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正鹅出血性坏死性肝炎又称鹅呼肠孤病毒感染,是2001年以来在我国养鹅业出现的一种呼肠孤病毒病。该病主要危害1~10周龄鹅,其特征病变是肝脏兼具出血灶和坏死灶。该病由王永坤首先在江苏发现,此后在全国许多地方的鹅群流行并造成危害。1病原分析该病的病原为鹅呼肠孤病毒,属呼肠孤病毒科、正呼肠孤病毒属成员。若按国际病毒分类委员会的分类标准,可认为GRV与禽呼肠孤病毒属同种病毒,并  相似文献   

鹅的副粘病毒病又叫“鹅的新城疫”,是近年来新发现的由鹅源禽Ⅰ型副粘病毒(Avian Paramyxovirus-1,APMV-1)引起的鹅的一种烈性传染病,其病原与鸡的新城疫病毒是同类病毒中的不同毒株。1997年最先发生于我国华南地区,而后江苏、浙江、辽宁、吉林等地也陆续发生,现已在全国范围内流行,成为我国养鹅业危害最大的传染病。  相似文献   

鹅多杀性巴氏杆菌病又称禽(鹅)霍乱、出血性败血症、摇头瘟等,是由多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的一种急性传染病。极易出现地方性流行,一旦发病,传染迅速,死亡率高,对养鹅业危害很大,常造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

近几年来养鹅业发展较快,各地区对小鹅瘟、禽霍乱等病已引起重视,但对鹅的寄生虫病往往忽视。特别是对中鹅绦虫病的危害,重视不够。笔者对本地10个养鹅户统计,养鹅为2521只,日龄在40—60天,因患绦虫病死亡342只,占13.7%。严重危害鹅业发展,为了防止鹅绦虫病的危害,应用硫双二氯酚驱除鹅绦虫,现将驱除绦虫效果报告如下。  相似文献   

鹅的副粘病毒病又叫“鹅的新城疫”,是近年来新发现的由鹅源禽I型副粘病毒(APMV—1)引起的鹅的一种烈性传染病,其病原与鸡的新城疫病毒是同类病毒中的不同毒株。1997年最先发生于我国华南地区,而后江苏、浙江、辽宁、吉林等地也陆续发生,现已在全国范围内流行,成为我国养鹅业危害最大的传染病。这一病毒可致鸡及鹅发病,并且在二者之间可以相互感染,此病一旦发生,其发病率和死亡率都很高,给养殖业带来了巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

该病的病原为呼肠孤病毒科,正呼肠孤病毒属,禽呼肠孤病毒,鹅呼肠孤病毒。禽呼肠孤病毒已对鸡、火鸡,番鸭,鹅、半番鸭、蛋鸭、肉鸭等禽类致病。除了引起死亡外,总体生产性能低下,大大降低了禽类的经济价值,是值得引起高度重视的禽类病毒性传染病,是新出现的一种鹅病毒性传染病,它将极大危害养鹅业健康发展。  相似文献   

鹅的副粘病毒病又叫“鹅的新城疫”,是近年来新发现的由鹅源禽I型副粘病毒(Avian Paramyxovirus-1,APMV-1)引起的鹅的一种烈性传染病,其病原与鸡的新城疫病毒是同类病毒中的不同毒株。1997年最先发生于我国华南地区,而后江苏、浙江、辽宁、吉林等地也陆续发生,现已在全国范围内流行^[1],成为我国养鹅业危害最大的传染病。这一病毒可致鸡及鹅发病,并且在二者之间可以相互感染,此病一旦发生,其发病率和死亡率都很高,给养殖业带来了巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

小鹅瘟是鹅的一种病毒病,最早是由我国学者方定一(1956)首次在江苏发现,并于1961年鉴定其病原为鹅细小病毒(GPV)。1967年匈牙利学者Derzsv又对本病进行了详尽的描述,之后世界禽病学会将此病命名为Derzsy氏病。该病主要引起雏鹅急性肠炎以及肝、肾、心等实质脏器的炎症,致病性强,死亡率高。  相似文献   

鹅巴氏杆菌病是由多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的接触性传染病,可引起鹅的急性败血症及组织器官出血性炎症,并常伴有严重的下痢,故又称禽霍乱、禽出血性败血症、摇头瘟等。各种年龄的鹅均能感染,但雏鹅和青年鹅多发,成年鹅发病较少。该病流行范围广,无季节性,一年四季均可发生。  相似文献   

鹅细小病毒病最早是由我国学者方定一于1956年首次在江苏发现,并于1961年鉴定其病原为鹅细小病毒(goose parvovrius,GPV)。1967年匈牙利学者Derzsv又对本病进行了详尽的描述,之后世界禽病学会将此病命名为Derzsy氏病。该病主要引起雏鹅急性肠炎以及肝、肾、心等实质脏器的炎症,致病性强,死亡率高。  相似文献   

氧化应激是畜禽体内活性氧产生与保护机制消除的失衡,可导致组织产生氧化损伤,最终诱发炎性疾病。氧化应激可激活多种转录因子,导致炎症途径相关基因的差异表达,由氧化应激引起的炎症是许多慢性疾病的病因。多酚作为植物次生代谢产物,被认为是有效的辅助治疗佐剂,在人和动物中发挥潜在的抗氧化和抗炎作用。多酚也被认为是具有应用潜力的畜禽饲料添加剂。综述了畜禽氧化应激与炎症的关系及机制、多酚对畜禽的抗氧化和抗炎作用及机制,以期为动物疾病抗氧化疗法的应用和新型抗炎药物的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

In law, backyard poultry are “food‐producing animals” and “farmed animals” and are subject to regulations regarding welfare, prescribing, banned procedures, disposal of carcases, feeding bans, notifiable diseases and disease surveillance in addition to those applying to most other pets. Many owners and some veterinary surgeons are unclear about the requirements of these regulations. Backyard poultry are also associated with some different zoonotic disease risks to mammalian pets. Because a high proportion of poultry morbidity and mortality relates to infectious diseases, the health of backyard poultry is amenable to improvement through basic husbandry, biosecurity, hygiene and preventive medicine measures that can be incorporated into a simple “flock‐health plan”. This article reviews these topics.  相似文献   

张立 《畜牧兽医杂志》2024,43(1):118-121
下一代测序(NGS),也被称为深度、高通量或大规模并行测序,可一次同时测定几十万到几百万条核酸分子序列。在畜禽疫病中应用于复杂诊断和密集监测、病因学、基因组学、进化和流行病学,以及宿主-病原体相互作用和感染生物学等方面。本综述首先简要介绍了深度测序技术,并通过实例对深度测序在畜禽疫病诊断中的应用进展进行阐述,为今后的相关研究提供些许参考。  相似文献   

Viral and bacterial diseases remain a threat to the poultry industry and countermeasures to prevent and control them are needed due to production losses. With the continued threat of exotic and emerging diseases and concern over the use of antibiotics in animal production, there is a serious and urgent need to find safe and practical alternatives to prevent or control pathogens. Identification of new tools for the design of new immunological interventions or therapeutic antimicrobials to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry is now required more than ever. Immunological interventions to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry would be of great value to the poultry industry and to the consumer. We have been advocating boosting immunity and encouraging the host to utilize its innate immune system to control and clear infections. Our research has addressed the use of innate immune mechanisms and components to develop new immune modulators (prophylactic and therapeutic) and the characterization and production of antimicrobial peptides as potential immune modulators in poultry. Dietary bioactive food components that interact with the immune response have considerable potential to reduce susceptibility to infectious diseases. With this premise, this paper asks and answers a series of pertinent questions on the utilization of avian immunity for increasing resistance to a variety of potential pathogens problematic in today's commercial poultry industry. Using experimental data to provide answers to these questions, we hope to stimulate a dialog between avian immunologists and nutritionists that results in coordinating and integrating their expertise into specific practical solutions that will benefit the industry and improve the well-being of commercial poultry.  相似文献   

This paper uses background information about chicken anaemia virus as a guide to how the study and control of virus diseases of poultry may develop in the future. It is predicted that ‘new’ viruses will be discovered in poultry, many of which will be difficult to grow in vitro and whose pathogenicity may appear uncertain. When new diseases/syndromes arise in the future, it should be a priority activity to define their pathology. The limitations of currently available virus diagnostic methods are highlighted. The possibility of vaccinating against economically important subclinical disease is discussed, as is the use of recently developed technologies in differentiating virus strains and in developing new vaccines.  相似文献   

鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)一直是危害我国养鸡业最严重的传染病之一,能引起鸡的免疫机能障碍,形成免疫抑制,造成鸡体免疫系统瘫痪,使早期感染的雏鸡对多种疫病的敏感性增加,给养鸡业造成困扰和巨大的经济损失,因此在鸡生产中越来越受到重视。笔者介绍了IBD的发病原因,详细阐述了IBD的综合防治措施,供广大兽医工作者和养殖户提供参考。  相似文献   

病毒-抗体复合物疫苗是将病毒的特异性抗体按照适当的比例与传染性病毒混合制成的一种新型疫苗.国内外研究者做了大量的相关研究,并且在鸡传染性法氏囊病、新城疫等禽病的复合物疫苗研究中取得了突破性进展,为禽病疫苗的研究及禽病的防控开辟了一条新的独特途径.文章就复合物疫苗研究近况进行简要阐述.  相似文献   

Objective To assess biosecurity practices in the fancy poultry show sector that would influence the establishment and spread of exotic diseases in poultry in New South Wales. Design A cross-sectional survey of 105 fancy poultry exhibitors at seven agricultural shows. Procedure Exhibitors were interviewed about biosecurity practices on their farms and their knowledge of exotic diseases. Poultry stewards at 18 shows were interviewed about biosecurity practices at their shows. Results Although many exhibitors travelled only short distances to attend shows, some exhibitors attended up to 30 shows per year and travelled interstate to exhibit poultry. A network diagram revealed extensive connections and interactions of poultry throughout the eastern half of NSW. Five of 18 shows included cash sales without any record of purchasers; 46% of exhibitors reintroduced exhibited birds back into their flocks without a quarantine period; and 16% failed to wash cages used to transport the birds. There was a general awareness that exhibition of birds posed a risk to flock health, but knowledge of avian influenza and practices that could be adopted to minimise the risk of disease introduction was limited. Conclusions The factors that could assist the establishment and spread of exotic diseases in poultry in NSW include the mixing of birds at shows, inadequate recording of exhibitor details at shows, inadequate biosecurity practices when reintroducing exhibited poultry back into flocks, cash sales associated with shows that did not include the collection of purchaser details, and inadequate identification of birds.  相似文献   

近年来我国禽流感等禽病不仅导致巨额经济损失,而且对公共卫生构成严重威胁,受到全社会和全球广泛关注。本文首先分析我国养禽业基本现状和发展趋势、我国禽病防控困难所在,以及现有防控策略的不足,提出和分析六个禽病防控新策略:设立家禽防疫隔离带,即设立家禽限制养殖和加强检疫区,延缓疫情自然传播;加快小型养禽场退出速度,小型养禽场经济效益低,而疫情传播风险高,已是历史淘汰对象;禁止在开放的水体中饲养家禽,这类家禽易成为疫情超级传播者;推广电子活禽市场,它们不仅与其他网店相似,成本低而效益高,而且对公众的健康威胁小,禽病传播风险小;对无防疫合格证的养禽和屠宰加工场所进行适当的行政处罚,这是落实上述措施的合法途径;在境外为中国养禽,这与农业走出去和全球经济一体化发展趋势一致,能降低国内家禽饲养密度和禽病风险。  相似文献   

Man in managing poultry for human benefit has found that his methods may precipitate or exacerbate certain diseases: among which are the mycoplasmosis of fowls and turkeys. Control measures for these conditions have therefore been sought and to make them effective it has been necessary to study the epidemiology, diagnosis and pathogenesis of these conditions. Much is now known about their epidemiology although certain aspects still require investigation. More sensitive and specific methods of diagnosis are also required and although it is possible to control these conditions by eradication the mycoplasmosis are still an economic problem. Under existing management systems, therefore, development and use of effective vaccines and additional drugs are essential. It is noteworthy that the pathogenesis of at least one of the avian mycoplasmosis is similar to human immune-complex disease. In further elucidation of this complex the fowl may be a useful experimental animal. Thus the association of people, poultry and pathogenic mycoplasmas not only involves attempts to control the pathogens in order to attain maximum production by poultry but also could include the utilisation of poultry and the pathogen in an attempt to elucidate some of the diseases of people.  相似文献   

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