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动物福利教育是动物保护的基本内容,是动物福利立法的基础。我国传统的兽医专业并没有系统开展动物福利的教育,但随着兽医专业实践的新发展,兽医职业不仅限于动物的健康和保护,更期望实践高标准的动物福利。国际上越来越多的兽医专业本科及研究生教育开展动物福利教育课程,并且建立了一些福利组织。在兽医专业开展动物福利教育可促进兽医专业的国际化、职业化和社会化,加快动物福利立法的进程。 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To assess the attitudes of Australian veterinarians to issues related to rural veterinary practice. METHODS: A questionnaire was completed by 1367 AVA members, and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows 7.0. RESULTS: The country lifestyle and the type of work were seen as major advantages for rural practitioners, and long working hours and after hours demands coupled with sexist attitudes in the case of women, were seen as the main disadvantages. Remuneration, the tiring and often dangerous nature of the work, and social and professional isolation were also seen as major disadvantages. Personal qualities, including the ability to relate to rural people and to fit into rural communities were seen as the most important qualities for a veterinarian in rural practice. The future of rural practitioners was seen to be closely linked to their ability to contribute to the financial viability of the whole animal enterprise and to the fortunes of the rural industries. Companion animals were also seen as a key part of the future work of rural practitioners. CONCLUSIONS: Rural practitioners are characterised by a strong commitment to rural life and work, and they will increasingly be required to contribute to the financial viability of the whole animal enterprise. The full range of professional skills required are likely to be beyond the scope of the undergraduate veterinary course, but the internet and other modern forms of distance education should help practitioners to acquire relevant skills. 相似文献
This thematic review examines the literature regarding the relationship between domestic violence (DV) and pet abuse (PA) particularly in the veterinary clinical and educational contexts. It examines the significance of this relationship for the veterinary profession including the veterinarian’s role and associated legal and ethical obligations, and relevant current veterinary education standards, to identify future clinical and educational directions. Articles were sourced from online databases by searching the keywords without date restrictions. Overall, 70 articles were retrieved and reviewed. Pet abuse has been identified as a potential risk factor for DV, and DV perpetrators may harm or kill a pet to exert physical, psychological or emotional control over an intimate partner. Given that victims of DV often seek veterinary aid for their pets, veterinarians may act as frontline professionals in the recognition of the link between PA and DV. Veterinarians must assess individual cases for diagnostic indicators of non-accidental injury and consider demographic factors to identify suspected PA and DV. Despite existing legal and ethical obligations of the veterinarian relating to suspected PA and victims of DV, veterinarians have uncertainty and unpreparedness in addressing PA and DV in a clinical context. Many factors may contribute to the lack of veterinary intervention in suspected cases of PA and DV including concern for animal welfare, confusion about the reporting process and uncertainty in differentiating accidental versus non-accidental injuries in pets. Specific published guidelines regarding the recognition and reporting of PA and DV in the veterinary clinical context are required. Limited published evidence exists examining the implementation and success of veterinary training regarding the relationship between DV and PA. Ultimately, veterinary student education is needed to prepare veterinarians for their response to PA and DV in practice. Further research is required to examine the effects of the delivery of content regarding the link between PA and DV in the veterinary curriculum on veterinary student knowledge and attitudes. 相似文献
A study was designed to identify factors perceived by veterinarians and veterinary technicians as likely to promote private veterinary practice in Ghana. The participatory appraisal approach was used. The response rates were 88% (n = 90), 100% (n = 9) and 86% (n = 200) for government field veterinarians, private veterinarians and government veterinary technicians, respectively. Significant proportions of government field veterinarians (67%, n = 79), and veterinary technicians (64%, n = 167) were willing to go into private practice if the necessary push was given. Factors perceived as likely to motivate them to go into private practice included availability of capital to cover start-up costs; provision of a vehicle; prospect of higher income; availability of loans with low interest rates; availability of credit facilities from suppliers; stable macroeconomic environment with low interest and inflation rates; high pet, poultry and livestock populations at locations earmarked for private practice; leasing of vacant government premises for use as clinic and for accommodation; and enforcement of legislation on private practice, especially that against moonlighting by government veterinarians and technicians. These should be considered and used in the promotion of private veterinary practice in Ghana. 相似文献
《活兽慈舟》(清·李南晖)是继《元享疗法马集》之后,受到我国畜牧兽医界普通重视的一部清代中兽医专著,也是我国现存中兽医古书中内容比较全面的一部著作。《活兽慈舟》继承和发扬了中医药事业,辩证正确,立法恰当,遵循自然规律,集诊治牛、马、羊、猪、犬、猫等六畜疾病和它们的正确饲养方法,及相牛和相马常识于一体,主要流传于四川南部,甘肃通渭县乃至全国,为畜牧养殖生产发展保驾护航,一直为中兽医爱好者和学者提供兽疾病治疗的思路和方法。 相似文献
基于高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式的实践,本文从岗位实习的组织、实习咨询及问题处理、安全保障、监督与抽查、管理中的突出问题及成因分析与优化途径方面进行了梳理与总结,并据此提出了加强信息共享,积极推进信息化管理;基于“三全育人”理念,引导学生树立正确实习观念;持续推进规范化管理,建立长效机制的实施路径,以期为我国高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式提供借鉴。 相似文献
本文以职业教育省级名师工作室建设为背景,围绕畜牧兽医专业人才培养模式、教师教学团队、优质课程资源、就业创业意识及社会服务等方面开展研究与实践探索,以期为工作室建设提供优化路径及理论依据。 相似文献
近20年来,随着养殖业的集约化、规模化发展,各种动物疫病不断暴发,养殖场为预防和控制动物疫病,大量使用各种兽药。然而,滥用兽药和非法使用违禁药物的现象时有发生,严重影响了畜禽产品的质量和食品安全。因此,开展兽药残留的检测与调查,对于提高人民健康水平,加强畜禽产品的市场竞争力有着重要意义,也为兽药残留的科学研究提供了基础性资料。 相似文献
在畜禽饲养管理过程中使用违禁药物或滥用药物,使用饲料添加剂或超量用药,不遵守休药期规定等均可引起畜产品兽药残留。同时饲养环境遭到污染也能致使药物残留,并且我国关于食品安全的法律法规不健全、监管力度不够等,致使畜产品中药物残留问题更加严重。人体摄入存在药物残留的食品后,不仅会引起急性、慢性或蓄积性中毒,还会致使机体细菌产生耐药性,甚至污染整个生活环境等。 相似文献
为了加强高职院校实验室管理,通过制订和完善实验室管理制度,如实验室技术人员管理、仪器设备的采购和实验用药品的管理、对学生的管理、创新实验项目的实验室管理、实验室网络平台和实验室对外技术服务的管理、病原微生物的保存与处理、病死动物的无害化处理、实验室应急事件处理等措施,实现统筹规划和资源共享,培养学生的实验兴趣,使学生初步掌握畜牧兽医专业实验研究的基本方法和实验操作的基本技能,促进实验室的科学化、规范化、制度化的管理,以达到全面提升学生实践操作技能的目的。 相似文献
畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。 相似文献
简要介绍了我国畜牧兽医类科技期刊的基本状况,并进行了种类划分、特征归纳和分析,以期为从业者了解畜牧兽医类期刊发展现状提供参考。 相似文献
对一个事物内涵与外延的界定是了解该事物的基础,尤其是在法规体系的构建过程中,一个清晰、明确、无歧义的定义更是立法和执法的基本依据。文章通过对兽医器械产生背景的追溯,对各国医疗器械内涵和外延的分析,结合我国兽医器械行业现状,对兽医器械进行了初步定义,明确其内涵和外延,以期为兽医器械立法工作提供借鉴。 相似文献
实训教学是高职教学中最为重要的环节,是人才培养的重要途径。高职畜牧兽医专业实训教学应重点把握实训课程的设置和实训教学方法的改革。总结了高职畜牧兽医专业实训课程设计的理念与思路,以及所采用的行之有效的实训教学方法。 相似文献
近年来,河南省努力推进动物卫生监督暨畜牧兽医执法标准化建设,在工作机制、机构建设、队伍建设、工作实效等方面取得了显著成效,但也存在着资金投入不足、工作开展不均衡、执法难度大等难题。本文从标准研究、财政支持、队伍管理、执法办案等提出发展建议,以期为深化综合执法改革,全面提升基层执法能力提供参考。 相似文献
现代畜牧养殖行业的快速发展,为基层经济建设和发展提供巨大动力,而做好相应的畜牧兽医动物防疫工作正是保障畜牧养殖业健康、良好发展的基础,能最大限度地保障养殖经济效益。该文围绕动物防疫技术、建设设施设备、完善制度规范、打造防疫队伍等方面,对基层畜牧兽医动物防疫工作的重点加以论述,但愿能为基层畜牧养殖防疫水平的提升提供有力支持。 相似文献
结合畜牧兽医执法工作实践,总结了10项执法工作中经常遇到的问题,并有针对性的提出了处理建议,以便为国内畜牧兽医执法人员正确执法办案提供参考。 相似文献