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Often, increases in farmed seabass and seabream production surpluses from Turkey and Greece have been blamed to lead to price declines and aquaculture sector crises. In this study, we investigate whether Turkish exports of farmed European seabass affect prices of European Union (EU) farmed European seabass. This is done by examining the existence of market integration between the prices of Turkish exports of farmed European seabass into the EU and the prices of farmed European seabass commercialized in wholesale markets in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris. Market integration and competition studies in fisheries and aquaculture products have generally focused on analyzing substitutability between species and between wild and farmed conspecifics. Few studies have focused on analyzing market integration between different geographic areas. Market integration analyses between different geographic areas have proven useful in anti-dumping investigations. Results show the lack of market integration between EU imports of Turkish farmed European seabass and main EU wholesale markets; in other words, farmed European seabass prices in EU markets do not seem to be affected by export prices of Turkish farmed seabass.  相似文献   

The direct impact of oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) on fish welfare and water quality in marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is poorly documented. In this study, the effects of the fish size (S1, S2, S3) and ORP level (normal, four successive levels) on the performance of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were investigated. Three size fish were distributed into two RAS (RAS and RAS O3). Ozone was injected into RAS O3 to increase the ORP level. The ORP was stabilized to four successive levels: 260–300, 300–320, 320–350, and 300–320 mV in fish tanks during four periods (P1–4). At the last day of each period, the hematological parameters, plasma protein and mortality of sea bass were analyzed. Two-way ANOVA revealed that several hematological parameters, including pH, hematocrit, concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose (Glu), ionized calcium, kalium, and hemoglobin, were significantly influenced by the increased ORP levels over the experimental period. The alteration in blood Glu and plasma protein concentration showed that ORP around 300–320 mV started to stress sea bass. Once the ORP exceeded 320 mV in the tanks during the P3 period, mortality occurred even when total residual oxidants/ozone-produced oxidants was only 0.03–0.05 mg L?1 in the fish tanks. At the same time, plasma protein decreased notably due to appetite depression. After the decrease in ORP during the P4 period, mortality continued. In conclusion, the results strongly suggest that for European sea bass in RAS, the ORP should not exceed 320 mV in the tanks. Once ozonation damaged fish, the effect seemed to be irreversible. However, how ORP affected related hematological parameters still need the further investigations.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, chemosensitivity of nutrients occurs through the activation of taste receptors coupled with G-protein subunits, including α-transducin (Gαtran) and α-gustducin (Gαgust). This study was aimed at characterising the cells expressing Gαtran immunoreactivity throughout the mucosa of the sea bass gastrointestinal tract. Gαtran immunoreactive cells were mainly found in the stomach, and a lower number of immunopositive cells were detected in the intestine. Some Gαtran immunoreactive cells in the stomach contained Gαgust immunoreactivity. Gastric Gαtran immunoreactive cells co-expressed ghrelin, obestatin and 5-hydroxytryptamine immunoreactivity. In contrast, Gαtran immunopositive cells did not contain somatostatin, gastrin/cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide-1, substance P or calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in any investigated segments of the sea bass gastrointestinal tract. Specificity of Gαtran and Gαgust antisera was determined by Western blot analysis, which identified two bands at the theoretical molecular weight of ~45 and ~40 kDa, respectively, in sea bass gut tissue as well as in positive tissue, and by immunoblocking with the respective peptide, which prevented immunostaining. The results of the present study provide a molecular and morphological basis for a role of taste-related molecules in chemosensing in the sea bass gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The surf Spisula solida and the striped venus Chamelea gallina clams support important fisheries in Europe. These fisheries have been affected by inter‐annual fluctuations in stock abundance and recruitment failures. Aquaculture could contribute to address these problems through the production of larvae or juveniles for stock‐enhancement programmes. In the present study, the prerequisites to produce these species in hatchery were established. Of the different methods used to obtain gametes (thermal stimulation, scarification and flow through), C. gallina spawned in the flow through only. By its turn, the best method for obtaining gametes for S. solida was stripping. Higher survivals of D‐larvae were found at 15 and 17°C. The greatest larval survival and growth rates were obtained from larvae fed Isochrysis aff. galbana (T‐iso). First C. gallina and S. solida pediveliger larvae were found at day 8 and day 26 respectively. The presence of metamorphosed larvae found even in the unfed treatment for C. gallina and for S. solida is an advantage for aquaculture production. After metamorphosis, the S. solida juveniles' survival was quite low, whereas there was no mortality for C. gallina juveniles reared without substrate regardless the diet provided. Juveniles fed the binary diet (Chaetoceros calcitrans ‐ C. cal + T.iso) and the monodiet T‐iso showed relatively higher growth in shell length and weight than C. cal. The hatchery production of these two species was possible, however the results of this study showed that C. gallina can be more attractive for aquaculture than S. solida.  相似文献   

The tufted ghost crab Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is currently a great example that elucidates concerns within scientific and conservation communities. This species, native to the subtropical Atlantic Ocean and the warmest southeastern Mediterranean Sea (Egypt), has been extending its distribution in both regions since the 1980s, likely due to the warming sea temperatures. These small nocturn crabs are typically found inhabiting sandy beaches and dune environments. This species is an opportunistic predator eating terrestrial and marine prey, especially on sea turtle eggs. Despite its status as a threatened species by two European conventions, there is a lack of knowledge of its ecology and biology. Sometimes considered as an indicator of good ecological status of beaches where it lives, this ghost crab could nevertheless benefit from climate change to extend its distribution range. This review aims to create a baseline on the current knowledge and gaps in the published scientific literature on the ghost crab. Additionally, through an analysis of the existing literature, we also offer insights into the potential risk of beach erosion associated with the expansion of this species.  相似文献   

This study investigated for the first time the reproductive biology of Prochilodus lineatus in a system of rivers in southeastern Brasil, relating it to the role of tributary rivers in the reproductive success of this important commercial fish in the Upper Paraná River basin, where a cascade of hydroelectric dams were deployed. Specimens were caught bimonthly in three river sites: (S1) Grande River, downstream from the Porto Colômbia dam; (S2) Pardo River; and (S3) Mogi Guaçu River. Sex steroid plasma levels, fecundity, follicular atresia, oocyte diameter and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were compared among sites. In S1, fish exhibited changes in the reproductive parameters: lower GSI, oocyte diameter and fecundity and higher follicular atresia index, when compared to S2 and S3. Frequency of maturing fish was higher in S3 and spawning was only registered in S3. In sites S2 and S3, plasma concentrations of testosterone and 17β-estradiol in females and testosterone in males showed wide variations following gonadal maturation. Fish from S1 showed few significant variations in sex steroid concentrations throughout the gonadal cycle. These results indicate that P. lineatus does not reproduce in Grande River (S1), but probably uses the Pardo River (S2) as a migratory route towards the Mogi Guaçu River (S3) where they complete gonadal maturation and spawning. Our findings contribute for understanding the reproductive biology of P. lineatus and to highlight the importance of tributaries in impounded rivers as a favourable environment for migration and spawning of fish.  相似文献   

The effect of supplemented commercial diets with diethylstilbestrol (DES—15, 30 and 60 mg kg?1) and 17 β-estradiol (E2—30 and 60 mg kg?1), two chemicals commonly used in sex reversal procedure in fish, on survival and growth parameters of juvenile European catfish (Silurus glanis) was evaluated. During the two experiments, lasting 28 days each, fish were kept at temperature 25.2–26.5 °C, pH 7.4–9.3 and oxygen concentration 5.0–7.3 mg O2 dm?3. DES supplementation resulted in depressed growth rate of catfish. In experimental groups fed with E2, no negative effect on growth parameters was found. Both chemicals did not result in observed mortality. In all of the experimental DES groups, hepatosomatic index increased significantly, which suggests negative influence on physiological condition of catfish. DES supplementation significantly changed cytological factors of liver cells and caused hepatic alterations in parenchyma, such as vacuolization and blood congestion. Similarly, supplementation of E2 in food resulted in changes in cytological parameters of hepatocytes. However, E2 did not cause pathological changes within the liver tissue. Histological examination of the catfish gonads showed 19 and 38 % of sterile fish after treatment with 30 and 60 mg kg?1 of DES, respectively. The results suggest that DES served in food could be ineffective in hormonal feminization process of European catfish. No disturbances of sex differentiation process after E2 treatment were observed. However, slight feminization effect in the highest level of E2 treatment group was recorded.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a hybrid zero water discharge (ZWD) - recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) system to improve water quality, as well as the growth, survival, and productivity, of the super-intensive white shrimp culture under low salinity conditions at semi-mass and the industrial level. The study consisted of two parts: (1) a semi-mass trial for the optimization of shrimp production using a hybrid ZWD-RAS system with a total volume of 2.7 m3 at the different shrimp stocking densities of 500 PL/m3, 750 PL/m3, and 1,000 PL/m3 and (2) an industrial trial at a commercial shrimp urban farming facility in Gresik, East Java, with total volume of 110 m3 at the optimum shrimp stocking density from the semi-mass trial. Both the semi-mass and industrial trials were performed in five steps: (1) preparation and installation of the RAS and ZWD system components; (2) preparation of microbial components including nitrifying bacteria, the microalgae Chaetoceros muelleri, and the probiotic heterotrophic bacteria Bacillus megaterium; (3) acclimatization of white shrimp post larvae from the salinity level of 32 ppt to 5 ppt; (4) conditioning of the biofilter used in the RAS and shrimp tank (microbial loop manipulation in ZWD); and (5) shrimp grow-out rearing for 84 days and 60 days for the semi-mass trial and the industrial trial, respectively. The hybrid system combined a ZWD system and an RAS. Shrimp tanks were conditioned with the addition of microbial components for ZWD at the beginning of the culture period. The RAS was operated when NH4+ and NO2-N levels in shrimp culture reached above 1 ppm until the levels decreased to 0–0.5 ppm. The culture performance in the semi-mass trial at 500 PL/m3, 750 PL/m3, and 1,000 PL/m3 stocking densities was not significantly different for final mean body weight (12.06 ± 5.72, 11.84 ± 3.58, 12.04 ± 3.71 g/ind, respectively) and productivity (4.205 ± 0.071, 4.691 ± 0.025, 4.816 ± 0.129 kg/m3, respectively). Significant differences in survival (70 ± 7%, 53 ± 3%, 40 ± 4%, respectively) and feed conversion ratios (1.54 ± 0.01, 1.82 ± 0.00, 2.16 ± 0.03, respectively) were observed between the three different stocking densities. Water quality parameters and microbial loads during the semi-mass trial were similar for all stocking densities and were within the tolerance levels for white shrimp grow-out production. The results of the semi-mass trial showed that the hybrid ZWD-RAS system can maintain water quality and a microbial load up to a 1,000 PL/m3 stocking density; however, the optimum performance based on survival, feed conversion ratio, and productivity was reached at the 500 PL/m3 stocking density. The industrial trial of the application of the hybrid ZWD-RAS system using the optimal stocking density of 500 PL/m3 resulted in a comparable shrimp survival of 78% with a total production of 298 kg shrimp biomass (equal to a productivity level of 2.7 kg/m3). The overall results of both the semi-mass and industrial trials showed that the application of a hybrid ZWD-RAS system allows optimal shrimp survival and growth at the stocking density of 500 PL/m3 and has high potential for application in commercial shrimp grow-out production at low salinity levels.  相似文献   

Aquaculture International - The utilization of sustainable and innovative raw materials to substitute for traditional fishmeal (FM) ingredients is required for the aquaculture sector. Sacha inchi...  相似文献   

A plankton survey investigated spatial and temporal distributions of larval sea lice in a sea loch on the north-west coast of Scotland. Plankton tows were collected approximately weekly at two depths (0 and 5 m) at five sample stations over a 2-year period. The survey began in March 2002 when Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms in the study area stocked with fish and finished in March 2004, after farms completed harvesting. Over 90% of lice recovered were Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer); therefore, the results of this paper refer largely to that species. The data were analysed using generalized additive models with explanatory variables for time, depth and station. Greatest densities of nauplii were recovered at stations adjacent to farms indicating that the local salmon farms were a likely source of larvae at times during the production cycle. There were significant temporal trends in larval densities and the stocking and harvesting of farms can possibly account for these increases and decreases, particularly at the start and at the end of the production cycle. The distribution of copepodids was more widespread than that of nauplii, indicating that the larvae can be transported several kilometres from the point of release.  相似文献   

In this study, a selenoprotein W cDNA was cloned from topmouth culter (Erythroculter ilishaeformis), and it was designated as EISelW. The EISelW open reading frame was composed of 261 base pairs (bp), encoding 86-amino-acid protein. The 5′ untranslated region (UTR) consisted of 104 bp, and the 3′-UTR was composed of 365 bp. A selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element was found in the 3′-UTR of EISelW mRNA. The SECIS element was classified as form II because of a small additional apical loop presented in SECIS element of EISelW mRNA. Bioinformatic approaches showed that the secondary structure of EISelW was a β1-α1-β2-β3-β4-α2 pattern from amino-terminal to carboxy-terminal. Real-time PCR analysis of EISelW mRNAs expression in 17 tissues showed that the EISelW mRNA was predominantly expressed in liver, ovary, pituitary, various regions of the brain, spinal cord and head kidney. Study of intraperitoneal injection showed that the levels of EISelW mRNA in brain, liver, ovary and spleen were regulated by somatostatin 14 (SS14), 17β-estradiol (E2), cysteamine hydrochloride (CSH) and a binary mixture of E2 and CSH, dependent on the dosage. These results suggest that E2, SS14 and CSH status may affect tissues of selenium metabolism by regulating the expression of SelW mRNA, as SelW plays a central role in selenium metabolism.  相似文献   

We have modeled the prey–predator dynamics between nutrients, phytoplankton, and copepods in Hiuchi-nada, central part of the Seto Inland Sea. The model parameters were estimated by stepwise regression using data sampled from 2001 to 2005. We re-created the fluctuations in copepod biomass in the spring–summer of 2001–2004 by model simulation and investigated the relationship between the re-created copepod biomass and anchovy Engraulis japonicus reproductive success rate in Hiuchi-nada. The anchovy reproductive success rate was proportional to the copepod biomass during the last 10 days of May, a period that immediately preceded anchovy recruitment. This relationship indicates that a possible key factor in the regulation of anchovy population levels is the fluctuation in abundance of the copepod assemblage and that the crucial period for anchovy recruitment in Hiuchi-nada would be the period just before anchovy recruitment to the shirasu (body length: approx. 20–35 mm) fishery. These results provide a potential framework for forecasting the anchovy recruitment level that is based on both larval abundance and survival rate as estimated from the biomass of copepods in the pre-recruitment period of anchovy.  相似文献   

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