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Conventionally, farmers rely upon the routine use of anthelmintics to control helminth parasites and their use has proved highly cost-effective. However, several factors, including the emergence of helminths resistant to pharmaceutical anthelmintics, are forcing farmers to seek alternative approaches to parasite control. Studies in New Zealand have shown that some alternative forages may reduce parasitic infestation in sheep. In the current study, it was found that under UK environmental conditions lambs with naturally acquired helminth infections grazing chicory (Cichorium intybus) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) had fewer helminth parasites than sheep grazing ryegrass/white clover (Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens). Twelve pure-bred Lleyn male lambs grazed replicated 0.5ha plots of birdsfoot trefoil, chicory or ryegrass/white clover for 5 weeks. Liveweight and faecal egg counts (FECs) were determined weekly and eight lambs per forage were slaughtered at the end of the trial to determine total helminth intensities. Lambs grazing birdsfoot trefoil had a lower FEC on day 7 (P<0.05) and fewer total adult helminths than those grazing the other forages on day 35 (P<0.01). Lambs grazing chicory did not have significantly lower FEC than lambs grazing other forages but these lambs were found to have fewer total adult abomasal helminths than lambs grazing ryegrass/white clover (P<0.001). As the performance of grazing lambs is inversely correlated with the intensity of helminth parasites, these alternative forages could be used to improve the liveweight gain of lambs produced in the UK. Overall, the results support the contention that alternative forages could have a positive role in the control of helminth parasites in sheep, subject to successful agronomic development and integration of these forages into whole farm systems.  相似文献   

Lotus corniculatus L., a leguminous plant containing condensed tannins, is now being evaluated in Sweden as a component of mixed pastures. This is because of its high nutritive value, palatability, modest requirement for water, calcium and phosphorous and particularly because it has the ability to survive harsh weather conditions that typify northern Scandinavia. This trial was undertaken to assess the possible parasitological benefits of using L. corniculatus when fed as a minor component in a mixed pasture sward to young sheep. This was compared with similar sheep that were fed pasture with a comparable legume content consisting of Trifolium repens L. Separate groups of lambs, maintained in pens and provided with fresh pasture cuts containing either L. corniculatus or T. repens each day, were trickle-dosed with infective larvae of mixed parasite species. For each pasture type, groups of 6 lambs had either established worm burdens only, received incoming infections only, or had the combination of both adult and incoming infections. Worm burdens were monitored by serial faecal egg counts and at the termination of the study, all animals were slaughtered for worm recovery, identification and enumeration. The results showed that there were no differential effects between L. corniculatus and T. repens on the different stages of development for a range of nematode parasite species recovered from these lambs. Several reasons may account for this: such as the low level of condensed tannins in the L. corniculatus variety tested, the minor proportion of this plant in the diet and/or the variety of L. corniculatus used in this trial which do not provide any benefits to controlling parasites of sheep.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of birdsfoot trefoil and chicory on parasitic nematode development, survival and migration when compared with perennial ryegrass. In experiment one, sheep faeces, containing 10,385 Cooperia curticei eggs were added to 25 cm diameter pots containing birdsfoot trefoil, chicory or ryegrass, and the pots maintained under optimal conditions for nematode parasite development. Replicate pots of each forage type were destructively sampled on day 8, 16, 20, 28 and 37 to collect the nematode larvae. When forages were compared on a dry matter basis, by day 16 there were 31% and 19% fewer larvae on birdsfoot trefoil and chicory than on ryegrass, respectively (P<0.01). In the second experiment, replicate 1m(2) field plots of birdsfoot trefoil, chicory and ryegrass were sub-sampled on day 14, 21, 35 and 49 for larval counts following the application of sheep faeces containing 585,000 Teladorsagia circumcincta eggs to each plot on day 0. Results showed there were a minimum of 58% and 63% fewer infective stage parasitic larvae on birdsfoot trefoil and chicory, respectively, compared with ryegrass on day 14 and 35 when forages were compared on a forage dry matter, plot area sampled and leaf area basis (P<0.01). Overall, these results indicate that the number of infective stage larvae on birdsfoot trefoil and chicory pasture was reduced by the effect of their sward structure on the development/survival/migration of ovine parasitic nematodes. These effects may be one of the ways in which these forages may affect parasitic infections in grazing livestock.  相似文献   


Yields of 17 entries of Lotus corniculatus were measured over two seasons at Ermelo in the south‐eastern Transvaal. There were marked differences between entries in the date of commencement of flowering in the establishment year, the relative abundance of flowers, and the degree of dormany in the winter. Root rot caused by the fungi Fusarium and Phoma caused extensive damage. There were indications that the cultivar Norcen was resistant to the fungi and that Germplasms MO 20 and NC 83 had partial resistance.  相似文献   

莲花花粉营养成分分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋枫  朱威  张颖  胡福良 《中国蜂业》2007,58(9):5-7,10
对莲花花粉的主要营养成分进行了分析测定,结果发现,莲花花粉的含水量7.88%、灰分4.09%、脂肪5.59%、蛋白质15.26%、还原糖7.05%;维生素含量较高的有:VC102mg/100g,VE1.21mg/100g,VB10.6mg/100g,其它维生素未检测到;钾和镁的含量高于大多数花粉;17种氨基酸的含量为15.81%,7种人体必需氨基酸占44.23%,其中以谷氨酸和天门冬氨酸的含量最高,分别为2.24%和2.15%,胱氨酸含量最低,为0.14%;脂肪酸中以棕榈酸含量最高,相对含量为42.23%,亚麻酸、油酸和亚油酸的相对含量分别为25.17%、12.83%和9.90%,PUFA/SFA比值为0.75。本文还首次测定了莲花花粉的水浸率和醇浸率,分别为49.70%和47.35%。建议结合抗氧化能力和测定主要活性成分含量,作为花粉质量控制的指标。  相似文献   

灌溉与施氮对紫花苜蓿土壤水分动态和耗水强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在甘肃省河西绿洲灌区设计大田试验,研究了不同灌溉量常规灌溉(330 mm)、节水20%灌溉(264 mm)和节水40%灌溉(198 mm)和施氮量0、40、80和120 kg/hm2对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)土壤不同层次含水量、贮水量动态变化和耗水强度的影响.结果表明:根系层(0~120 cm)土壤含...  相似文献   

夏季高温条件下香根草耐旱性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏季高温条件下香根草Vetiveria zizanioides耐旱能力很强,在高温干旱条件下停水可持续24~42 d之久.试验研究表明:高温条件下随着受旱时间的推移,地上部生长受到抑制,分蘖下降,株高降低,茎叶含水量下降,叶片受伤害程度变重,同时地下部根系生长也受到抑制,根体积和根生物量几乎不再增加;不同高温条件下香根草的耐旱能力不同,温度高,香根草受伤害就越重、越明显,持续耐旱时间变短,返青复活的可能性变小.  相似文献   

本研究对伊犁绢蒿(Seriphidium transiliense)荒漠草地的土壤理化性质及光谱进行测定,探讨围封对土壤理化性质的影响和草地光谱的响应。结果表明,土壤含水量在各土层随植物生长期呈递减趋势,5月与9月土壤含水量随围封年限的延长总体上呈增加趋势,并对群落光谱和土壤含水量间关系进行建模,R2=0.63;土壤有机质随封育年限增加呈升-降-升的趋势,围栏内外有机质差值在5月随封育年限的增加而增加,封育7年、10年草地有机质差值,植物生长期内呈线性递减。通过室内土壤光谱及野外裸地光谱对土壤有机质进行建模,均取得较好效果,R2分别为0.64与0.38。研究表明,草地土壤含水量及有机质对于草地恢复状况较为敏感,可用于该类草地封育状况的监测。  相似文献   

土壤有机碳和全氮含量及其动态平衡过程是反映土壤质量和草地健康状况的重要指标,直接影响到草地土壤肥力和草地生产力。本研究对新疆阿勒泰地区禁牧草场、弃耕草地、天然草地3种管理模式下的土壤有机碳、全氮、土壤水分、团粒结构、pH、土壤容重等的分布特征,以及它们的关系进行分析后发现,3种管理模式下,土壤有机碳含量在010 cm、1030 cm和3050 cm土层间无显著差别(P>0.05),相反,土壤碳氮比、土壤全氮含量、土壤有机碳储量和全氮储量随土层深度增加显著增加(P<0.05);3种管理模式间,在010 cm、1030 cm和3050 cm土层,天然草地和禁牧草地的全氮和有机碳含量均高于弃耕草地,但对土壤碳氮比在3种草地管理模式间的差异不尽相同;不同管理方式下,在010 cm、1030 cm和3050 cm土层,禁牧草地的土壤电导率和pH均显著高于天然草地(P<0.05);在010 cm和3050 cm土层,禁牧草地的土壤含水量显著高于弃耕草地(P<0.05),禁牧草地与弃耕草地中间团聚体含量差异显著(P<0.05);含水量、大团聚体、中间团聚体、微团聚体、pH、电导率可以组成原因组,土壤全氮储量和土壤有机碳储量可以组成结果组,原因组对结果组的解释度高达75.70%;原因组中,土壤水分贡献率最高,土壤含水量对土壤水分-团粒结构起到主要决定作用。综合可知,土壤碳氮含量和储量在管理模式不同的草地间不同,土壤水分和土壤团粒结构是引起草地土壤碳氮库变化的主要原因。在土壤水分和团粒结构组成的原因组中,水分起主要的决定作用。  相似文献   

高丽敏  田倩  苏晶  沈益新 《草业学报》2020,29(4):192-198
为探究氮肥施用对饲用甜高粱生长及氮肥利用率的影响,明确长江下游农区种植的适宜施氮量,采用大田试验,以“大力士”为试验材料,研究了不同施氮水平(0、100、200、300 kg·hm-2,分别用N0、N1、N2、N3表示)对甜高粱生物量、氮素吸收和分配以及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:1)甜高粱生物量及生长速率随氮肥用量的增加而增加,N2及N3处理间无显著差异(P>0.05),采用线性加平台分析表明,拔节期收获最大生物量所需的最低氮肥用量为244.50 kg·hm-2;2)随生育期的推进,叶片氮素分配比例降低,茎秆氮素分配比例增加;随着供氮量的增加,叶片和茎秆氮素浓度及累积量、茎秆氮素分配比例均显著增加,叶片氮素分配比例降低;3)干物质生产效率及氮素干物质生产效率均随氮肥用量的增加而降低,不同处理间氮素农艺效率无显著性差异,氮肥表观回收率以N2处理最高。因此,氮肥施用对甜高粱的生长起着重要的作用,长江下游农区饲用甜高粱种植的每茬氮肥用量以244.50 kg N·hm-2为宜。过量施用氮肥不仅不会持续提高甜高粱的生物量,还会导致氮肥利用率的降低。  相似文献   

为探究提高苜蓿 (Medicago sativa)产量和改善土壤肥力性质的施肥措施,本研究以中国为研究区域,以不施肥苜蓿为对照,通过检索文献整合已发表的相关田间试验数据,采用整合分析方法(Meta-analysis),系统探究施肥措施对苜蓿地土壤水分、养分、产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,施肥可有效增加苜蓿土壤养分...  相似文献   

为探究提高苜蓿(Medicago sativa)产量和改善土壤肥力性质的施肥措施,本研究以中国为研究区域,以不施肥苜蓿为对照,通过检索文献整合已发表的相关田间试验数据,采用整合分析方法(Meta-analysis),系统探究施肥措施对苜蓿地土壤水分、养分、产量和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明,施肥可有效增加苜蓿土壤养分含量并提高苜蓿产量,但增加的地上生物量也影响了苜蓿对土壤水分的消耗,其中土壤有机质和全氮含量分别增加了3.1%~33.3%和4.5%~30.9%,土壤速效磷和速效钾含量分别提高了3.6%~144.4%和4.4%~24.8%,土壤水分下降了4.4%~11.8%.与不施肥相比,施肥措施下苜蓿增产率达到15.4%~198.2%,水分利用效率提高了5.9%~169.6%.进一步相关分析表明,苜蓿产量与0-200 cm土壤水分、有机质和速效磷含量均呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),苜蓿水分利用效率与土壤速效磷含量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01).综上,施肥可有效增加土壤养分含量并提高苜蓿产量,其中化肥和有机肥配施表现出的增产作用最为突出,化肥配施对苜蓿水分利用效率的提升效应最佳.该研究可为苜蓿种植过程中适宜施肥措施的选择提供理论依据.  相似文献   

植物氮、磷元素及其耦合关系对揭示植物群落变化乃至生态系统的功能与过程具有重要意义.本研究以青藏高原东部高寒草甸为研究对象,分析沙化胁迫下植物地上、地下部分的氮、磷含量与氮磷比的变化特征、分配差异及影响因素.结果表明:(1)植物地上部分的氮含量(平均值为15.3 mg·g-1)和氮磷比(平均值为5.2)整体低于地下部分的...  相似文献   

以无土基质培育的狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)为研究对象,研究了狗牙根对不同干旱胁迫处理的生理响应,以探讨工厂化培育下狗牙根合理的灌溉时间.结果表明,干旱胁迫导致叶片相对含水量降低,游离脯氨酸含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性增加,在干旱胁迫12 d以前复水的处理,叶片相对含水量和游离脯氨酸含量能恢复到未处理以前,在...  相似文献   

干旱是影响宁夏东部沙化区荒漠草地退化的主要自然因素,也是天然草地补播成功率低的主要原因,该地区大面积种植的柠条是土壤覆盖保水的丰富资源,但是缺乏相关研究.选择平坦的、未生长柠条的退化天然补播草地作为研究对象,在临近有柠条生长的草地平茬其柠条枝条用于试验覆盖,研究不同柠条覆盖厚度(TSM0,覆盖0 cm;TSM1,覆盖1...  相似文献   

蚂蚁对东祁连山高寒草地生态系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明晰蚂蚁对高寒草地生态系统的作用,于甘肃天祝高寒草地上研究了蚂蚁对土壤水分、容重、养分、土壤种子库和草产量的影响。结果表明,蚁丘0~10cm的土壤含水量显著低于邻近土壤,蚁丘0~10cm的土壤容重比距离蚁丘1m同等深度的容重小59%。蚂蚁具有向蚁丘土壤富集营养和种子的作用。蚁丘0~10,10~20cm深与距离蚁丘1m处土壤总种子密度和种子多样性最大的是蚁丘0~10cm,其次为蚁丘10~20cm,最小的是距离蚁丘1m处的对照。除蚁丘0~10cm深处的碱解氮略小于对照外,前者的全氮、全磷、速效钾和有机质显著高于蚁丘10~20cm和邻近土壤。蚁丘的中央部分为裸地,蚁丘外围的草产量显著低于邻近无蚁丘草地的草产量。  相似文献   

盐胁迫会引起植物的渗透胁迫、离子毒害,导致细胞失水、光合和呼吸作用受到抑制,进而影响植物的生长和发育。植物表皮蜡质可以阻止叶片的非气孔失水,减少蒸腾,减缓植物因胁迫而引起的生理干旱。本研究以观赏性草坪草尖叶石竹(Dianthus spiculifolius)的野生型(wild-type, WT)和表皮蜡质增强突变体(wax mutant, WM)为材料,比较了两者在NaCl胁迫下的表型和生理生化指标的变化规律。结果表明:蜡质突变体在NaCl胁迫下维持了更高的水分含量从而表现出更好的耐盐表型。此外,蜡质突变体在NaCl胁迫下显示出更高的过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性、可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸含量、光合能力以及更低的丙二醛含量。脱蜡试验显示,蜡质突变体与野生型在盐胁迫下的相对含水量和持水力差异与表皮蜡质直接相关。本研究表明表皮蜡质在植物应答盐胁迫中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

以湖南紫潮泥和江西黄泥田两种典型稻田下的绿肥定位试验为依托,分析了晚稻收获后两种土壤的养分性状、硝化强度、硝化势及氨氧化细菌(AOB)和氨氧化古菌(AOA)的amoA基因丰度,探讨多年冬种紫云英对两类稻田土壤肥力、硝化作用及氨氧化微生物的影响。两地试验处理一致,包括:1)不施肥不种紫云英(CK);2)冬种紫云英不施化肥(GM);3)不种紫云英单施化肥(CF);4)冬种紫云英配施化肥(GM+CF)。结果表明,冬种紫云英可以改善两种典型稻田土壤pH,即提高江西酸性土壤pH、降低湖南碱性土壤pH;提高土壤全氮、有机质、无机氮和有效磷含量。两种典型水稻土的硝化能力不同,江西黄泥田的硝化强度及硝化势均明显低于湖南紫潮泥。在湖南紫潮泥中,各处理硝化强度在0.269~0.325 μg/(g·h)之间,处理间差异不显著;硝化势在培养第5周达到10.25%,紫云英配施化肥在一定程度上抑制了紫潮泥的硝化作用。江西黄泥田中,各处理硝化强度在0.010~0.021 μg/(g·h)之间,硝化势从培养第3周开始上升,在培养第5周达到5.41%;单独种植翻压紫云英相对于不施肥对照提高了土壤硝化强度及硝化势,与施用化肥处理效果相当,绿肥配施化肥对硝化作用的促进最强。AOA在紫潮泥和黄泥田中均占优势地位,紫潮泥中AOA-amoA基因丰度显著高于黄泥田,冬种紫云英对紫潮泥中AOA-amoA和AOB-amoA基因丰度均无明显影响,而显著提高了黄泥田中AOA-amoA和AOB-amoA基因丰度,与冬种紫云英对硝化强度和硝化势的影响一致。  相似文献   

A group of 17 Friesian-Holstein steers held in individual pens was examined for evidence of infection with bovine spumavirus (BSV). Serum was examined for specific antibody by 2 serological procedures, and circulatory leucocytes and throat swabs were examined for the presence of circulatory leucocyte-associated BSV (CLAB) and saliva-associated BSV (SAB). Initial tests showed that 7 of the 17 steers had specific antibody to BSV by both serological procedures, and a further steer developed such antibody during the first 3 months of holding the animals in single contiguous pens. All 8 of these specific antibody-positive steers were CLAB positive and SAB negative. Nine steers showed no specific antibody to BSV by either of the 2 serological procedures; 8 of these 9 steers showed no evidence of CLAB or SAB. The exception was one steer which was CLAB- and SAB-positive at each of 30 samplings taken over a period of 9 months observation, whilst remaining specific-antibody free. This steer was classed as immunologically tolerant of BSV, and epidemiological data suggested that lateral spread of infection had originated from this animal through the agency of saliva.  相似文献   

杜鹃灌丛草地土壤容重与水分特征对不同休牧模式的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以土壤容重与土壤水分特征为主要指标,研究了祁连山高寒杜鹃灌丛草地对全生长季休牧(分枯草期重牧与枯草期轻牧)和传统夏季休牧(重牧)的响应。结果表明,随着土层深入,休牧杜鹃灌丛草地土壤呈容重增大、含水率减小、有机质含量降低的基本变化态势;休牧杜鹃灌丛土壤异质化明显,灌丛冠幅下土壤容重小于灌间土壤,土壤水分大于灌间;6月的土壤容重较8和10月的小,而土壤含水率高;高寒杜鹃灌丛草地土壤含水率与土壤容重间呈极显著的负相关关系,与土壤有机质间呈正相关关系;与传统夏季休牧相比,全生长季休牧的杜鹃灌丛草地灌间畜蹄践踏小径的宽度、深度和面积显著减少,土壤紧实度降低,土壤含水率升高,有效改善了土壤功能;枯草期的高强度放牧降低了全生长季休牧对杜鹃灌丛草地土壤状况的有效恢复;研究证实合理的休牧时期确定与利用强度控制是实现退化高寒杜鹃灌丛草地土壤功能修复的关键。  相似文献   

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