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Long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) molecules have gained attention in the field of livestock growth biology as modifiers of gene expression and regulatory participants during both muscle and adipose development (Gao et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2019). Similar to lncRNA, small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) play important roles during tissue development. For example, miRNAs, a class of snRNA molecules, suppress mRNA translation of mediators of bovine germ cell physiology. In this issue, Chukrallah et al. (2021) compare and contrast the regulatory actions of snRNAs that underpin germ cell biology in mice and cattle.  相似文献   

Abortions in domestic ruminants cause significant economic losses to farmers. Determining the cause of an abortion is important for control efforts, but it can be challenging. All available diagnostic methods in the bacteriology laboratory should be employed in every case due to the many limiting factors (autolysis, lack of history, range of samples) that complicate the investigation process. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the recovery of diagnostically significant isolates from domestic ruminant abortion cases could be increased through the use of a combination of the existing aerobic culture and Brucella selective method with methods that are commonly recommended in the literature reporting abortion investigations. These methods are examination of wet preparations and impression smears stained by the modified Ziehl–Neelsen method, anaerobic, microaerophilic, Leptospira, Mycoplasma and fungal culture. Samples of placenta and aborted foetuses from 135 routine clinical abortion cases of cattle (n = 88), sheep (n = 25) and goats (n = 22) were analysed by the new combination of methods. In 46 cases, bacteria were identified as aetiological agents and in one case a fungus. Isolation of Brucella species increased to 7.4% over two years compared with the previous 10 years (7.3%), as well as Campylobacter jejuni (n = 2) and Rhizopus species (n = 1). Salmonella species (5.9%) and Trueperella pyogenes (4.4%) were also isolated more often. In conclusion, the approach was effective in removing test selection bias in the bacteriology laboratory. The importance of performing an in-depth study on the products of abortion by means of an extensive, combination of conventional culture methods was emphasised by increased isolation of Brucella abortus and isolation of C. jejuni. The combination of methods that yielded the most clinically relevant isolates was aerobic, microaerophilic, Brucella and fungal cultures.  相似文献   

Using qPCR, standard PCR and/or sequencing, we investigated the presence of tick-associated microorganisms in ticks and blood from sheep and goats from Souk Ahras, Algeria.Borrelia theileri, was detected in (7/120, 5.8%) blood from sheep and (13/120, 10.8%) goats. Anaplasma ovis was screened in (38/73, 52%) Rhipicephalus bursa and (5/22, 22.7%) R. turanicus and in (74/120, 61.7%), (65/120, 54.2%) blood of sheep and goats respectively.Coxiella burnetii tested positive in R. bursa (4/73, 5.5%) and (7/120, 5.8%) blood of sheep and (2/120, 1.7%) goats. Theileria ovis was detected in (50/147, 34%) R. bursa and (3/22, 13.6%) R. turanicus and in (64/120, 53.3%) blood of sheep and (25/120, 20.8%) goats. Babesia ovis was screened positive in (23/147, 15.6%) R. bursa and (7/48, 14.6%) R. turanicus.Our findings expand knowledge about the repertoire of tick-borne microorganisms present in ectoparasites and/or the blood of small ruminants in Algeria.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic, infectious, chronic and contagious disease, caused by Mycobacterium bovis that mainly affects cattle. This pathology has a negative impact on animals and animal products trade. Unfortunately, in Burkina Faso where agriculture and livestock sectors represent around 80% of the socio-economic activities, the real situation of the disease is not well known especially in small ruminants and swine. Thus, our study focused on both the epidemiology and the microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in small ruminants and pigs slaughtered at Bobo-Dioulasso abattoir. A prospective study was conducted between August 2017 and December 2017. Epidemiological data collection was performed during routine meat inspection; moreover, samples were taken and transported to the Bacteriology laboratory of Centre Muraz for microbiological analyses. This diagnosis consisted in search of Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) using the hot Ziehl–Neelsen staining. Out of a total of 14 648 small ruminants and 2430 pigs slaughtered during the study period, 156 and 17 had lesions suggestive of bTB with prevalence of 1.07% and 0.7%, respectively. Females and those between 2 and 4 years old were mainly infected. The most affected organs were: lungs, liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Finally, microscopy revealed 43.35% (75/173) of positive cases for AFB. These results confirm the presence of bTB in small ruminants and pigs in Burkina Faso. Efforts must still be made in the fight against this zoonosis in order to limit its economic and public health impacts.  相似文献   

This paper describes the prevalence of brain lesions in the Swiss fallen stock population of small ruminants. 3075 whole brains (75% sheep, 25% goats) were collected as part of a year-long active survey of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in small ruminants conducted by the Swiss authorities between July 2004 and July 2005. All fallen stock brains were systematically examined by histopathology to obtain reliable data on histologically identifiable brain lesions. Lesions were found in an unexpectedly high number of animals (8.1% of all examined brains). A wide spectrum of diseases was detected showing that this approach provides an excellent opportunity to screen for the prevalence of neurological diseases. Encephalitic listeriosis was by far the most frequent cause of CNS lesions in both species and its prevalence was unexpectedly high when compared to notified confirmed cases. In conclusion, the prevalence of listeriosis as estimated by passive surveillance based on the notification of clinical suspects has been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

通过抽检小反刍兽疫疫苗免疫后的部分羊群,分别于免疫后的7、14、21、28 d对免疫羊进行抗体及病毒核酸(包括疫苗毒)跟踪监测,并对监测数据进行整理比对分析,继而掌握小反刍兽疫免疫抗体在机体内的消长规律及影响因素,进一步了解该疫苗辽宁省羊群中的免疫效果及安全性。结果表明,该疫苗在免疫7d后,免疫群体均能够达到免疫合格率高于70%的标准,且未出现疫苗排毒现象,证明该疫苗的免疫效果确实、安全性好。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare thickness of the capsule, corium, and soft tissues measured ultrasonographically and macroscopically in selected regions of bovine claws. A hundred and twenty claws (n = 120) of 15 healthy Holstein bovines were obtained. After cleaning the claws, ultrasonographic measurement of the capsule, corium, and soft tissues was performed while submerging the claws in a water bath. Macroscopic measurements were taken after cutting of the claws axially. These values were compared statistically. According to the macroscopic measurements, the mean thickness ± standard deviation (SD) of the capsule for dorsal wall and sole was 6.2 ± 0.1 and 9.5 ± 0.4 mm, respectively. The thickness of the corium and soft tissues for dorsal wall and sole was 4.5 ± 0.1 and 5.3 ± 0.1 mm, respectively. Ultrasonographically, the mean thickness ± SD of the capsule for dorsal wall and sole was 4.7 ± 0.1 and 7.8 ± 0.3 mm, respectively. The thickness of the corium and soft tissues for dorsal wall and sole was 4.3 ± 0.1 and 5.9 ± 0.2 mm, respectively. Findings demonstrated that ultrasonography can be reliably to measure of the thickness of the hoof capsule, corium, and soft tissue in bovine claw.  相似文献   

Five dairy and four beef breed, mature cows were used as oocyte donors to develop a system of multiple recovery of oocytes for in vitro maturation and fertilization. The animals were alternately treated with either 20 mg of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in four equal intramuscular injections or saline at 12 h intervals starting between days 9 and 13 of the oestrous cycle, and the procedure was repeated at three-week intervals for up to four collections. Eighteen collections resulted in the recovery of 124 oocytes from 181 follicles (69%). No serious side-effects were observed. Recovery was equally successful in both breeds and was not reduced in repeat attempts upon the same animal. Treatment with FSH only marginally increased the recovery rate (p<0.07) and did not affect the number of follicles aspirated (p>0.05), which varied significantly (p<0.05) between cows.From 110 oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro, 70 embryos were recovered after culture in the rabbit oviduct or with trophoblastic vesicles in vitro, of which 30 had cleaved and 5 had progressed to an advanced stage of development. Hormone treatment did not affect zygote development (p>0.05). Four non-surgical transfers of embryos obtained in these studies have resulted in two pregnancies determined ultrasonographically and the birth of a heifer calf. This suggests that the procedure for multiple oocyte recovery is safe and that it can be used sucessfully for obtaining oocytes for in vitro maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy characterised by accumulation of resistant prion protein (PrPBSE), neuronal loss, spongiosus and glial cell proliferation. In this study, properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were investigated in boTg110 transgenic mice over-expressing the bovine cellular prion protein (PrPc) and infected with BSE. Using immunohistochemistry with Wisteria floribunda agglutinin as a specific marker for perineuronal nets (PNNs) and antibodies against aggrecan and hyaluronic acid binding protein, loss of ECM was correlated with PrPBSE accumulation and activation of astrocytes and microglia. PrPBSE accumulation and glial cell activation were detected from the earliest stages of the disease and increased in the terminal stages. Decreases in PNNs, aggrecan and hyaluronic acid were observed only in the terminal stages and correlated with the distribution of PrPBSE and activated glial cells. This study suggests that the loss of PNNs, aggrecan and hyaluronic acid is a consequence of PrPBSE accumulation. Degradation of ECM in BSE may be due to secretion of degradative enzymes by activated glial cells.  相似文献   

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is an acute disease caused by Moraxella bovis (Mb). Several factors may predispose animals to an IBK outbreak; one commonly observed is infection with bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1). The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of BHV-1 virus infection and its relation with clinical cases of IBK in weaned calves from a beef herd with a high prevalence of lesions caused by Mb. Sampling was carried out in six stages and included conjunctival swabs for isolating Mb as well as blood samples for identifying antibodies specific for BHV-1. A score for IBK lesions after observing each eye was determined. The findings of this study showed a high prevalence of BHV-1 virus infection (100% of animals were infected at the end of the trial); 67% of animals were culture-positive for Mb, but low rates of clinical IBK (19% of calves affected) were detected at the end of the trial. These results suggest that infection with BHV-1 did not predispose these animals to IBK, and that Mb infection produced clinical and subclinical disease in the absence of BHV-1 co-infection.  相似文献   

The bovine oviduct and its role in reproduction: a review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bovine oviduct provides the environment for sperm transport and capacitation, oocyte transport and maturation, fertilization and early embryonic cleavage. Gamete interactions in the tube occur in contact with both the tubal epithelium and the oviduct fluid secreted by these cells. Current research continues to reveal the active role of the oviduct and its products play in normal fertilization and embryo development. This paper reviews the anatomy and physiology of the oviduct of the cow, including the specific events of reproduction which occur in this organ.  相似文献   

Transrectal real-time ultrasonography has proved to be a rapid and reliable technique for studying reproductive functions in cattle. Through ultrasonography it is now established that follicular growth occurs in wave-like patterns during each estrous cycle. It has been shown that follicular growth and regression continue during early pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum anestrous period. Ultrasound has also helped us to understand the influence of dominant follicles on medium and small follicles. Among the numerous demonstrated applications of ultrasonography, early pregnancy diagnosis, fetal sexing, and postpartum reproductive management appear to be promising areas for immediate application. The new information that has been generated through ultrasound has thrown light on hitherto poorly understood areas of ovarian follicular dynamics, corpus luteum function, pregnancy establishment, and embryonic development in cattle, thereby opening newer areas for research. Still there is great potential for the continued application of this technology to further our understanding of the reproductive processes and to maximize reproductive efficiency of the bovine species. The significant contributions of real-time ultrasonography to the study of bovine reproduction in general and its practical applications in particular are discussed in this paper. The need for taking up technology assessment studies and for the introduction of low-cost portable equipment are stressed. Literature search for this review was done by scanning Current Contents Series 1991-92, AGRICOLA 1980-92, and MEDLINE 1990-92.  相似文献   

Mastitis (intramammary inflammation) caused by infectious pathogens is still considered a devastating condition of dairy animals affecting animal welfare as well as economically incurring huge losses to the dairy industry by means of decreased production performance and increased culling rates. Bovine mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary glands/udder of bovines, caused by bacterial pathogens, in most cases. Routine diagnosis is based on clinical and subclinical forms of the disease. This underlines the significance of early and rapid identification/detection of etiological agents at the farm level, for which several diagnostic techniques have been developed. Therapeutic regimens such as antibiotics, immunotherapy, bacteriocins, bacteriophages, antimicrobial peptides, probiotics, stem cell therapy, native secretory factors, nutritional, dry cow and lactation therapy, genetic selection, herbs, and nanoparticle technology-based therapy have been evaluated for their efficacy in the treatment of mastitis. Even though several strategies have been developed over the years for the purpose of managing both clinical and subclinical forms of mastitis, all of them lacked the efficacy to eliminate the associated etiological agent when used as a monotherapy. Further, research has to be directed towards the development of new therapeutic agents/techniques that can both replace conventional techniques and also solve the problem of emerging antibiotic resistance. The objective of the present review is to describe the etiological agents, pathogenesis, and diagnosis in brief along with an extensive discussion on the advances in the treatment and management of mastitis, which would help safeguard the health of dairy animals.  相似文献   

Insulin‐like factor 3 (INSL3) is essential for fetal testis descent, and has been implicated in the testicular and sperm functions in adult males; however, similar functions in domestic ruminants remain largely unknown. This study investigated the functional INSL3 hormone‐receptor system in adult ruminant testes and spermatozoa, and explored its potential to diagnose the fertility of sires. Testes and spermatozoa were obtained from fertile bulls, rams and he‐goats, whereas subfertile testes and spermatozoa were obtained only from bulls. As expected, INSL3 was visualized in Leydig cells, while we clearly demonstrated that the functional receptor, relaxin family peptide receptor 2 (RXFP2), enabling INSL3 to bind was identified in testicular germ cells and in the sperm equatorial segment of bulls, rams and he‐goats. In comparison to fertile bulls, the percentage of INSL3‐ and RXFP2‐expressing cells and their expression levels per cell were significantly reduced in the testes of subfertile bulls. In addition, the population of INSL3‐binding spermatozoa was also significantly reduced in the semen of subfertile bulls. These results provide evidence for a functional INSL3 hormone‐receptor system operating in ruminant testes and spermatozoa, and its potential to predict subfertility in sires.  相似文献   

The relative variability of the sero-prevalence of antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) due to cow, farm, and agroecological area levels were investigated for three contrasting districts in Kenya: Samburu, an arid and pastoral area; Kiambu, a tropical highland area; and Kilifi, a typical tropical coastal area. Cattle were selected by two-stage cluster sampling and visited once between August 1991 and 1992. Data on animal, farm, and area factors were analyzed using Schall's algorithm and MLn (multi-level, n-level), two generalized mixed-model programs suitable for multi-level analysis. Most variation in IBR sero-prevalence was from farm-to-furm. This was reflected by the many farm-level fixed effects (farm size, disease control measures and type of breeding) significant in models both ignoring and accounting for single variance components (clustering) at farm, area, and district levels. Area-to-area and district-to-district variations were noted but the area and district variance components were one-third and one-fifth the size of the farm variance components for both methods. As farm-to-farm variation differed markedly by farm size and district, models in MLn were extended to allow for multiple farm-level variance components by these categories. For each, sero-prevalence of IBR increased with age and was significantly decreased on small-sized zero-grazing farms. These models, particularly the model with different farm variance components by districts, fit the data better and highlighted well that there was considerable farm-to-farm variation—differing by district—and that the available farm-level fixed effects did not predict IBR sero-prevalence well.  相似文献   

This paper, the last in a series of reviews of neurological diseases of ruminants in Australia, discusses a range of neurogenetic disorders of cattle, sheep and goats, including necrotising encephalomyelopathy, glycogen storage disorders, cerebellar abiotrophy and β-mannosidosis. They are categorised by the species and breeds in which they occur.  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of amount and crude protein (CP) supplementation frequency (SF) on nitrogen (N) use by wethers and the performance of late-gestation beef cows. In exp. 1, seven Western whiteface wethers (31.8 ± 1.4 kg) were used in an incomplete 7 × 4 Latin square to evaluate intake and N use. Wethers received one of the seven treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial design containing two levels of supplemental soybean meal offered at a rate of 100% (F) or 50% (H; 50% of F) of the estimated CP requirement daily, once every 5, or once every 10 d, plus a non-supplemented control (CON). Low-quality cool-season forage (4.9 % CP; dry matter [DM] basis) was provided daily for ad libitum intake. Experimental periods lasted 30 d. In exp. 2, 84 Angus × Hereford cows (560 ± 35 kg) were stratified by age, body condition score (BCS), and expected calving date and allocated to 1 of the 21 feedlot pens (three pens per treatment). Pens were randomly assigned to receive the same treatments as in exp. 1 and cows had free access to low-quality cool-season forage (2.9% CP; DM basis). Cow body weight (BW) and BCS were measured every 14 d until calving and within 24 h after calving. In exp. 1, supplementation did not alter total DM and organic matter (OM) intake (P ≥ 0.26), but both parameters linearly decreased as SF decreased (P = 0.02). Supplementation increased DM, OM, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility (P ≤ 0.02). Additionally, F feeding linearly increased DM, OM, and NDF digestibility as SF decreased (P ≤ 0.04). Digestibility of N, N balance, and digested N retained were greater with supplementation (P < 0.01), and N digestibility linearly increased as SF decreased (P = 0.01). Mean plasma urea-N concentration was not only greater (P < 0.01) for supplemented vs. CON wethers but also greater (P = 0.03) for F vs. H. In exp. 2, pre-calving BCS change was greater (P = 0.03) for supplemented cows. A linear effect of SF × supplementation rate for pre-calving BCS change was noted (P = 0.05), as F-supplemented cows lost more BCS compared with H as SF decreased. When considering supplementation intervals greater than 5 d, reducing the quantity of supplement provided, compared with daily supplementation, may be a feasible management strategy to maintain acceptable nutrient use and animal performance while reducing supplement and labor costs.  相似文献   

In this study, the viral genome extraction performance of automatic nucleic acid extractors and manual nucleic acid extraction kits was compared. We showed that compared with manual kits, the automatic extractors showed superior genome extraction performance using bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) genome-positive cattle sera and bovine coronavirus/infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-spiked cattle nasal swabs. In addition, the subgenotyping of BVDV strains detected in Tokachi Province in Japan during 2016–2017 was performed. Results showed that most of these BVDV strains belonged to subgenotype 1b, while few strains belonged to subgenotypes 1a and 2a. This study showed the high applicability of automatic nucleic acid extractors in extracting multiple viral genomes and the dominant subgenotype of BVDV in Tokachi.  相似文献   

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a severe cardio pulmonary disease transmitted to humans by sylvan rodents found in natural and rural environments. Disease transmission is closely linked to the ecology of animal reservoirs and abiotic factors such as habitat characteristics, season or climatic conditions. The main goals of this research were: to determine the biotic and abiotic factors affecting richness and abundance of rodent species at different spatial scales, to evaluate different methodologies for studying population of small rodents, and to describe and analyze an ecologically‐based rodent management experience in a highly touristic area. A 4‐year study of small rodent ecology was conducted between April 2007 and August 2011 in the most relevant habitats of El Palmar National Park, Argentina. Management involved a wide range of control and prevention measures, including poisoning, culling and habitat modification. A total of 172 individuals of 5 species were captured with a trapping effort of 13 860 traps‐nights (1.24 individuals/100 traps‐nights). Five rodent species were captured, including 2 hantavirus‐host species, Oligoryzomys nigripes and Akodon azarae. Oligoryzomys nigripes, host of a hantavirus that is pathogenic in humans, was the most abundant species and the only one found in all the studied habitats. Our results are inconsistent with the dilution effect hypothesis. The present study demonstrates that sylvan rodent species, including the hantavirus‐host species, have distinct local habitat selection and temporal variation patterns in abundance, which may influence the risk of human exposure to hantavirus and may have practical implications for disease transmission as well as for reservoir management.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are an important group of emerging pathogens, with ruminants recognised as their main natural reservoir. The aim of this work was to establish the prevalence of non-O157 STEC in free-ranging wild ruminants in the Extremadura region of Spain and to characterise them phenogenotypically. Faecal samples were collected from 243 wild ruminants, including Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Dama dama and Ovis musimon and were examined for STEC using both phenotypic (Vero cells) and genotypic (PCR and PFGE) methods.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli were isolated from 58 (23.9%) of the samples and a total of 65 isolates were characterised. A PCR method indicated that 11 (16.9%) strains carried the stx1 gene, 44 (67.7%) carried the stx2 gene and 10 (15.4%) carried both these genes. The ehxA gene was detected in 37 (57%) of the isolates but none contained either the eae or saa genes. The isolates were from a total of 12 ‘O’ serogroups, although 80% were restricted to the O2, O8, O128, O146, O166 and O174 serogroups. The most commonly isolated STEC bacteria, which were from the O146 serogroup, exhibited a high degree of polymorphism as indicated by PFGE. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates of serogroups O20, O25, O166, O171, O174 and O176 had not previously been found in wild ruminants. This is the first study to confirm that wild ruminants in Spain are a reservoir of STEC and are thus a potential source of human infection.  相似文献   

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