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The present study was conducted to work out the conjoint application of indigenous PGPR (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) and chemical fertilizers levels on the productivity of maize (Zea mays L.). Three best PGPR isolates (B1N1, MAT1 and DHK) having maximum PGP (plant growth promoting) traits were screened at different recommended doses (80%, 60% and 40%) of NP (Nitrogen and Phosphorous) under net house conditions, and finally two isolates (B1N1 and MAT1) along with optimum dose i.e. 80% of NP were selected for field experimentation, which was performed for two years consecutively i.e. 2013–2015 under random block design (RBD). Conjoint application of 80% recommended doses of NP with PGPR (B1N1) significantly increased maize yield (11.7%), plant height (12.9%) and biomass (17.9%), over control (100% recommend dose of fertilizer (RDF) of chemical fertilizer). Therefore, the results revealed the potential of indigenous PGPR isolates to supplement about 20% NP fertilizers without hampering the productivity of maize.  相似文献   

A study was conducted under greenhouse conditions on wheat to investigate the utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen (N) in comparison with conventionally applied inorganic N sources (INS). Nitrogen was applied at a rate of 90 kg N ha?1 in an inorganic form, an organic high molecular weight (MW) form (casein, haemoglobin, albumin), and an organic low MW amino acid form (glycine, alanine, valine). Inorganic N sources recorded the maximum response (126% to 150%) in total dry matter (DM) production while dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) sources showed 61% to 116% increase in comparison to the control treatment. Glycine gave the maximum DM production, which was comparable with both INS treatments. In hydroponics, greater utilization occurred and the shoots had a higher N content in comparison to those grown in soil. The concentration of DON and NO3? in soil after wheat harvest was similar in all the treatments.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation of Rhizobium or Pseudomonas, or both, in the presence and absence of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) fertilizer on wheat yield was tested. The experiment was conducted outdoors in potted soil during two consecutive years under natural conditions. Rhizobial strain (Thal 8-chickpea nodulating bacteria) and Pseudomonas strain (54RB), both indigenous P solubilizers were applied in broth culture at seedling stage. Fertilizer in the form of P2O5 was an additional treatment applied at sowing time. Results revealed that inoculation of Pseudomonas strain in presence of phosphorus (P) fertilizer increased yield up to 41.8% when it was compared with only P fertilizer applied. Co-inoculation of Rhizobium and Pseudomonas strains with the P2O5 treatment however resulted in increased grains yield by 10% over the P2O5 treatment alone. It is inferred that inoculation with Rhizobium and Pseudomonas combined with P2O5 is not only environmentally beneficial but also economically sound and productive, with wheat yield increases of 10% to 42%.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on root establishment and biomass production of corn (Zea mays L.) using three fertility sources (poultry litter (PL), biosolids, and urea). Applying PL significantly improved root morphological parameters and increased plant biomass at the V4, V6, and VT growth stages when compared to the other fertility sources. At the V4 stage, PGPR stimulated root growth and enhanced aboveground biomass with urea and PL, while no differences were observed with biosolids. At the V6 stage, PL, biosolids, and urea with PGPR significantly increased some growth parameters (e.g., plant height, leaf area, and root morphology). However, at the VT stage, PGPR’s influence on plant growth was minimal regardless of fertility source. Applying the fertility sources at 135 kg N ha?1 may have masked PGPR’s influence on corn growth as the plants reached their later vegetative growth stages.  相似文献   

Efficient use of nitrogen (N) by wheat crop and hence prevention of possible contamination of ground and surface waters by nitrates has aroused environmental concerns. The present study was conducted in drainage lysimeters for three years (1998–2000) to identify whether spring wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) that differ in N-related traits differ in N leaching and to relate parameters of N use efficiency (NUE) with parameters of N leaching. For this reason two spring wheat cultivars (‘Albis’ and ‘Toronit’) and an experimental line (‘L94491’) were grown under low (20 kg N ha?1) and ample N supply (270 kg N ha?1). The genotypes varied in parameters of NUE but not in N leaching. Grain yield of the high-protein line (‘L94491’) was, on average, 11% lower than that of ‘Toronit’ but among genotypes had significantly higher N in the grain (%), grain N yield, and N harvest index. Nitrogen lost through leaching was considerably low (0.42–0.52 g m?2) mainly due to low volume of percolating water or the ability of the genotypes to efficiently exploit soil mineral N. There were no clear relationships between N-related genotype traits and N leaching, but across all treatments significantly negative correlations between volume of leachate and the amount of N in the total biomass and grain N yield existed.  相似文献   

Continuous use of organic and inorganic fertilizers influences soil physical and chemical properties. Stored samples from the last 24 years of the Magruder Plots were analyzed to document changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and soil pH. Since 1947, the same six treatments have been evaluated. Treatments included the use of cattle manure, inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and lime (L). Each year, a composite surface soil sample (0–15 cm) was taken in each plot, air-dried at ambient temperature, ground to pass a 2 mm sieve, and stored at room temperature, 25°C. Averaged over 24 years’ the manure plots resulted in the highest SOC and TN. Manure application maintained SOC at 0.92 and adequate soil pH (>6.0). The use of commercial fertilizers lowered soil pH over time but had higher yields compared to the manure plot.  相似文献   

为明确小麦根系时空分布及其与土壤有效养分含量之间的相互关系,于2020—2021年进行大田试验,采用裂区设计,主处理为品种,分别选用大穗品种周麦30和多穗品种周麦32,副处理为种植密度,设置1.2×106、2.4×106、3.6×106苗·hm-2 3个密度。使用长方体铁盒(20 cm×5 cm×20 cm)在麦行上、行距1/4处、行距1/2处分别取0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层的样品。分析冬前期、返青期、拔节期、开花期、灌浆期、成熟期不同位点小麦根系形态数量性状(根长密度、平均根直径、根体积、根总表面积)及土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量。结果表明,随着生育时期的推进,根总表面积、根长密度、根体积表现为先升高后降低的单峰曲线变化趋势;0~20 cm土层平均根直径呈“W”形曲线变化趋势,20~40 cm土层平均根直径呈“V”形曲线变化趋势。小麦根系垂直分布状况表现为:0~20 cm土层中根总表面积、根长密度、根体积均显著高于20~40 cm土层;20~40 cm土层平均根直径高于0~20 cm土...  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) enhance the plant growth directly by assisting in nutrient acquisition and modulating plant hormone levels, or indirectly by decreasing the inhibitory effects of various pathogens. The aim of this study was to select effective PGPR from a series of indigenous bacterial isolates by plant growth promotion and antifungal activity assays. This study confirmed that most of the isolates from maize rhizosphere were positive for PGPR properties by in vitro tests. Azotobacter and Bacillus isolates were better phosphate solubilizers and producers of lytic enzymes, hydrocyanic acid (HCN), and siderophores than Pseudomonas. Production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and antifungal activity were the highest in Azotobacter, followed by Bacillus and Pseudomonas. The most effective Azotobacter isolates (Azt3, Azt6, Azt12) and Bacillus isolates (Bac10, Bac16) could be used as PGPR agents for improving maize productivity. Further selection of isolates will be necessary to determine their efficiency in different soils.  相似文献   

温宏伟  杨斌  王东胜 《核农学报》2021,35(9):2194-2203
干旱胁迫是影响小麦生长发育与产量形成最主要的非生物胁迫因子,近年来化肥的过量使用及全球气候变化产生的不利影响,导致小麦在生长过程中受到的干旱胁迫危害日趋严重。植物根际促生菌(PGPR)不仅可以协助小麦提高养分利用率,促进其生长发育,还能够通过自身作用或产生多种代谢产物协助小麦抵御干旱胁迫。本文归纳总结了PGPR促进小麦生长及提高其抗旱性的研究进展,为利用PGPR提高小麦促生抗旱的研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

A field trial consisting of four granule formulation doses and five liquid formulation sprays of a seaweed extract from Ascophyllum nodosum commercially known as Biovita, along with the recommended dose of nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K), was conducted during 2008 and 2009 in BHU, Varanasi, India, to evaluate its effect on wheat (var. HUW 468) under a no-tillage system. Among the granule doses, the 10 kg ha?1 basal application and the two liquid sprays of 500 cm3 ha?1 each at 25 and 50 days after sowing significantly improved the performance of wheat. On an average under these two treatments, the greatest grain and straw yields were observed were 3454.5, 3446.5 and 5187.5, 5220.0 kg ha?1, respectively. The greatest protein content was found when further high doses of extract were applied. A faster decomposition of the paddy residue was also observed as indicated by an earlier decline in carbon (C)/N ratio of the soil in the treated plots.  相似文献   


Animal manure is used in crop production to improve crop yield and soil properties. The impact of cattle manure applied in one year on yield and soil properties in the subsequent years has not been extensively studied. This work evaluated the effect of manure application on winter wheat grain yield (Triticum aestivum L.), soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil pH. Cattle manure was applied once every four years at a rate of 267 kg N ha?1. Grain yield and soil samples (0–15 cm) were collected annually from the Magruder Plots, Oklahoma. Soil samples were analyzed using a glass electrode (pH) and LECO dry combustion analyzer (SOC). The highest yield (2.8 Mg ha?1) occurred in the second year after manure application. Yield in the second year exceeded yield in the first year by 66%. Yields in the third and fourth year were similar to yields in the other years. No changes in soil pH and SOC were observed in each of the four years that constituted the manure application cycle. Cattle manure (267 kg N ha?1) could be applied once to serve a four-year period without major yield differences while also improving soil pH and SOC when compared to the check.  相似文献   


The effects of Alcaligenes 637Ca, Agrobacterium A18, Staphylococcus MFDCa1, MFDCa2, Bacillus M3 and Pantoea FF1 were tested on peach cv. ‘Elegant Lady’ on GF677 and Nemaguard rootstocks. Average increases in citric, malic, oxalic, butyric and fumaric acid in the leaf were obtained from rhizobacterial root inoculations of 33.1, 17.5, 21.7, 26.5, and 44.7% in Elegant Lady/Nemaguard, respectively. FF1 showed the highest FC-R activity in the roots of Nemaguard (112.4?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2) and GF677 (162?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2). The highest FC-R activity in the leaf was with MFDCa2 in Elegant Lady/Nemaguard (57.1?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2) and 637Ca in Elegant Lady/GF677 (87.9?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2). PGPR strains used in this study expressed increased leaf organic acid content, FC-R activity in the roots and leaf, increased active Fe content in the leaf, and possessed a great potential for the improvement of iron availability to plants.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration via sound agronomic practices can assist in combating global warming. Three long-term experiments (Experiment 502, Experiment 222, and The Magruder Plots) were used to evaluate the effect of fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and pH in continuous winter wheat. Soil samples (0–15 cm) were obtained after harvest in 2014, analyzed, and compared to soil test results from these experiments in 1993. Soil pH decreased with increasing N fertilization, and more so at high rates. Nitrogen application significantly increased TN in Experiment 502 from 1993 to 2014, and TN tended to be high at high N rates. Fertilizer N significantly increased SOC, especially when N rates exceeded 90 kg ha?1. The highest SOC (13.1 g kg?1) occurred when 134 kg N ha?1 was applied annually. Long-term N application at high rates increased TN and SOC in the surface soil.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), Azolla compost and Azolla biochar on some soil quality indicators and rosemary growth, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications. Treatments consisted of T1 (control), T2 (1% Azolla compost), T3 (1% Azolla biochar), T4 (PGPR (P. fluorescens), T5 (1% compost + PGPR) and T6 (1% biochar + PGPR). Rosemary growth parameters and nutrients concentration increased in all treatments compared to control. Treatments increased soil nutrient concentrations, soil microbial respiration (SMR) and microbial biomass C (MBC) but decreased soil metabolic quotient (qCO2) compared to control treatment. A significant enhancement in rosemary growth occurred due to the improved soil quality as a result of organic fertilizers application, particularly by co-application of P. fluorescens and compost or biochar of Azolla.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The impact of two strains of Pseudomonas bacteria and natural zeolite on the growth and elemental composition of barley plants was studied in an agrogray soil (Luvisol)...  相似文献   

Plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) play an important role in plant health and soil fertility. The experiment was conducted as factorial experiment with two factors of Azospirillum and Azotobacter. The bacterial strains were Azospirillum lipoferum s-21, A. brasilense DSM 1690, A. lipoferum DSM 1691, Azotobacter chroococcum s-5, and A. chroococcum DSM 2286. The results indicated that growth promotion by PGPR appears from early stages of growth, 45 days after inoculation (DAI). Beneficial effects of bacterial inoculation on ear growth were observed after 75 DAI. Inoculation with PGPR increased dry weights of leaf, stem, and grain and hence total biomass sampled at 90, 105, and 120 (harvest time) DAI. The greatest grain weight was produced by Azospirillum s-21 inoculation. Dual inoculation with Azotobacter s-5 + Azospirillum s-21 significantly increased total dry weight up to 115%. Results of this study showed that leaf area index and crop growth index were significantly affected by bacterial treatments.  相似文献   


Wheat genotypes with pre- and post-anthesis drought tolerance offer enhanced yield gains under water-limited environments. This study determined pre- and post-anthesis drought responses of selected bread wheat genotypes in order to identify and select candidate genotypes for breeding. Fifteen genetically differentiated wheat genotypes were evaluated under non-stressed (NS), pre-anthesis drought stress (PrADS) and post-anthesis drought stress (PoADS) in glasshouse (GH) and field (FLD) environments. Data were collected on agronomic and physiological traits including number of days to heading (DTH), days to maturity (DTM), plant height (PH), number of spikelet per spike (NSPS), number of kernels per spike (NKPS), thousand kernel weight (TKW), grain yield (GY) and canopy temperature (CT). Analysis of variance revealed significant effects of genotypes, environments and their interactions for studied traits. Weak and positive correlations were recorded between GY with PH (r?=?0.47 and 0.32), NSPS (r?=?0.37 and 0.52) and TKW (r?=?0.30 and r?=?0.20) under PrADS and PoADS conditions, respectively. Genotypes SMY-006, SMY-008, SMY-016, SMY-042 and SMY-044 were identified with pre- and post-anthesis drought tolerance and high yield potential and suitable yield-component traits. These are useful genetic stocks for breeding or cultivation in water-limited environments to improve yield gains.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of biochar-amended urea on nitrogen economy of soil for improving the growth and yield of wheat under field condition. Experiment plan was comprised of twelve treatments with four replications including treatments without application of urea and biochar (control) and urea only. Biochar was applied at 1–10% of the weight of urea fertilizer applied each treatment. Results showed that application of biochar at 10% with recommended dose of urea significantly improved plant height, spike length, number of tillers, number of spikelet per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yields, biomass yield, harvesting index, nitrogen (N) concentration and uptake in grain and straw, and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen by 6.0%, 11.1%, 32.0%, 55.3%, 5.4%, 38.0%, 19.0%, 9.0%, 19.0%, 26.0%, 65.0%, 50.0%, and 63.0%, respectively, as compared to treatment comprised of recommended rate of nitrogen without biochar.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of inoculation with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on eggplant growth, yield, and mineral content under salt stress [0, 25, and 50 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)]. The PGPR strains Xanthobacter autotrophicus BM13, Enterobacter aerogenes BM10, and Bacillus brevis FK2 were isolated from the salt-affected maize and kidney bean fields. The increase in salinity decreased the growth and yield and increased the sodium (Na+) uptake of eggplant. However, inoculation with PGPR strains reduced the negative effects at each level of salinity tested. The E. aerogenes strain was capable of promoting eggplant growth and yield when compared to an uninoculated control. The B. brevis was the most effective strain for reducing the negative effects of salinity, and its effects occurred through increasing the potassium (K+)/Na+ ratio and K+-Na+ selectivity in the eggplant shoots. Inoculation of the eggplant seedlings with PGPR could alleviate the negative effects of salt stress.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of phosphorus (P) sources on the rhizosphere soil characteristics of two wheat genotypes Xiaoyan54 (P-efficient) and Jing411 (P-inefficient), which were colonized with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and grown in Cumulic Haplustoll. The four P sources included a control (no added P), OP [organic P: sodium (Na)-phytate], IP [inorganic P: monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4)], and OPIP (Na-phytate plus KH2PO4). The results showed that when no exogenous P was added the shoot biomass of Xiaoyan54 was 28% significantly higher than Jing 411. The acid phosphatase activity (APA) in the rhizosphere soil was significantly depressed when inorganic P was added; the APA for Xiaoyan54 was higher than that of Jing411 in most of the layers regardless of the P source. Inorganic and organic P fertilizer conditions did not significantly impact the soil pH relative to the control, and the pH did not significantly differ between the two genotypes. In conclusion, when no exogenous P was added, shoot biomass of Xiaoyan54 was greater than Jing411. This increase was promoted by greater soil APA but not soil acidification. The rhizosphere soil pH was not altered across different wheat genotypes or P sources, but APA was increased in the soil of control and OP-treated plants compared with IP- and OPIP-treated plants. The APA of Xiaoyan54 was higher than Jing411 for all of the P sources. The response mechanism of rhizosphere soil acidification is different from acid phosphatase exudation in plants receiving different P sources under arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculation.  相似文献   

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