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Many nonnative invasive grasses alter fire regimes to their own benefit and the detriment of native organisms. In southern Arizona the nonnative Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees) dominates many semiarid grasslands where native grasses were abundant. Managers are wary of using prescribed fire in this fire-prone community partly due to the perceived effects of a grass/fire cycle. However, examples of the grass/fire cycle originate in ecosystems where native plants are less fire-tolerant than grasses and the invasive plant does not mimic the physiognomy of the native community. We investigate the effects of prescribed fire and livestock grazing on a semiarid grassland community dominated by a nonnative invasive grass. Lehmann lovegrass does not appear to alter the fire regime of semiarid grasslands to the detriment of native plants. Prescribed fire reduced the abundance of Lehmann lovegrass for 1 to 2 yr while increasing abundance of native grasses, herbaceous dicotyledons and fall richness, and diversity. Effects of livestock grazing were less transformative than the effects of fire in this long-grazed area, but grazing negatively affected native plants as did the combination of prescribed fire and livestock grazing. Although Lehmann lovegrass produces more fuel than native plants, fire frequency in semiarid grasslands appears to be limited by the paucity of above-average precipitation, which constrains high fuel loads. In addition, many native grasses tolerate high temperatures produced by Lehmann lovegrass fires. Consistent with previous research, fire does not promote the spread of Lehmann lovegrass, and more importantly human alteration of the fire regime is greater than the nominal effects of Lehmann lovegrass introduction on the fire regime.  相似文献   

Over the last century there has been marked expansion and infilling of pinyon (Pinus spp.)–juniper (Juniperus spp.) woodlands into grassland and shrubland ecosystems across the western United States. Although range expansions in pinyon-juniper populations have been documented with changing climate throughout the Holocene, over the last century, local scale impacts such as livestock grazing, changes in fire regimes, and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are thought to be more recent drivers of pinyon-juniper woodland distribution. Our objective was to examine the role of historical livestock grazing relative to past climate in regulating pinyon (Pinus edulis Engelm.) recruitment and growth over the last century in a persistent pinyon-juniper woodland. We compared pinyon dynamics on a remote mesa site, minimally grazed by domestic livestock, to a nearby historically grazed site in southeastern Utah. The presence of a significant number of old trees (> 200 yr) at both sites suggests that these populations were well established prior to the 20th century. No differences in pinyon density or basal area were observed between grazed and ungrazed sites. Stand age structure data showed that pinyon recruitment across these sites was highly synchronous, with a large recruitment event occurring during the early 1900s; 17% of the pinyons on both sites dated to the 1920s. Climatic conditions during this decade were consistently cool and wet—conditions known to support enhanced recruitment and growth in pinyon pines. Pinyon growth was also strongly synchronous across sites (r = 0.96). Pinyon growth was significantly correlated with winter/spring precipitation and negatively correlated with June temperature. Taken together, our results suggest that past climate may be more important in structuring pinyon populations than historical land use in these persistent pinyon-juniper woodlands. Given future climate projections of increasing temperature and more extended drought periods, regeneration of pinyon populations following the recent regional-scale dieback may be slow. Moreover, prolonged drought combined with potentially slow regeneration times for pinyon under future climate scenarios could result in substantial declines in pinyon populations across the region, a result that land managers should consider when planning for future restoration treatments in persistent pinyon-juniper woodlands.  相似文献   

As part of a programme to test the suitability of Stylosanthes spp. for Rhodesian conditions, plants of seven strains covering three species of this genus were grown at eight sites in Rhodesia. The seven strains were 5. guya‐nensis (erect, intermediate and fine‐stem), S. humilis (early, mid‐season and late‐mid‐season) and S. fruticosa. The eight sites ranged in altitude from 1 160 to 1 860 m and in average annual rainfall from 670 to 1 010 mm. Soil types ranged from clay to loamy sand.

The seedlings were germinated in a glasshouse and were transplanted in early to mid‐December. At harvest in mid‐May selected plants were separated into leaf, stem and inflorescence before all were dried and weighed.

The species flowered in the order S. fruticosa, S. humilis and S. guyanensis but the mid‐season cultivar of S. humilis generally flowered before the reputedly early strain. The fine‐stem form of S. guyanensis did not flower at the three highest sites.

The percentage of plants surviving to harvest was inversely related to the clay content of the soil. For the surviving plants, there was a marked interaction on mean plant mass between site and strain. This interaction was largely the result of the differing reaction of the strains to extremely favourable or unfavourable sites but there were anomalies which could not be explained in terms of obvious soil or climatic differences. S. guyanensis strains produced the heaviest plants at all sites.

S. humilis tended to have a lower proportion of leaf, and a higher proportion of inflorescence, than the perennial species. Analysis of the plants of one strain from all sites indicated possible deficiencies of phosphorus, calcium and sulphur.  相似文献   

利用EOS/MODIS植被指数产品(NDVI)、实测草地地上生物量和气象监测资料,结合实测资料和NDVI之间的关系建立了青海省草地地上生物量卫星遥感估算模型,并通过研究青海省气温和降水量变化特征分析了影响草地地上生物量的主要因素。结果表明:在草地生长季,生态监测站草地地上生物量与NDVI之间具有较好的正相关关系(P<0.01)。利用模型估算的青海省草地地上生物量在2003-2017年表现出弱的增加态势,2003年平均草地地上生物量最低,仅为2622 kg·hm-2,2010年最大,达3252 kg·hm-2; 2003-2017年,青海省草地地上生物量变化表现出明显的空间分布特征,从东南向西北逐渐递减;其中,青海省果洛州东南部、玉树州南部、黄南州东南部和海北州东南部草地地上生物量最高;西北部的柴达木盆地最低;2003-2017年青海省绝大多数地区草地地上生物量均呈现保持不变或者趋好的变化特征,其中曲麻莱、都兰以及甘德等地区部分草地地上生物量明显减少。气温升高热量条件充足的背景下,青海省草地受降水量增多带来的水分条件趋好的有利影响,对高寒地区草地植被的生长发育起到了促进作用,最终导致草地NDVI升高,地上生物量增加。  相似文献   

There are only two species worldwide within the genus Rhipicentor, namely Rhipicentor bicornis and Rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in Africa. Rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in South Africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. Rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the Free State Province, one in Gauteng Province and two in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Cape elephant shrews, Elephantulus edwardii were examined at two places in the Western Cape Province, and a single specimen of the bushveld elephant shrew, Elephantulus intufi was examined in central Namibia. Small mammals of other species were also examined at two of these localities. The majority of E. myurus at two sites in the Free State, at the locality in Gauteng and both sites in Limpopo Province were infested with larvae and/or nymphs of R. nuttalli, while the single E. edwardii examined at one site in the Western Cape Province and the single E. intufi examined in Namibia were infested with nymphs of this tick. Not one of the other small animals was infested. Although larvae and nymphs of R. nuttalli were present on E. myurus throughout the year, the former were generally most numerous during the period March to September, and the latter during May to October. The preferred hosts of the adults are domestic dogs, leopards, Panthera pardus and South African hedgehogs, Atelerix frontalis. Adult females engorged on Atelerix frontalis in 16-32 days and, after a preoviposition period of 2-4 days, produced approximately 170,00 eggs during the following 60-70 days. The average incubation period of the eggs was 59 days. Larvae engorged on E. myurus in 4-10 days and moulted to nymphs 12-20 days later. Nymphs required 11-15 days to engorge on E. myurus and moulted to adults 32-47 days later. Allowing 14 days for the exoskeletons and mouthparts of each of the three parasitic stages to harden before they can attach to a host, the life cycle took approximately 214 days to complete in the laboratory. The length of this period, considered in conjunction with the times of maximum seasonal occurrence of the immature stages, indicates that the life cycle probably takes a year to complete in the field.  相似文献   

This study presents serum concentrations of pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein (PAG), oestrone sulphate (E1‐S) and progesterone (P4), and the effects of some dam and foetus‐related factors on these profiles during gestation in Borana and crossbred cattle. The PAG concentrations at 4th week post‐conception ranged from 1.5–5.5 and 2.1–4.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 6) and crossbred (n = 8) cattle, respectively. The mean PAG concentrations increased progressively from 4th to 33rd week of gestation (from 3.3–173 ng/ml for Borana and 4.2–240 ng/ml for crossbred cattle) and reached peak around calving. Breed, parity status, dam body weight, foetal sex and foetal birth weight significantly influenced the PAG concentrations. After delivery, the PAG concentrations declined steadily to 5.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 7) and 3.9 ng/ml in crossbred (n = 6) cattle 10 weeks post‐partum. The serum E1‐S concentrations at 17th week of pregnancy ranged from 0.3–2.6 and 0.9–5.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 8) and crossbred (n = 9) cattle, respectively. The mean E1‐S concentrations increased progressively from 17th to 33rd week of gestation (from 1.1–4.6 ng/ml for Borana and 2.7–10.8 ng/ml for crossbred). Breed, parity status, dam body weight and foetal sex significantly influenced E1‐S concentrations. The P4 concentrations at 4th week of pregnancy ranged from 3.2–5.1 and 1.7–8.9 ng/ml in Borana (n = 6) and crossbred (n = 8) cattle, respectively. The P4 level remained elevated throughout pregnancy. This study indicated that the serum PAG and P4 concentrations at 4th and E1‐S approximately 17th week of pregnancy were above the cut‐off value for pregnancy test and the hormonal profiles observed were comparable to the previous reports. Furthermore, the PAG and E1‐S profiles were considerably influenced by factors such as breed, weight and parity status of the dam, and foetal sex and foetal birth weight (only PAG).  相似文献   

Tylvalosin (TVN) is a water soluble macrolide used in swine production to treat enteric, respiratory, and arthritic pathogens. There is limited data on its distribution to synovial fluid beyond gavage studies, which do not represent field conditions. This study measured water disappearance, TVN concentration in the medicated water, daily dose, and concentrations of TVN and 3‐O‐acetyltylosin (3AT) in the synovial fluid and plasma of treated pigs over the administration period. The study emphasized understanding variation in tissue TVN concentrations within the context of a field setting. Sixty finisher pigs were housed individually with individual waterers. Six pigs were randomly allocated to the following time points for sample collection: 0, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 102, 108, 114, and 120 hr on medication. TVN was administered daily in the water for 5 days. Water disappearance and medicated water concentration were measured daily. At each time point, six pigs were euthanized and plasma and synovial fluid were collected for analysis. Median TVN synovial fluid concentrations ranged between <1 ng/ml (hour 0) to 3.6 ng/ml (hour 84). There was substantial variation between individual pigs for water disappearance (mean 4.36L and range 0–7.84). Median TVN water concentration was 59 ppm (range 38–75 ppm).  相似文献   

气候变暖对高寒草甸气候生产潜力的影响   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
利用多年定位测定的草地生产力资料及同步气象因素观测数据,建立现实状况下光、温、水影响草地气候生产潜力模型 在分析现实高寒草旬气候生产力分布与环境条件关系的同时,根据该模型模拟计算未来气温升高2℃和4℃,降水增加10 %和20%状况下的气候生产力情景。在上述两种气候情景下,未来草地生产力分别出现降低(10%)和升高(1%)的两种可能。气候变暖在一定程度上减少和缓和低温对高寒草甸牧草生长的不利影响,但地表及植被的蒸散量的加大远比降水增加的快,水分则成为牧草生长的限制因素。  相似文献   


AIM: To identify weather variables associated with the development of eggs of Teladorsagia (=Ostertagia) circumcincta, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus to third-stage infective larvae (L3) under a range of climatic conditions on pasture in the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: Sheep faeces containing known numbers of eggs of all three nematode species were deposited on, or buried in, pasture plots at three sites, viz coastal Manawatu, Upper Hutt Valley, and East Cape hill country. Development was measured by recovering L3 from faeces, herbage and soil 28–31 days after deposition, on 13–18 occasions between January 2005 until July 2006. Weather data were recorded at each site, and the association between weather variables and number of L3 recovered was analysed using subsets regression to select best-fitting models from several candidate variables, after adjustment for efficiency of recovery of L3. A multiple linear regression model was then developed for each species, to select weather variables that had both significant and substantive effects on the number of L3 recovered.

RESULTS: For all species, mean daily temperature was the bestpredictor of the number of L3 recovered (p=0.001). For T.circumcincta the final model included mean daily temperature and soil temperature (R2=51%), and for T. colubriformis the model only included mean daily temperature (R2=55%). For development of H. contortus, mean daily temperature was the most significant variable, but moisture in the form of rainfall entropy, i.e. the temporal distribution of rainfall, overthe first 14 days was also significant in the final model (R2=34%).

CONCLUSIONS: Temperature was the most important determinant of developmental success of free-living nematodes on pasture at the study sites, and probably also for other parts ofNew Zealand with similar climates. Moisture was not significant in the development of T. circumcincta or T.colubriformis, implying that under the generally moist temperate climate in New Zealand, moisture is seldom limiting for development of these species. Haemonchus contortusappeared to be sensitive to moisture availability and precipitation in the first 14 days after deposition of faeces. The results of this study will be further developed as part of species-specific climate-driven models of parasite development in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Sleeping site locations are important to free‐ranging primate groups. Sites are strategically selected by primates so as to optimize security, comfort and foraging efficiency. Data were collected on the distribution of sleeping sites of the Yunnan snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) between Sep 2005 and Sep 2006 at Gehuaqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, China. We identified 54 sleeping sites, which were used 137 times during the study period. These sleeping sites were distributed throughout the monkey group's total home range. R. bieti preferred certain sleeping sites over others: 63% of the sleeping sites were used 2 or more times in 13 months. Groups reused locations in an unpredictable long‐term pattern, but avoided using the same sleeping site on consecutive nights. To reduce the time and energetic costs of travel, monkeys preferred sleeping near commonly used feeding sites. We recorded 124 feeding sites in the home range, which were used 174 times. A total of 27 sleeping sites were also feeding sites, and all remaining sleeping sites were close to feeding sites. There was a positive correlation between the intensity of use of sleeping sites and feeding sites. The present study suggests that the availability and the location of immediate sources of food is a key factor in the choice of sleeping sites.  相似文献   

The amplified “greenhouse effect” associated with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases has increased atmospheric temperature by 1°C since industrialization (around 1750), and it is anticipated to cause an additional 2°C increase by mid-century. Increased biospheric warming is also projected to modify the amount and distribution of annual precipitation and increase the occurrence of both drought and heat waves. The ecological consequences of climate change will vary substantially among ecoregions because of regional differences in antecedent environmental conditions; the rate and magnitude of change in the primary climate change drivers, including elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming and precipitation modification; and nonadditive effects among climate drivers. Elevated atmospheric CO2 will directly stimulate plant growth and reduce negative effects of drying in a warmer climate by increasing plant water use efficiency; however, the CO2 effect is mediated by environmental conditions, especially soil water availability. Warming and drying are anticipated to reduce soil water availability, net primary productivity, and other ecosystem processes in the southern Great Plains, the Southwest, and northern Mexico, but warmer and generally wetter conditions will likely enhance these processes in the northern Plains and southern Canada. The Northwest will warm considerably, but annual precipitation is projected to change little despite a large decrease in summer precipitation. Reduced winter snowpack and earlier snowmelt will affect hydrology and riparian systems in the Northwest. Specific consequences of climate change will be numerous and varied and include modifications to forage quantity and quality and livestock production systems, soil C content, fire regimes, livestock metabolism, and plant community composition and species distributions, including range contraction and expansion of invasive species. Recent trends and model projections indicate continued directional change and increasing variability in climate that will substantially affect the provision of ecosystem services on North American rangelands.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies of oral firocoxib in large animal species have been limited to horses, preruminating calves, and adult camels. The aim of this study was to describe pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of firocoxib in adult goats. Ten healthy adult goats were administered 0.5 mg/kg firocoxib intravenously (i.v.) and per os (p.o.) in a randomized, crossover study. Plasma firocoxib concentrations were measured over a 96‐hr period for each treatment using HPLC and mass spectrometry, and PK analysis was performed. The p.o. formulation reached mean peak plasma concentration of 139 ng/ml (range: 87–196 ng/ml) in 0.77 hr (0.25–2.00 hr), and half‐life was 21.51 hr (10.21–48.32 hr). Mean bioavailability was 71% (51%–82%), indicative of adequate gastrointestinal absorption of firocoxib. There were no negative effects observed in any animal, and all blood work values remained within or very near reference range at the study's conclusion. Results indicate that oral firocoxib is well‐absorbed and rapidly reaches peak plasma concentrations, although the concentration also decreased quickly prior to the terminal phase. The prolonged half‐life may suggest tissue accumulation and higher plasma concentrations over time, depending on dosing schedule. Further studies to determine tissue residue depletion, pharmacodynamics, and therapeutic concentrations of firocoxib in goats are necessary.  相似文献   

Secondary bacterial infection is a frequent complication in lesional skin of dogs with immunomodulatory‐responsive lymphocytic–plasmacytic pododermatitis (ImR‐LPP). However, the influence of skin pH and temperature in determining the composition of the cutaneous microflora at lesional sites has not been investigated. The association between ImR‐LPP and pedal skin temperature, pH and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates was thus evaluated. Temperature and pH were measured in 20 dogs with ImR‐LPP and in 30 clinically healthy control dogs, and S. pseudintermedius was cultured from interdigital and palmoplantar swabs in both groups and scored semi‐quantitatively for bacterial growth. In the ImR‐LPP group, mean skin pH was slightly, but significantly, higher at both interdigital and palmoplantar sites. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius was isolated more frequently, and scores for bacterial growth were also significantly higher. However, mean skin temperatures were not significantly different from those in the control group. The isolation of S. pseudintermedius was significantly associated with ImR‐LPP, with the single exception of isolates on Columbia blood agar from the palmoplantar region. However, pH and temperature were not significantly associated with the disease, and were not associated with the isolation of S. pseudintermedius at most sites sampled. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius was not isolated from all feet sampled in dogs with ImR‐LPP. Taken together, these data would suggest that S. pseudintermedius infection is most likely to be a secondary phenomenon in dogs with ImR‐LPP, and that changes in skin pH and temperature are not significant risk factors for this disease.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the thyroid status of Basenji dogs in Australia. Methods Jugular or cephalic venipuncture blood samples were taken from 113 Basenji, comprising 47 males, 5 castrates, 48 entire and 13 spayed bitches, and sent on ice in plain and EDTA tubes to a single laboratory to determine haematocrit and serum concentrations of total thyroid hormone (thyroxine, TT4), thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) and cholesterol. In a subgroup of 8 dogs with abnormal elevated TSH concentrations and subnormal TT4 concentrations, 5 were further examined by dynamic endocrine testing using recombinant human (rh) TSH (54 µg). Results Ages ranged from 1 to 14 years and weight range was 6.5 to 14.0 kg. TT4 concentrations (nmol/L) ranged from 2 to 27, with a median of 13 and a mean ± SD of 13.0 ± 5.7. Importantly, 85/113 (75%) of TT4 values were lower than the normal laboratory reference range (17–37). TSH concentrations (ng/mL) ranged from 0.05 to 5.37, with a median of 0.16 and a mean ± SD of 0.3 ± 0.6. Conclusions Basenji have a similar reference range for serum TSH, but a considerably lower reference range for TT4 (2–27 nmol/L) than most breeds and crossbreds, resembling the sight hounds in this respect. Given the difficulty of accurately measuring TT4 concentrations that are so low, concomitant serial TSH determinations are essential to properly asses thyroid function. Taken alone, TT4 determinations are only of use when the value is within the reference range, in which case a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is likely excluded.  相似文献   

The evaluation of four Eragrostis curvula ecotypes with grazing sheep. Four ecotypes of Eragrostis curvula, namely, Cape Province 5, Ermelo, Pearston 204 and Makwassie 150 were evaluated in a grazing trial with sheep, at three stocking rates, during two growing seasons. Under conditions of very lenient utilization, where the animals could select freely, the animals on Cape Province 5 had significantly higher mass gains than on any one of the other ecotypes. The sheep on Pearston 204, on the other hand, showed higher live mass gains, although these were not significant, under conditions of more intensive utilization. There were no significant differences in the dry matter production and chemical composition of the clipped samples of the ecotypes.  相似文献   

The species and distribution of ticks infesting cattle, goats and dogs in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and Maputo Province, Mozambique were determined from collections made from these animals at 72 localities in the former region and 30 in the latter. Eleven ixodid and one argasid species were recovered in the Eastern Cape Province and 15 ixodid species in Maputo Province. The most common ticks infesting cattle and goats in both provinces were Amblyomma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi. The dominant species on dogs were Haemaphysalis elliptica and Rhipicephalus simus. The geographic distributions of the major species and some of the minor species in both regions were plotted. The partial or complete displacement of the indigenous tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus by the introduced species R. (B.) microplus was a major feature of both surveys.  相似文献   

Distribution maps for the ten southern African species of land tortoise have been prepared using published sources and recent museum records. Three hundred and thirty-six new records have been added to these maps by a recent Cape Province tortoise survey, and a further 65 of the older records have been re-confirmed. A relatively clear picture of the range of each species is now available, although the records in South West Africa are not yet adequate enough to resolve the problems posed by the vague localities published at the beginning of the century. The Cape Province of South Africa clearly stands out as the world's richest area in terrestrial testudinids.  相似文献   

物种多样性对生态系统功能的影响是生态学领域的核心问题之一。本研究利用内蒙古荒漠草原80个野外植被、土壤调查样地资料,结合气候数据,探讨物种多样性、生产力与气候因子和土壤养分的关系,为进一步认识多样性-生产力关系提供参考。结果表明,1)物种多样性、生物量与年平均降水量均呈线性正相关,与年平均温度均呈线性负相关,与干燥指数均呈线性正相关。2)物种丰富度与土壤全磷含量呈线性负相关(R2=0.072, P<0.05),与速效氮含量呈线性正相关(R2=0.183, P<0.01),Shannon-Wiener指数与速效氮也呈线性正相关(R2=0.061, P<0.05);生物量与土壤全氮、速效氮和有机碳含量都呈线性正相关,相关系数分别为0.150,0.177,0.089(P<0.01)。3)群落生物量与物种多样性呈线性正相关关系。4)干燥指数是影响多样性和生物量的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

Objective Evaluation of five pulse oximeters in dogs, cats and horses with sensors placed at five sites and hemoglobin saturation at three plateaus. Study design Prospective randomized multispecies experimental trial. Animals Five healthy dogs, cats and horses. Methods Animals were anesthetized and instrumented with ECG leads and arterial catheters. Five pulse oximeters (Nellcor Puritan Bennett‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and Surgi‐Vet V3304) with sensors at five sites were studied in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. Ten readings (SpO2) were taken at each of three hemoglobin saturation plateaus (98, 85 and 72%) in each animal. Arterial samples were drawn concurrently and hemoglobin saturation was measured with a co‐oximeter. Accuracy of saturation measurements was calculated as the root mean squared difference (RMSD), a composite of bias and precision, for each model tested in each species. Results Accuracy varied widely. In dogs, the RMSD for the NPB‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and V3304 were 2.7, 2.2, 2.4, 1.7 and 2.7% respectively. Failure to produce readings for the NPB‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and V3304 were 0, 0, 0.7, 0, and 20%, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficients for the tongue, toe, ear, lip and prepuce or vulva were 0.95, 0.97, 0.69, 0.87 and 0.95, respectively. In horses, the RMSD for the NPB‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and V3304 were 3.1, 3.0, 4.7, 3.3 and 2.1%, respectively while rates of failure to produce readings were 10, 21, 0, 17 and 60%, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficients for the tongue, nostril, ear, lip and prepuce or vulva were 0.98, 0.94, 0.88, 0.93 and 0.94, respectively. In cats, the RMSD for all data for the NPB‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and V3304 were 5.9, 5.6, 7.9, 7.9 and 10.7%, respectively while failure rates were 0, 0.7, 0, 20 and 32%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for the tongue, rear paw, ear, lip and front paw were 0.54, 0.79,.0.64, 0.49 and 0.57, respectively. For saturations above 90% in cats, the RMSD for the NPB‐395, NPB‐190, NPB‐290, NPB‐40 and V3304 were 2.6, 4.4, 4.0, 3.5 and 4.8%, respectively, while failure rates were 0, 1.7, 0, 25 and 43%, respectively. Conclusions and clinical relevance Accuracy and failure rates (failure to produce a reading) varied widely from model to model and from species to species. Generally, among the models tested in the clinically relevant range (90–100%) RMSD ranged from 2–5% while failure rates were highest in the V3304.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the population pharmacokinetics (PK) of mosapride under fasting and fed conditions. A single 5‐mg oral dose of mosapride was administered to fasted (n = 15) and fed (n = 12) beagle dogs. Plasma concentrations of mosapride were subsequently measured by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using modeling approaches with the NONMEM 7.2 software. A one‐compartment open PK model utilizing model event time (MTIME) with first‐order absorption and first‐order elimination was found to be more appropriate than all other PK models tested. The absorption rate constants of mosapride were significantly decreased under fed conditions, compared to fasting conditions. The observed bootstrap medians of PK parameters were generally consistent with the corresponding population mean estimates. Furthermore, with the exception of some mosapride concentrations, most of observed data fell into the range of the 5th and 95th percentiles of the simulated values. Overall, the final model was able to describe the observed mosapride concentrations reasonably well. These findings suggest that food intake affects both the rate and extent of absorption of mosapride and that the pharmacological effect of mosapride can differ significantly depending on food intake.  相似文献   

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