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Summary Variation of the seed storage protein phaseolin was analysed in a collection of 100 accessions of Phaseolus lunatus L. using one-dimensional SDS/PAGE. Cultivated small-seeded genotypes belonging to Sieva and Potato morphotypes and intermediate Sieva-Potato and Sieva-Big Lima morphotypes showed the M (Mesoamerican) pattern, confirming their origin in the same gene pool. Cultivated Big Lima morphotypes showed the A (Andean) pattern, confirming that they belong to a distinct gene pool.  相似文献   

The variation within a collection constituted by 36 populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) recently collected in Basilicata region (Southern Italy) was studied. These populations are cultivated in marginal areas of the region mainly for farms' self-consumption. An appreciable variation of seed shape, colour and type of pattern was observed; 34 populations are of climbing growth habit. The frequency of the phaseolin types within the collection was investigated. C, T and S phaseolin types were observed, the type C being predominant (18 of 36 landraces); intra-population variation was detected only for two landraces. Local populations were compared with 28 commercial cultivars widely grown in the Basilicata region and accounting for 80–90% of common bean production. Significant divergences in growth habit and frequency of phaseolin types were observed: 22 cultivars had bush growth habit and 20 showed T phaseolin type. These results stress the urgency of actions devoted to the safeguard of this local germplasm. In fact, the diffusion of alloctonous and not typical germplasm is the first step towards the erosion of useful or valuable genes present in those established local populations.  相似文献   

Ex situ conservation of genetic resources has contributed to the improvement of several food crops through utilisation of preserved germplasm, but it is not the only approach to safeguard genetic resources. Presently, in situ methods are being examined as effective complementary strategies to preserve diversity along with the dynamic environment. Examples of de facto on farm conservation, a form of in situ, have been described. However, their future is unpredictable without the relief of formal scientific projects or appropriate regulations. Recent European Community regulations have introduced the possibility to attribute marks of origin and quality to local typical products. These marks can be an important support to on farm maintenance of élite landraces of principal crops. In the frame of a collaboration between the Italian gene bank and a farm (of the agricultural research service of Basilicata region), an integrated approach, involving ex situ and on farm conservation, was adopted to safeguard common bean landraces from Basilicata. The main result of this project was the attribution of IGP (indication of geographic provenance), an European Community mark, to some tested landraces.  相似文献   

Effects of seed and root exudates obtained from common bean on the proliferation of Rhizobium sp. (Phaseolus) were examined in a combination of three plant cultivars with three Rhizobium strains. In the first experiment, seed or root exudate was mixed with an Andosol soil extract, and bacterial proliferation in the mixture was traced. Seed exudate was prepared from hydroponic solution used in seed imbibition for 24 h, and a series of root exudates was prepared from a hydroponic solution collected every 24 h from the initiation of rooting up to 96 h after rooting. Regardless of the common bean cultivars and Rhizobium strains used, Rhizobium population markedly increased of the 24 h of culture in the mixture containing seed exudates, whereas a negligible increase was detected in the mixture with root exudates. The mixture containing root exudates collected within a period of 72–96 h after initial rooting (96–120 h after seed imbibition) exerted an inhibitory effect on Rhizobium proliferation. The seed exudates contained large amounts of sugars, amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium compared to any root exudates. In the second experiment, Rhizobium was inoculated directly to common bean seeds sowed in a vermiculite bed which was sterilized and moistened with a plant nutrient solution. Compared with the control (without seed), a remarkable increase in the number of bacterial cells was observed in all the combinations of plant cultivars and Rhizobium strains 24 h after sowing. These results reveal that seed exudates of common bean have a substantial potential to promote Rhizobium proliferation, and that root exudates in a particular period of culture contain some inhibitory factors.  相似文献   

The use of phosphate-solubilizing rhizobia as a rhizobial inoculant improves plant nutrient uptake (nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) and subsequently crop yield stability. Three common bean varieties namely Coco blanc, Wafa, and Rebia were inoculated with the Rhizobium strain “Ar02” and grown under 250 μmol P as KH2PO4 Pi and 250 μmol P as Ca3HPO4 (Ca-P). Rebia showed the highest root biomass increase (35%) both under Pi and Ca-P supplies, while Wafa's root biomass significantly decreased under Ca-P condition. Application of Ca3PO4 stimulated acid phosphatase activities in shoots (50%), roots (45%) and nodules (49%) of Coco blanc variety as compared to Rebia and Wafa. Moreover, phenols content was enhanced in Wafa roots as compared to Coco blanc roots. N content increased in shoots (14% under Pi and Ca-P supplies) and nodules (6% under Ca-P supplies) of Coco blanc. P and K nutrition largely varied in response to P supplies through all plant parts.  相似文献   

The Abruzzo region (Central Italy) shows peculiar characteristics: the extension of mountain territory is the highest in mainland Italy and the whole region is less developed as compared to other Central Italy areas. Moreover, the farming systems developed with specific peculiarities parallel to shepherdy. Recently, in the area of the Gole di Popoli, ideally constituting the door of the inner and less developed part of the region, four populations of common bean were collected. Seed morphological traits, phaseolin and lectin profiles were analysed. Three populations appeared heterogeneous in phaseolin and lectin fractions. C, T, and S phaseolin types, C type being predominant, and six lectin patterns were observed. A comparison with common bean populations from the Basilicata region (Southern Italy) showed interesting differences between the two regions. The present contribution, besides the limitation due to the small number of samples, suggests that the Abruzzo, and other Italian regions with similar agro-environmental conditions, might retain highly interesting local populations.  相似文献   

The bean fly (Ophiomya spp) is the most important yield limiting insect pest of common bean in Africa. The insect pest can cause complete crop loss affecting bean production and productivity under epidemic conditions. Effective control of bean fly is essential for sustainable bean production Africa. The overall progress, opportunities and challenges of the bean fly control strategies. The biology and ecology of bean fly and the economic importance of the insect pest is presented as well as the existing controlling strategies, with an emphasis on the breeding on breeding strategies used, research progress achieved challenges and opportunities. In conclusion, significant research progress have been made in breeding for bean fly resistance evident by identification of breeding lines, understanding resistance mechanism and development of breeding strategies. However, there is a need for further research to validate the available information and also explore new breeding methods such molecular breeding which has not been explored at present. Such studies will accelerate breeding for bean fly resistance.  相似文献   

During germplasm explorations carried out in Peru and Colombia, interbreeding complexes of wild and cultivated common bean were observed in both countries, eight in Apurimac and Cusco departments of Peru and eight in Cundinamarca and Boyaca´ departments of Colombia. The existence of complexes was evidenced both by segregation of wild and cultivated morphological traits in certain populations, and by the presence of genetically stabilized weedy types which were assumed to have arisen from past hybridization. Observations on phaseolin seed protein confirmed that genetic exchange was occurring. Phaseolin types introduced from other regions were in incipient stages of introgression into local populations. On the other hand, local phaseolin types were observed in all phases of the complexes from totally wild to fully cultivated beans, suggesting that the complexes had undergone a long evolution. Complexes could be an effective means to generate genetic variability, introgressing genes from wild populations into cultivated types and complementing modern plant breeding programs. The conservation of such complexes depends on the continued existence of the wild, weedy and cultivated beans in close proximity; on the maintenance of a semi-domesticated environment; and on the willingness of farmers to leave weedy types in the field.  相似文献   


Immediate induction of rhizobial chemotaxis and nod genes by seed and root exudates of the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. was investigated. One hour after the onset of Rhizobium incubation in a culture medium composed of common bean exudates and soil extract, a large number of Rhizobium cells were attracted by the seed exudates of all the cultivars (cvs Hokkaikintoki, Himetebou and Kurodanekinugasa), while the media containing root exudates was not statistically different from the control. After 1 h of incubation, the nod genes were induced significantly by the seed exudates of Himetebou and Kurodanekinugasa. In contrast, the seed exudate of Hokkaikintoki and the root exudates of all the cultivars failed to exert a beneficial effect on the immediate induction of the nod genes. These results suggested that the seed exudates displayed a higher potential for immediate induction of rhizobial chemotaxis and nod genes than the root exudates, except for nod gene induction by the seed exudate of Hokkaikintoki.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of different zeolite doses (Z0:0, Z3:30, Z6:60, Z9:90, and Z12:120 t ha?1) and water levels (I50: 0.50, I75: 0.75, and I100:1.00) on yield, quality, and nutrient absorption of common bean were evaluated under arid conditions in Karapinar Konya, Turkey, in 2011 and 2012. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design with three replications. The results showed that in each treatment different doses of zeolite together with changes in the rate of irrigation levels effected yield and yield components. Water use efficiency was also affected by zeolite and irrigation treatments. The highest yields, 4777 and 4114 kg ha?1, respectively, were obtained from the Z9I100 application in 2011 and 2012. During the experimental years, water consumptions at the same treatment were determined 451 and 468 mm, respectively. In addition to this, zeolite treatments affected the contents of N, K, Zn, Mn, and Cu in leaf samples (p < 0.05). These nutrient levels increased with raising zeolite doses.  相似文献   

A set of 99 common bean germplasm collected from central Himalaya was investigated for their genetic variability using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Ten oligonucleotide primers, selected from 60 initially screened, generated 123 amplicon products. Of these, two amplicons were shared by all the accessions whereas 112 were polymorphic at least in two pair wise comparison. Nine unique bands identified were as low as 0.32 kb M.W. to as high as 3.5 kb and were confined to eight collections. All primers produced polymorphic amplicons though the extent of polymorphism varied with each primer. The primer OPF-17 was found to be most powerful and efficient as it generated a total of 17 bands of which 15 were polymorphic. RAPD markers data were analysed statistically using NTSYSpc.2.02e software and a dendrogram was generated using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. The similarity coefficient values varied from 0.19 to 0.91. Grouping analysis revealed the categorization of 99 germplasm into 12 major branches with different level of similarity. Three branches namely branch 2, 3 and 5 out of 12 had only one accession. Branch 1 which consisted of three accessions was the most divergent as revealed by Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. Branching pattern of the accessions did not show any correlation with morphological data or altitudinal alignment of the accessions.  相似文献   


In order to evaluate the effects of water deficit stress and foliar application of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) nanoparticles on physiological characters and seed yield of pinto bean, an experiment was designed as a split factorial design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications in two growing seasons (2016–2017 and 2017–2018). Treatments were included water deficit stress (normal irrigation and water deficit stress in 50% flowering), foliar application of nano-fertilizers (control, nano-Zn (1.5?g L?1), nano-Fe (2?g L?1) and combination of nano-Zn and nano-Fe) and four cultivars of pinto bean (Sadri, Coosha, Cos16, and Ghaffar). The results showed that the soluble sugars and proline content was increased under water deficit. Water deficit stress through decreasing chlorophyll and relative water content of leaves as well as the iron and zinc content of seeds, decreased seed yield and quality. The application of nano-fertilizers of zinc and iron enhanced antioxidant enzymes activity, proline and soluble sugars content as well as leaf area. Also applied nano-fertilizers improved seed quality in terms of protein content. According to obtained results the effect of foliar spray of nano-fertilizers on iron and zinc content of seeds regards to bean cultivars was different. It was concluded that the foliar application of iron combined zinc nano-fertilizers can be useful in pinto bean cultivars under water deficit stress. In both normal and water deficit Cos16 cultivar showed the better amount of studied characteristics compared to other cultivars. The results of cluster analysis of these cultivars confirmed the superiority of Cos16 cultivar.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that two major gene pools exist in cultivatedcommon bean, one Middle American and one Andean. Recently another gene pool,designated as North Andean and a fourth group (not considered to be adistinct gene pool) have been reported by the senior author and hiscolleagues. Many of the agronomic and seed compositional attributes of the twomajor gene pools are well known, but the seed compositional value and diseaseresistance of the North Andean gene pool has not yet been characterized. Torectify this situation, the seed compositional characters, percentage of proteinconcentrations (phaseolin, lectin and -amylaseinhibitor), the nutrient elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron andzinc) and the disease and pest attributes (angular leaf spot,anthracnose, common bacterial blight and empoasca damage) were considered.The Middle American gene pool gave higher lectin, calcium, phosphorus, sulfurand zinc than the Andean gene pool but lower phaseolin and iron. The NorthAndean gene pool is more like the Andean gene pool for phaseolin, resistance toangular leaf spot and anthracnose from Andean pathogen isolates, but more likethe Middle American gene pool for lectin, zinc, sulfur and resistance toanthracnose from Middle American pathogen isolates. On the other hand, it hadthe highest iron concentration and was more resistant to common bacterialblight. These results indicate the potential value of this gene pool in a commonbean breeding program.  相似文献   

Modeling studies on sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three dimensional regional Eulerian model of sulfur deposition and tranport has been developed. It includes emission, transport, diffusion, gas-phase and aqeous-phase chemical process, dry depostion, rainout and washout process. A looking up table method is provided to deal with the gas-phase chemical process including sulfur transfer. Calculated values have reasonable agreement with observations. Distribution of sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia are also analyzed in the paper. Simulation shows that sulfate (SO 4 2– ) is the main substance to transport in long range transport. Some amount of sulfur emission of different countries transport across boundaries, but the main origin of sulfur deposition in each country in East Asia is from herself. Furthermore, some transport paths on different layers and outlet or inlet zones are found.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) proved to be very sensitive of low pH (4.3), with large genotypic differences in proton sensitivity. Therefore, proton toxicity did not allow the screening of common bean genotypes for aluminium (Al) resistance using the established protocol for maize (0.5 mM CaCl2, 8 μM H3BO3, pH 4.3). Increasing the pH to 4.5, the Ca2+ concentration to 5 mM, and addition of 0.5 mM KCl fully prevented proton toxicity in 28 tested genotypes and allowed to identify differences in Al resistance using the inhibition of root elongation by 20 μM Al supply for 36 h as parameter of Al injury. As in maize, Al treatment induced callose formation in root apices of common bean. Aluminium‐induced callose formation well reflected the effect of Ca supply on Al sensitivity as revealed by root‐growth inhibition. Aluminum‐induced callose formation in root apices of 28 bean genotypes differing in Al resistance after 36 h Al treatment was positively correlated to Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation and Al contents in the root apices. However, the relationship was less close than previously reported for maize. Also, after 12 h Al treatment, callose formation and Al contents in root apices did not reflect differences in Al resistance between two contrasting genotypes, indicating a different mode of the expression of Al toxicity and regulation of Al resistance in common bean than in maize.  相似文献   

Though mineral N application impaired nodulation initiation and function, it improves the productivity of common bean. The effect of inorganic application on common bean productivity, however, is dependent on the availability of plant nutrients including nitrogen (N) in the soils. Therefore, multilocation field experiments were conducted at Babillae, Fedis, Haramaya, and Hirna to evaluate the effect of inherent soil fertility status on responsiveness of common bean to different rates of N fertilizer application and its effect on nodulation, yield, and yield components of common bean. The treatments were six levels of N fertilizer (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 kg N ha?1) laid out in randomized completed block design with three replications. The result revealed that 20 kg N ha?1 application significantly improved the nodule number (NN) and nodule dry weight (NDW) except Hirna site, in which reduction of NN and NDW was observed. Although the remaining investigated yield and yield components were significantly improved due to N fertilizer in all study sites, 40 kg N ha?1 application resulted in significantly increased GY of common bean at Fedis, Haramaya, and Hirna site, while 60 kg N ha?1 at Babillae site. The highest total biomass yield (7011.6 kg ha?1) and GY (2475.28 kg ha?1) of common bean were recorded at Hirna and Haramaya sites, respectively, indicating the importance of better fertile soil for good common bean production. Hence, it can be concluded that the effect of inorganic N on common bean was irrespective of soil fertility rather the total amount of N in soil would affect the need of different rate of inorganic N.  相似文献   

The growth of determinate-type and semi-determinate -type plants of common beam (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was studied at elevated (700 μL L-1) and ambient (350 μL Lp-1) CO, concentrations in an open-top chamber. Successive changes in dry matter production and in the number of stems and branches were investigated. To evaluate the sink-source balance at different CO2 concentrations, 13CO2 was introduced to the leaves during the pod filling stage and the 13C distribution profile was analyzed. In the elevated CO2 treatment, no significant differences in dry matter production were observed for the determinate -type plants, unlike in the semi-determinate-type ones, where the volume was 1.3 times bigger than those in the ambient CO2 treatment. This enhanced growth in the semi-determinatetype plants mainly involved the branches. Starch accumulation in leaves at elevated CO2 concentratton was up to 200 and 300 mg glucose g DML-1 for determinate- and semi-determinate-types, respectively. Though the increased accumulation of starch under elevated CO2 treatment was more pronounced in the semi-determinate-type plants, it appeared that photosynthesis was not down-regulated. The net assimilation rate of the semi-determinate-type plants in the elevated CO2 treatment was generally higher than that in the ambient CO2 treatment. The semi-determinate-type plants could take advantage of the elevated CO2 treatment for the distribution of photosynthates to branches, while in the determinate-type plants the growth of the branches could not be expanded, and consequently plant growth was not enhanced by elevated CO2 treatment.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that two major gene pools exist in cultivatedcommon bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a MiddleAmerican and an Andean one. Some evidence, based on unique phaseolin morphotypesand AFLP analysis, suggests that at least one more gene pool exists incultivated common bean. To investigate this hypothesis, 1072 accessions from acommon bean core collection from the primary centres of origin, held at CIAT,were investigated. Various agronomic and morphological attributes (14categorical and 11 quantitative) were measured. Multivariate analyses,consisting of homogeneity analysis and clustering for categorical data,clustering and ordination techniques for quantitative data and nonlinearprincipal component analysis for mixed data, were undertaken. The results ofmost analyses supported the existence of the two major gene pools. However, theanalysis of categorical data of protein types showed an additional minor genepool. The minor gene pool is designated North Andean and includes phaseolintypes CH, S and T; lectin types 312, Pr, B and K; and mostly A5, A6 and A4 types-amylase inhibitor. Analysis of the combined categorical data ofprotein types and some plant categorical data also suggested that some othergermplasm with C type phaseolin are distinguished from the major gene pools.  相似文献   

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