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可变电荷土壤吸附铜离子时氢离子的释放   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
可变电荷土壤吸附铜离子后 ,土壤的中和曲线上不出现pH突跃 ,而变成一条平缓变化的曲线。当土壤悬液的pH低于一定数值时 ,加入铜离子后不释放氢离子。该pH值与土壤中氧化铁的含量有关。氧化铁的含量越高 ,该pH值越高。对于大多数可变电荷土壤 ,此pH值为 4左右。对可变电荷土壤 ,pH值越接近 4,氢离子释放的快速过程越不明显。在pH 4左右 ,加入铜离子后 1 0分钟时 ,释放的氢离子量仅占 6 5分钟时释放量的 3 0 %左右。但当pH值高于 4 5时 ,在大多数情况下 ,加入铜离子后半分钟时释放的氢离子量即可占 6 5分钟时的 5 0 %以上。恒电荷土壤吸附铜离子时氢离子的释放速度比可变电荷土壤快得多。即使pH值低至 3 8,在加入铜离子后半分钟时氢离子的释放量即占 6 5分钟时的 5 6 %以上。可变电荷土壤吸附铜离子时的H/Cu比比恒电荷土壤大得多。当恒电荷土壤悬液中加入0 1mo1L- 1 NaNO3作支持电解质时 ,吸附铜离子时的H/Cu比增大。  相似文献   

恒电荷土壤与可变电荷土壤K^+的吸附特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本工作研究了阴离子吸附和PH对恒电荷土壤(黄棕壤和黑土)和可变电荷土壤(砖红壤)动电性质的影响。结果表明,砖红壤吸附不同阴离子后的ζ电位随PH升高由正电位移至负电位,在ζ电位-PH曲线上均有一个等电点(IEP)在PH3.5~8之间,相同PH升高由正电红壤的ζ电位随吸附阴离子的负移顺序是HPO4^2-〉F^-〉SO4^2-〉Cl^-〉NO3^-。作为恒电荷土壤的黄棕壤和黑土,在不同电解发质溶液中的ε  相似文献   

离子强度和pH对可变电荷土壤与铜离子相互作用的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
研究了离子强度和pH对可变电荷土壤表面电荷与铜离子吸附的影响。作为对照 ,也研究了它们对恒电荷土壤黄棕壤的有关性质的影响。结果表明 ,随pH升高 ,土壤的表面负电荷增加 ,正电荷减少。对于可变电荷土壤 ,可出现电荷零点 (pH0 )。随pH升高 ,土壤对Cu2 的吸附量增大。随着离子强度增大 ,恒电荷土壤对Cu2 的吸附百分率明显降低 ,可变电荷土壤对Cu2 离子的吸附百分率也降低 ,但降低的幅度比恒电荷土壤者小得多。土壤中氧化铁的含量越高 ,降低的幅度越小。对于含 2 1 %左右游离氧化铁的铁质砖红壤 ,即使支持电解质NaNO3的浓度高达 1molL- 1,对Cu2 的吸附仍然几乎没有影响。从离子强度和pH与土壤表面电荷和铜离子吸附的关系 ,可以推测在土壤对铜离子的吸附中 ,既存在电性吸附 ,又存在专性吸附。在可变电荷土壤对铜离子的吸附中 ,专性吸附较为重要  相似文献   

阴离子对可变电荷土壤吸附铜离子的影响机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据NO-3、Cl-和SO24-对可变电荷土壤和恒电荷土壤吸附Cu2+的影响的比较,探讨了阴离子对可变电荷土壤吸附Cu2+的影响机理。结果表明,当3种阴离子的浓度相同时,在SO24-体系中铁质砖红壤对Cu2+的吸附率较在NO3-和Cl-体系中大得多,而在浓度相同的3种阴离子体系中,黄棕壤对Cu2+的吸附率相差不大。在离子强度相近的NaCl体系中,砖红壤对Cu2+的吸附率相近。在3种阴离子体系中,随着pH升高,砖红壤对Cu2+的吸附率均增大;但在NO-3体系和Cl-体系中Cu2+的吸附率相近;而在SO24-体系中Cu2+的吸附率最大。随着Na2SO4浓度的增大,铁质砖红壤和砖红壤对Cu2+的吸附率减小。但在0.005 mol L-1和0.05 mol L-1Na2SO4体系中,Cu2+的吸附率大于在不含Na2SO4的体系中者。而在0.5 mol L-1Na2SO4体系中,Cu2+吸附率小于在不含Na2SO4体系中者。在3种浓度的Na2SO4体系中,黄棕壤对Cu2+的吸附率均小于在不含Na2SO4体系中者。总之,阴离子可通过离子强度、专性吸附和形成离子对影响土壤对Cu2+的吸附。在可变电荷土壤中,阴离子对Cu2+吸附的影响机理较在恒电荷土壤中复杂得多。  相似文献   

为进一步了解离子强度对可变电荷表面吸附性铜离子连续性解吸的影响,研究两种可变电荷土壤在去离子水和0.1 mol·L~(-1)NaNO_3溶液中吸附铜离子后,依次在去离子水和浓度由低到高的NaNO_3溶液中连续解吸时,离子强度变化对不同pH段铜离子解吸的影响。结果表明,解吸过程中离子强度变化方向对解吸分值随pH升高的变化趋势的影响完全不同,当离子强度由大变小时,解吸分值曲线的总体趋势是随着pH的升高而降低,反之,曲线呈现为钟形,且当去离子水第一次解吸在0.1mol·L~(-1)NaNO_3溶液中吸附的铜离子时,两种可变电荷土壤的第一次去离子水解吸均可出现重吸附现象,但铁质砖红壤解吸分值绝对值要小于红壤。整个解吸过程中,两种可变电荷土壤的铜离子吸附性铜离子的解吸特征与高岭石基本相似,但可变电荷土壤与高岭石以及两种可变电荷土壤之间,解吸分值的变化规律均存在一定的差异性,可变电荷土壤中的氧化铁含量多少被认为是导致这些差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

本工作研究了阳离子吸附和pH对恒电荷土壤(黄棕壤、棕壤、暗棕壤和黑土)和可变电荷土壤(砖红壤)动电性质的影响。研究结果表明,砖红壤在不同溶液中的ζ电位随pH升高由正值变为负值,均有一个等电点(IEP);pH>5时,在不同溶液之间砖红壤ζ电位的变化顺序为MnCl  相似文献   

徐明岗 《土壤与环境》2001,10(2):111-114
对不同浓度KCI和不同pH下,3种可变电荷土壤和4种恒电荷土壤CI^-吸附量进行了测定。结果表明,土壤CI^-吸附量随平衡CI^-浓度C(e)增加而增大,恒电荷土壤呈线性,可变电荷土壤在添加CI^-0.5-5.0mmol/L下,符合Langmuir吸附等温式。同一浓度下的CI^-吸附量及其随浓度增加的速率均为砖红壤>红壤>赤红壤>黄棕壤>棕壤、暗棕壤和黑土,与这些土壤所带正电荷量顺序相一致。Langmuir方程K值较小且几种土壤差异不大。恒电荷土壤对CI^-的吸附量很小,在浓度较低时常出现负吸附,其吸附机理可能更多的是与K^ 吸附时的同时吸附。7种土壤CI^-吸附量均随pH增加而降低,但降低强度可变电荷土壤远大于恒电荷土壤。  相似文献   

研究了SO2-4添加顺序对三种可变电荷土壤(昆明铁质砖红壤、徐闻砖红壤和江西红壤)吸附Cu2+的影响,作为对照,也研究了其对恒电荷土壤(黄棕壤、棕壤)以及两种不同矿物(高岭石与针铁矿)吸附铜离子的影响。实验结果表明,在同等条件下,SO2-4添加顺序对两类表面性质不同的土壤吸附Cu2+有着不同的影响。对于恒电荷土壤,SO2-4添加顺序对土壤吸附Cu2+几乎没有影响。同等pH条件下,对可变电荷表面而言,加入CuSO4者具有最高的Cu2+吸附率;对昆明砖红壤、徐闻砖红壤以及针铁矿和高岭石而言,先加入Cu2+者相对先加入SO2-4者Cu2+吸附率更高;对江西红壤而言,上述这个次序则刚好相反。SO2-4浓度和有机质去除对同等pH条件下铜离子吸附率高低的排序并无实质性影响。  相似文献   

李成保  季国亮 《土壤学报》1999,36(3):354-360
本工作研究了阳离子和吸附和PH对恒电荷土壤和可变电荷土壤动电动性质的影响。研究结果表明,砖红 不同溶液中的ζ电位随PH升高由正值变为负值,均有一个等电点:PH〉5时,在不同溶液之间砖红壤ζ电位的变化顺序为:MnCl2〉ZnCl2≥CaCl2〉NaCl。  相似文献   

The release of hydroxyl ions from two variable charge soils associaed with the adsorption of chloride in NaClO4 solutions was examined.The complete release required about 10 minutes The release decreased with the increase in the NaClO4 concentration at first and eventually was little affected by the latter.The adsorption of Cl^-1 was almost linearly related with the quantity of NaCl added to the system,while the OH^- release-NaCl curve varied with the soil type and the concentration of NaClO4.The logarithm of the quantity of released OH^- was linearly related with the pH ,The ratio of release OH^- to adsorbed Cl^- was larger in dilute NaClO4 solutions than in concentrated solutions and decreased with increasing NaCl.  相似文献   

硫酸盐对锌和镉在可变电荷土壤上吸附的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
SO4^2- and Zn^2 or Cd^2 were added to three variable charge soils in different sequences.In one sequence sulfate was added first ,and in the other,Zn^2 or Cd^2 first.The addition of sulfate to the system invariably caused an increase in adsorption of the heavy metal added,with the effect more remarkable whn the soil reacted with the sulfate prior to the metal.the shift in pH50 for both Zn and Cd adsorption was aslo comparatively larger in the first sequence of reactions .It was suggested that the increase in negative charge density and the resultant negative potential of the soil were the primary cause of the pronounced effect of sulfate on adsorption of Zn or Cd,and the formaiton of the ternary surface complex-S-SO4-M might also play a role in the effect.  相似文献   

对 3种可变电荷土壤和 4种恒电荷土壤在不同 pH、不同浓度、不同相伴阴阳离子下混合体系中Cl-和NO3-的吸附进行了测定。结果表明 ,在Cl-和NO3- 共存体系中 ,Cl-比例增大使可变电荷土壤Na+吸附量及OH-释放量增加 ,而对恒电荷土壤影响不大。Cl-和NO3-吸附量随平衡Cl-和NO3-浓度增加而增大 ,随pH升高而减少。但恒电荷土壤在上述各种条件下对Cl-和NO3-吸附均相同 ,而可变电荷土壤对Cl-吸附量大于NO3-的吸附量 ;NO3-、Cl-的选择系数为 0.51~0.78,Cl-和NO3-的相对吸附量分别为56.9%和 43.1%。在不同相伴阳离子下 ,可变电荷土壤平衡溶液Cl-/NO3-比值均小于 1,且为Na+K+Ca2+Mg2+Fe3+;而恒电荷土壤Cl-/NO3-比值为 1左右 ,且不受阳离子类型的影响。由此认为 ,Cl-和NO3-在两类土壤中均以电性吸附为主 ,恒电荷土壤对Cl-和NO3-的亲合力及吸附机理相同 ;而可变电荷土壤对Cl-的亲合力 NO3- ,Cl-存在着专性吸附  相似文献   

Sulfate (SO4 2–) movement and transport in soils has received considerable attention in recent years. In most soils, SO4 2– coexists with a variety of natural organic compounds, especially organic acids. Studies were conducted to assess the effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids (eight aliphatic and five aromatic acids) on SO4 2– adsorption by variable charge soils from Chile and Costa Rica. The effects of type of organic acid, pH, type of soil, and organic acid concentration were investigated. In one experiment, a 1.0 g soil sample was equilibrated with 25 ml 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, or 6.0 mM K2SO4 in 1 mM NaCl in the presence or absence of 5 mM citric acid. In the second set of experiments, the adsorption of 2 mM SO4 2– in soils at pH 4 or pH 5 in the presence or absence of one of 13 organic acids at a concentration of 2 mM or 5 mM was studied. Results showed that citric acid significantly decreased SO4 2– adsorption by the two soils. Sulfate adsorption decreased with increasing pH of the equilibrium solution. Aliphatic acids, with the exception of cis-aconitic acid, decreased the amount of SO4 2– adsorbed by the two soils, with oxalic, tartaric, and citric acid showing the greatest effect. The differences in pH values of the equilibrium solutions in the presence and absence of organic acids were significantly, but negatively, correlated with the amount of SO4 2– adsorbed, suggesting chemisorption of SO4 2– and the release of hydroxide ions. The ionization fraction values of the organic acids at the equilibrium pH were correlated with the amounts of SO4 2– adsorbed, suggesting that the protonation of surface hydroxyl groups of the mineral phase increased as the strength of the ionization of the acid increased, thus creating more positively charged surfaces. Received: 12 February 1997  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and have been implicated in many soil processes.The objective of the present paper was to evaluate effect of two LMW organic acids, citric acid and oxalic acid, on Cl^- adsorption by three variable charge soils, a latosol, a lateritic red soil and a red soil, using a batch method. The results showed that the presence of citric acid and oxalic acid led to a decrease in Cl- adsorption with larger decreases for citric acid. Among the different soils Cl- adsorption in the lateritic red soil and the red soil was more affected by both the LMW organic acids than that in the latosol.  相似文献   

The effects of three electrolyte anions, ionic strength and pH on the adsorption of sulfate by two variable charge soils, with different surface charge properties were studied. Under the conditions of the same pH and ionic strength the effect of electrolyte anions on the adsorption of sulfate was in the order of Cl- > NO3- > ClO4-, indicating the difference of the nature among these three anions. For Ferralsol in the same concentration of chloride and perchloride solutions, the two sulfate adsorption-pH curves could intersect at certain pH value. When pH was higher than the intersecting point, more sulfate was adsorbed in the perchloride solution, while when it was lower than the intersecting point, more sulfate was adsorbed in the chloride solution. In different concentrations of electrolyte solution, the curves of the amount of oxy-acid anion adsorbed, which changed with pH, could intersect at a certain pH, which is termed point of zero salt effect (PZSE) on adsorption. The nature of electrolyte anions influenced obviously the appearance of PZSE for sulfate adsorption. For ferralsol the curves of adsorption converged to about pH 7 in NaCl solution seemed to intersect in NaNO3 solution and to have a typical PZSE for sulfate adsorption in NaClO4 solution. For Acrisol the three curves of adsorption were nearly parallel in NaCl and NaNO3 solutions and converged to pH 6.5 in NaClO4 solution.  相似文献   

姜军  徐仁扣  王永  赵安珍 《土壤》2008,40(6):949-953
用恒pH自动电位滴定装置研究了氟离子(F-)、磷酸根(H2PO4-)和铬酸根(CrO42-)在3种可变电荷土壤表面吸附过程中羟基(-OH)释放的动力学。研究结果表明,3种阴离子在可变电荷土壤表面吸附时-OH释放量的大小顺序为:F->>H2PO4->CrO42-,这与土壤对3种阴离子吸附量的大小顺序一致。pH对不同阴离子体系中-OH释放的影响不同,在F-体系中,pH5.0时-OH释放量最高,其次为pH6.0时,pH4.0时-OH释放量最小;CrO42-体系中-OH释放量随pH的增加而减小;pH对H2PO4-体系中-OH释放的影响较小。Elovich方程(Y=a kln(t))能够很好拟合2~60min之间的动力学数据,说明-OH释放的速率随时间增加而减小。比较速率常数k的大小可以发现,虽然F-体系中3种可变电荷土壤在前2min释放的-OH量有很大差异,但在2~60min内,-OH释放速率差别不大。在H2PO4-和CrO42-体系中,-OH释放速率的大小顺序是:昆明砖红壤>徐闻砖红壤>江西红壤,与土壤铁、铝氧化物含量一致。  相似文献   

The release of hydroxyl ions during specific adsorption of chloride by variable-charge soils of China was studied by comparing the difference in pH of the suspension between a HCl-treated system and a HNO3?treated system. A difference occurred only for the variablecharge soils, but not for the permanent-charge soil. The release of OH? ions decreased upon removal of free iron oxides. The quantity of released OH was larger for electrodialyzed soils than that for untreated soils. It was less than 10% of the amount of Cl added. The OH/CI ratioincreased with increasing addition of HCl, suggesting that more OH relative to H2O was replaced by CI.  相似文献   

Influence of Al dissolution on soil ZPC (zero point of charge) measured by a potentio-metric titration (PT) method and a modified salt titration (STPT) method was examined using two strongly weathered soils from Thailand and two volcanic ash soils from Japan. The amount of dissolved Al ions increased with the increase in the concentration of a supporting electrolyte for the strongly weathered soils, while the increase was negligible for the volcanic ash soils.

ZPC value of the strongly weathered soils determined by the PT method was lower than that by the STPT method, due to the greater Al dissolution associated with the higher electrolyte concentration used in the PT method. Al ions adsorbed onto the soil surface would shift the ZPC to a higher pH value not as a result of the formation of hydroxy Al polymers, but due to the blocking of permanent negative charge sites, which could otherwise lower the ZPC. The σp value, as a measure of permanent charge or the amount of 11 or O11 adsorbed by a soil required to attain the ZPC, could be used to describe this phenomenon.

In the STPT method, the salt concentration was not high enough to causc a significant Al dissolution at the ZPC, which is considered to be a more suitable condition than in the PT method because the ZPC value can be evaluated at a low salt concentration as in the ease of field conditions for crop production. Thus, the STPT method is rccommendcd for the determination of the ZPC.  相似文献   

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