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Bunmi Sherifat MALAU-ADULI Lawrence EDUVIE Clarence LAKPINI Aduli Enoch Othniel MALAU-ADULI 《Animal Science Journal》2003,74(3):195-203
The effect of dry season supplementation with crop‐residue‐based rations on bodyweight, scrotal circumference and serum testosterone concentrations in Red Sokoto weaner bucks at 5, 6 and 7 months of age was investigated in the present study. There were 7 treatment groups which were fed a positive control ration (conventional concentrate) fed at 1 and 2% of the bucks’ bodyweights (Rations 1A and 2A), two crop‐residue‐based test rations each fed at 1 and 2% of bodyweight (1B, 2B, 1C and 2C), and a negative control that was unsupplemented (Ration D). All treatment groups had ad libitum access to natural pastures and Digitaria smutsii hay as a basal diet. Bodyweight and scrotal circumference of the bucks significantly increased (P < 0.05) with age from 5.9 kg to 10.2 kg, and 4.40 cm to 6.95 cm, at 5 and 7 months of age, respectively. Bucks on Ration D (unsupplemented group) had the lowest bodyweight and scrotal circumference. Bucks on Ration 2A showed a significant increase in basal testosterone concentration from 0.32 ng/mL at 5 months of age to 0.65 ng/mL at 7 months of age. Peak testosterone concentration also increased from 1.0 ng/mL at 5 months to 2.8 ng/mL at 7 months of age. Bucks on test Ration 2C had higher bodyweights (6.75, 8.00 and 10.00 kg at 5, 6 and 7 months of age, respectively) than bucks on the other test Ration B (6.20, 7.20 and 8.50 kg, respectively). There were no significant differences between the two test rations with regard to scrotal circumferences of the bucks at all ages. However, at 7 months of age, bucks on test Ration 2C had significantly higher peak testosterone concentration (1.80 ng/mL) than their counterparts on test Ration 2B (1.30 ng/mL). The secretory patterns of testosterone were episodic and pulsatile in nature. It was concluded that crop‐residue supplementation in prepubertal Red Sokoto bucks has a significant influence on their bodyweight, scrotal circumference and testosterone production. Test Ration C was a cheap, affordable and better crop‐residue‐based ration for optimal reproductive performance than test Ration B. 相似文献
V. P. Maurya V. Sejian D. Kumar S. M. K. Naqvi 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2010,94(6):e308-e317
The study was conducted for a period of 45 days to assess the influence of body condition scoring (BCS) on reproductive efficiency of Malpura rams in terms of sexual behaviour, scrotal measurements, semen attributes and endocrine responses. The rams were randomly divided into three groups as group I (BCS = 2.5; n = 7), group II (BCS = 3.0; n = 7) and group III (BCS = 4.0; n = 7). Apart from grazing for 8 h a day, the rams were provided with concentrate mixture at the rate of 100, 300 and 500 g to groups I, II and III respectively to attain their respective BCS. Under these differential feeding regimes, sexual behaviour scrotal measurements, semen characteristics and endocrine parameters were studied at 15‐days interval. Sexual behaviour, scrotal volume, scrotal circumference, testicular width, testicular length and scrotal skin thickness differed significantly (p < 0.05) between lower BCS group (group I) and higher BCS groups (groups II and III). The semen volume, mass motility and progressive sperm motility were recorded significantly (p < 0.05) higher in group II and lowest in group I. However, the sperm concentration did not differ significantly between the groups. The mean plasma testosterone concentration differed significantly (p < 0.05) between lower BCS group (group I) and higher BCS groups (groups II and III). Circulating plasma hormone concentrations were influenced due to the BCS. Plasma cortisol, T3 and T4 increased as the BCS improved from lower to higher. In conclusion, better reproductive efficiency of rams of moderate BCS (3.0 and 3.5) than rams of lower (2.5) and higher BCS (4.0) indicates the importance of maintaining optimum body condition of breeding rams under hot semi‐arid environment. 相似文献
CUI Zhichao TANG Long SUN Le HUANG Shihai XUE Qingsong YANG Ting SHI Deshun LI Xiangping 《中国畜牧兽医》2007,47(9):2899-2905
This study was aimed to investigate the factors affecting semen quality by analyzing the semen quality of Italian buffaloes,measuring the circumference of the testis,the level of oxidative stress in seminal plasma and the expression of genes related to sperm motility.In this study,the sperm vitality,deformity rate and semen collection of 6 Italian buffaloes were tested,and the correlation analysis was carried out after measuring scrotal circumference.The oxidative stress level of seminal plasma in Italian buffaloes was tested,including malondialdehyde (MDA),total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) and glutathione peroxidation (GSH-Px).The expression of β-tublin-2c (TUBB2C),outer dense fibres 2 (ODF2),tektin-2 (TEKT2),tektin-4 (TEKT4) genes and their correlation with sperm in Italian buffaloes were analyzed.The results showed that the correlation between scrotal circumference and semen yield,vigor and deformity rate was found,the coefficients were 0.423 (P>0.05),0.750 (P<0.01) and -0.827 (P<0.01),which showed a significant positive correlation between scrotal circumference and sperm motility,and a significant negative correlation with the deformity rate.The oxidative stress level in seminal plasma of Italian buffaloes was tested,the correlation coefficients of MDA,T-SOD and GSH-Px with sperm motility were -0.522 (P<0.05),0.333 (P>0.05) and 0.474 (P<0.05),respectively.There was a significant negative correlation between sperm motility and MDA content,a significant positive correlation between GSH-Px activity and sperm motility,no significant correlation with T-SOD activity.The correlation coefficients between sperm motility and TUBB2C,ODF2,TEKT2 and TEKT4 genes were 0.930 (P<0.01),0.726 (P<0.01),0.924(P<0.01) and 0.839 (P<0.01),respectively.There was a significant positive correlation between sperm motility and the expression of four genes.The results provided a reference for understanding the factors affecting the semen quality of Italian buffaloes,and also provided a theoretical basis for the selection of Italian bull. 相似文献
本研究旨在通过对意大利水牛精液品质分析、睾丸周径测量、精浆中的氧化应激水平检测和精子活力相关基因表达情况来探究影响精液质量的相关因素。试验检测了6头意大利水牛精液的活力、畸形率、采精量,并在测量其阴囊周径后进行相关性分析;检测了意大利水牛精浆中氧化应激水平指标(丙二醛(MDA)、总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px))并进行了相关性分析;分析了意大利水牛精子β-微管蛋白-2c(TUBB2C)、外周致密纤维2(ODF2)、筑丝蛋白2(TEKT2)、筑丝蛋白4(TEKT4)基因的表达定量及相关性。结果显示,意大利水牛阴囊周径与精液产量、活力、畸形率之间相关系数分别为0.423(P>0.05)、0.750(P<0.01)、-0.827(P<0.01),即阴囊周径与精子活力呈显著正相关关系、与畸形率呈显著负相关关系;意大利水牛精子活力与MDA、T-SOD、GSH-Px指标之间相关系数分别为-0.522(P<0.05)、0.333(P>0.05)、0.474(P<0.05),即精子活力与MDA含量之间存在显著负相关关系,与GSH-Px活性之间存在显著正相关关系,与T-SOD活性相关性不显著;意大利水牛精子活力与TUBB2C、ODF2、TEKT2、TEKT4基因指标之间相关系数分别为0.930(P<0.01)、0.726(P<0.01)、0.924(P<0.01)、0.839(P<0.01),即精子活力与以上基因表达量存在显著正相关关系。本研究结果为了解影响意大利水牛精液质量的因素提供参考,也为意大利种公水牛的筛选提供理论依据。 相似文献
Dimensions of linear type traits facilitate selection of livestock for breeding and rearing. To date, use of linear type traits for selection of breeding bulls is highly concentric to scrotal circumference (SC), with probable overlook to other important traits. Present study reported the importance of various gonadal linear type traits on spermatozoa production, age-related changes in gonadal linear type traits of bulls and predictive ability of these traits on bulls' reproductive potentials. Among all gonadal traits, testicular density (TD), scrotal volume (SV), paired testicular weight (PWT) and SC were found most important predictor variables in order, which can discriminate between good/poor breeding bulls, that is, produced frozen semen doses (FSD) or not. Dimensions of gonadal traits increased significantly up to 36 months age and thereafter, development became slow and negligible. In contrast, TD decreased by 30%, 51%, 64%, 68% and 71% at 12, 24, 36, 48 and >49 months age, respectively, from its base value at 6 months. Bulls of lower TD (≤0.88 g/cm3) had significantly higher ejaculate volume (+9%), sperm motility, sperm concentration (+100 million/mL) and sperm output (+26%)/ejaculate as compared to bulls of higher TD (>0.88 g/cm3). Discriminant function was developed using TD, SV, PWT and SC to identify bulls of superior reproductive potentials. It was concluded that among the investigated traits, TD was the strongest to discriminate between FSD and Non-FSD bulls. Therefore, our findings suggested that TD could be more potential trait than SC for dairy bulls' breeding soundness evaluation and assessment of reproductive ability. 相似文献
为了研究维生素E对种公牛精液品质影响,本试验对青海省家畜改良中心一头性欲差、一头精液品质低下的两头荷斯坦种公牛饲喂维生素E胶囊(100mg/粒)。牛20粒/d。一个月为一疗程,连续饲喂两个疗程。研究表明:维生素E与牛精液品质有着密切关系。日粮中添加适量维生素E有助于提高种公牛性欲、精液密度及鲜精活力来改善其精液品质。 相似文献
Romy Zeller Andrea Meyer‐Lindenberg Beate Walter Christian Leykam Ulrike Flock Sven Reese Christiane Otzdorff 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2019,54(9):1244-1250
Because of few available data on semen parameters in small breed dogs, the study aimed to analyse semen and measure testes of dogs ≤10.0 kg bodyweight. Semen was collected from 41 fertile stud dogs, which were divided based on bodyweight: group 1 ≤ 5.0 kg and group 2 between 5.1 and 10.0 kg. Median values for ejaculate volume (group 1: 1.2 ml; group 2: 2.2 ml), total sperm output (group 1: 110.7 × 106; group 2: 215.1 × 106) and testicular volume (group 1: left testicle 2.8 ml, right testicle 2.7 ml; group 2: left testicle 5.5 ml, right testicle 5.0 ml) were lower in group 1 compared to dogs of group 2 (p = .001; p = .001; both testes: p < .001). There was no difference in sperm concentration (p = .985). Based on these results, introduction of an additional weight group to the commonly used reference values is recommended, since values for ejaculate volume, total sperm output and testicular dimensions for dogs ≤5.0 kg bodyweight differed significantly from values of dogs with a bodyweight from 5.1 to 10.0 kg. 相似文献
Iara Del Pilar Solar Diaz Gregório Miguel Ferreira de Camargo Valdecy Aparecida Rocha da Cruz Isis da Costa Hermisdorff Caio Victor Damasceno Carvalho Lucia Galvão de Albuquerque Raphael Bermal Costa 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2020,55(11):1650-1654
Although the second largest chromosome of the genome, the X chromosome is usually excluded from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Considering the presence and importance of genes on this chromosome that are involved in reproduction, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of its inclusion in GWAS on reproductive traits (scrotal circumference [SC], early pregnancy [P16] and age at first calving [AFC]) in a Nelore herd. Genotype data from 3,263 animals with the above-mentioned phenotypes were used. The results showed an increase in the variances explained by the autosomal markers for all traits when the X chromosome was not included. For SC, there was an increase of more than 10% for the windows on chromosomes 2 and 6. For P16, the effect was increased by almost 20% for windows on chromosome 5. The same pattern was found for AFC, with an increase of more than 10% for the most important windows. The results indicate that the noninclusion of the X chromosome can overestimate the effects of autosomes on SC, P16 and AFC not only because of the additive effect of the X chromosome itself but also because of its epistatic effect on autosomal genes. 相似文献
Toshihiro NADE Toshiaki OKUMURA Satsuki MISUMI Kazuhisa FUJITA 《Animal Science Journal》2005,76(1):43-49
The effects of a higher concentrate feed during the raising period on the growth and carcass of Japanese Black cattle being fattened at a younger age were investigated using three pairs of artificially bred identical twins and three pairs of full‐sibs. The animals were fed the concentrate at 2.4%/day (2.4% group) and 1.2%/day (1.2% group) comparative bodyweight (BW) during the raising period. The BW and subcutaneous fat thickness were measured every month using ultrasonic equipment. The animals were slaughtered at the age of 24 months. The BW of the 2.4% group from the age of 6–10 months appeared to be higher than that of the 1.2% group (P < 0.1). The subcutaneous fat of the 2.4% group from the age of 7–11 months was thicker than that of the 1.2% group (P < 0.1). After those ages, the BW and subcutaneous fat of the two groups did not differ and there was no difference in the carcass characteristics between the two groups. Using a higher concentrate feed during the raising period for younger fattening of Japanese Black cattle influenced growth from the late half of the raising period to the early part of the fattening period. 相似文献
T. Druet S. Fritz E. Sellem B. Basso O. Gérard L. Salas-Cortes P. Humblot X. Druart & A. Eggen 《Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie》2009,126(4):269-277
A QTL detection experiment was performed in French dairy cattle to search for QTL related to male fertility. Ten families, involving a total of 515 bulls, were phenotyped for ejaculated volume and sperm concentration, number of spermatozoa, motility, velocity, percentage of motile spermatozoa after thawing and abnormal spermatozoa. A set of 148 microsatellite markers were used to realize a genome scan. First, genetic parameters were estimated for all traits. Semen production traits were found to have moderate heritabilities (from 0.15 to 0.30) while some of the semen quality traits such as motility had high heritabilities (close to 0.60). Genetic correlations among traits showed negative relationships between volume and concentration and between volume and most quality traits such as motility or abnormal sperm while correlations between concentration and these traits were rather favourable. Percentages of abnormal sperm were negatively related to quality traits, especially with motility and velocity of spermatozoa. Three QTL related to abnormal sperm frequencies were significant at p < 0.01. In total, 11 QTL (p < 0.05) were detected. However, the number of QTL detected was within the range of expected false positives. Because of the lack of power to find QTL in this design further analyses are required to confirm these QTL. 相似文献
本研究旨在筛选出决定或影响公牛睾丸周长(SC)的基因片段,并研究其功能和表达特征,为今后种公牛的选育提供理论基础。用mRNA差异显示技术从睾丸周长极显著差异(P0.01)的睾丸组织中筛选差异表达的基因片段,并用反Northern杂交及荧光定量的方法鉴定筛选的结果,研究筛选出基因的组织表达谱。结果,筛选出1条差异表达片段A71,经测序和BLAST分析发现该片段与牛Septin10基因高度同源(99%),且该基因在肝脏等9个组织中都有表达,在2组睾丸组织中相对表达量差异显著(P0.05)。分析结果表明,Septin10基因是牛睾丸差异表达基因,可作为一个研究牛繁殖性状的候选基因。 相似文献
Fikret Karaca Melih Aksoy Abdullah Kaya Mehmet B. Ataman Tevfik Tekeli 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1999,40(4):402-406
Ultrasonographic appearance of the testis and epididymis, and seminal characteristics, with regard to localization of spermatic granuloma were studied. In rams with spermatic granuloma (n = 9), diagnosed by clinical or ultrasonographic examinations before histopathological confirmation, localization of each lesion was recorded. Epididymal granulomas, caput and cauda, were seen as anechoic or hyperechoic areas with a distinct margin with or without a hyperechoic capsule. Granulomas in the testis were microscopic and, therefore, could not be detected by ultrasonography. Enlargement in the mediastinum testis was detected in all rams when there were granulomas in the caput. Heterogeneous testis parenchyma invaded by numerous hyperechoic foci, representing testicular degeneration, was associated with granulomas both in the epididymis and testis. Ultrasonographic appearance of the lesions did not differ with regard to season. Seminal characteristics varied between rams. It was concluded that ultrasonographic evaluation may give valuable information in the diagnosis of sperm granuloma in the ram. 相似文献
Timor M. EL-sherry Mohammed A. Abdel-Ghani Gamal B. Mahmoud Ahmed A. Ezzat 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2020,55(2):240-247
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of kisspeptin-10 (Kp10) injection on semen characteristics, testosterone (T) production and sperm rheotaxis using microfluidic devices in immature ram. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) with controlled flow velocity was used to explore the kinetic parameters of sperm and positive rheotaxis (PR %). PR % was defined as the number of PR sperms over the number of motile sperms. Healthy Ossimi rams were randomly divided into two groups; a saline-treated control group and Kp10-treated one (5 µg/kg body weight). Treatments were given by intramuscular injection once a week for 1 month. After 1 month, the semen was collected and evaluated weekly for 6 weeks, while the blood samples were collected every 2 weeks for the next 8 weeks. Semen properties were significantly affected by Kp10 injection (p < .01). The Kp10 increased the volume, sperm concentration and percentages of live sperm compared with those of control. Additionally, sperm trajectories and rheotaxis get improved by the injection of Kp10 with time. Furthermore, kisspeptin improved the secretion of testosterone levels throughout the period of study. In conclusion, injections of the Kp10 had a positive impact on semen characteristics as well as improved sperm rheotaxis of Ossimi rams in subtropics. 相似文献
M Sidibé L A Franco G Fredriksson A Madej L Malmgren 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1992,33(3):191-196
It is well known that heat stress has a detrimental effect on testicular functions. In addition to the alteration of semen quality and testicular damage, reproductive hormone secretion can be altered. The objective of this study was to describe changes in plasma concentrations of testosterone, LH and cortisol, as well as in testicular ultrasonographic appearance after induced testicular degeneration. Four Swedish Red and White bulls, aged 3 years, were used. They were fed according to Swedish standards. The scrotum was covered with an insulation device during 96 h. Semen was collected weekly 3 times before and up to 4 months after insulation. Testicular ultrasonography and clinical genital examination were performed with the same intervals. Heparinized blood samples were taken from the jugular vein at 2 h interval during 24 h every 2 weeks during the study. Blood samples were tested for the content of testosterone, LH and cortisol. Data were analysed, using one way analysis of variance of seminal data, clinical examination data as well as 24 h hormonal output data as percentage of mean individual pretreatment values. The use of a 5 MHz B-mode ultrasound unit did not contribute with an objective estimation of the degree of testicular degeneration. In 3 of the bulls testosterone levels had a tendency to decrease and LH to increase during the time of severe degeneration, whereas an opposite trend was seen during the regenerative phase, changes becoming significant 15 weeks after scrotal insulation. Variation between animals was big. Cortisol levels had a decreasing trend, changes being significant only in individual bulls at 10 and 15 weeks after scrotal insulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Farmer estimation of live bodyweight of cattle: implications for veterinary drug dosing in East Africa 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The ability of smallholder farmers and animal health workers to estimate live bodyweight can critically affect the likelihood of under- or over-dosing of veterinary compounds in decentralised systems where farmers administer a significant proportion of the veterinary treatments. A survey of 324 cattle owned by 170 farmers was conducted in Busia District, Kenya. Cattle were weighed on a standard calibrated scale and owners were asked to estimate the live weight of their animals. Weights were also estimated by a weigh-band and by local animal health workers.Cattle owners consistently underestimated the weights of their cattle; 85.7% of the cattle had their bodyweights underestimated by an average of 46.9% of their true weight. Furthermore, very few cattle (19.0%) had their weights estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight by these farmers, an accuracy range important for drug dosing. This finding raises concerns of widespread under-dosing of cattle with trypanocidal and other veterinary drugs. Animal health workers were better at estimating live bodyweight of cattle; 76.6% of cattle were estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight.It is possible to improve farmers’ and animal health workers’ ability to estimate accurately live bodyweight of cattle with appropriate training. Evidence of this was provided by animal health workers whose estimates improved over time as they received feedback of the true weights of different sizes of cattle from the standard scale. 相似文献
Fifty‐four mice were assigned to a control diet group or a KCl diet group to clarify the effects of KCl supplementation on growth rate, water intake and renal function in mice, and 5% of KCl was supplemented in KCl diets for 1–4 weeks. Bodyweights of KCl supplemented mice were significantly lower than those of control mice, and bodyweights of control and KCl supplemented mice at 28 days after treatment were 45.5 and 41.2 g, respectively. Feed intake was not affected by KCl supplementation, but water intake of KCl supplemented mice was significantly higher than that of control mice. Bone weights of KCl supplemented mice at 2 weeks after treatment were significantly lower than those of control mice. Serum urea nitrogen concentration at 4 weeks and serum K and Cl concentrations at 2 weeks were significantly lower in KCl supplemented mice. Histological alteration using hematoxylin–eosin and Sirius red staining was not found in the kidney of each mouse at 1, 2, and 4 weeks after treatment. These results suggest that high KCl supplementation decreases the rate of bodyweight gain and increases water intake in mice. 相似文献
不同品种猪精液品质的季节性变化规律研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在不同季节采集56头大白、长白、杜洛克公猪的精液,对精液品质进行了评定和分析。结果表明:在一年内,杜洛克和大白公猪的精液品质均以秋季最好,春季次之,夏季最差,而长白公猪的精液品质以春季最好、夏季最差;精液量有显著(P<0.05)的品种间差异,长白猪、大白猪、杜洛克猪依次降低;精子活率表现为杜洛克猪、大白猪、长白猪依次降低但差异不显著(P>0.05);精子畸形率以长白猪为最高,而在各品种间差异也不显著(P>0.05)。经综合评定,在受试的3个品种公猪中,杜洛克猪的精液品质较好,而且在夏季也优于其他2个猪种。 相似文献