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Atlantic salmon become thermally stressed when water temperatures exceed 23 °C. To alleviate this stress, they behaviourally thermoregulate by moving to patches of cold water, often forming large aggregations. These patches are known as thermal refuges. Given the consensus that climate change will increase temperatures in Atlantic salmon catchments, thermal refuges will become increasingly important in minimising summer mortalities. While the behaviour of salmonids within thermal refuges is fairly well understood, less is known about their main stem movement in search of thermal refuges or its thermal and temporal cues. We detail the results of a PIT telemetry study to investigate the main stem movement behaviour of thermally stressed Atlantic salmon parr in a temperature‐impacted river. PIT antennas placed around two thermal refuges and at the upstream and downstream limits of their surrounding reach were used to record the movement of salmonids during a heatwave. We observed parr movement at the upstream and downstream antennas 135 min prior to the occurrence of the midpoint of aggregations in the thermal refuges, indicating that Atlantic salmon parr make reach‐scale movements in search of cool water prior to aggregating. Logistic regression showed that the number of degree hours >28 °C predicted the occurrence of main stem movement with a good degree of accuracy, indicating that this temperature represents a fundamental threshold causing Atlantic salmon parr to move towards cool water. Such data could be instrumental in allowing river managers to place limits on human activity within rivers, allowing salmon populations time to recover following heat stress events.  相似文献   

This experiment was undertaken to establish the magnesium (Mg) requirement in young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in seawater-treated fresh water. In Norwegian hatcheries it is a common practice to add sodium hydroxide and/or sea water (1–2%) to improve pH and conductivity of the natural fresh water. Parr with initial weight of 8 g, were divided in six triplicate groups in brackish water containing 54 mg Mg L?1 and fed a basal casein-gelatine diet supplemented with minor amounts of krill and fish meal (containing 200 mg Mg kg?1) for an initial period of 3 weeks. Thereafter the fish were fed this diet supplemented with either 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 mg Mg kg?1 (as MgSO4) for 12 weeks. Growth and feed efficiency were recorded. Concentrations of Mg and other divalent cations (Ca and Zn) were measured in whole fish, serum and vertebrae. Sodium concentration in vertebrae was also measured. Growth and feed efficiency were unaffected by the levels of dietary magnesium used in the experiment. Magnesium concentrations in the whole body, serum and vertebrae Mg appeared to be more sensitive than growth and feed efficiency to differences in dietary Mg intake. The group fed the unsupplemented diet showed significantly lower Mg concentration in these tissues than the other groups. Whole-body calcium concentration was negatively correlated with dietary Mg and Ca:Mg ratios in the vertebrae were significantly affected by the dietary Mg levels. Zinc concentration in whole body, serum and vertebrae was not altered by the dietary Mg levels. Further, vertebral Na concentration did not vary between the dietary treatments. In conclusion, a minimum Mg supplementation level of 100 mg kg?1 dry diet (in total, 326 mg kg?1) was needed to maintain Mg concentration in the whole body and serum and for proper bone mineralization.  相似文献   

The water balance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) overwintering in sea water (34 ) was investigated. With a decrease of temperature from 5.6 to 1.0°C the drinking rate decreased from 13.9 to 5.7 ml/kg/day, and the absolute amount of water absorbed decreased from 8.9 to 5.0 ml/kg/day. A decrease in temperature led, however, to an increase in the proportion of water absorbed in the intestines from 60 to 96%. Blood serum osmolarity increased from 320 to 440 mosm/1 with decreasing temperature and there was a reduction in tissue water content from 75 to 69% The disturbance of water balance at low temperature may be one of the factors responsible for mortality of salmon overwintering in sea water.  相似文献   

A total of 21 acidified Norwegian rivers are now being limed to re‐establish or restore Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stocks. Natural reproduction of Atlantic salmon was evident 1 year after the first year of liming in all rivers that had lost their native stocks (n = 9) except for one river. The density of fry (age 0+) developed significantly more rapidly in rivers that supported remnant stocks than in rivers that had lost their stocks, based on data 5 years after treatment. Nine of the study rivers were supplied with hatchery‐reared salmon, mainly unfed fry. Of the rivers with lost stocks, those which were supplied with fish had significantly higher densities than those that were not enhanced. On the other hand, rivers with remnant stocks that were supplied with fish had significantly lower densities of salmon fry than those that did not undergo such mitigation measures. In 2001, all limed rivers yielded 41.9 t of salmon.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stress response was examined by measuring plasma cortisol, glucose and chloride in fish after water level reduction within rearing tanks. Maximum plasma cortisol levels (366±43 (SD) nM and 534±280 nM for Groups 1 and 2, respectively) were observed 20 min after application of the stressor. Cortisol levels were down to control levels 24 h later. The pattern for cortisol changes observed within these two groups were comparable. Plasma glucose and chloride concentrations did not change significantly in either of the experimental groups. The fish in group 2 were then repeatedly subjected to the same stressor every third day. After the fifth exposure to the stressor, blood was obtained from fish at times corresponding to sampling after the first exposure. Their maximum plasma cortisol level only reached 223 (±96) nM, and was down to prestress levels within 2 h. Plasma glucose and chloride concentrations did not change significantly in this second experiment. This challenge test revealed an acute primary response in Atlantic salmon without any apparent harmful secondary responses, that may thus serve as a standardized reference stressor using other fish groups under comparable conditions.  相似文献   

The present experiment was performed to study how fluoride from krill meal enriched muscle, whole fish and bone of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in sea water. Atlantic salmon (mean weight 0.5 kg) were divided into four triplicate groups and fed a commercial fish meal based diets with 0, 100, 200 and 300 g krill kg?1 feed, respectively, for 12 weeks. The fluoride concentrations in the experimental feeds were analysed to be 18, 132, 235 and 358 mg kg?1, respectively. Growth, mortality and feed efficiency were recorded through the experiment. Fluoride concentration was measured in muscle, whole‐body, and bone initially and after 12 weeks of feeding. The fluoride concentrations in the samples were determined by alkali fusion and fluoride ion‐selective electrode. Growth, mortality and feed efficiency ratio were not affected by the dietary treatments. The results showed that fluoride concentration in muscle, whole body and bone were not affected by the dietary fluoride level. The fluoride concentration in the tissues showed great variation among replicates of the group given the same diet. Fillets of the fish varied between 0.3 and 1.4 mg fluoride kg?1 wet weight, whereas the whole‐body concentration of fluoride varied between 3.3 and 6.1 mg kg?1 wet weight and the fluoride bone concentration varied between 5.8 and 7.2 mg kg?1 fresh weight. These results suggest that Atlantic salmon are highly tolerant of dietary fluoride given as krill meal with concentration of fluoride up to 350 mg kg?1 diet, and that accumulation of fluoride from feeding diets containing krill meal does not lead to tissue accumulation in the fish, at least over a short period of time.  相似文献   

Individually tagged Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were fed three different adaptation diets containing low, medium or high levels of extruded starch, before intraperitoneal injection of glucose. The injections were done at winter and at summer temperatures. This was to investigate whether the tolerance for glucose varied according to adaption diet and/or according to season. The results showed a temperature-dependent response. At winter temperatures (2°C) the Atlantic salmon had problems adapting to both medium and high levels of dietary starch. This was indicated by lower growth response in the adaptation period, as well as by delayed glucose regulation. At summer temperatures (12.5°C) the Atlantic salmon could tolerate and utilize both medium and high levels of dietary starch. In summer also all groups responded evenly to the tolerance tests with respect to blood glucose regulation. Incorporation of liver glycogen was higher at summer than at winter temperatures in the high- carbohydrate group. No effect was found on haematocrit values as a response to diet or season.  相似文献   

Thermal habitat was recorded by data storage tags (DSTs) applied to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts during their seaward migration in the spring of 1998 at enumeration facilities in Highlands River, Humber River, Western Arm Brook, and Campbellton River, Newfoundland. In total, 139 DSTs were applied and data were downloaded from eleven of the recovered tags. The recovered tags had been applied at Highlands, Campbellton and Western Arm rivers and recovered in the coastal waters of Newfoundland and Québec and at the enumeration facilities at Highlands and Campbellton rivers. Water temperatures experienced by the fish were recorded for periods of 62–118 days at resolutions of 15–30 min. The data from the sea record on the DSTs were analysed for temperature patterns in relation to migration behaviour and diurnal movement of the fish. A variety of patterns were exhibited on the temperature records suggesting that the fish were behaving in various ways at different times. For Campbellton and Highlands fish over the course of some 24 h periods, night‐time temperatures changed little and were among the highest daily temperatures experienced by the fish, whereas daytime temperatures often showed dramatic and frequent shifts in temperature presumably as the fish rapidly and frequently changed depth. For the Western Arm Brook fish, rapid fluctuations in temperature occurred sometimes during the day and night without a consistent diurnal pattern. We also considered large‐scale aspects of the data by examining oceanographic conditions in relation to the temperatures recorded by the tags.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the long‐term effects of ambient unionized ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) combined with different feeding regimes on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L parr growth, welfare and smoltification. Previous studies on the parr stage of Atlantic salmon have mostly focused on acute exposure, or at low temperatures. Atlantic salmon parr were exposed for 105 days (at 12°C, pH 6.8) to four sublethal ammonia concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 35 μg L?1 NH3‐N (0.1–25 mg L?1 TAN) at two feeding levels: full feed strength (+20% overfeeding) and 1/3 of full feed strength. After 21 days, it was observed that 32 μg L?1 NH3‐N reduced growth rate of parr fed full ration, but this effect was not evident at the end of the exposure. Feed utilization was not affected by ammonia exposure at any sampling point. Increasing ammonia levels were associated with a higher prevalence and severity of gill damage at 22 days but not at the end of the exposure. The examination of welfare indicators revealed only a few pathologies, not related to ammonia exposure. In addition, higher ammonia concentrations did not appear to influence the development of hypo‐osmoregulatory ability during parr‐smolt transformation.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

The transport of α-tocopherol was studied during vitellogenesis in Atlantic salmon that were fed diets with two levels of α-tocopherol. α-Tocopherol levels were measured in the flesh, liver, ovary and serum, and in the serum the α-tocopherol levels in the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and very high density lipoprotein (VHDL or vitellogenin) were also measured. Atlantic salmon store α-tocopherol mainly in their flesh because the muscle mass comprises 50% or more of live weight. During vitellogenesis the α-tocopherol content declined to about 10% of the level prior to maturation. The relative range of level of α-tocopherol in the lipoproteins was: HDL> LDL> VLDL> VHDL, irrespective of dietary levels of α-tocopherol. From the recent knowledge on lipid transport during vitellogenesis and the present data, we hypothesize that α-tocopherol is transported from peripheral tissues to liver by HDL and further transported from liver to ovary by LDL. Vitellogenin appears to play a minor role in the transportation of vitamin E to the ovary.  相似文献   

For migratory fishes such as Atlantic salmon, temporal variation in the utilization of thermal and depth habitats in the marine environment is likely to occur at both broad and fine scales, reflecting both ecological and metabolic factors. To test this, we implanted 26 Atlantic salmon kelts (i.e., post‐spawners) descending Campbellton River, Newfoundland, with data storage tags that recorded date/time, internal and external temperatures, pressure, and light. The salmon that returned to Campbellton River after an average of 62 days at sea were consecutive spawning kelt. Detailed data were recovered from eight of these fish and revealed distinct patterns in their utilization of thermal and depth habitats. Water temperatures experienced over the period at sea showed a wide range for all fish (from <0 to nearly 20°C); however, there were two clear frequency modes; one at 6–7°C and the other at 11–12°C. The cooler mode was indicative of daytime profiles and the warmer mode of night‐time profiles. This corresponded with the depth profiles, which indicated that salmon dove more frequently below 5 m (mean ± SD = 23 ± 0.9 dives per day) and spent less time (approximately 18%) near the sea surface (<1 m) during the day than during the night (4 ± 0.4 dives per night; approximately 45% time <1 m). The diurnal pattern may be indicative of a reliance on vision for feeding at depth and the short duration of dives (<10 min) may be a strategy that allows salmon a metabolic advantage (e.g., swimming capacity) over their prey living constantly at depth in cool waters.  相似文献   

Storage of lipids in the myosepta of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was determined by dissection of myosepta from both white and dark muscle, by analyzing lipid classes of myosepta, and by analysis of muscle tissues with and without myosepta. By using Iatroscan-TLC/FID it was found that triglyceride was the only major lipid class present in the myosepta. In a sample pooled from three fish, 39.1% of white muscle lipids were found to be stored in the associated myosepta. In the dark muscle up to 62.4% of the total lipids were located in the associated myosepta.After removal of the myosepta, the ratio of the total lipid content of dark muscle to white muscle decreased from 5.25 to 3.66. The proportion of polar lipids increased in both white muscle and dark muscle after removal of the myosepta; however the ratio of phosphatidyl choline (PC) to phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) in both muscle types remained constant. This suggests that neutral lipids accounted for most of the lipids in the myosepta. It is concluded that this type of connective tissue, not the actual muscle fibres, stores most of the muscle lipids in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the absorption, excretion and requirement of dietary phosphorus (P) by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Triplicate groups of salmon parr, initial weight 15 ± 0.5±g , were fed, diets containing 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 mg P and 20 KJ of digestible energy (DE) per±g of diet (dry matter basis, DMB) to satiation for 16 weeks. The basal diet containing 4 mg P g-1 (0.15 mg available P per KJ DE) was supplemented with graded levels of calcium phosphate, Ca(H2PO4)2H2O to formulate the eight experimental diets. The fish were reared in fresh water at a temperature of 15 °C on a 12 h photoperiod. Vertebrae ash increased from 316 to 516 mg g-1 fat-free dry matter with an increase in dietary P content. P requirement was estimated by using a four-parameter sigmoidal equation. The data suggests that a diet of 0.28 mg available P per KJ DE is needed for Atlantic salmon. Phosphate and calcium levels in plasma and bone increased, whereas levels of magnesium and liver cholecalciferol decreased, with an increase in dietary P.Phosphate excretion in urine and apparent availability of P were determined in deficient and replete fish. In deficient fish, the urine phosphate concentration was 0.10 mmol L-1 before feeding and 0.25 mmol l-1 after feeding, whereas in replete fish these concentrations were 1.09 and 5.11 mmol l-1, respectively. The increase in urine phosphate concentration was higher in replete fish than in deficient fish, however, the apparent absorption of P was found to be significantly lower in replete fish than in deficient fish. These results suggest that similarly to terrestrial vertebrates, P homeostasis in Atlantic salmon is controlled by absorption in the intestine, conservation in the kidney and storage in the bones.  相似文献   

A two-factor study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary riboflavin and lipid levels on the growth, health performance and riboflavin status of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ). Atlantic salmon parr were fed four fishmeal-based diets with or without supplementation of 20 mg riboflavin kg–1, at two lipid levels, 150 or 300 g kg–1. Each diet was fed to triplicate tanks of fish for 12 weeks. Unsupplemented diets contained between 6 and 8 mg riboflavin kg–1. There were no significant differences in growth as a result of riboflavin supplementation. No mortality or histomorphological changes in eye tissues were observed. Dietary treatments did not affect blood haemoglobin values. After 12 weeks, muscle lipid content seemed to be reduced by riboflavin supplementation irrespective of dietary lipid level. Riboflavin status of whole body, muscle, liver, kidney and eye lenses is reported. Saturation levels of riboflavin in liver and muscle were reached with unsupplemented diets. The concentrations of riboflavin and lipid in liver were negatively correlated. There was a tendency of higher whole body riboflavin concentration in fish fed high-lipid diets. Based on growth, absence of deficiency signs and maximal tissue saturation of riboflavin, it can be concluded that the requirement for riboflavin was met by the natural riboflavin content in the raw materials of the feed. However, independent of dietary lipid level, dietary riboflavin supplementation may increase lipid utilization in rapidly growing salmon parr.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of temperature on the development of intestinal disorders when Atlantic salmon are fed soybean meal (SBM). In this study 20% of the dietary fishmeal was replaced by solvent-extracted Hipro SBM. Atlantic salmon reared at two different water temperatures (8 °C and 12 °C), were fed a control diet and an experimental diet for 20 days. Samples were taken at days 7 and 20. The extent of the morphological changes was assessed using a semi-quantitative scoring system developed for this purpose. The study demonstrates that enteritis is affected by temperature. The intestinal disorders were more severe in fish reared at 12 °C compared with those reared at 8 °C. It can be concluded from this study that temperature changes the speed but not the type of SBM-induced enteritis expressed as a delay on the response when Atlantic salmon are kept at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

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