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Diets to which testosterone (1 or 10 ng/g diet) had been added were fed to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for nine months beginning for months after hatching (Experiment 1) and upon completion of yolk absorption (Experiment 2) to determine the effects on growth, gonadal development, and sex ratio. Dietary testosterone at 10 ng/g fed to juvenile salmon at four months after hatching (Exp. 1) induced significant changes in condition factor (0.69±0.01) compared to controls (0.79±0.01) at the end of the test period. In both experiments, salmon treated with 10 ng/g diet induced a significantly higher percentage of male fish compared to controls. Dietary testosterone at 1 ng/g fed to juvenile salmon beginning four months after hatching induced significant increases in weight (18.95±0.99) and length (13.58±0.23) compared to controls (14.55±1.50 and 11.94±0.43, respectively). In Experiment 1 or 2, there was no apparent influence of dietary testosterone on precocious male sexual development. Dietary testosterone at 1 or 10 ng/g fed to juvenile salmon upon completion of yolk absorption (Exp. 2) induced no consistent changes in growth in juvenile Atlantic salmon. These studies indicate that low levels of dietary testosterone may influence physiological responses in juvenile Atlantic salmon dependent upon timing of treatment.  相似文献   

The distribution of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) was examined among 80 cages from three Atlantic salmon grow-out farms in Maine, USA that were stocked with smolts from a single hatchery. Cage-level disease was broadly defined as one or more moribund fish testing positive for infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) by RT-PCR and a second confirmatory test (IFAT, culture or genotype sequence). Spatio-temporal and cage-level risks were explored using logistic regression and survival analysis. Non-spatial risk factors associated with ISA, or shortened survival time to disease, included increased predation, trucking company choice for smolt transfers, a finely-sedimented benthic substrate, and smaller average size of smolts at stocking. Univariable analysis identified the time-dependent spatial factor 'adjacency to newly infected cages' to be predictive of new infection in neighbouring cages 11-12 weeks later. However, none of the spatial factors, or their lags retained relevance in multiple-variable models. The results suggest a diffuse distribution of virus exposure throughout infected sites, with host-susceptibility factors probably influencing disease manifestation in individual cages. The narrow focus of the current study may limit application of the findings to other sites and year-classes. However, these data support the relevance of husbandry efforts to optimize fish health in regions affected by ISAV.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of unexplained mortalities attributed to infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) were examined in the 1996 year class of Atlantic salmon in three regions of New Brunswick, Canada. A total of 218 net pens at 14 sites deemed to have been exposed to ISA virus (ISAV) were surveyed for mortality records and management, environmental and host characteristics. Based on definitions of mortality patterns, clinical ISA disease outbreaks occurred in 106 net pens. There were eight sites in which >50% of net pens experienced ISA outbreaks during the study period. Factors related to their potential role in transmission of virus to new sites or new net pens at the same site were identified as sea lice vectors, divers visiting multiple sites, sites belonging to companies with more than one site, exposure to other year classes at the site, and proximity to other infected net pens. Host resistance factors associated with greater risk of outbreaks were identified as larger groupings, general health following smolt transfer, stressful husbandry procedures during growout, and health or productivity during colder water periods. Despite very close proximity between sites, modification of these management factors would probably influence the severity of mortalities caused by ISAV.  相似文献   

Abstract – We tested the effects of a pollution gradient on the survival and energetic responses of Atlantic salmon fry stocked in Onondaga Creek, a historic but highly polluted nursery stream. A relatively unperturbed reference stream provided similar physical and thermal gradients that co-varied longitudinally with the pollution gradient in Onondaga Creek, and macroinvertebrate communities provided indices of water quality degradation. Survival, cohort biomass, instantaneous growth rate and growth index of Atlantic salmon were inverse functions of water quality in the perturbed stream. Generally, survival and energetic parameters of Atlantic salmon responded differently to longitudinal gradients in the two streams, indicating that water quality, rather than habitat variation, exerted the strongest control over salmon. Effects were more pronounced during the early summer, possibly because tolerance to such perturbations increases with age or body size. Energetics-related parameters were more sensitive to water quality than were survival-related parameters, indicating that sub-lethal effects of pollution may be detected and quantified by examining energy balances of individuals.  相似文献   

Observations were made in an experimental stream tank (total area 14.7 m2) on juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L (parr), relating experimental observations to field observations, including the reported diurnal fasting behaviour of juvenile salmon at water temperatures <10 °C. Densities in the tank ranged from five to twenty parr, at water temperatures ranging from 4.6 °C to 15.8 °C. The wide channel of the stream tank, with mean water velocity of 18.8 cm·s?1, was the preferred section, where territorial behaviour was observed. Biomass was regulated in the wide channel by territorial mosaics or by dominance hierarchies. Dominance hierarchies were reflected in coloration of the fish. Dominant salmon were generally in the wide channel. Densities of salmon parr (of mean fork length 10.2 cm) in the channel ranged from 0.84 m?2 to 1.73 m?2, with an average biomass of 14.2 g·m?2. Growth was least at the 5.9 °C temperature treatment. In experiments at temperatures below 10 °C, feeding, dominance hierarchy and territorial behaviour were observed in daylight hours, contrary to the published literature. Interactions with other species may affect behaviour. Some observations were made on a closely related species, brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), a commonly cohabiting species in many systems. Trout displaced salmon from their preferred locations in the tank and were more aggressive than the salmon, reducing agonistic behaviour by the salmon. The commonest agonistic act shown by salmon was ‘charge’ and that by the trout was ‘approach’. Some field observations affecting behaviour and production are discussed.  相似文献   

Over 3 years, 32,444 age‐0 group Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr tagged with passive integrated transponder tags throughout the River Frome catchment were assigned to one of three groups, nonmigrants, autumn migrants and spring smolts, depending on the detection and the timing of detection at downstream tag readers (situated 8.6 km above the tidal limit). We examined the effect of density at the time of tagging (n·m?2), distance upstream from the tidal limit (km), fish length (mm), Fulton condition index, habitat type (divided into two types, main river and carrier), days after 1 September that each fish was tagged and year (replication) on the proportions of fish in each of the migration groups. Distance upstream from tidal limit was strongly negatively related to the proportion of autumn migrants and positively related to the proportion of spring smolts. Nonmigrants had a lower average body size than migrants, although there were no differences in the sizes of autumn migrants and spring smolts in September prior to migration. Fish density had no effect on migration strategy. A lower proportion of fish migrated as autumn migrants from the smaller carrier habitats than the main river channel. There is some evidence that those parr destined to become autumn migrants underwent a lower mortality rate during September before tagging than those destined to become spring migrants indicating possible physiological or behavioural differences between these two groups of fish at that time. More research into the factors responsible for initiating the autumn migration is required.  相似文献   

The density of juvenile brown trout (Sulmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was significantly higher along river bank areas protected against erosion than along natural river banks in the River Gaula, Central Norway. A habitat shift appeared in Atlantic salmon, and a behavioural shift was demonstrated by brown trout from August October. The effect of habitat on densities of juvenile salmonids should be taken into account as mitigation measures on eroded river banks and when assessing fish production in rivers.  相似文献   

Epidemiological investigations into the pancreas disease (PD) of farmed salmon were conducted on populations of Atlantic salmon reared in Ireland during 2003 and 2004. The investigations surveyed all marine salmon farms operating in Ireland through a detailed questionnaire with follow-up farm visits. Information was gathered on 21 populations of fish in 2003 and 14 populations in 2004. Thirteen of the 21 populations suffered PD in 2003 and 12 of the 14 in 2004. The mean mortality due to PD on affected farms was 18.8% in 2003 and 14.8% in 2004 and the loss of growth due to PD was estimated at 11.4% over the 2-year period. The highest risk periods for outbreaks of PD were early summer and early autumn and the farms most seriously affected by PD mortality were in the western counties of Ireland. Factors which showed an indication of association with a PD outbreak or high mortality during a PD outbreak were: livestock movement to another sea site, high feeding rate prior to any PD outbreak, the presence of another PD positive farm in the same water body, greater than 250000 fish on a site, a previous history of PD on a site, a high sea lice burden, and sites located in the western regions of Ireland which reared a specific strain of salmon.  相似文献   

For migratory fishes such as Atlantic salmon, temporal variation in the utilization of thermal and depth habitats in the marine environment is likely to occur at both broad and fine scales, reflecting both ecological and metabolic factors. To test this, we implanted 26 Atlantic salmon kelts (i.e., post‐spawners) descending Campbellton River, Newfoundland, with data storage tags that recorded date/time, internal and external temperatures, pressure, and light. The salmon that returned to Campbellton River after an average of 62 days at sea were consecutive spawning kelt. Detailed data were recovered from eight of these fish and revealed distinct patterns in their utilization of thermal and depth habitats. Water temperatures experienced over the period at sea showed a wide range for all fish (from <0 to nearly 20°C); however, there were two clear frequency modes; one at 6–7°C and the other at 11–12°C. The cooler mode was indicative of daytime profiles and the warmer mode of night‐time profiles. This corresponded with the depth profiles, which indicated that salmon dove more frequently below 5 m (mean ± SD = 23 ± 0.9 dives per day) and spent less time (approximately 18%) near the sea surface (<1 m) during the day than during the night (4 ± 0.4 dives per night; approximately 45% time <1 m). The diurnal pattern may be indicative of a reliance on vision for feeding at depth and the short duration of dives (<10 min) may be a strategy that allows salmon a metabolic advantage (e.g., swimming capacity) over their prey living constantly at depth in cool waters.  相似文献   

Fifteen experimental diets with five levels of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) (0, 39, 78, 117 and 156 g kg?1) and three levels of cysteine supplementations (0.0, 2.5 and 5.0 g kg?1) were fed ad libitum to Atlantic salmon (mean weight at start 846 g) in sea water for 71 days. Nutrient digestibilities and protein retention improved significantly with increasing dietary MCT level following simple linear regression models. Positive effects were also observed on proteolytic enzyme activities in chyme of the pyloric region with peak value around 117 g kg?1 MCT. However, strong inverse relationships were observed between MCT level and feed intake, growth, body lipid and energy retention, and these effects accelerated with increasing MCT level. Also chyme dry matter decreased with increasing MCT level which also seemed to stimulate pancreatic and bile secretion. MCT did not significantly affect condition factor, dress out percentage, relative liver size or pH in gastrointestinal contents. The only significant effects of dietary cysteine supplementation were increased enzyme activities in chyme of the pyloric region with peak values for the intermediate cysteine level. The results elucidate the importance of diet composition for digestive functions, production efficiency and composition quality.  相似文献   

Possible interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on flesh quality in Atlantic salmon post‐smolts were studied. Juvenile (initial mean weight 96.0 g ± 3.1 SEM) Atlantic salmon were reared at six different combinations of temperatures (4.3, 6.5 or 9.3°C) and photoperiods (continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod). At termination of the trial, the fish were slaughtered and flesh samples taken to investigate quality and textural properties in the different experimental groups. Final weight in the six experimental groups varied between 174 and 345 g. Softer texture was seen in the fast growing groups. Photoperiod has only minor effect on flesh quality and textural properties, whereas temperature had significant impact on most of the measured variables. Although positive for growth, higher temperatures might be less favourable in relation to softer muscle tissue.  相似文献   

A basic management objective is to identify the production capacity of Atlantic salmon in both freshwater and marine environments. Production in the biological sense is the total elaboration of fish biomass over time, and it is a function of fish abundance, growth and survival. In this article, we consider the factors that affect production at low and high stock levels. Using data from New Brunswick (Miramichi and Restigouche Rivers) and Newfoundland (Western Arm Brook), we consider freshwater and marine production of salmon at low and high stock levels. For all life stages, freshwater and marine production are related to initial biomass of the year-class: thus, it is important to maintain adequate egg deposition. Production at high stock levels is stock-dependent and mortality is extremely variable, particularly in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The downstream movements of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from their established feeding territories in the River Itchen, Hampshire, UK, were logged continuously over an 11-month period using a passive integrated transponder (PIT) antenna system. The time of these movements was then related to a number of monitored and calculated environmental parameters. Initial downstream movement of smolts in April was correlated with the onset of darkness, at which time salmon moved from their established feeding territories alone. No relationship was found between the number of smolts migrating and river flow or maximum daily water temperature. The timing of downstream movement of parr between October and March was random with regard to sunset and time of maximum daily water temperature, suggesting the environmental cue that initiates movement may be different outside the spring smolt period.  相似文献   

The effects of restoration of impassable road culverts on the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were evaluated in seven small tributaries of the subarctic River Teno system, northernmost Finland/Norway. Restoration enabled the passage of juvenile salmon through the culverts and increased the distribution area of salmon parr in the seven streams by tens or hundreds of metres, depending on the natural slope of the tributary with a total of ≈1 km new area for ascending juveniles. Areas upstream of the culverts were colonised after varying number of years, mostly 2–3, following restoration. Age‐1 and age‐2 parr were the first salmon age groups entering the new territory after removal of the migration barrier. Although the restoration measures were conducted at the downstream outlet area of the culverts only, the connectivity was improved and increased the production area accessible to juvenile salmon. Such removal of migration barriers and securing habitat connectivity by passable culverts should be taken into account in environmental management strategies of river systems safeguarding the essential habitats of salmonid fish.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was carried out on amoebic gill disease (AGD) involving monthly samples of 1+ Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts, histological assessment of the gills and analysis of environmental data. Gill pathology was seen before amoebae could be detected microscopically. These changes in gill integrity were associated with marine environmental conditions, particularly elevated ammonium, nitrite and chlorophyll levels. The results suggest that the environmental changes predispose salmon to colonization by amoebae and ciliates. High densities of histophagous scuticociliates were observed in the gills during periods of advanced gill pathology. A number of different amoebae were observed in close association with gill pathology. Neoparamoeba was not seen in high densities, nor was it associated with gill pathology, indicating that Neoparamoeba may not be the primary agent of the AGD in Irish salmonid culture.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon populations across the world have diverse ecological and evolutionary histories, from wild anadromous or landlocked, to domestication and genetic modification. The natural host behaviours confer protection from infestation by ectoparasitic salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis, yet whether genetic origin results in different behaviours and thus susceptibility to infestation is unknown. In common garden experiments, we tested antiparasite behaviours, susceptibility and retention of salmon lice in wild anadromous, wild landlocked, domesticated and genetically modified domesticated strains. Within domesticated strains, we tested two infestation histories (previously infested and naïve) and a new phenotype (albino colouring). Farmed stocks initially acquired 24%–44% higher levels of parasite density than the wild and landlocked strains. Burst swimming and displacement behaviours were higher in the domesticated groups, and jumping was more prevalent in the domesticated strains. At 34 days post‐infestation, domesticated strains and the wild anadromous strain did not differ significantly from each other; however, landlocked salmon had increased infestation levels considerably. Domesticated strains lost ~20% (±9.9%–16.5%; 95% CI) of their initial parasite load, while parasite load increased by 5.5% (±30.1%) for wild salmon and 20.1% (±28.5%) in landlocked salmon. This study provides early evidence for diverged host–parasite interactions associated with domestication in this system.  相似文献   

Understanding juvenile salmonid habitat requirements is critical for their effective management, but little is known about these requirements in lowland rivers, which include important but unique salmonid habitats. We compared the relative influence of in-stream Ranunculus cover, water depth, prey abundance, distance upstream and two previously unexplored factors (water velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential) on summer densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. We applied electrofishing, habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate kick sampling, and calculated the site colonisation potential from salmon redd surveys across 18–22 sites in a lowland river in 2015–2017. Due to a recruitment crash in 2016, models including and excluding this unusual year were explored. Excluding 2016 data, juvenile salmon densities showed a positive association with Ranunculus cover and numbers of nearby upstream redds, and a negative association with distance upstream from the tidal limit. Trout densities were positively associated with velocity heterogeneity, indicating a potential indirect influence of Ranunculus mediated by water velocity. When including 2016, year had the largest effect on densities of both species, highlighting the impact of the recruitment failure. These findings uncover interspecific differences in the habitat requirements of juvenile salmonids in lowland rivers. Velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential had high explanatory power, highlighting that they should be considered in future studies of habitat use. These findings demonstrate that temporal replication and recruitment dynamics are important considerations when exploring species–habitat associations. We discuss potential management implications and argue that Ranunculus cover could be an important management tool in conservation of lowland salmonids.  相似文献   

Size‐dependent growth (SDG) is an important process in structuring populations as well as determining life history outcomes. Despite its importance, there have been few investigations from observational studies focusing on the interaction between life history decisions and SDG. In this study, we used data on individually tagged Atlantic salmon from both the laboratory and the field to investigate differences in SDG among two life history groups, parr and smolts. In the laboratory, we found little evidence of SDG in parr but seasonally dependent SDG in the smolt group. Smolts showed at strong compensatory response over the winter months just prior to the smolt transformation window. In the field, we found little evidence of SDG early in ontogeny (i.e., age 0+ fall and winter). There was some evidence of depensatory growth (positive SDG) during the age 1+ spring among both life history groups that may reflect random habitat variation or the monopolisation of resources. After the age 1+ spring, we found that smolts were more likely to show a compensatory effect (negative SDG) than parr. This effect was strongest, as they approached the smolt window in the spring of their age 2+ year. These results suggest (i) SDG is common in Atlantic salmon; however, the form and extent of life history depends on (ii) season and (iii) life history. For individuals that adopt a smolt life history, trade‐offs between freshwater survival and sea survival may lead to a convergent growth pattern, as they approach the smolt migration window.  相似文献   

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