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通过全国生态农业试点县建设项目的实施,湖北省京山县、宜城市和洪湖市取得了阶段性的成果,积累了丰富的生态农业建设经验,领导重视和科学规划是建设生态农业县的前提与保障。  相似文献   

通过对赣州市生态农业建设限制因素的分析,依据赣州生态农业市建设的目标,提出将赣州市划分为4个生态农业区,建设8项生态农业工程及其保障生态农业建设的主要措施。  相似文献   

发展生态农业是贫困地区脱贫致富的基本途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过拜泉县建设生态农业实践的记述,说明我国的生态农业与当今世界各国普遍接受的持续农业基本内涵是一致的。发展生态农业是贫困地区脱贫致富的基本途径。  相似文献   

通过对赣州市生态农业建设限制因素的分析,依据赣州生态农业市建设的目标,提出将赣州划分为4个生态农业区,建设8项生态农业工程及其保障生态农业建设的主要措施。  相似文献   

生态农业建设的若干问题研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从知识经济与可持续发展经济新时代的高度,论证了新世纪加强生态农业建设的重要性与紧迫性;阐明了新时期生态农业发展的目标、任务、要求、经营方式与产业形式,即要把生态农业建设提高到新的水平,必须做到大规模生态环境建设与大规模生态农业建设、加强农业基础地位与加强生态农业建设、实施“生态立县”发展战略与生态农业发展战略同时并举与协调发展;构建制度、技术、生态三类创新有机统一的中国生态农业持续发展运行模式,走出一条具有中国特色的农业现代化、生态化、知识化与可持续化相互适应与相互协调的生态农业发展道路。  相似文献   

东营市是黄河三角洲上的中心城市,也是黄河三角洲开发的主战场。通过对东营市近几年生态农业建设的基本模式、效益情况、存在问题及黄河三角洲地区发展生态农业的有利条件进行分析,借鉴东营市生态农业建设的经验,结合黄河三角洲地区的实际,提出了黄河三角洲地区发展生态农业的基本思路和具体途径。  相似文献   

肇东是黑龙江省国家级生态农业试点县之一。为了达到生态农业市(县)的目标,从具体的市情出发,将全市划分为4个生态农业区,并通过进行10项生态工程建设和社会、经济措施,保证农业和农村经济的持续发展。本文概述了进行生态农业市建设的设想。  相似文献   

当前国际持续农业运动中我国生态农业发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于我国生态农业发展状况,论述生态农业的概念与内涵;世界性持续农业产生的背景、过程及其与生态工程、生态农业的关系,生态农业在我国农业发展中的重要地位。  相似文献   

西北旱区自然条件恶劣,水土资源不匹配,农业发展受到诸多障碍。为探索一条突破环境制约,且资源集约高效利用的现代农业发展道路,该文系统分析了国内外农业发展沿革与趋势,明晰了西北旱区农业发展面临的问题与挑战,构建了针对西北旱区的生态农业发展理论框架,提出了西北旱区多业态生态农业结构与提质增效途径。研究发现,生态农业是通过现代科学技术与生态工程原理,形成产供销全链条绿色循环且生态功能持续提升的一种农业体系。生态农业应具备农业资源集约化、生产过程生态化、农业经营产业化、农业管理智能化、农业功能多元化五大基本特征。该文构建了以高效益、高效率、高品质、高素质为目标的生态农业高质量发展体系,提出了集优质棉业、精品果业、优质粮草、生态养殖、特色小镇、地理产品为一体的西北旱区多业态生态农业结构,阐明了以节水控盐协同模式、生境智能管控模式、“园机”一体化模式、循环经济发展模式、城乡统筹发展模式、“三产”一体化模式为核心的西北旱区生态农业提质增效技术体系,明确了以农业高效用水和生态功能提升为核心的关键途径。同时实践经验显示,绿色可持续的生态农业发展理念对促进区域经济水平与生态环境建设效果显著,如陕西眉县绿色林果业品牌入选中欧地理标志产品名单、综合产值达58.5亿元,甘肃广河县和宁夏青铜峡市畜禽粪污资源化率超90%,新疆生产建设兵团七十七团通过秸秆资源化技术单产增加8%、土壤有机质达21.2%,内蒙古科尔沁旗通过优质牧草种植、良种培育的生态畜牧业实现了规模生产与草场保护的双赢。  相似文献   

建设生态农业的成功经验──拜泉县生态农业建设考察与研讨会纪实丁玉华(农业部农业政策研究会北京,100026)1994年8月下旬,由中国农业生态环保协会倡议,生态农业专业委员会与拜泉县政府联合举办的“生态农业建设考察与研讨会”,在全国生态农业建设走在前...  相似文献   

农业生态环境保护及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以保护农业生态环境为出发点,综合阐述了农业生态环境问题产生的背景;分析了影响农业生态环境的各种因素;客观地指出了目前还存在的问题;提出了保护农业生态环境的措施及对策。  相似文献   

小流域治理中的水土保持型观光农业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观光农业是农业与观光业相结合的一种复合型产业,其设计要求经济发展与环境保护相协调、资源利用和资源保护相统一。泰安市背靠泰山,旅游资源得天独厚,小流域治理中的水土保持型观光旅游农业应围绕泰山大旅游做文章。详细介绍了国内外观光农业的发展概况,并以泰安市小流域观光旅游农业的发展为例,介绍了观光农业的几种成功模式。  相似文献   

贺婧  刘小鹏  王亚娟 《水土保持通报》2007,27(4):148-150,154
目前,宁夏农业生态环境问题已成为制约宁夏区域经济发展的主要因素。农业生态环保产业是针对农业生态环境问题而产生的,既服务于农业,保护农业生产环境,又改善并创造良好的农业生态环境,保护和充分利用农业环境资源。针对上述情况,探讨了农业环保产业的内涵,宁夏农业生态环保产业的发展现状及其投融资渠道。通过研究,提出了建立健全农业生态环保产业发展的法律法规,制定《宁夏农业生态环保产业发展规划》以及建立农业生态环保产业创业、发展的投融资机制,以促进宁夏农业生态环保产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

农业环境与可持续农业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可持续农业是解决下世纪我国吃饭问题的唯一途径,其中科学的土地管理、保护好农业环境是可持续农业运作的关键,而培育良种和实施良好的集约化经营是增加粮食生产的两条主要途经。  相似文献   

由于农业的弱质性以及在国民经济中的重要地位,世界各国特别是经济发达国家越来越多地对农业采取了支持和保护措施。欧美国家已形成了农业支持政策体系,各种措施覆盖广泛,相互配套,共同发挥作用。归纳、总结和分析欧美国家农业支持政策的调整与改革及其成功经验,为建立健全我国农业政策体系提供有益的参考,以促进我国农业经济和农村社会的持续发展。  相似文献   

荷兰设施农业的考察与中国工厂化农业建设的思考   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
介绍了科技部组团赴荷兰考察设施农业的观感,分析总结了荷兰设施农业的特点及发展趋势。结合中国的国情和设施农业的发展实际进行深层次的比较和思考,得出了关于发展中国工厂化高效农业的启示,指出中国发展农业高科技示范区、工程示范区和工厂化农业应依靠集成化现代工业技术和科学管理,注重效益和质量,重视环境治理与可持续发展。最后,提出了中国发展工厂化农业的几条建议  相似文献   

我国稀土农用的新进展及其发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了近年来稀土农用的新进展:稀土农用领域由农业扩展到林业、畜禽水产业、草业和复混肥等领域;稀土农用有效条件研究深化;稀土农用科研成果向商,品化转化和稀土农用环境保护等。并认为稀土农用今后将向高效、复合、简便和低消耗的趋向发展。  相似文献   

The world's agricultural production is increasing by 1 to 2 per cent annually and has been enough to satisfy the growing world population's need for food. Breeding, fertilisation and crop protection have decidedly contributed to that progress in productivity. But since the 1960s, agriculture has been more and more conceived by the public as an environment-contaminating industry. The public is concerned about water contamination with nitrate as a result of the use of fertilisers, and about harmful effects of chemical plant protection products on soil, water, air, animals and wild plants. The public discussion has not remained without consequences. Sustainability of development has become a central political objective in all spheres of social life, and in all world regions. Sustainable development concerns economic, ecological as well as social objectives, and is also the guideline for a renovation of agriculture. Any concepts and strategies integrating environmental aspects into agricultural production are linked with the objective of sustainable development. Discussion on sustainable agriculture has become more concrete on the basis of the Brundtland Report and Agenda 21 , as well as the various follow-up meetings of the 1992 Conference of Rio. Although efforts towards sustainable development in agriculture encounter widespread scepticism, clear progress is to be noted since that discussion has intensified. Farmers have paid more attention to new farming practices. Environmental aspects now play an important role when extension services advise farmers on fertilisation and crop protection. Research has contributed essentially to the change in agriculture towards sustainable production. Sustainability in agriculture has also been expressed in new legal regulations. Principles of good professional practice in applying fertilisers, as it is required by the Fertilisers Act from the year 1989, have been spelled out more clearly in a legal regulation issued on 26 January 1996 (Federal Law Gazette part I of 06 February 1996, p. 118). Principles of good professional practice in crop protection were published in Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) No. 220 a of 21 November 1998. Principles of integrated crop protection were first discussed by representatives of agriculture, environment protection offices and researchers at a workshop at Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft (BBA, Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry) in Kleinmachnow on 23° March 2000. The debate on sustainability centres around the aspects of economic and social efficiency of measures taken, and their effects on the environment. The following article deals with some basic aspects of efficiency on the one hand, and effects/emission on the environment on the other, of fertilisers and crop protection products as important input factors in agriculture. Crop husbandry always is an interference with nature. The Lüneburger Heide cropping region is a memorial of ecologically out-dated land management. Today, sustainable and at the same time efficient agriculture can only be realised with modern methods based on sound knowledge. This includes mineral fertilisation and chemical crop protection. Cropping permanently draws nutrients from the soil-plant system. They have to be refilled by fertilisation. If no fertilising measures are taken at all, the humus layer of the soil declines and soil degrades. The decline in fertility will result in yield losses of between 70 and 90%. In contrast, combination of organic and mineral fertilisers has continually added to soil fertility. This is reflected in the humus content of the soil, which is by about a quarter higher than it was a hundred years ago. Farmers resorting solely to mineral fertilisation produce yields lower by 5-10% than those combining mineral and organic fertilisers. If only organic fertilisers are used, this may reduce yields by between 10 and 40%, depending on the site. Unwanted side-effects of fertilisation (such as leaching of nitrates) may be reduced to a tolerable level by precise input of nutrients, improved methods such as precise fertiliser input depending on the condition of certain field patches, and by integrated crop protection, which relies on synergetic effects of various measures. Germany has for these reasons witnessed a relaxation of environmental pressure from excessive nutrient input. If crop protection measures were abandoned, pests and diseases would reduce yields by between 40 and 80 per cent. Our own trials about energy input-output proportions have shown a ratio of 1:4.6 with use of fertilisers (100kg N/ha), and a ratio of 1:8.6 with use of fertiliser and chemical plant protection products. The risk potential of modern chemical plant protection products has permanently decreased over the past few decades and is generally about one tenth of the values of 15 years ago. Integrated crop protection, which combines various methods of crop protection and reduces the use of chemical crop protection products to a necessary minimum, is the "optimal solution for the future" and "contributes to the sustainability of agriculture", as it is said in the Agenda 21 programme adopted by the 1992 environmental conference in Rio.  相似文献   

土壤科学与农业持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈善敏 《土壤学报》1994,31(2):113-118
持续农业是为建立资源利用、环境保护、满足社会需求和经济效益等各方面均可持续发展的农业制度的一种思想或目标。从长远来说,中国农业的出路在于发展和建设中国的持续农业,但近年来的现实变化表明,中国农业的发展离持续农业的目标越来越远。中国农业的健康发展既需要市场的激励机制,更需要政府的干予和农业科学技术进步的引导。土壤科学面临的重要任务之一便是发展以服务于我国农业持续发展为目标的土地整治和土壤管理的理论和实践,建立持续农业中有关土地资源管理、农田土壤管理、农业中废弃物管理和资源化利用的技术。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市灌溉农业项目是“九五”期间重点农业综合开发项目。根据项目工程及项目区农业经济资源生态环境特点,对项目实施后通过改变种植结构及耕作方式,开发利用水资源,增施化肥、农药及林业建设项目等对生态环境的影响进行分析,并提出科学施肥,控制农药用量,合理开发利用水资源,发展生态农业及加强乡镇工业环境保护工作等对策。  相似文献   

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