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The influence of cage aquaculture on the attraction and aggregation of wild fish was evaluated with an experimental tilapia farming structure. The structure was installed in the Corvo River, Rosana Reservoir, Paranapanema River basin, for 140 days. Samples were taken before and after farming began. Gillnets on the surface and near the bottom at different distances from the cages (0, 100 and 400 m) were used for fish sampling. The effects of the food supply at two protein levels were also analysed: Phase 1 = 32% PB and Phase 2 = 28% PB. Changes in species richness and abundance were observed, with the number of individuals and the fish biomass increasing significantly just after the farming began. Some species, such as Iheringichthys labrosus, presented increased abundance near the cages, while others, such as Plagioscion squamosissimus, were more abundant far from the cages. Auchenipterus osteomystax was the most abundant species during the experiment, especially when the protein content of the pellets was higher. It was demonstrated that farming tilapia in cages profoundly altered the abundance and composition of the wild ichthyofauna, suggesting the need to propose effective regulations for such activities, including fisheries restrictions in farmed areas or even the prohibition of cage farming.  相似文献   

This study investigates how age at first maturity of two tropical amphidromous species Sicyopterus lagocephalus (Pallas, 1770) and Cotylopus acutipinnis (Guichenot, 1863) varies in relation to their larval and juvenile life history. Reproductive stage was estimated based on histological observation of ovaries of more than 200 females of each species caught monthly over 1 year. The age of fish was estimated by interpreting the daily increments deposited on otoliths during the oceanic larval phase, and the juvenile phase in the river. The age at first maturity was approximately 9 months for S. lagocephalus and 7 months for C. acutipinnis, corresponding to approximately 70–130 and 90–130 days after they returned to freshwater respectively. For both species, the time spent in freshwater before maturity was significantly influenced by the duration of the pelagic larval stage at sea (PLD) and the season of return in freshwater. Individuals with a long PLD, or returning in freshwater during the warmer season, maturated faster once in freshwater. This reproductive advantage may minimise the risk of extirpation due to catastrophic events at each generation and thus probably benefits amphidromous species living in very unpredictable tropical rivers.  相似文献   

The conservation, management and monitoring of aquatic resources should benefit from understanding their spatial structuring. In this paper, we used the reference condition approach (RCA) to test if the variability in biotic communities, riverine fish assemblages in the present case, is better controlled with a spatial delineation based on ecoregions or by grouping rivers with local catchment characteristics. Electrofishing data from 493 riffles in 99 rivers in Finland were used in the analysis. We completed multivariate analyses (nonmetric multidimensional scaling, multiresponse permutation procedures) to identify differences in fish community composition among groups based on ecoregions or catchment characteristics. We concluded that both regional processes and local environmental characteristics structured fish populations, and bioassessment of freshwaters should be based on regional spatial delineations, supported by local scale characteristics. Spatial delineations like ecoregions should be used to assist the bioassessment to improve the efficiency to detect the human impacts.  相似文献   

  1. Fish assemblages in dryland rivers have life-history strategies that have evolved in response to environmental conditions and triggers, particularly water temperatures and flow regimes. The regulation of rivers through the construction of dams, weirs and other water diversion structures has altered natural flow regimes and the associated ecological processes of river systems worldwide.
  2. Over a 3-year period, using standardized fish sampling and daily otolith ageing, the recruitment of eight freshwater fish species was monitored in response to various abiotic drivers, including hydrology and water temperatures, throughout the Macquarie River, a large regulated river system of the Australian Murray-Darling Basin.
  3. A data-driven statistical classification system is provided that groups species into reproductive guilds, based on their recruitment response to hydrology and water temperature, specifically designed for use in environmental flow management.
  4. The eight species were grouped into three distinct reproductive guilds that showed similar recruitment responses to the abiotic drivers. Murray-Darling rainbowfish, Murray cod, and eel-tailed catfish were considered as a single guild, characterized by seasonal recruitment during a relatively narrow thermal window under low to moderate stable discharges. The second group included common carp, bony herring, and golden perch, which recruited primarily in association with larger flow events. Un-specked hardyhead and Australian smelt formed a more differentiated guild, recruiting over a broad range of temperatures and discharges. Limitations associated with using a reproductive guild approach to simplify water management are discussed.
  5. This study highlighted important relationships among hydrology, water temperatures, and successful recruitment that can, in turn, be used to inform development of adaptive flow management plans and effective use of environmental water for the conservation management of native fish communities. Important considerations in the design of studies that aim to examine relationships between recruitment and abiotic drivers are also discussed.

Understanding the processes that drive reproductive success in marine fish stocks is critical to effective fisheries management. These processes can be difficult to investigate, especially in age-structured populations, because they occur at transgenerational scales. Reproductive success is often attributed to a small portion of the adult population (<0.01%) and thought to be driven primarily by random external factors, consistent with the concept of sweepstake reproductive success (SRS). A competing concept, the reproductive resilience paradigm, posits that fishes have evolved complex spawner-recruit systems to achieve lifetime reproductive success and maintain population stability within highly variable environments. Here, we examine these two concepts. First, we analyse the popular sport fish red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus, Sciaenidae), drawing on genetic and reproductive data to estimate a plausible range for the ratio of effective population size ( N e ) to adult abundance ( N A ) and to infer variance in lifetime reproductive success ( V k * ). Then, we synthesize available data and infer V k * for two other fishes that have N e / N A ratios reportedly >0.10, the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii, Scombridae) and the silver seabream (Chrysophrys auratus, Sparidae). Although commonly regarded as an SRS species, red drum did not meet the SRS criterion. Overdispersed V k * values were inferred for all three species, with those for red drum and silver seabream being dependent upon population-closure assumptions. Results are presented within the conceptual framework of reproductive resilience, considering the roles of random extrinsic forces versus evolved traits to achieve lifetime reproductive success and population stability in high and variable mortality environments.  相似文献   

碧流河水库马口鱼的食性及渔业对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜志强  刘建 《水产科学》1995,14(3):35-38
马口鱼是碧流河水库主要的敌害鱼类,对各种经济鱼类有一定影响。4 ̄12月的摄食率平均达73.3%,食物中链、鳙的出现率均在7%左右,每年应在马口鱼产卵集群时,于沿岸用刺网、小拉网集中捕杀,以控制其种群数量。为减小马口鱼对主要养殖鱼类的危害,每年投放的链、鳙鱼种规格应保证在11.6cm以上。  相似文献   

Miyazono S, Aycock JN, Miranda LE, Tietjen TE. Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 578–585. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We evaluated the influences of habitat connectivity and local environmental factors on the distribution and abundance patterns of fish functional groups in 17 floodplain lakes in the Yazoo River Basin, USA. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses showed that species–environmental relationships varied with the functional groups. Species richness and assemblage structure of periodic strategists showed strong and positive correlations with habitat connectivity. Densities of most equilibrium and opportunistic strategists decreased with habitat connectivity. Densities of certain equilibrium and opportunistic strategists increased with turbidity. Forested wetlands around the lakes were positively related to the densities of periodic and equilibrium strategists. These results suggest that decreases in habitat connectivity, forested wetland buffers and water quality resulting from environmental manipulations may cause local extinction of certain fish taxa and accelerate the dominance of tolerant fishes in floodplain lakes.  相似文献   

为了解西部内陆水库放牧式养殖西伯利亚鲟的生产潜力,以甘肃省酒泉市的红砂墩水库为例,调查了水库中底栖动物的资源以及西伯利亚鲟的食物组成和季度摄食量。结果显示:水库中底栖动物12种,其中,腹足类3种,寡毛类3种,水生昆虫3种,甲壳类2种。2龄西伯利亚鲟的食物组成包括调查所得的全部底栖生物,以甲壳类、腹足类、寡毛类和昆虫幼虫为主要食物,随着鲟鱼的生长,秋冬季后开始逐渐摄食小型底栖鱼类。研究表明2龄西伯利亚鲟食谱范围较广,适合在此类水库中养殖。另对底栖动物的鱼产潜力进行估算,该水库底栖动物每年提供给鲟鱼生长的鱼产潜力为18.55 t。  相似文献   

对采集39尾新疆某水库鲤(Cyprinus carpio)标本测定年龄、生长并对其资源特征进行研究。研究结果显示:鲤渔获物年龄组成为1—7龄,优势龄组为3龄和4龄,其中3龄组渔获数量所占比例最大,为50%,4龄组占17%,2龄和5龄组分别占11%和8%。;体质量与体长表现为异速生长,关系式为W=4×10-5SL2.8387。用退算体长拟合的von Bertalanffy生长参数为:SL_∞=107.611 cm,k=0.0929,t_0=-0.3887。体质量生长参数为:W_∞=23.4453 kg,k=0.0929,t_0=-0.3885。生长特征指数为:准=6.98;生长拐点年龄为10.8龄,拐点时体长和体质量分别为69.6 cm和6.8 kg。种群生物量最大年龄为8.2龄。种群总死亡系数为:Z=0.62;自然死亡系数为M=0.22;捕捞死亡系数为F=0.41;当前开发率为:Et=0.65。截至2016年10月,鲤资源量约7 942尾,2.4 t。  相似文献   

Abstract – In this study, we investigated how taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities is influenced by forest cover and mesohabitat types in Neotropical lowland streams. We sampled fish fauna of 126 five‐metre‐long mesohabitats using an electrofishing unit in forested (n = 3) and deforested (n = 3) streams in the upper Paraná River basin, south‐eastern Brazil. According to velocity and depth, three mesohabitat types have been considered: riffles (shallow and fast‐flowing habitat), pools (deep and slow‐flowing habitat) and runs (intermediate depth and velocity). Seven functional traits and 27 trait categories related to ecological, behavioural and life‐history aspects of fish were considered. Our results indicate that forest cover and mesohabitat type influence fish communities in different ways. Whereas deforestation affects communities primarily through changes in diversity (functional and taxonomic), mesohabitat types determine changes in the functional composition. The increased diversity in deforested mesohabitats is driven by a decrease in species turnover among habitat patches within streams. This can be attributed to new feeding opportunities and microhabitat availabilities in deforested streams so favours the occurrence of species having a particular set of traits, indicating a strong habitat–trait relationship.  相似文献   

For understanding the reproductive dynamics of fish assemblages and their relationship with environmental conditions, we need to know more about spawning areas and periods. Studies on temporal and spatial patterns of occurrence of fish eggs and larvae are important for obtaining this kind of information quickly and accurately. In this study, we analysed spatial and temporal patterns of fish larvae in different biotopes in a stretch of the floodplain of Upper Parana River, in Ilha Grande National Park, southern Brazil. We carried out night sampling during six spawning periods, from 2001 to 2008. We selected 18 sampling sites distributed in the mainstream, tributaries and lagoons, encompassing several types of biotopes. We observed significant spatial and temporal differences among biotopes in the composition and structure of the fish larvae assemblages. Lentic environments favoured the development of sedentary and migratory species, whereas tributaries were used as migratory routes and spawning areas. The assemblage in period I differed from the assemblages of other periods, probably because of the presence of dams in the Parana River. No association was observed between environmental variables and spatial and temporal patterns of the ichthyoplankton assemblages. Hence, conservation measures are essential to maintain the environmental integrity of spawning (tributaries) and development areas (lagoons) for the maintenance of biodiversity in the floodplain of Upper Paraná River.  相似文献   

章守宇  王蕾  汪振华  王凯  林军 《水产学报》2011,35(9):1399-1409
为了解枸杞岛岩礁不同底栖海藻分布的海藻场区域鱼类优势群体组成和分布特征,于2009年2月—2010年2月对枸杞岛海藻场和沙地生境的鱼类进行了逐月采样,对其中的鱼类优势种群组成、生物学特征和摄食规律作了比较。结果表明,以大型底栖海藻铜藻为优势种和以孔石莼等小型底栖海藻为优势种的海藻场鱼类全年优势种皆为褐菖鲉、斑头鱼和黄姑鱼。褐菖鲉群体具有近岸活动频繁、群体低龄和小型化、丰度年间变化大的特点,通过性成熟提前、雌性比例远高于雄性、摄食对象多样化的方式应对生存压力,维持对整个群体的补充。斑头鱼和黄姑鱼群体都具有低龄化现象,群体补充主要受洄游群体影响。3种鱼类因生活习性和摄食对象的不同,表现出个体间的生长差异。同时,由于发育不同阶段的食性转化、体型变化和来自上层捕食者的捕食压力,褐菖鲉和黄姑鱼会随着发育阶段的变化,表现出对不同生境的选择利用。斑头鱼食性较为稳定,其活动区域由主要的摄食对象麦秆虫所主导,主要栖息于海藻场生境。  相似文献   

海州湾及邻近海域鱼类群落的营养功能群及其动态变化   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
根据2011年及2013―2016年春季和秋季在海州湾及邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查,对该海域鱼类群落营养功能群的组成及其季节和年间变化进行了研究。结果表明,海州湾及邻近海域鱼类群落可以划分为5个营养功能群,即虾食性、底栖动物食性、虾/鱼食性、浮游动物食性和鱼食性。整体来说,春季海州湾鱼类群落以底栖动物食性营养功能群为主,其中方氏云鳚(Enedriasfangi)在各年所占比例均较高;而秋季以虾食性营养功能群为主,小眼绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys kumu)为主要优势鱼种。从生物量组成角度分析,海州湾鱼类群落各营养功能群所占比例有明显差异,以虾食性和底栖动物食性的功能群为主,其次为虾/鱼食性,而浮游动物食性和鱼食性所占比例较小。方氏云鳚、小眼绿鳍鱼、长蛇鲻(Saurida elongata)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、狮子鱼(Liparis sp.)、玉筋鱼(Ammodytespersonatus)等6种鱼类为各营养功能群的主要优势种类。海州湾及邻近海域鱼类群落的营养功能群和优势种呈现出明显的季节和年间变化,海洋环境变化和鱼类的季节性洄游移动等是主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

We hypothesised and tested a hierarchical organisation model where riparian landcover would influence bank composition and light availability, which in turn would influence instream environments and control fish assemblages. The study was conducted during the dry season in 11 headwater tributaries of the Sorocaba River in the upper Paraná River Basin, south‐eastern Brazil. We focused on seven environmental factors each represented by one or multiple environmental variables and seven fish functional traits each represented by two or more classes. Multivariate direct gradient analyses suggested that riparian zone landcover can be considered a higher level causal factor in a network of relations that control instream characteristics and fish assemblages. Our results provide a framework for a hierarchical conceptual model that identifies singular and collective influences of variables from different scales on each other and ultimately on different aspects related to stream fish functional composition. This conceptual model is focused on the relationships between riparian landcover and instream variables as causal factors on the organisation of stream fish assemblages. Our results can also be viewed as a model for headwater stream management in that landcover can be manipulated to influence factors such as bank composition, substrates and water quality, whereas fish assemblage composition can be used as indicators to monitor the success of such efforts.  相似文献   

2009年8月至2010年8月每月大潮前后在长江口和杭州湾碎波带的12个站点采集仔稚鱼,共采集到仔稚鱼14 907尾,隶属24科74种,主要优势种有刀鲚(Coilia nasus,47.84%)、普氏缰虾虎鱼(Amoya pflaumii,11.58%)、属(Hemiculter spp.,9.12%)、飘鱼属(Pseudolaubuca spp.,6.29%)、多鳞四指马鲅(Eleutheronema rhadinum,5.62%)。分析了碎波带仔稚鱼群聚的时空分布特征与水温、盐度、底质、地形等环境因子的关系。聚类和排序的结果显示,全年仔稚鱼群聚在时间序列上可分为4组,各组间存在明显的种类更替,出现的主要优势种分别是12月–翌年4月的乔氏新银鱼(Neosalanx jordani),5月的中国大银鱼(Protosalanx chinensis)、中国花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus),6月–9月的刀鲚、普氏缰虾虎鱼、属、飘鱼属、多鳞四指马鲅,以及10月、11月的有明银鱼(Salanx ariakensis)。在空间梯度上可分为长江口碎波带站点和杭州湾碎波带站点两组,两组间相异性贡献度最高的种类是刀鲚和普氏缰虾虎鱼(10%),多个组内的独有种类显示出不同生态类型鱼类仔稚鱼对碎波带栖息地的生境选择分化。CCA结果显示,所选的5个环境因子中只有水温和盐度对仔稚鱼群聚整体的时空分布有显著影响,但是对整个时空分布特征的解释度并不算高,意味着还存在其他重要的影响因素,可能包括饵料生物、径流等。对主要种类在单种的尺度上进行了丰度时空分布与环境因子的GAM曲线拟合,发现底质和地形对特定种类的仔稚鱼的分布有显著影响。地形开阔平坦、底质为沙质的站点仔稚鱼种类和丰度都相对较多,如优势种中的飘鱼属种类、多鳞四指马鲅、日本须鳎(Paraplagusia japonica)等都倾向选择栖息在开阔平坦的沙质底站点。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Spatial distribution of the fish community in the deep canyon-shaped Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic, was studied using overnight gillnetting fishing in 1999–2007. Effects of depth, distance from the dam to the tributary and habitat type (benthic and pelagic) on fish community structure, catch per unit of effort (CPUE), biomass per unit of effort (BPUE) and average weight were tested. Fish were recorded in all sampled depths and parts of the reservoir. Redundancy analysis revealed that effects of three environmental variables were significant and most variability was explained by depth, then by distance from the dam and habitat type. CPUE and BPUE of all species decreased with depth and responses of individual species to depth were similar for juvenile and adult fish. Number of species, CPUE and BPUE of all species except perch increased heading towards the tributary and peaked close to or at the tributary part of the reservoir. Responses of juvenile fish to distance from the dam differed from that of adult fish. Structure of fish community differed in benthic and pelagic habitats with species preferably occupying epipelagic (bleak, asp, rudd and juvenile bleak, roach and bream) or littoral waters (perch, pikeperch, ruffe, roach, bream and juvenile percids). This study showed that fish distribution in the reservoir followed distinct patterns, which were probably shaped by a combination of physiological constraints plus trade-off between food resources and competition.  相似文献   

Wild and non-native hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., released when 2 summers old, were caught in the littoral habitat of Vinstervatna Reservoir, southern Norway. Hatchery-reared brown trout grew more slowly and had a smaller asymptotic length (293 ± 71 mm CL) than native fish (391 ± 56 mm CL). Hatchery-reared brown trout also exhibited significantly shorter life spans than native fish. This category consisted mainly of individuals aged 2+ and 3+ years, and only 1.5% of the specimens were aged ≥5 years. The ages of the native fish in the sample were between 2 and 8 years, and the most abundant age groups of trout were 4+ and 5+ years. It is suggested that the differences in life-history characteristics are related to adaptations by the native trout to the local environmental conditions. In this reservoir, which has a limited food supply as a result of water level fluctuations and a high level of inter- and intraspecific competition, environmental effects might be significant.  相似文献   

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