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Herbaceous species preference was studied during autumn and winter periods of occupation, on rotationally‐grazed Dohne Sourveld, at four different stocking rates. Only the most abundant grass species in the sward were monitored. Animals (cattle and sheep) grazed selectively (for plant species) during both autumn and winter, but the degree of selectivity increased in winter. Although animals could be forced to graze less selectively by increasing the stocking rate in autumn, stocking rate did not affect the sequence of species selection, but merely accelerated the process. Regrazing of tillers during grazing periods was a common occurrence in all but the heavy stocking rate treatment. Although Tristachya leucothrix was the most preferred species, the amount (mass) of this species that was grazed per unit basal tuft area was less than that of Themeda triandra.  相似文献   


Species composition, pattern and diversity of selected grassland communities were determined by using point samples, transects and quadrats. The continuously grazed grasslands of Dohne Sourveld generally had the richer species composition, the highest diversity and the most variable intra‐community pattern. Forb species were mainly responsible for the higher diversity in these grasslands compared with more severely disturbed sites (e.g. old fields). The intra‐community pattern was, however, determined by the relative proportions and distribution of the grass species.  相似文献   


Selective grazing by livestock inevitably results in patch grazing. This study was initiated to determine the effects of patch grazing on (1) the vigour of a single grass species, Themeda triandra, and of the sward, and (2) sward species composition. The generally held idea that a full season's rest followed by an early spring burn would prevent preferential grazing of patch grazed areas which had developed in the seasons before the rest was also tested. The vigour of 71 triandra was estimated from etiolated growth of marked tufts while sward vigour was indexed by above‐ground herbage production (AGHP). Etiolated growth of T. triandra and AGHP of the sward within patches were negatively affected by three seasons of grazing, but a full season's rest appeared sufficient to restore both the etiolated growth of T. triandra and the AGHP of the sward to a level similar to that in the non‐patches. A full season's rest followed by spring burning did not, however, prevent preferential grazing of grazed patches which had developed in the seasons prior to the rest. Species composition within patches (characterised by Increaser II species) differed significantly from the species composition of non‐patches (characterised by Increaser I species). Patch grazing may therefore initiate the rangeland degradation process in Highland Sourveld and patch grazing may be the focus from which rangeland degradation proceeds.  相似文献   


A veld condition assessment was used to determine the effect of past burning treatments on the species composition of Highland Sourveld at Cathedral Peak. Veld condition scores in grassland protected from fire were significantly lower than where veld had been burnt or burnt and grazed at regular intervals. Frequent defoliation was found to maintain the grassland composition largely unchanged over a period of 30 years. Individual species were found to react strongly to defoliation frequency.  相似文献   

A small plot trial with different heights of defoliation of unpalatable Elionurus muticus and other grass species was conducted over a six year period in the drier phase of the Highland Sourveld of Natal. Results indicate that moderate defoliation of the “palatable” species and little or no utilization of the E. muticus will cause the plant to decrease in size. Heavy, selective defoliation of the “palatable” species will result in an increase or thickening up of the E. muticus in the sward. No utilization of both components resulted in a marked decrease in E. muticus tuft size and heavy, uniform utilization of all herbage had little effect on the size of the E. muticus tuft.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term exclusion of fire and herbivory, as mediated by aspect, on soils and the structure, composition, and diversity of vegetation was investigated in Döhne Sourveld (34 years), Piet-Retief Sourveld (45 years) and Southern Tall Grassveld (49 years). Exclusion had no effect on the soil chemistry of the surface 15 cm of soil in Dohne and Piet Retief Sourveld. Exclusion promoted the ingress of woody elements, including heath-like species, but the extent of ingress was related to water availability (rainfall, aspect), proximity of propagules, duration of protection, and accidental fires. Alien invasive woody species, in particular Acacia mearnsii established at all sites. Woody species were mostly bird- or wind dispersed, some had no known nearby population, although some Acacia species were herbivore-dispersed. The wettest grassland, Piet Retief Sourveld on a southern aspect, was transformed to a shrubland matrix (mainly Helichrysum splendidum) with tree clumps of forest precursor species (Rhus dentata, Halleria lucida, Myrsine africana, Buddleja salviifolia, Leucosidea sericea) and A. mearnsii. A species-rich grassland on the northern aspect had become dominated by tall Hyparrhenia rufa, with scattered shrubs of L. sericea and Helichrysum rogulosum. The southern aspect exclosure in Döhne Sourveld had developed an A. mearnsii - B. salviifolia savanna, with Cymbopogon excavatus, Themeda triandra and Tristachya leucothrix as common grasses. The northern aspect exclosure on Döhne Sourveld maintained a grassland character, although heath-like elements (Stoebe vulgaris, Erica aspalanthifolia) established. Protection of the Southern Tall Grassveld promoted an open savanna of exotic and indigenous Acacia and broadleaf species, an increase in life forms including the succulent Aloe maculata, and the transformation of a T. triandra - T. leucothrix sward to an Aristida junciformis sward. Ferns benefitted from exclusion of fire and herbivory. Fire and herbivory rather than soil properties would seem the primary determinants of the structure of sour grasslands.  相似文献   


A two‐year study was conducted in lightly grazed areas of Matopos Research Station, Zimbabwe, to evaluate the impact of widely spaced trees on understorey grass composition, yield and quality. The study trees were Terminalia sericea and Acacia karroo. Ordination techniques using grass density and biomass as indices separated quadrats according to soil type but not grass species according to understorey or open areas or according to tree species. Grass yield under tree crowns was similar to open areas, in contrast with most reports where understorey areas had higher yields. The high understorey grass quality that has been reported from savanna areas exhibiting grass composition differences was not expressed. Selective grazing of palatable perennial grasses growing in association with tree crowns and their eventual replacement by low‐yielding and less‐palatable grasses that normally grow in open areas is proposed as an explanation of the unique tree‐grass interaction scenario of this study. In areas where this replacement has occurred, recovery may require management interventions.  相似文献   


Fifteen perennial legumes were compared, under dryland conditions on two sites, in the Dohne Sourveld. These sites were Dohne, which has a mild, but dry winter and an average of 743 mm of rainfall per year, and Grasslands, which is a colder site with an average rainfall of 866 mm per year. The legumes were compared in terms of their total dry matter production and the distribution of this production during the season.

At Grasslands, Coronilla varia produced more (10,6 t/ha/y) than Medicago sativa (7,1 t/ha/y). At Dohne, C. varia, M. sativa and Neonotonia wightii cv. Cooper all produced more than 6 t/ha/y. The high yields and persistence of C. varia, and N. wightii suggests that these two legumes can play a role in dryland pastures (as M. sativa should) in the Dohne Sourveld. C. varia could also have a role to play in replacing Stipa trichotoma. The monthly production of legumes at Dohne has been tabulated. Farm applications of the crops are postulated.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine how savanna grass sward modifications caused by heavy grazing pressure influenced the abundance and guild structure of grasshoppers. Heavily grazed communal land was compared with a lightly grazed area and a mowed airstrip, in adjacent protected land, in the Mpumalanga lowveld, South Africa. Plant species composition, height, aerial cover and greenness of grass in the herbaceous stratum were measured in representative sites. Total grasshopper abundance and relative abundance of grasshopper species were also assessed in each site. Grasshoppers were assigned to feeding and habitat functional groups for comparison among the three areas. The heavily grazed area, characterised by short vegetation and low aerial cover, high greenness of grass, and high frequency of forbs, was inhabited by grasshopper species associated with bare ground or short and/or sparse grass, that were non-graminivorous or soft grass feeders. The lightly grazed area, characterised by tall vegetation and high aerial cover, low greenness of grass, and low frequency of forbs, was inhabited by grasshopper species associated with long and/or thick grass, that were mixed feeders or tough grass feeders. The mowed area, characterised by short vegetation and low aerial cover, low greenness of grass, and low frequency of forbs, exhibited lower grasshopper abundance, species richness, and diversity than either of the grazed areas.  相似文献   


Two experiments were conducted, one in the field and the other in the greenhouse, to investigate the effects of the intensity and frequency of grass defoliation on the survival and growth of Acacia karroo seedlings. In the greenhouse, seedlings growing with heavily clipped grasses had higher biomass production than those competing with moderately clipped grasses. Root/shoot ratios were higher in treatments with undipped grasses. There was a negative relationship between grass root production and A. karroo biomass production. The field experiment was carried out in two paddocks, one previously heavily‐grazed and the other lightly‐grazed. Grazing in both paddocks was simulated by artificial defoliation. Generally more A. karroo seedlings emerged under lightly defoliated treatments. Clipping frequency had a strong effect (P=0.066) on the survival of emerged seedlings during the wet season. There were no differences in survival rate at the end of the dry season. Though grass defoliation was shown to enhance seedling growth under controlled conditions, no evidence was found to suggest that seedling establishment during the first year is influenced by the intensity of grass defoliation.  相似文献   


Fifteen annual cool season legumes were compared under dryland conditions on two sites in the Dohne Sourveld. These sites were Dohne, with a mild but dry winter and an average rainfall of 743 mm per year, and Grasslands, a colder, wetter site.

Vicia spp were among the highest‐yielding cultivars at both sites. At Dohne the mean yield of the legumes that performed best was slightly more than that of the veld and their use does not seem worthwhile. At Grasslands, the mean yield of the highest‐yielding legumes was above 6 t/ha/year and their use does seem economical.

The high yield of the legumes during wet seasons suggests that their cultivation under irrigation should be profitable. Under these or high rainfall conditions seed production may be lucrative.  相似文献   

The non-selective rotational grazing system has undergone a long and controversial development. The merits of this grazing system, where relatively large numbers of livestock are herded into numerous small paddocks for short timespans with long rests between grazings, have not been formally evaluated in a long-term monitoring experiment in the Karoo. In this study we used exclosures (controls) on a 7 000 ha farm in the Central Lower Karoo, camped into approximately 50-ha paddocks, to evaluate the impact of this grazing system on certain vegetation parameters. We report on the first four years of monitoring, after each of four replicate paddocks had received four treatments (one treatment = 40 - 60 Large Stock Unit grazing days per hectare over a period of 2 - 16 days). Concentrated defoliation with concomitant trampling, dunging, and urinating did not influence the perennial species composition, and cover of this grassy, semi-arid shrubland. Changes over time in plant composition, and cover are explained by annual, and short-term (e.g. quarterly) rainfall rather than by grazing impacts. Ephemerals were not favoured by this grazing system, but litter was more abundant in the treatment than the control areas. The dominant grass, Eragrostis lebmanniana, and shrub, Pentzia incana, are resilient to this defoliation regime, and show signs of compensatory growth. As yet there is no evidence that non-selective grazing increases diversity, but the severe defoliation and trampling may enhance the biomass turnover rate, resulting in more vigorous, and productive plants in the grazed areas. Diversity is unlkely to change rapidly in response to grazing, largely because of the persistence of grazing-tolerant perennials. Concentrating mixed herds of livestock onto small areas with lengthy rests can be a useful tool for 'kick-starting' moribund karoo veld into greater productivity. Several of the impacts hold potential for restoring the rangeland quality of degraded areas, but this needs to be tested.  相似文献   


Live weight gain of steers grazing at three different target sward heights, Low (3-6 cm), Medium (6-10 cm) and High (>10 cm), together with carcass fat deposition, were studied during two grazing seasons. Sward height was measured with a sward stick. The grassland consisted of seminatural grazing areas mixed with previously cultivated areas. Animals grazed continuously with small adjustments in animal numbers (year 1) or pasture area (year 2) to maintain sward height within the target for each treatment. The recorded average sward heights were 4.7, 6.8 and 11.1 cm for pastures on treatments Low, Medium and High, respectively. The animals weighed approximately 440 kg at the start of the grazing season and went directly from pasture to slaughter at the end of the experiment. No differences between years were found and data from both years were thus pooled, giving a total of 50 steers of the Swedish Red and White breed in the data set. Over the whole grazing season, the average daily live weight gain of animals on treatment Low (0.43 kg day  相似文献   


The most commonly occurring grass species in the False Thornveld (Acocks, 1953; veld type no. 21) were clipped before and after grazing on veld in good and poor condition at different times of the year. Herbage yield per species was expressed per unit basal tuft area, and the difference in yield before and after grazing was considered to reflect the production of available forage. Themeda triandra produced more forage than any other species at all times of the year. Sporobolus fimbriatus generally produced the second highest amount of available forage. Cymbopogon plurinodis, despite having the second highest herbage yield before grazing, was not grazed to a significant extent. On the basis of the results, Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus were identified as key grass species in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape.  相似文献   

An experiment to reveal functional response and heifers' performance to sward characteristics and forage chemical composition was conducted for 5 years in rotational (RSS) and continuous (CSS) stocking systems on native species‐rich upland grassland. We measured sward characteristics, forage chemical composition, heifers' grazing behavior and live‐weight gains from July to September. Mean sward surface height was lower on CSS than on RSS; grass and forb density, and white clover stolon length, were similar. Herbage on CSS had higher crude protein content and lower crude fiber content than on RSS. No difference existed in time budgets of grazing, ruminating and resting between stocking systems and season, while grazing rates were higher on CSS. Stocking rate was 1671 and 1332 kg per ha on CSS and RSS, individual daily live‐weight gain 683 and 652 g on CSS and RSS. Gain per ha was 20 kg higher on CSS. Results suggested stocking systems on native species‐rich grassland had no effect on activity time budgets or animal performance. Both RSS and CSS allow similar outputs for stocking rates in terms of individual daily live‐weight gain. Key parameters determining heifers' behavior and performance were sward height, grass and forb density in the sward, and content of crude fiber and protein in forage.  相似文献   

Sown pastures of Paspalum dilatatum (and other species) in Natal are subject to degradation by Eragrostis plana (mshiki) invasion. The ratio between these two grasses, growing together in small plots, was governed primarily by the relative heights, and secondarily by the relative frequencies, of defoliation. The Paspalum held its own only when it was cut neither shorter nor more frequently than the mshiki. Additional nitrogen applied to a N‐rich soil was beneficial almost entirely to the mshiki. Less frequent defoliation of the sward as a whole was harmful to the Paspalum. A treatment simulating midsummer closure of a pasture, for silage purposes, benefited whichever grass was being suppressed. It is concluded that regular mowing of pastures after every grazing, and light, frequent grazing offers the best promise of mshiki control.  相似文献   


The effects of a cutting trial, conducted to study the combined influence of defoliation and competition from surrounding vegetation on the vigour of Themeda triandra and Aristida junciformis, were evident after the single season of treatment implementation. Aristida junciformis was more sensitive to defoliation than T. triandra, whereas competition reduced yield to a greater extent in T. triandra than in A. junciformis. The two species differed in their ability to tolerate defoliation under competition. Defoliation reduced the yield of A. junciformis, at all levels of competition, to a greater extent than T. triandra. Aristida junciformis was particularly sensitive to a combination of severe defoliation and full competition. It is suggested that manipulation of grazing patterns may shift the competitive balance between palatable (e.g. T. triandra) and unpalatable (e.g. A. junciformis) components of the sward.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire in rangeland ecosystems is applied for a variety of management objectives, including enhancing productivity of forage species for domestic livestock. In the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) steppe of the western United States, fire has been a natural and prescribed disturbance, temporarily shifting vegetation from shrub–grass codominance to grass dominance. There is limited information on the impacts of grazing to community dynamics following fire in big sagebrush steppe. This study evaluated cattle grazing impacts over four growing seasons after prescribed fire on Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata subsp. Wyomingensis [Beetle & Young] Welsh) steppe in eastern Oregon. Treatments included no grazing on burned and unburned sagebrush steppe, two summer-grazing applications after fire, and two spring-grazing applications after fire. Treatment plots were burned in fall 2002. Grazing trials were applied from 2003 to 2005. Vegetation dynamics in the treatments were evaluated by quantifying herbaceous canopy cover, density, annual yield, and perennial grass seed yield. Seed production was greater in the ungrazed burn treatments than in all burn–grazed treatments; however, these differences did not affect community recovery after fire. Other herbaceous response variables (cover, density, composition, and annual yield), bare ground, and soil surface litter did not differ among grazed and ungrazed burn treatments. All burn treatments (grazed and ungrazed) had greater herbaceous cover, herbaceous standing crop, herbaceous annual yield, and grass seed production than the unburned treatment by the second or third year after fire. The results demonstrated that properly applied livestock grazing after low-severity, prescribed fire will not hinder the recovery of herbaceous plant communities in Wyoming big sagebrush steppe.  相似文献   

Pteronia paniculata is an indigenous, unpalatable shrub that invades mismanaged Karooveld, resulting in degraded rangelands with low species diversity and grazing potential. We conducted a series of trials in the Succulent Karoo Randteveld near Barrydale to determine if the uniform defoliation of P. paniculata dominated vegetation at two heights (0.05 m and 0.20 m above ground level) using a brush-cutter and, in one trial, application of a second cut will improve the plant species composition, productivity and grazing capacity of the veld. Brush-cutting treatments and the uncut control all resulted in a change in species composition towards greater species diversity and more palatable species and an average increase of 540 kg ha?1 (28%) in above-ground biomass over four years. It appears that there was a pervasive improvement in species composition associated with a general decline in the cover and abundance of P. paniculata over the time-scale of the present study that was not influenced by the defoliation treatments, except for the 1996-cut treatment where the cover of P. paniculata increased. The absence of propagules of palatable species in the soil seed bank and competition from P. paniculata (a long-lived, perennial shrub) are assumed to be among the main reasons for the lack of response of the vegetation community to the defoliation treatments. Brush-cutting (in the absence of reseeding), aimed at reducing the dominance of unpalatable karoo shrubs, was more costly but not significantly better than long-term resting in improving veld composition or forage production.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing, mowing, and type of cover crop were evaluated in a previous winter wheat–fallow cropland seeded to grassland under the Conservation Reserve Program in eastern Colorado. Prior to seeding, the fallow strips were planted to forage sorghum or wheat in alternating strips (cover crops), with no grazing, moderate to heavy grazing, and mowing (grazing treatments) superimposed 4 yr after planting and studied for 3 yr. Plots previously in wheat had more annual and exotic species than sorghum plots. Concomitantly, there were much greater abundances of perennial native grass and all native species in sorghum than wheat cropped areas. The competitive advantage gained by seeded species in sorghum plots resulted in large increases in rhizomatous western wheatgrass. Sorghum is known to be allelopathic and is used in crop agriculture rotations to suppress weeds and increase crop yields, consistent with the responses of weed and desired native species in this study. Grazing treatment had relatively minor effects on basal and canopy cover composition of annual or exotic species versus perennial native grass or native species. Although grazing treatment never was a significant main effect, it occasionally modified cover crop or year effects. Opportunistic grazing reduced exotic cheatgrass by year 3 but also decreased the native palatable western wheatgrass. Mowing was a less effective weed control practice than grazing. Vegetative basal cover and aboveground primary production varied primarily with year. Common management practices for revegetation/restoration currently use herbicides and mowing as weed control practices and restrict grazing in all stages of development. Results suggest that allelopathic cover crop selection and opportunistic grazing can be effective alternative grass establishment and weed control practices. Susceptibility, resistance, and interactions of weed and seeded species to allelopathic cover species/cultivars may be a fruitful area of research.  相似文献   

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