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Prevention of renal carriage of leptospirosis in dogs by vaccination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dogs vaccinated with a Leptospira interrogans vaccine containing serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae and prepared from cultures grown in a protein-free medium resisted challenge with heterologous representatives of these serogroups. In contrast, control dogs were pyrexic and leptospires were isolated from the blood for nine days following Canicola challenge and six days after Icterohaemorrhagiae challenge. Leptospires were isolated from the urine of controls throughout the post challenge period and from kidneys at post mortem examination of six out of six and four out of six Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae challenged controls, respectively. There have been no reports of hypersensitivity reactions to this vaccine since its introduction in 1980.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a monovalent Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo (type hardjobovis) vaccine commercially available in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the United Kingdom would protect cattle from renal colonization and urinary shedding when exposed to a US strain of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo. ANIMALS: 24 Hereford heifers that lacked detectable antibodies against serovar hardjo. PROCEDURE: Heifers received 2 doses, 4 weeks apart, of the commercial hardjo vaccine (n = 8) or a monovalent US reference hardjo vaccine (8) or were not vaccinated (controls; 8). Heifers were challenged 16 weeks later by intraperitoneal inoculation or conjunctival instillation. Serum antibody titers were measured weekly, and urine samples were examined for leptospires. Heifers were euthanatized 11 to 14 weeks after challenge, and kidney tissue was examined for evidence of colonization. RESULTS: All 8 heifers vaccinated with the reference vaccine were found to be shedding leptospires in their urine and had evidence of renal colonization. All 4 control heifers challenged by conjunctival instillation and 2 of 4 control heifers challenged by intraperitoneal inoculation shed leptospires in their urine, and all 8 had evidence of renal colonization. In contrast, leptospires were not detected in the urine or tissues of any of the 8 heifers that received the commercial hardjo vaccine. Heifers that received the commercial hardjo vaccine had significantly higher antibody titers than did heifers that received the reference vaccine. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cattle that received 2 doses of the commercial hardjo vaccine were protected against renal colonization and urinary shedding when challenged with L borgpetersenii serovar hardjo strain 203 four months after vaccination.  相似文献   

A whole-herd vaccination programme to control Leptospira hardjo infection was applied to a closed herd of approximately 800 beef cattle on the island of Luing in Scotland. An experimental vaccine was produced and the herd was vaccinated annually for five years. Progress was monitored by means of a catalytic model using data for age-specific serological prevalences and geometric mean titres. Any cattle introduced to the herd were subject to antibiotic treatment and quarantine, and at the end of the trial the whole herd was treated prophylactically with antibiotics to minimise the risk of residual infection. There was a progressive right shift in age-specific serological prevalences, and by the end of the trial all young stock entering the breeding herd were seronegative. The age-specific geometric mean titres demonstrated the cessation of an endemic cycle of hardjo infection in the herd. Birth cohort analysis supported the serological evidence of a high level of control, and bacteriological monitoring at the end of the trial indicated that hardjo had been eliminated from the herd.  相似文献   

Two dogs with clinical histories suggestive of leptospirosis were examined serologically and culturally for evidence of leptospiral infection. Antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava were detected in serum from one dog, and the organism was isolated from urine of that dog. In a serologic survey of dogs in the state of Illinois, reactor rates to bratislava were higher than those to canicola or icterohaemorrhagiae. In cases of suspect canine leptospirosis, serovars such as bratislava, not contained in canine vaccines, should be considered in a differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

A commercial hardjo-pomona vaccine which has previously been shown to be effective against hardjo infection was tested against pomona. Following challenge all 11 six-month-old non-vaccinated calves seroconverted and pomona was isolated from blood or urine on at least one occasion from nine of them. Pomona was isolated once only, on the third day after challenge, from the blood of one of 11 vaccinated calves.  相似文献   

A commercial hardjo-pomona vaccine which has previously been shown to be effective against hardjo infection was tested against pomona. Following challenge all 11 six-month-old non-vaccinated calves seroconverted and pomona was isolated from blood or urine on at least one occasion from nine of them. Pomona was isolated once only, on the third day after challenge, from the blood of one of 11 vaccinated calves.  相似文献   



Bacterin‐based canine Leptospira vaccines could present a challenge for the use of whole blood real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a diagnostic tool. Recent vaccination could induce positive results if the targeted DNA fragment is present within the vaccine and in the blood of the recently vaccinated dog.


The objective of this study was to assess whether 2 available 4‐serovar vaccines induce a positive real‐time PCR reaction in the blood of healthy recently vaccinated dogs.


Twenty healthy dogs.


This was a prospective study. Dogs were assigned to 1 of 2 vaccine groups. Both vaccines were culture‐based and include Leptospira interrogans serovars Pomona, Canicola, and Icterohaemorrhagiae and Leptospira kirschneri serovar Grippotyphosa. Whole blood for real‐time PCR and serum for the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) were collected prior to and 3 and 7 days after vaccination and weekly thereafter for 8 weeks. Two real‐time PCR tests targeting 2 different genes were performed independently in a blinded fashion.


Both Leptospira vaccines produced positive real‐time PCR reactions when assayed undiluted or diluted 1 : 100 in canine blood. However, blood samples drawn from all dogs at all time points after vaccination were negative on PCR. All dogs developed MAT titers.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Recent vaccination with 2 commercially available vaccines does not interfere with the use of real‐time PCR for the identification of acute Leptospira infection in dogs.  相似文献   

A double blind field trial was carried out with a live attenuated bovine respiratory syncytial virus vaccine. The trial involved 530 calves, two to 10 months old, on 27 dairy farms, where respiratory problems due to bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections had been observed during the preceding year. In 17 herds either all calves were vaccinated (nine groups) or all calves received a placebo (eight groups). In 10 herds half the number of calves were vaccinated and the other half kept as non-vaccinated controls. Calves were vaccinated intramuscularly twice with an interval of four to five weeks. These groups were under regular clinical observation and animals were tested periodically for antibodies to bovine respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza type 3 virus. Serological examination indicated that no bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection had occurred prior to the first vaccination in August. Vaccination did not cause adverse reactions. Low concentrations of neutralising and complement fixing antibodies were induced by vaccination and a sharp increase of antibody titres was observed after natural infection of vaccinated animals. Infections with bovine respiratory syncytial virus occurred in six out of eight non-vaccinated groups, in nine out of 10 partly vaccinated groups and in only two out of nine completely vaccinated groups. Virus infection in completely vaccinated groups was significantly reduced compared with partly vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups. The incidence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory disease was significantly reduced in completely vaccinated groups compared to non-vaccinated groups. Generally only mild signs of upper respiratory disease were present in completely vaccinated groups after bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and characteristics of Clostridium difficile shedding in owned dogs in Nigeria and Malawi. Clostridium difficile was isolated from 31/120 (26%) dogs in Nigeria and 11/92 (12%) dogs in Malawi (p = 0.012). Overall, 22/42 (52%) isolates were toxigenic; 17/31 (55%) from Nigeria and 5/11 (45%) from Malawi. All toxigenic isolates possessing tcdA and tcdB, and only one also possessed cdtA/B. Sixteen different ribotypes were found, ten (63%) of which were non‐toxigenic. Most isolates corresponded to ribotypes that have been previously identified in humans or livestock. The role of dogs in transmission of C. difficile and the clinical implications of C. difficile shedding in dogs remain unclear. These data indicate that dogs could act as a source of C. difficile for exposure of other species, including humans; however, the true risk is unknown. Further study of the ecology of C. difficile and the role of dogs in disease of humans and other domestic animals is indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine comparative efficacy of vaccines administered IM and intranasally, used alone or sequentially, to protect puppies from infection with Bordetella bronchiseptica and determine whether systemic or mucosal antibody response correlated with protection. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: 50 specific-pathogen-free Beagle puppies. PROCEDURE: In 2 replicates of 25 dogs each, 14-week-old puppies that were vaccinated against canine distemper virus and parvovirus were vaccinated against B bronchiseptica via intranasal, IM, intranasal-IM, or IM-intranasal administration or were unvaccinated controls. Puppies were challenge exposed via aerosol administration of B bronchiseptica 2 weeks after final vaccination. Clinical variables and systemic and mucosal antibody responses were monitored for 10 days after challenge exposure. Puppies in replicate 1 were necropsied for histologic and immunohistochemical studies. RESULTS: Control puppies that were seronegative before challenge exposure developed paroxysmal coughing, signs of depression, anorexia, and fever. Vaccinated puppies (either vaccine) that were seronegative before challenge exposure had fewer clinical signs. Puppies that received both vaccines had the least severe clinical signs and fewest lesions in the respiratory tract. Vaccinated dogs had significantly higher concentrations of B bronchiseptica-reactive antibodies in serum saliva before and after challenge. Antibody concentrations were negatively correlated with bacterial growth in nasal cavity and pharyngeal samples after challenge exposure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Parenterally and intranasally administered vaccines containing B bronchiseptica may provide substantial protection from clinical signs of respiratory tract disease associated with infection by this bacterium. Administration of both types of vaccines in sequence afforded the greatest degree of protection against disease.  相似文献   

Summary. The maternal antibody (MAb) titre to canine parvovirus (CPV) was determined on consecutive serums from 39 puppies in 7 litters. Vaccination with inactivated CPV was performed at a variety of ages and the response of the puppies determined. Transfer of MAb was demonstrated in 71% (5/7) of the litters and persisted for up to 10 weeks in some litters. MAb titres of >20 precluded a vaccination response by puppies. Sixty- one per cent (8/13) of puppies responded to vaccination when the MAb titre was <20. However, no anamestic response occurred and in some cases a decrease in antibody titre was observed following a second vaccination. During an outbreak of canine parvovirus enteritis (CPE) in the kennel, 33 puppies developed clinical signs of enteritis. Of these puppies 85% (28) had MAb titres of <80 at the onset of clinical signs. Fifty per cent (4/8) of the puppies which responded to vaccination developed CPE, whereas 100% (5/5) of those that did not respond to vaccination developed CPE.
The results indicate that MAb may persist for up to 10 weeks and puppies with MAb in the titre range >20 to <80 do not respond to vaccination but are still susceptible to infection. It is also apparent that a significant minority of puppies with MAb <20 do not respond to vaccination.
An examination of the breeding records of the kennel for the 7 year period 1973–1981 demonstrated a sudden decrease in reproductive efficiency during and subsequent to 1978. This coincided with the recognition of cases of CPV infection in the kennel. It is suggested that further investigation is required into the possible role of CPV in reproductive failure.
The authors would like to thank H. Findlay, P. Hinchliffe, G. Griffiths and S. MacPhail for technical assistance and Dr G. Wilcox and R. Flower for helpful discussion and advice.  相似文献   

一发病情况 菱塘回族乡佟桥村养鹅基地养鹅户李某从送桥乡孵化场购进3 000只雏鹅,刚开始圈在屋内炕上饲养,生长良好,6天后,移至鹅棚内饲养.12天后,鹅群相继开始发病,以呼吸道症状为主,起初按感冒和呼吸道疾病治疗无效,1周内死亡65只.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current scientific information about the duration of immunity induced in dogs by infection or vaccination. It describes the shortcomings of the methods used to measure the immune responses of dogs, and explains the need for basic studies on the nature of protective humoral and cellular responses, and standardised assays for the long-term duration of immunity to pathogens other than rabies. The information is inadequate to warrant uniform recommendations on the ideal intervals for vaccination; each vaccine must be evaluated on the basis of its own merits and the characteristics of the disease it is intended to guard against.  相似文献   

Objectives of this study were to determine occurrence of urinary tract infection and describe results of urine analysis and urine culture in dogs with experimentally induced hyperadrenocorticism. Dogs were randomly assigned to receive either hydrocortisone (nine dogs) or placebo (eight dogs) for 49 consecutive days. Before and on day 49 of treatment, evaluation of dogs included physical examination, abdominal ultrasound, urine culture, urinalysis, adrenal function testing, and measurement of urine protein and creatinine and activity of serum alkaline phosphatase. All dogs in the experimental group had clinical and laboratory findings of hyperadrenocorticism. Urine specific gravity was significantly decreased and urine protein-to-creatinine ratio was significantly increased in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. Urinary tract infection did not occur in any dogs. We conclude that administration of hydrocortisone created a model of hyperadrenocorticism; however, urinary tract infection did not occur. Additional evaluation is needed to determine association between urinary tract infection and hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

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