):97-105
在僧帽牡蛎繁殖盛期,详细观察了二倍体,三倍体僧帽牡蛎生殖腺外部形态特征,比较了成熟卵母细胞卵径和核径。结果表明,外观上三倍体生殖腺发育较二倍体差,三倍本成熟卵母细胞卵径和核径分别比地倍体大19.6%和17.6%,体积分别比二倍体增加70.3%和64.2%,组织切片检查结果,二倍体生殖腺发育正常,三倍体生殖腺发育受阻,大都在增殖期和休止期,一部分个体可发育至生长期和成熟期,并能产生成熟的卵子和精子,  相似文献   

European oysters, Ostrea edulis, L. were kept in plastic mesh cages at three depths at two commercial oyster farm sites within Mali Ston Bay, Croatia, between April 2004 and August 2005. Oysters from each cultivation depth were sampled at both sites at approximately 3‐month intervals for growth parameters, mortality rate control and condition index calculation. The growth parameters of experimental groups from both sites only revealed a considerable distinction for shell length growth (P=0.011). Total weight gain and soft tissue weight gain were the highest for groups cultivated in the middle of the water column as compared with the top and bottom positions for both studied sites. Survival rates were very similar in all experimental groups, situated at different depths of both experimental sites, and differences in the mortality peak during the summer months were not significant. Condition indices fluctuated throughout the trial period and were the highest in spring and summer, with a reduction during the winter months and improvement again in the spring.  相似文献   

Survival, growth and fatty acid composition of Ostrea edulis larvae (L.) fed four different single species, microalgal diets, Tisochrysis lutea (T), Chaetoceros neogracile (Cg), Skeletonema marinoi (Sm) or Tetraselmis suecica (Ts) from broodstock to pre‐settlement, were studied. Lower larval growth (5.5 μm to 6.5 μm/d) was recorded in progeny continuously fed single Smarinoi or Tsuecica, whereas good growth was achieved with single T. lutea (7.8 μm/d). Larvae, originated from broodstock receiving Sm or Ts, exhibited growth compensation when fed a bispecific balanced diet (TCg). This did not occur when broodstock and larvae were fed Cg or T, for which single or mixed diets led to similar larval growth. Furthermore, survival was high (>90%) regardless of microalgal diet, except for larvae fed from broodstock to pre‐settlement T (53%) or Ts (2%). There were significant differences in 20:5 (n‐3) and 22: 6 (n‐3) contents in polar and neutral fractions of O. edulis expelled larvae dependent on broodstock diet, as well as throughout larval development, but no clear trend was apparent when comparing fatty acid (FA) relative composition of both fractions of O. edulis larvae fed different diets at release or prior to settlement. In contrast, such correlation occurred when FA was expressed in absolute content but exclusively for larvae‐fed single diets and was particularly noticeable between 22: 6 (n‐3) and growth and survival. In the present work, broodstock nutritional deficiencies have been revealed in O. edulis progeny, compensated thereafter by feeding the larvae a mixed diet, and in this balanced condition, no obvious relation with larval development indicators was found with main fatty acid contents.  相似文献   

为了探究近江牡蛎(Ostrea rivularis)中铝(Al)的形态分布,利用化学连续浸提法结合电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)对近江牡蛎总Al质量分数及Al存在形态进行初步研究,并对4种浸提液的浸提条件进行优化。结果显示,其优化参数为0.5 mol·L–1氯化钾溶液70 mL浸提2 h,去离子水70 mL浸提2 h,4 mol·L–1盐酸溶液70 mL浸提2 h,浓硝酸70 mL浸提2 h。此条件下,近江牡蛎整体中Al形态存在有机铝<铝离子(Al3+)<水溶态铝<氢氧化铝 [Al(OH)3]<难溶态铝的分布规律,约77.36%的Al以难溶态存在,毒性较大的无机Al主要以Al(OH)3的形态存在,占总Al的15.87%。通过模拟胃肠消化环境,测定近江牡蛎中Al的溶出率,模拟胃液可溶出Al占总Al的8.16%~32.11%,说明由于胃液的酸性和酶的作用,近江牡蛎中的Al在胃液中形态发生变化。  相似文献   

僧帽牡蛎保鲜过程中游离氨基酸_牛磺酸的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
吴成业 《水产学报》1998,22(3):253-259
探讨了僧帽牡蛎在低温贮藏保鲜过程中鲜度指标及游离氨基酸,牛磺酸等的变化。实验表明:在0-2℃及3-5℃的贮藏中挥发性盐氮呈平缓上升趋势,贮藏15天分别为15.2mg/100g和20.6mg/100g;而在6-8℃下,贮藏,挥发性盐基氮变化相对较快,15天后高达26.8mg/100g。在萃取液中,牛磺酸的含量最高,其在贮藏中略有下降,但基本上在357mg/100g-387mg/100g范围内波动;游  相似文献   

2019年10月24日至26日,使用便携式Simrad EY60科学探鱼仪对珠海桂山岛海上风电场水域的渔业资源进行了声学调查,研究了该水域的渔业资源组成、数量密度、资源量密度及其空间分布.本次调查共捕获游泳生物和底栖无脊椎动物72种,其中34种参与声学评估.扫海面积法估算的鱼类平均数量密度与资源量密度分别为1.09×1...  相似文献   

盐度对大连湾牡蛎胚胎发育及幼虫生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了大连湾牡蛎胚胎发育速度和盐度变化对其胚胎及幼虫的影响。结果表明:在水温 21.2℃、盐度 31.26‰条件下,受精卵经 19小时 30分钟发育至 D形幼虫。其胚胎发育的有效盐度范围为17—39‰,最适盐度范围为22—34‰。在盐度22—36‰条件下,胚胎发育速度较快,均不超过20小时,超出此盐度范围,则孵化时间延长。面盘幼虫在盐度25.21—34.25‰间生长较快,平均口增长速度为 8.54—9.38 微米,且存活率均在 50%以上;逾此则生长速度和存活率均有不同程度的降低。  相似文献   

Illegal fishing is an acknowledged problem within no‐take areas (NTAs), which are frequently used as a marine conservation management tool. While gathering data on illegal fishing is difficult, it is necessary, as these data enable increased efficiency of compliance patrols, where resources are inherently limited. In particular, information about short‐term temporal variations in illegal fishing in NTAs is needed to guide management and compliance efforts. To address this knowledge gap, daily variations in illegal fishing effort were examined using surveillance cameras at two sites in New South Wales, Australia. Generalised linear modelling (GLM) identified that illegal fishing was significantly greater on non‐working days and during periods with no rain, light winds and slight seas. The GLM developed provided useful predictions of illegal activity in both the NTA used to build the model and in a second nearby NTA. The study demonstrated that illegal fishing was principally concentrated on days with good boating conditions and was greater at the study site closer to boat launching facilities. These insights will assist with future targeting of enforcement, community outreach and management efforts, which should focus on days and sites with an increased likelihood of illegal fishing.  相似文献   

王楠  纪炜炜  付婧  周进 《海洋渔业》2019,41(4):408-420
为了解三沙湾大型底栖动物群落结构以及区域内水产养殖活动对其产生的影响,依据2016年夏季采集的样品数据,分析底栖群落结构、群落与环境因子的相关性以及典型群落参数在不同类型水域(鱼类网箱、海带吊绳、鲍鱼筏式养殖水域和自然水域)间的差异。结果表明,三沙湾共发现大型底栖动物6门75种,群落丰度和生物量均值分别为371.34个·m^-2和21.82 g·m^-2。其中,丝异须虫(Heteromastus filiformis)、不倒翁虫(Sternaspis scutata)、欧努菲虫(Onuphis eremita)、索沙蚕属一种(Lumbrineris sp.)和角海蛹(Ophelina acuminata)等多毛纲动物为数量优势物种,常在鲍鱼筏式和鱼类网箱养殖水域形成较高种群数量。物种数(N)、丰度(S)、生物量(B)和Shannon-Wiener多样性(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J′)、Margalef丰富度指数(d)等群落参数在不同水域之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。聚类分析结果显示,区域内群落空间异质性较高,空间差异未反映出水域类型的差别。水深、底层水体温度和盐度、沉积物含水率、粉砂-黏粒比例、总氮含量以及总有机碳含量等环境因子和群落相关性较强。综上,三沙湾底栖群落在群落参数方面与我国沿海温带水域相似,但群落的物种组成和较高的空间异质性较为独特;物种组成可表征网箱养殖活动的底栖生态效应。  相似文献   

The larviparous oyster Ostrea nomades from two different localities was examined histologically and found to be mostly hermaphroditic. However, pure males, pure females and indifferent oysters were also found. The hermaphrodites of O. nomades were classified into three categories: ambisexual, predominantly female and predominantly male. Gonadal development appears to take place throughout the year with increasing activity and ripening in the winter months, leading to immediate spawning and later resorption. The number of brooding larvae of O. nomades was low at both collection sites.  相似文献   

To select the best microalgae for Ostrea edulis conditioning, four single species diets were fed to batches of broodstock, which were then compared using physiological and biochemical approaches. Ingestion and absorption were first studied, showing that Chaetoceros gracilis and Skeletonema marinoï were efficiently ingested (4.9–5.3 mg g?1 h?1) and absorbed (1.9–2.5 mg g?1 h?1) while Tetraselmis suecica led to the lowest physiological responses (0.36 and 0.12 mg g?1 h?1 respectively). When O. edulis were fed any microalgae except T‐ISO with only 79 mg g?1, gonads accumulated carbohydrates from 116 to 141 mg g?1 and the extent of accumulation depended on the species supplied in the order T. suecica<C. gracilis<S. marinoï. When oysters were fed either of the diatoms (C. gracilis or S. marinoï), an efficient transfer of 20:5(n‐3) to all tissues, including the gonads, was recorded while no enrichment in 22:6(n‐3) occurred in all tissues (polar fraction) when oysters were fed T‐ISO. In contrast (22:5(n‐6)), a characteristic fatty acid of T‐ISO accumulated in all tissues, confirming its allocation despite particularly low ingestion (1.66 mg g?1 h?1) and absorption (0.32 mg g?1 h?1). When oysters were fed C. gracilis or S. marinoï an efficient transfer of cholesterol and campesterol from diatoms to the gonads was observed, while no sterol accumulation occurred in the gonad when fed T. suecica. Because of low ingestion, absorption and poor biochemical compounds' transfer, T. suecica is not recommended for O. edulis conditioning. T‐ISO also exhibited low physiological performances but due to a specific 22:6(n‐3) enrichment in the gonad neutral fraction (16.1%), its potential role in reproduction should be considered. Chaetoceros gracilis is highly recommended for O. edulis broodstock while a source of DHA other than that provided by T‐ISO should be found due to its poor absorption. Because a mixed diet has been shown to be more efficient for O. edulis broodstock conditioning, complementary trials dealing with the effects of other species rich in 22:6(n‐3) such as Rhodomonas salina or Pavlova lutheri should be performed.  相似文献   

0号柴油水溶性成分对僧帽牡蛎脂质过氧化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈荣 《水产学报》2005,29(2):150-153
在实验条件下,将僧帽牡蛎分别置于含有0.5、2、5 mg·L-10号柴油水溶性成分的海水中,在污染后1、4、7、11、15 d采样,15 d后转入清洁海水中进行6 d的恢复实验,采样,观察消化腺和鳃脂质过氧化的程度。结果表明:(1)正常生理条件下消化腺和鳃也有一定程度的脂质过氧化,消化腺显著高于鳃;(2)脂质过氧化的程度随污染时间的延长而增加,并存在一定的剂量-效应关系,可作为监测海洋石油污染的生物标志物;(3)解除污染后,脂质过氧化恢复到对照水平。  相似文献   

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