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In this work, diagnosis of boron (B) nutritional status based on leaf B concentrations was compared for the most common leaf-sampling times for olive trees, January and July. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted over 4 years (2003–2006) in two rainfed olive groves located in Mirandela and Bragança, northeastern Portugal. Leaf samples were collected in January and July and analyzed for B by standard procedures. Fruit harvest occurred in December of each year. The crops followed typical alternate fruiting cycles. During the 4 years of the study, mean olive yields in the Bragança orchard fluctuated, yielding 3.6, 28.1, 5.5, and 22.7 kg tree?1. Yield variation per individual tree was also great. In the Bragança orchard and in the 2004 harvest, yields ranged from 1.2 to 52.7 kg tree?1. Leaf B concentrations also varied greatly between individual trees. In the Bragança orchard in the July sampling of 2004, values for individual trees varied from 12.2 and 23.7 mg B kg?1. From a total of 16 scatterplots generated from the relationship between leaf B concentrations and olive yields, 10 significant linear relationships were established; six of them were related to July sampling dates and four were related to January dates. The number of significant linear relationships established between leaf B concentration and olive yield was used as a criterion of the accuracy of the B nutritional diagnosis, because this represented the lowest experimental variability. By using this criterion, the July sampling date proved as better for B nutritional diagnosis, although the difference from January sampling date was not sufficient to disregard this. Leaf B concentrations were consistently greater in July than in January. Averaged across the 4 years of the study in both orchards, the difference was 4.3 mg B kg?1. This difference should be taken into account in the interpretation of leaf analysis results when B levels are close to the deficient critical concentration.  相似文献   

研究于夏季在北京大兴选取6个绿化树种(油松、白皮松、柳树、五角枫、银杏、杨树)为对象,应用气溶胶再发生器对林木叶片PM_(2.5)吸附量进行定量分析,并应用原子力显微镜(AFM)观察叶表面微形态特征,测定叶表面粗糙度等参数,阐释植物叶片吸附PM_(2.5)机制。结果表明:单位叶面积PM_(2.5)吸附量排序为:油松[(0.057±0.004)μg/cm~2]白皮松[(0.052±0.001)μg/cm~2]柳树[(0.041±0.003)μg/cm~2]五角枫[(0.036±0.007)μg/cm~2]杨树[(0.021±0.002)μg/cm~2]银杏[(0.018±0.003)μg/cm~2];从月份变化来看,单位叶面积PM_(2.5)吸附量表现为9月[(0.040±0.017)μg/cm~2]7月[(0.039±0.015)μg/cm~2]8月[(0.034±0.016)μg/cm~2];针叶树种单位叶面积PM_(2.5)吸附量高于阔叶树种。植物叶表面存在褶皱、沟槽,粗糙度相对较高的树种,吸附PM_(2.5)能力较强;叶表面相对光滑,突起部位轮廓较平缓,粗糙度小的树种,其吸附PM_(2.5)能力也相对较弱;6个树种粗糙度大小与其吸附PM_(2.5)能力大小顺序完全一致,呈显著正相关(R2=0.957)。因此,为提高城市植被的环境效应,可选择叶表面形态有利于吸滞PM_(2.5)等颗粒物的油松、白皮松等针叶树种。  相似文献   

通过室内土培试验,研究了不同浓度的Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、As等5种重金属复合污染对水稻苗的联合生理毒性效应,并对其临界值进行了探讨。结果表明:5种重金属污染对水稻苗的联合生理毒性效应随其污染浓度的增加而显著增强,剂量—效应关系明显。除处理(1)外,其余各处理对水稻苗体的诸项生长指标的抑制均达到了极显著的程度(P<0.01),且对根长的抑制明显大于苗长。随着复合重金属污染浓度的增大,水稻苗叶片中叶绿素含量急剧减少;丙二醛(MDA)含量迅速增加;POD和SOD酶活性呈先升后降的变化趋势。铅锌尾矿和矿毒水污染对水稻苗生长和各项生理生化指标的影响也均达到了极显著程度,但在二者污染下,POD和SOD酶活性均高于对照,铅锌尾矿的毒性效应大于矿毒水。以酶活性为参考指标,可以将土壤环境质量二级标准上限值设定为土壤中Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、As等5种重金属对该水稻品种的临界毒性效应值。  相似文献   

The adsorption of heavy metals [cadmium (Cd 2+), cobalt (Co2+), nickel (Ni2+), zinc (Zn2+), and lead (Pb)] and calcium (Ca2+) on humic acid and silica were investigated to understand the adsorptive selectivities of heavy metals on the constituents of soil. The experiments for the adsorption of Cd and Pb were carried out in a 0.1 mol L?1 (M) sodium nitrate (NaNO3) background solution, whereas those for the other metals were done in a 0.1 M sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. The adsorptive affinities of the metal ions on the humic acid and silica were ranked by the intrinsic surface complexation constants [K m 1(int)] that were calculated approximately from the adsorptive data using a constant capacitance model. The log [K m 1(int)] values of the metals were in the order Zn2+(?2.29) > Cd2+(?2.41) > Co2+(?2.74) > Ni2+(?2.92) ?> Ca2+ (?3.33) for the humic acid and Zn2+(?4.23) > Cd2+(?4.49) > Ni2+(?4.51) ? Co2+ (?5.99) > Ca2+(?6.37) for silica.  相似文献   

基于裂隙网络模拟的岩质边坡潜在滑面搜索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在一些岩质边坡稳定性评价当中,往往由于勘探资料的缺乏,无法对构成未来边坡失稳破坏的主要结构面进行了解,也无法确定未来滑面的位置。针对岩质边坡潜在滑面的位置及具体形态等问题,利用裂隙网络模拟的方法对各结构面进行统计,确定了边坡破坏的结构面组合模式以及潜在滑面位置。  相似文献   

为获得发酵性能优良的菌株,生产优质的发酵叶用芥菜,本研究从自然发酵的芥菜中分离发酵用菌株,通过测定乳酸菌的生长、产酸和亚硝酸盐降解能力以及酵母菌的产气、产酯能力和蛋白酶活性等发酵特性进行筛选,并对筛选获得的优良发酵菌加以应用。结果表明,筛选获得的2株乳酸菌L8短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis)、L9植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)和1株酵母菌Y9酿酒酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)在腌制叶用芥菜中的发酵性能优良。与自然发酵的叶用芥菜相比,接菌发酵叶用芥菜的pH值和亚硝酸盐含量分别减少了2.22%和88.13%;总酸含量、氨基酸态氮含量分别增加了9.02%和28.09%。接菌发酵提高了腌制芥菜的营养品质和安全性。本研究丰富了叶用芥菜的发酵菌种,为蔬菜发酵加工产业奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

通过有关文献资料调研,综述纳米黑碳在钝化修复污染土壤中的应用,分析其应用于钝化修复重金属污染土壤时尚待弄清的几个问题。结果表明:(1)由于纳米黑碳是疏水的非极性吸附剂,选择纳米黑碳作为土壤重金属钝化修复剂时,需对其进行氧化改性,以进一步提高其钝化能力。目前常用的氧化剂为氧化性无机酸、酸性高锰酸钾、双氧水、臭氧等,强烈的氧化过程,会破坏纳米黑碳微孔结构,一定程度上降低其吸附量。(2)为了明确其应用的可能性和适用范围,需揭示改性纳米黑碳对土壤中重金属的钝化机理及其影响因素。土壤CEC、pH、重金属离子的性质等可能是影响改性纳米黑碳对土壤中重金属吸附性能的主要因素。(3)充分利用改性纳米黑碳在土壤修复中的有益作用的同时,还需考虑其可能存在的生态环境负面效应,研究其在土壤中的径流迁移、渗漏等,明确其污染地表水和地下水的可能性,研究其生物效应和将吸附钝化后的纳米黑碳从土壤中移除的可能性,明确其潜在的生态环境风险。  相似文献   

应用漫反射反射光谱对叶面药液质量浓度进行了检测研究。选择350~1900nm波段,以标准偏差归一化、三点滑动平均滤波、一阶导数组合预处理,应用逐步回归分析、主成分、主成分+人工神经网络、偏最小二乘、偏最小二乘+人工神经网络回归分析建立了5种数学模型。试验结果表明这5种算法的预测均方根误差分别为0.067、0.061、0.059、0.039、0.056,偏最小二乘法建模效果优于其他模型。考虑到不同作物种类对叶面药液浓度影响,选用八角金盘、油菜、青菜3种作物叶片为对象,在偏最小二乘下建模,其预测集相关系数分别为0.994、0.974、0.929,预测均分根误差分别为0.039、0.050、0.075。表明不同种类作物对叶面药液浓度检测影响较小,漫反射光谱技术检测叶面药液浓度是可行的。  相似文献   

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