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黑龙江省寒地稻作区因具有水稻生育期短、早春寒冷、活动积温少等特点,不适合种植优质晚熟的水稻品种。在这种情况下,可以采用两段育苗高产栽培技术。从两段育苗高产栽培技术的3个基本特点出发,对其技术要点进行了介绍,并通过省种、省工、节本、增产、增效等几个方面反映了该技术的优势,以促进该技术在其适用地区的推广应用。  相似文献   

水稻作为全球重要的粮食作物,其栽培方式主要包括直播和移栽,而直播技术作为水稻主要栽培技术之一,对于降低生产成本、节约水资源具有重要意义。本文主要介绍了国内外水稻直播发展现状,论述了水稻栽培的两种方式,分析了直播水稻栽培技术的优缺点,并提出了改进水稻直播的三点措施。  相似文献   

水稻简化栽培技术是简化水稻高产栽培程序和减轻水稻栽培劳动强度的技术.水稻简化栽培技术研究时间不长,尚未形成系统的配套的技术体系,我们根据目前水稻大面积生产上应用的主要栽培技术特点和水稻生长发育特性,提出适应当前水稻生产现状的几种常见的简化栽培技术.  相似文献   

介绍了优质两系杂交水稻培两优 2 88在宁乡县大面积生产中的优势表现及主要栽培技术要点  相似文献   

介绍了优质两系杂交水稻培两优288在宁乡县大面积生产中的优势表现及主要栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

针对秦巴山区的立体农业特点,在我区分区域采用了水稻3项高产栽培技术。一是在推广杂交水稻的同时,全面采用旱育秧或两段育秧的培育壮秧技术,打下水稻高产基础;二是在川坝浅丘(海拔为秦岭700m以下、巴山800m以下)稻区,本田采用两大一线浅栽(壮秧)技术;...  相似文献   

从70年代初至90年代末的30年间,我国水稻栽培技术日新月异,不断发展,进而形成了一些较为独立完整的技术理论体系。了解和掌握我国水稻栽培技术体系的发展历程与主要特点,对提高水稻栽培水平和生产效益,具有极其重要的意义。笔者根据自己的实践,谈谈这些技术的主要特点。1 水稻湿润育苗密植栽培技术11 湿育密植栽培技术体系的发展历程水稻湿润育苗密植栽培技术是在过去水育密植栽培技术的基础上发展起来的,1984年前后由北向南逐步被旱育稀植栽培技术所取代。目前,湿润育苗法在全国的应用面积约占40%左右,湿育密植栽培技术在全国的应用面积…  相似文献   

从介绍稻-菜轮作模式两茬作物茬口安排出发,详细阐述了稻-菜轮作主要栽培技术,包括品种选择、菜花栽培技术及水稻栽培技术等方面,并分析了稻-菜轮作模式效益。  相似文献   

晚稻旱育软盘抛寄两段秧栽培技术效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旱育软盘抛寄两段秧,是以两段秧为基础,以旱育秧和软盘抛寄秧为特点,多种技术配套的新的水稻高产栽培技术。1996年在临澧基点开始小面积试验,1997年全县共推广5333hm2。现将1997年晚稻研究、示范情况报告如下。1材料与方法1.1试验地点和组合试...  相似文献   

水稻节水栽培研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了国内外水稻耐旱品种选育、水稻节水灌溉技术、覆盖旱作技术以及稻田土壤耕作技术等主要水稻节水栽培技术,并对水稻节水栽培技术的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Climate changes due to global warming may affect paddy cultivation considerably. Climate changes directly affect rice plant growth, and within paddy cultivation catchments, alter the hydrological regime including flood patterns and water availability for irrigation, and drainage. Although increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the future may enhance plant growth through the CO2 fertilization effect, impacts of climate change on agriculture are complicated and difficult to predict precisely. This is especially the case for assessing impacts on paddy cultivation, where basin hydrological behavior needs to be understood in detail. Possible adaptations to reduce negative impacts should be tailored to local conditions, which modify climate change impacts on paddy cultivation. In this article, climate change impacts on paddy cultivation are reviewed and a general adaptation strategy is discussed with special reference to the Japanese context.  相似文献   

为探索水稻晒田最佳时期,以杂交水稻中迟熟组合岗优827为材料,进行了不同叶龄期晒田处理试验。结果表明:叶龄11叶晒田处理岗优827产量最高,为887.1 kg/667 m2;10叶晒田处理次之,其产量为831.5 kg/667 m2;12叶晒田处理第3,其产量为804.8 kg/667 m2;不晒田处理产量最低,为753.7 kg/667 m2。说明在有效分蘖期或稍前够苗晒田能大幅度提高水稻岗优827产量。  相似文献   

在对艾纳香有性繁殖进行研究的基础上,通过育苗生产进一步观察和调查,总结了从制种、育苗基质到播种、移植、管护和出圃等技术,以期解决艾纳香因无性繁殖导致的品种退化和产业化种源不足等问题。  相似文献   

We investigated how upland and paddy japonica rice responded to phosphorous(P) fertilizer under two cultivation methods.The upland rice Zhonghan 3 and the paddy rice Yangfujing 8 were both grown under moist cultivation(MC,control) and bare dry cultivation(DC) with three P levels,low(LP,45 kg/hm2),normal(NP,90 kg/hm2) and high(HP,135 kg/hm2).As P level increased,grain yields of both upland and paddy rice increased under DC.There were no significant differences in grain yields between HP and NP for either rice,although upland rice slightly increased and paddy rice slightly decreased in grain yield.Under DC at LP,Zhonghan 3 showed a higher head milled rice rate and better appearance,cooking and eating qualities than at HP or NP.Yangfujing 8 was similar to Zhonghan 3 except that Yangfujing 8 had better appearance quality at NP.Under MC,Zhonghan 3 had a higher head milled rice rate at LP and better cooking and eating qualities at NP.Yangfujing 8 was similar to Zhonghan 3 except in appearance quality.DC improved head milled rice rate and appearance quality of both upland and paddy rice,and cooking and nutrient qualities of paddy rice.Compared with paddy rice,upland rice had better processing,nutrient and eating qualities.The results suggest that upland and paddy rice respond differently to cultivation method and phosphorus level.  相似文献   

This experimental study assesses the effects of event rainfall on soil erosion characteristics in terraced rice paddy fields. A 0.75-ha terraced paddy field located in Northern Taiwan was used to investigate the soil erosion under the regular cultivation of rice during two crop seasons. The environmental changes were investigated in the neighboring areas in which terraced paddy fields have been converted to other land usages. The annual rate of soil erosion calculated from the observed rainfall runoff and suspended solid contained was 0.77 ton/ha, which is significantly less than the erosion rate associated with upland crop cultivation reported by other research conducted in Taiwan. Experimental results also showed that the terraced paddy field retained the highest percentages of clay, silt, and organic matter's content, as compared to those of other upland crops, indicating that the topsoil was less susceptible to rainfall erosion under flooded conditions of rice-cultivation. The results of this study show that the rice-planted terraced paddy offers the highest level of soil conservation. The function of soil and water conservation in terraced paddy fields could be further increased by effective maintenance of embankment and to raise the height of the bund. Poor management, abandoned cultivation, and converse to other upland crops of terraced paddy fields are regarded as major contributors to increased soil erosion in mountainous areas. The government in Taiwan should formulate effective measures and maintain sustainable rice cultivation in the terraced paddies.  相似文献   

不同种植方式下磷素营养对陆稻和水稻米质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以粳型陆稻中旱3号和粳型水稻扬辐粳8号为材料,设置裸地旱作和水作2种种植方式及3个磷素(P2O5  )水平:低磷(LP,45  kg/hm2)、常磷(NP,90  kg/hm2)和高磷(HP,135 kg/hm2),比较了陆稻和水稻米质的差异。旱作条件下,随着施P量的增加,陆稻和水稻产量均随之增加;  水作条件下,HP下陆稻的产量较NP增加,水稻的产量HP较NP减少,但差异均不显著。旱作条件下,中旱3号LP水平下整精米率、外观品质和蒸煮食味品质表现较好,扬辐粳8号(NP水平下外观品质表现较好)与中旱3号基本一致;水作条件下,中旱3号LP水平下整精米率较高,NP水平下蒸煮食味品质较好,扬辐粳8号与中旱3号基本一致,但外观品质表现不一。旱作使陆稻和水稻的整精米率提高,外观品质改善,水稻蒸煮品质和营养品质提高。与水稻相比,陆稻的加工品质、营养品质和食味品质较优。表明陆稻和水稻的米质对种植方式和磷素的互作响应有差异。  相似文献   

稻螺生态种养模式是充分利用稻田空间、时间、生态环境等资源,在进行水稻种植的同时生态养殖田螺的模式,拓展了种植业与养殖业的发展空间,提高了稻田物质与能量的利用率与产出效益.以浏阳市利敏农业开发有限公司为例,介绍了稻螺生态种养模式的生态系统结构和构建原理,以及该模式的技术流程,分析了该模式的经济、生态、社会等效益,探讨了其发展前景.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of cultivar and grain position on rice quality under different water management treatments. Water treatments significantly affected all quality traits in the study, except alkali digestibility (AD). There were significant interactions of water treatment by grain position and genotype for brown rice rate (BRR), chalky grain rate (CGR) and amylose content (AC), and interactions of grain position by water treatment and cultivar for head milled rice rate (HMRR). The interaction of water treatment by genotype for protein content (PC) was also significant. Of all variance components, water treatment ranked the highest for PC. Similarly grain position was ranked the highest for AC, BRR, CGR and HMRR. In comparison with wet cultivation, plastic-film mulched cultivation had significantly lower BRR, HMRR, CGR and higher PC. There were marked differences in milled quality, appearance and AD among differently positioned grains within a spike. For appearance and PC, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for upland rice than paddy rice. For milled and cooking–eating quality, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for the good quality paddy rice than the upland rice and the poor quality paddy rice. In plastic-film mulched cultivation, top grains showed lower milled quality and PC. While in wet cultivation, the opposite result was seen. With the decrease in soil water content, BRR and appearance showed increased and decreased differences among grains within a spike, respectively. The results indicate the possibility of improving rice quality by use of better water management and suitable cultivars.  相似文献   

杂交中稻超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培的养分及干物质积累特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 以杂交中稻D优95、冈优22为材料,研究了杂交中稻超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培对N、P、K的吸收及干物质的积累、转运和分配。杂交中稻超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培可以明显地提高稻株对N、P、K的吸收及干物质的积累量,尤其是生育后期,超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培对N、P、K的吸收强度仍较大,特别是N素,积累量多,干物质的生产与积累也较常规栽培大而快,表现出明显的后期生长优势;超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培齐穗后穗部N、P、K的积累仍有较大比例靠齐穗后的吸收,且穗部干物质的积累来自于齐穗后的光合作用的比例较大;超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培还可提高N、P、K及干物质在穗部的分配比例,从而提高经济系数及单位N、P、K的生产效率。超多蘖壮秧超稀栽培的本田最佳密度为11.25~15.00万穴/hm2,比常规栽培增产10%以上。  相似文献   

稻田综合种养模式能够从源头减少氮、磷的输入,提高稻田系统的养分利用率.在紫云英全量还田的基础上,设计了多物种参与下的稻鸭复合种养模式,通过与常规稻作对比,养萍处理与不养萍处理的对比,从稻鸭复合系统中氮、磷的输入与输出途径出发,分析了氮、磷在系统中的迁移与循环特征,以及萍类对氮、磷的迁移与循环的影响.  相似文献   

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