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The production of Atlantic salmon smolts in Europe is close to 250 million per year with Norway and Scotland as the dominating producers. At present, more than 90% of the production takes place in land-based, single-pass flow-through farms, but conversion to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is being considered by many producers. About 18 million smolts are annually produced in cage-based farms in Scottish lochs.Over the last decade, the annual production at Norwegian hatcheries has increased 3–4 times. Introduction of efficient oxygenation both of inlet water and within the fish tanks is a key factor allowing a reduced specific water flow. Most water sources in coastal regions are characterised by very soft water. Insufficient carbon dioxide control is considered a major reason for disease outbreaks and reduced growth in hatcheries. Commonly applied water treatment attempts in hatcheries are ozonation and UV irradiation, CO2 stripping and addition of seawater. Only a few existing hatcheries in Norway and Scotland are presently utilising RAS. Modern RAS for smolt production are mainly large farms, e.g. a RAS farm on the Faeroe Islands which produces 6 million smolts annually.  相似文献   

In teleosts, a considerable part of the body calcium is found in the scales. Associated with the scales are osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and during periods of high calcium demand such as during sexual maturation or starvation, the scales can be resorbed and thereby act as an internal calcium reservoir. In mammalian bone tissue, the activity of an acid phosphatase (ACP) isoenzyme, tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP), can be used as a marker for osteoclastic activity. In the present study, an evaluation of TRACP as a marker for osteoclastic activity in teleost scales has been performed. ACP and TRACP was histologically localized at resorption sites around the edge of the scales as well as at resorption holes in the scales. The optimal conditions for biochemical measurements of ACP and TRACP activity were found to be pH 5.3, 10 mM paranitrophenylphosphate, incubated for 30 min at room temperature, and 10 mM tartrate added when required. Using TRACP as a marker, estradiol-17 (E2) was found to increase the proportion of scales being resorbed, as well as the number and size of resorption sites per scale. Also, the scales of E2-treated fish showed weaker staining for calcium. Together, the obtained data indicate that estradiol-17 induces osteoclastic activity in teleost scales, resulting in increased resorption of the scales. A period of refeeding following a period of starvation did not have detectable effects on the scale osteoclastic activity and scale resorption.  相似文献   

Profiles of plasma growth hormone (GH) in male tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus) were measured and compared at different times of the year. The profiles did not appear to be repetitive, however, differences in their nature were observed at the different seasons; the most erratic profiles were seen in the height of the reproductive season (July), while the peaks were more subdued in the spring and disappeared in the autumn. Peaks in male fish were more prominent than in the females when measured in July. Perifused pituitary fragments from fish with a high GSI responded to salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) analog (10 nM-1 M), while those from fish with a low GSI barely responded to even the highest dose. Exposure of perifused pituitary fragments from sexually-regressed fish to carp growth hormone-releasing hormone (cGHRH; 0.1 M) or sGnRH (I M) stimulated GH release only after injection of the fish with methyl testosterone (MT; 3 injections of 0.4 mg kg 1). The same MT pretreatment did not alter the response to dopamine (DA; 1 or 10 M). GH pituitary content in MT-treated fish was lower than in control fish, which may be explained by the higher circulating GH levels in these fish, but does not account for the increased response to the releasing hormones. Castration abolished the response of cultured pituitary cells to sGnRH (I fM-100 nM) without altering either their basal rate of secretion or circulating GH levels. Addition of steroids to the culture medium (MT or estradiol at 10 nM for 2 days) enabled a GH response to sGnRH stimulation in cells from sexually regressed fish. Pituitary cells which had not been exposed to steroids failed to respond to sGnRH, although their response to forskolin or TPA was similar to that of steroid-exposed cells. It would appear, therefore, that at least one of the effects of the sex steroids on the response to GnRH is exerted proximally to the formation of cAMP, or PKC, presumably at the level of the receptor. An increase in the number of receptors to the GH-releasing hormones, following steroid exposure, would explain also the changing nature of the GH secretory profile in different stages of the reproductive season.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major driver of global environmental change as invasive non-native species can exert severe environmental impacts on invaded ecosystems. Estuaries are especially vulnerable to biological invasions, which in highly urbanised areas are further facilitated by introduction pathways linked to commercial activities. This study provides a risk screening of non-native invasive species for the highly urbanised River Neretva Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea: Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina). In total, 12 species of non-native aquatic organisms were identified and screened for their invasiveness with the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit. Of these species, eight were classified as carrying a high risk of invasiveness under current climate conditions and nine under future climate conditions. Amongst the high-risk species, blue crab Callinectes sapidus has already caused impacts in the risk assessment area, where it also represents an important economic resource. The “horizon” species Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum also carried a high risk of invasiveness, which for the latter species applied under predicted global warming. The present findings will contribute towards preventative management and control measures for the conservation of the natural ecosystem of the River Neretva Estuary whilst accounting for aquatic farming demands.  相似文献   

Betanodaviruses are the causative agents of the disease known as viral nervous necrosis (VNN) or viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) in a variety of marine and freshwater fish species. The aim of this study was to demonstrate experimental infection of an isolate of betanodavirus (RGNNV genotype) in freshwater fish, Gambusia affinis, for elucidation of transmission mechanism and potential use as a laboratory model. Morbidity and mortality rate was significantly higher by injection route of infection as compared to immersion by bath and resembled the natural infection of juvenile marine fish. The fish in disease affected group showed severe neurological disorders accompanied by extensive vacuolar degeneration and mild to moderate neuronal necrosis of the brain in comparison to control. Amplification of ~?427 bp product in the variable region of the coat protein gene of betanodavirus was achieved by RT-PCR with 100% sequence homology to RGNNV genotype.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) is a serine protease of great interest because it has been shown to modulate the activity of several peptidergic factors including peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide-1/2. While PYY(1–36) is orexigenic in mammals, PYY(3–36) recently garnered interest as a potent anorexigen. In silico phylogenetic analysis found that the DPP4 cleavage sites are absent in fish PYY sequences. However, no studies were conducted to show that indeed PYY(3–36) is not produced by DPP4 in fish. If DPP4 does not cleave PYY(1–36), is PYY(3–36) an anorexigen in fish? The objectives of this research were to (1) test whether DPP4 cleaves goldfish PYY(1–36) and (2) determine whether PYY(3–36) is an anorexigen in goldfish. First, we identified the highly conserved catalytic region of DPP4 in goldfish. Abundant expression of DPP4 mRNA was found within the gastrointestinal tract. We also report the first MALDI-MS cleavage analysis of DPP4 effects on PYY(1–36) in a non-mammalian vertebrate. Our novel results indicate that DPP4 is unable to cleave goldfish PYY(1–36) to PYY(3–36) in vitro. It also confirms a previously held hypothesis that DPP4 is unable to cleave fish PYY(1–36) that contains N-terminal proline–proline residues. PYY(3–36) had no effects on food intake of goldfish. The appetite inhibitory effects of intraperitoneal and intracerebroventricular injections of 10 ng/g body weight gfPYY(1–36) were abolished by coinjections of BIBP3226, a Y1 receptor antagonist. These results are significant because it shows the lack of generation of endogenous PYY(3–36) and its anorectic effects in goldfish.  相似文献   

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