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运输时间及水温对南美白对虾苗成活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同的温度(18℃、20℃、22℃、24℃、26℃)和时间(8h、14h、20h、26h、32h)条件下对南美白对虾苗进行运输。试验结果表明:运输时间和运输水温及两者的交互作用对南美白对虾苗成活率均有显著影响。多重比较结果显示运输时间在20h以内,不同时间梯度对南美白对虾苗的运输成活率的影响无显著差异,成活率均在90℃左右,随着运输时间的延长,虾苗成活率明显降低,且不同时间梯度间差异显著;运输用海水的温度控制在22~24℃时,虾苗具有较高的成活率,随着水温的升高或降低,成活率均明显降低,且不同温度梯度间差异显著。在本试验条件下,不同运输时间和运输水温对南美白对虾苗运输后暂养的成活率和生长无显著影响。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of four densities (940, 1880, 3760, 7520 eggs cm?2 and 0.5, 1, 2, 4 ind mL?1 of embryos and larvae, respectively) and four temperatures (8, 11, 14, 17°C) on early growth and survival of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Prism‐stage length was significantly greater in embryos initially held at 940 and 1880 eggs cm?2 than in those held at 3760 and 7520 eggs cm?2. Larvae grew significantly faster and had significantly greater survival when reared at 0.5 or 1 ind mL?1 than when held at 2 or 4 ind mL?1. Embryos had greater survival at 11 and 14°C than at 8 and 17°C, whereas embryo length was significantly smaller at 8°C than at 11, 14 or 17°C. Larvae grew significantly slower at 8°C than at 11, 14 or 17°C, whereas survival was significantly reduced at 8 and 17°C compared with 11 and 14°C. Per cent survival from prism to metamorphic competency in the best treatments was 48.9 ± 2.2% and 50.0 ± 3.6% (mean ± SE) for the 1 ind mL?1 and 11°C treatments, respectively. On the basis of these results, for rearing of S. purpuratus under static conditions, we recommend that fertilized eggs and larvae be held at ≤1880 eggs cm?2 and ≤1 ind mL?1, respectively, and at 11–14°C.  相似文献   

The ivory shell, Babylonia areolata (Link 1807), has been exploited as an important aquaculture organism along the southern China coast. In order to obtain optimal culture conditions for ivory shell juvenile, the central composite rotatable design was used to estimate the combined effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density on accumulated growth rate (AGR) and survival rate (SR). The results showed that the linear effects of temperature and rearing density on both growth and survival were highly significant (P < 0.01), but there was no significant effect on salinity (P > 0.05). The quadratic effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density influenced growth significantly (P < 0.01). The quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on survival of juvenile snail were significant (P < 0.01), the combined effects between the quadratic effect of temperature and the linear effect of rearing density influenced survival significantly (P < 0.01); the interactive effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density played a significant role in survival (P < 0.01). As can be seen from the above experimental results, the effects of temperature and salinity on growth and survival of B. areolata were strengthened with enhanced rearing density in a certain range and vice versa. By optimization using the response surface method, the optimal point was found at a temperature of 26.81°C, a salinity of 28.76 ppt and a rearing density of 527.07 ind m?2. Under these conditions, the optimal AGR and SR were 36.84 mg day?1 and 99.99%, respectively, with a satisfaction function value of 99.71%.  相似文献   

温度、光强和密度对条斑紫菜壳孢子放散的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玲  何培民 《海洋渔业》2004,26(3):205-209
在实验室内可控条件下,用充气培养的条斑紫菜成熟的壳孢子囊枝作材料,研究温度(5~20℃),光强(5~115μmol/m^2.s)和壳孢子囊枝的密度(0.075~1.709mg/ml)对壳孢子放散的影响。结果表明:(1)在5~20℃范围内,壳孢子均可以放散,温度越低,壳孢子开始放散得越早.但高峰期不明显,且放散的周期很长;20℃是最适宜的放散温度,放散的壳孢子数量多,放散集中。(2)壳孢子的放散在低光强和高光强条件下都较差,57μmol/m^2.s条件下壳孢子放散量多而集中。(3)壳孢子囊枝的密度影响壳孢子放散,低密度条件下壳孢子放散快但总量少;密度太高.壳孢子放散极其缓慢;适宜的壳孢子囊枝密度有利于壳孢子放散。  相似文献   

为探明刺松藻海区养殖期间生长与光照强度、温度之间的关系,开展了刺松藻海区养殖效果研究。结果表明,刺松藻能在较宽的温度范围内生存和生长,水温在25℃以下时,生长速度随温度的升高而加快;水温在25-30℃之间时刺松藻仍能生长,但生长速度随温度的升高而减慢,水温30℃以上时藻体顶端开始变白,停止生长。同时刺松藻不同生长阶段对光照强度要求有明显的差异,养殖前期(第1d到40d左右),在水深0.5m处的生长速度最快(0.067±0.008 cm.d-1);养殖中期(第60d到90d),在水深1.5m处生长速度最快(0.144±0.010 cm.d-1);整个养殖过程中,以1.0m的水深处平均生长速度最快(0.256±0.027 cm.d-1)、产量最高。  相似文献   

Climate strongly influences the population dynamics of many species, but intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as density‐dependence and anthropogenic impacts can confound the effects of climate. Further, the temporal scale of climate response is determined by the unique characteristics of a species’ life history, and determining the most appropriate climate indicator at the proper scale is a challenge faced by population ecologists. We focused on how climate influences juvenile survival of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis), a threatened Pacific rockfish, because its abundance has declined >90% in the last 25 years, ostensibly as the result of overfishing. Bocaccio recruitment is episodic, with strong recruitment events apparently related to climate conditions. We developed a sequence of models that related log of juvenile survival to the predictor variables population density and climate, as measured by the Northern Oscillation Index. A model that contained only population density as a predictor variable explained only 1.4% of the variance, while a model that included only climate indices explained 52%. Including density additively with climate did not improve model fit. However, a model that included an interaction between density and climate explained more than 68% of the variance. In addition, models that represented climate as monthly indices fit the juvenile survival data much better than those that averaged climate over 2‐ or 3‐month periods. Our results suggest that climate affects bocaccio recruitment as a series of pulses corresponding to particular life‐history events, with population density mediating the magnitude of the climate effect during the settlement stage.  相似文献   

One year old golden ide (Leuciscus idus melanotus) were starved for 2 weeks at 20°C (time zero) and then they were fed either freeze-dried mosquito larvae (natural diet) or a commercial fish chow (artificial diet) at an ambient temperature of 14°C and 20°C, respectively. Growth parameters and biochemical data in the liver were measured at time zero and after 3 and 7 weeks of specific regimen. If compared to natural food, the artificial diet caused transient increase in anabolic activity of the liver, but prevented long-lasting hepatocyte proliferation (increase of total liver DNA). After 3 weeks on artificial diet, the body weight was significantly higher and the liver mass doubled compared to ide kept on the natural regimen; tissue DNA content indicated that the hepatocyte volume increased mainly by increased protein content and corresponding uptake of water; lipid and glycogen contents were increased by a factor of 3–6, and the RNADNA ratio was increased accordingly. The growth of the ide, as reflected by the condition factor and hepatosomatic index (HSI), was virtually stopped when the artificial regimen was maintained for 7 weeks, whereas on natural food the condition factor was increased and liver weight and DNA were doubled. Growth of the fish maintained at 14°C was significantly lower than that of fish maintained at 20°C, though the total liver DNA was still increased on the natural regimen during the experiment. Less lipid was stored by fish maintained at 14°C, whereas protein and glycogen deposits were enlarged, if compared to fish maintained at 20°C. The specific activity of cytochrome oxidase in liver mitochondria and of NADPH cytochrome c reductase in the microsomal fraction were found independent of diet and ambient temperature. Oxidative capacity of hepatocytes (mitochondrial protein/mg DNA) remained unchanged, and microsomal protein/cell appeared reduced in response to the artificial food. However, reduction of cell number on this diet resulted in less total mitochondrial and microsomal protein in the organ. Golden ide liver is found to be a sensitive experimental model to characterize the mutual influence of diet and temperature on fish; the results are discussed with regard to the usage of golden ide as test fish for water pollution.  相似文献   

The effects of time restricted feeding, possibility of bottomfeeding and stocking density on the growth of Arctic charr(Salvelinus alpinus L.) were examined in fish held at lowtemperature (<2 °C). Fish fed for a restricted time (1 h) hadsignificantly (p < 0.05) lower specific growth rate (0.15 vs0.32% per day) than those fed the same ration over an extendedtime period (12 h). Increasing stocking densities had a positive andsignificant effect (p < 0.05) on growth with SGR increasing from 0.27to 0.52% per day at 2–30 kg m-3. Fish withaccess to feed on the tank floor had a significantly higher (p <0.05) growth rate (0.3 vs 0.13% per day) than those without thepossibility to feed from the bottom. When fish were held underconditions without access to the bottom a doubling of the feed rationdid not result in a significant (p > 0.05) increase in growth rate(0.13 vs 0.12%percnt; per day).  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods, including species of the genus Acartia, are commonly used as larval diets for marine finfish. This study aimed to determine the separate effects of water temperature (18, 22, 24, 28° ± 0.5°C) and photoperiod (24L:0D; 18L:6D; 12L:12D; 8L:18D; 0L:24D) on Acartia grani egg production (EP), hatching rate (EHR) and population growth. Egg production rate was not affected by the two abiotic parameters. A. grani eggs incubated at T24°C and T28°C were the first to achieve 50% hatching rate (23–25 hr), with significant differences at the end of the experiment (48 hr) between T28°C treatment (EHR 88 ± 5%) and T18°C treatment (EHR 65 ± 2%). However, different temperature regimes did not affect final number of individuals in population growth experiment. Still, when eggs were excluded from data, population at lower temperatures (18°C) was mainly composed by the nauplii stage (72%), while at higher temperatures (24°C and 28°C) more than 60% of the population was composed by copepodites and adults. A. grani subjected to long‐day photoperiods had significantly lower EHR (16.7% at 24L:0D; 20.8% at 18L:6D) than at short‐day photoperiods (52.6% at 6L:18D; 50.0% at 0L:24D). In population growth experiment, eggs were the most common life stage after 12‐day culture. Lowest population number was found at constant light conditions (665.0 ± 197.1), suggesting higher metabolic rates and depletion of energy reserves in long‐day conditions. This study expanded knowledge on the biological response of A. grani to separate temperature and photoperiod regimes, and provided ground to improve the culture of this potential life feed species for hatcheries.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a significant pathogen of salmonids and the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). Water temperature affects the replication rate of pathogens and the function of the fish immune system to influence the progression of disease. In addition, rapid shifts in temperature may serve as stressors that reduce host resistance. This study evaluated the effect of shifts in water temperature on established R. salmoninarum infections. We challenged Chinook salmon with R. salmoninarum at 12 °C for 2 weeks and then divided the fish into three temperature groups (8, 12 and 15 °C). Fish in the 8 °C group had significantly higher R. salmoninarum‐specific mortality, kidney R. salmoninarum loads and bacterial shedding rates relative to the fish held at 12 or 15 °C. There was a trend towards suppressed bacterial load and shedding in the 15 °C group, but the results were not significant. Bacterial load was a significant predictor of shedding for the 8 and 12 °C groups but not for the 15 °C group. Overall, our results showed little effect of temperature stress on the progress of infection, but do support the conclusion that cooler water temperatures contribute to infection progression and increased transmission potential in Chinook salmon infected with R. salmoninarum.  相似文献   

Temperature effects vary throughout the ontogeny, but are proportionally more variable during the early life stages than in older fish. The larvae of a few species have been studied but contrasting trajectories were observed, thereby making it difficult to predict how temperature impacts on the growth, survival and size heterogeneity in a particular species. This study examined these interactions in young [0.9 mg–1 g wet mass (WM)] Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, one of the most extensively cultured tropical fish. Fish were raised at five temperatures from 23 to 33 °C in a recirculated water system, fed in excess with a high‐energy feed (Artemia then a formulated feed, >50% protein), and examined at 1‐day (first feeding days) or 4‐day intervals (older fish). The temperature that produced the fastest growth (T°opt) was 31 °C at the start of exogenous feeding (0.9 mg); it increased to 32.7 °C at 8 mg then decreased by 0.7 °C for each 10‐fold increase of WM. Size heterogeneity was lower and survival was higher (70–85% from 0.9 mg to 1 g) when the temperature was close to T°opt. Comparisons with other species suggest that the slope of the relationship between T°opt and fish size has a strong latitudinal component, and may also reflect the fish sensitivity to oxygen.  相似文献   

通过实验生态学方法,针对2种规格的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)(大:28.00~36.00 g;小:9.00~13.00 g),测定温度为(25.0±0.5)℃溶解氧(DO)水平为(1.0±0.1)mg/L条件下刺参的半致死时间(LT_(50));比较分析了DO水平分别为(1.0±0.1)mg/L、(3.0±0.1)mg/L及6.5 mg/L(正常DO含量)条件下2种规格刺参的昼夜代谢水平;监测了DO水平分别为(1.0±0.1)mg/L和(3.0±0.1)mg/L时低氧胁迫24 h及复氧72 h期间,2种规格刺参体腔液和呼吸树中的谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性及体腔液中皮质醇水平的变化,以探究夏季高温期(25.0±0.5)℃低氧胁迫对不同规格刺参半致死时间及生理机能的影响。结果显示:当DO浓度为1 mg/L时,大规格刺参半致死时间(LT_(50))为33.37 h,小规格刺参为28.84 h,2种规格刺参的代谢水平显著低于常氧对照组,夜间代谢强度高于白天,且小规格刺参的代谢强度高于大规格刺参。1 mg/L低氧胁迫期间,大规格刺参体腔液及2种规格刺参呼吸树中上述4种抗氧化指标的变化趋势大致相同,与对照组相比,随着低氧暴露时间的延长,GSH含量下降,SOD和T-AOC活力降低,CAT活力升高;然而胁迫结束时其GSH含量、CAT、SOD和T-AOC活力均与对照组无显著差异(P0.05)。解除胁迫复氧72 h后,2种规格刺参体腔液的4种抗氧化指标均恢复到对照组水平;而呼吸树的这4种指标则未完全恢复。3 mg/L低氧胁迫期间,2种规格刺参体腔液和呼吸树的GSH含量、CAT、SOD和T-AOC活力的变化趋势与1 mg/L组大体一致,复氧72 h后体腔液的各项指标恢复到对照组水平;除T-AOC,呼吸树的其余3种指标亦完全恢复。低氧胁迫后小规格刺参的恢复能力高于大规格刺参。在DO为1 mg/L和3 mg/L条件下,胁迫结束时2种规格刺参体腔液中的皮质醇含量显著高于对照组(P0.05),且大规格刺参皮质醇含量高于小规格,复氧后二者均恢复到对照水平。结果表明,低氧胁迫持续时间不超过其半致死时间(本研究以24h为例),刺参可通过自身调节减轻机体的氧化损伤;一旦超出半致死时间,将产生不可逆损伤,最终导致死亡。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The fourspine sculpin Cottus kazika is indigenous to Japan and found in Honshu except for the waters facing the Seto Inland Sea, and was also found in southern Shikoku and eastern Kyushu. This species has a catadromous lifestyle and migrates as juveniles from the sea to the middle reaches of rivers to grow. The growth pattern of this fish was investigated by a mark-and-recapture method from July 1994 to December 1996, in the Nigorikawa River, a tributary of the Gonokawa River system, Shimane Prefecture. 0-year-old fish of 50–70 mm total length ( TL ) occurred in the study area from June to July, grew to 90–140 mm  TL by the following April, and attained 160–210 mm  TL by December. This fish grew rapidly in September–November and April–July, almost ceasing to grow in July–September. It seems that this stagnant growth phase in summer is a characteristic of the seasonal growth pattern of C. kazika . A rearing experiment indicated that the growth rate of C. kazika was higher at 16–22°C than at 12–14 and 24–26°C. This result supports the field evidence of a stagnant growth phase in summer in the Nigorikawa River.  相似文献   

To understand the relationships between shell growth and some environmental factors, we examined the relationships between water temperature or chlorophyll abundance and the shell growth of the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii, suspended at three different depths at two sites. Growth in height, length and thickness of the shells were limited by water temperature during winter (< 20 °C), whereas growth in thickness correlated with food abundance, measured as chlorophyll, during early summer (> 20 °C). These results suggest that the shell of P. fucata martensii could grow well at locations with greater abundance of food and adequate water temperatures (20–26 °C), resulting in a longer growing season.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of water temperature (T) on vaccine-induced abdominal lesions (i.p. injection with oil-adjuvant vaccine) and vertebral deformities in Atlantic salmon. Quadruple groups of vaccinated (V) or unvaccinated (U) underyearling smolts were reared in tanks under four different temperature regimes for 6 weeks in fresh water (FW) followed by 6 weeks in sea water (SW). The four different T regimes were 10 °C FW-10 °C SW (10-10), 10 °C FW-16 °C SW (10-16), 16 °C FW-10 °C SW (16-10) and 16 °C FW-16 °C SW (16-16). After the temperature regimes were finished, the fish were group-tagged and transferred to a common sea cage for on-growth until harvest size. At termination, weight was significantly affected by both T and V, while lesion score and deformities were affected by T only. The weight difference between the largest and smallest U group was 20.3% (16-10 U: 2.4 kg, 10-16 U: 1.89 kg), while the largest difference between U and V fish within a T regime was 28.7% (16-16 U: 2.1 kg, 16-16 V: 1.5 kg). Fish from the 16-16, 16-10 and 10-16 regimes had a significant higher lesion score than those from the 10-10 regime. Fish from the 10-16 and 16-16 regimes displayed a significantly higher prevalence of vertebral deformities (palpation : 13-27%, radiology: 88-94%) than fish from the 10-10 and 16-10 regimes (palpation: 2-3%, radiology: 27-65%). Vertebra number 26 (located beneath the dorsal fin) was the most frequently affected vertebra in smolts, while vertebra number 43 (located above the anal fin) was most frequently affected in adults.  相似文献   

To investigate the interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on the growth performance, feeding parameters and muscle growth dynamics in juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.), a total of 1212 juvenile halibut, including 383 tagged fish (mean initial weight of tagged individuals: 17.6 ± 0.3 g SE), were reared under a simulated natural light regime for Bergen (60°25′N) or continuous light at 9, 12 and 15 °C from 3 December 2007 until 11 March 2008. The mean weight and growth rate were significantly higher at 12 and 15 °C than at 9 °C. In addition, significantly higher mean weight and growth rate were observed in halibut reared under continuous light at a low temperature, indicating an interactive effect of temperature and photoperiod on growth performance. No effect of temperature or photoperiod was found with respect to feed conversion efficiency, whereas a higher feed consumption at increasing temperature and a higher overall daily feeding rate at continuous light at a low temperature were observed. Indications of continuous light having a stronger effect at low temperatures on muscle growth dynamics were found. A difference in the size class distribution of fibre diameter was found between photoperiod treatments at 9 °C, suggesting that continuous light resulted in elevated hypertrophic growth at low temperature. This may suggest that the increased growth rate found at continuous light at 9 °C may be a result of hypertrophic growth in juvenile halibut.  相似文献   

Successive exposure to aquaculture‐related stressors may compromise the allostatic capacity of African catfish and lead to allostatic overload and poor welfare. Therefore, we tested the effect of (i) feeding during the light or dark phase, (ii) density (51 fish per 140 L versus 51 fish per 43 L) and (iii) altered available resting space/shelter on stress handling were studied in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Available resting space/shelter was manipulated by providing PVC‐tubes in the tanks. Growth, baseline stress load (cortisol and osmolality), metabolism (glucose, lactate and non‐esterified fatty acids) and aggression (measured by skin scar incidence) were assessed. Upon completion of the experimental period, we determined the adaptive capacity of the fish by the response to air exposure. We show that night‐feeding enhances growth and lowers feed conversion ratio compared to day‐feeding. No effects of density were found for baseline stress hormones, basal metabolism or aggression. Low density seems to stimulate aggressive behaviour after air exposure. Unexpectedly, providing PVC‐tubes under high‐density conditions increased aggression, raised baseline cortisol levels and decreased basal metabolism as well as growth; also the endocrine response to air exposure was stronger. We argue that these effects relate to a reduction in available space, i.e. a further increase in density, or to an increased competition for shelter. Overall, our data suggest that night‐feeding optimizes growth and that care should be taken in using objects as shelter/enrichment for African catfish.  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the effects of different water temperatures on the growth, survival and blood physiological parameters of Lophiosilurus alexandri. Juveniles measuring 12.6 ± 0.5 cm and weighing 30.6 ± 3.6 g were subjected to four water temperature regimes: 23, 26, 29 and 32°C with four replicates. The animals were fed twice daily with formulated diet. The experiment lasted for 35 days. Survival was 100% at all water temperatures, and the best temperature for growth was estimated to be 27.8°C using a quadratic regression model. The estimated temperatures for the best feed conversion and highest feed consumption rates were 26.2 and 28.8°C respectively. The fat visceral‐somatic index was highest at 32°C. The highest haemoglobin and haematocrit values were 29.4 and 32.1°C respectively. For plasma protein and cholesterol, the lowest values estimated were 23.9 and 24.1°C respectively. Glucose and liver nitrogen content increased with rising temperature. Higher values of total ammonia in the water were observed at higher temperatures. No effects of temperature were seen on the amounts of muscle dry matter, nitrogen, energy content and triglycerides or on the hepatosomatic index. Water temperature has an important role in the developmental and blood physiological parameters of juvenile L. alexandri, and the quadratic regression model showed that the appropriate temperature for growth is between 27 and 28°C.  相似文献   

Temperature is considered as an important environmental factor, and the increasing water temperature resulting from global warming is a great concern. The present study was conducted to examine the effects of elevated water temperature on growth, hemato‐biochemical parameters in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus acclimatized to three temperatures (31°C, 34°C and 37°C) for 60 days. Additionally, erythrocytic cellular abnormalities (ECA) and erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities (ENA) tests were assayed using peripheral erythrocytes after exposure to the three temperatures. Fish were sacrificed on days 7, 15, 30 and 60 of exposure. Growth performances viz., weight gain, % weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) showed decreasing tendency at 34°C but significantly declined at 37°C compared to 31°C. The abundance of haemoglobin (Hb) and red blood cells (RBCs) significantly decreased in response to temperature increases, while white blood cells (WBCs) displayed the opposite response. At days 7 and 15, blood glucose levels significantly increased in response to the temperature increase, while at days 30 and 60 glucose declined. Frequencies of ECA and ENA were significantly enhanced at the highest temperature throughout the experimental period. Dissolved oxygen decreased and free CO2 increased significantly with increasing temperature throughout the study period. The present study revealed that temperatures higher than 34°C may be hazardous to O. niloticus.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of water temperature and stocking density on the survival, feeding and growth of the juveniles of the hybrid yellow catfish from Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (♀) × Pelteobagrus vachelli (♂) using the parameters as follows: survival rate (%), feeding rate (% day?1), feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate (% day?1), coefficient of variation (%), productivity (P, g m?3 day?1) and condition factor. We reared the juvenile fish (3.25 ± 0.21 g) at 12 water temperature levels and six stocking density levels (each level included three aquaria in two batches of experiments). The results showed that all groups survived at a temperature range of ≤35°C during a 46‐day experimental period, and they could achieve a high growth at a water temperature range of 26–32°C. The optimal temperature for growth was 29.8°C. Productivity peaked at a stocking density of 1.9 kg m?3. Our results indicated that the hybrid is very suitable for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

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