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动物是地球上自然环境结构中重要的组成部分。区域动物群落又是区域内自然环境的综合反映。人同动物共处于一个环境结构的整体之中,两者的关系甚为密切。人类对动物群落的发展与分布,既起着促进作用,又起着抑制作用,而动物不仅能为人类提供生存的必要条件,而且又能够为地名的命名提供重要的依据。以动物名称作通名命名的地名既可以做前缀,又可以做后缀,还可以做为一  相似文献   

马来西亚的人和猪致死性脑炎由一种新病毒所致   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1999年春在马来西亚暴发一种以脑炎为特征的病毒性传染病,在感染猪群和与猪接触的人中流行,传播迅速,很快蔓延到马来西亚一半以上的地区,引致许多人及猪死亡,举世瞩目。经诊断,该病的病原并非最初认为的日本乙型脑炎病毒,而是由一种未曾报道过的新病毒所致,命名为宜麦(Nipah)病毒,宜麦是马来西亚森美兰(NegeriSembilan)州的一个村庄地名,从该地的患者分离到该病毒,故而得名。宜麦病(Nipahdisease)引致人死亡,归因于猪的宜麦病毒感染。回溯性调查表明,该病实际上在1997年即有发生…  相似文献   

牧草的命名方法是按照国际植物命名法则和全国牧草审定委员会的规定,采取品种名称加种名的方法命名。用拉丁文表示的叫学名,国际通用;用中文表示的叫中文名,全国通用。如:阿伯德多花黑麦草(LoliummnltifloncmLam.CV.Aubade)。“阿伯德多花黑麦草”是中文名,“LoliummnltifloncmLam.CV.Aubade”为学名。在这个名称中“阿伯德(Aubade)为品种名称,主要是根据育成品种植物的形态特征、地名、单位以及利用编号等命名”;多花黑麦草则是该牧草在植物分类学中的种名…  相似文献   

基于为新疆维吾尔自治区桑树品种资源的开发利用及种质创新提供基础信息,系统阐述了昆仑山北坡桑树自然区、天山南坡桑树自然区、天山东部山间盆地桑树自然区、天山西部伊梨河谷盆地桑树自然区和天山以北温凉气候地带桑树自然区等5大桑树资源自然分布区域的地理生态环境及桑树形态特征,认为新疆地区各桑树自然分布区域的地理生态环境及桑树形态特征有较大差异。  相似文献   

地名中蕴含着丰富的文化宝藏,本文从语言学角度对包头地名进行了研究,运用了应用语言学中语言人文性理论,在特殊的地理位置,历史纵深及文化融合等方面,对包头地名的语言特征进行了详细的分析,还探讨研究了包头地名的命名原则和规律。  相似文献   

地理标志和商标是知识产权法律制度的重要内容,地理标志是标示某商品来源于某地区,并且该商品的特定质量、信誉或者其他特征主要由该地区的自然因素或人文因素所决定的标志。我国是通过商标法律以注册证明商标或集体商标的方式来保护地理标志的,这也是国际上保护地理标志的一种主要方式。在我国,地理标志所使用的产品涉及农产品、食品、中药材、手工艺品、工业品等,已注册的地理标志主要有水果、茶叶、大米、蔬菜、家禽、花卉、黄酒、豆瓣、枸杞等商品。  相似文献   

牧草命名考陈宝书(甘肃农业大学730070)无论是栽培牧草或野生牧草,它的命名都有一定意义,其中以形态特征命名的最为广泛,如猫尾草、牛尾草、狗昆草,其穗形似猫、牛、狗的尾巴;球茎草的茎基部膨大,略似球形;小冠花为伞形花序,大多由14朵以上小花呈环状紧...  相似文献   

TRIPS协议第22条第1款规定,“地理标志系指下列标志:其指示出某商品来源于某成员地域内,或来源于该地域中的某地区或某地方,该商品的特定质量、信誉或其他特征,主要与该地理来源相关联。”例如:中国丝绸、景德镇陶瓷、通辽肥牛等。地理标志一般是由具有显著特征的可视性标志文字、图形、字母、数字或其组合构成,也被称为“原产地名称”。但是原产地名称是更侧重于强调产源独特性的特殊地理标志。通常所说的地理标志是由商品来源地的名称构成的,主要是因为商品来源地的气候、土壤等独特的地理因素和人为因素(例如:特殊的技能和传统工艺)对商品的品质有特殊的影响,商品的声誉也直接受来源地的影响;所以特定区域的自然条件和人文条件是地理标志的核心特征。  相似文献   

(一)形态鉴定形态特征的鉴定是指对蜂体的某些外部的或内部的器官形态特征的观察与测量,以确定不同地区或不同生态区间蜂体形态的差异。综合其生物学特性及形态差异以判断其经济价值的大小及是否存在的亚种或地理宗。  相似文献   

海南出入境检验检疫局代表国家质检总局向海南龙泉集团旗下的文昌龙泉文昌鸡实业有限公司颁发文昌鸡国家地理标志保护产品牌匾,该公司成为海南省首家获准使用文昌鸡地理标志产品专用标志的企业。文昌鸡是以海南著名的"文化之乡"—文昌市地名命名的海南省地方优良肉鸡品种,位居海南"四大名菜"之首。2004年10月29日,海南文昌鸡获得了国家原产地标  相似文献   

王连珍  董绪国 《蚕业科学》2008,34(1):174-177
关于栎属(Quercus)植物柞树在植物分类阶元"科"的中文名称,有的文献称之为山毛榉科(Fagaceae),有的称之为壳斗科(Fagaceae);"科"所辖"属"的种类以及栎属的分组、柞树树种的中文名称也不尽相同。对上述分类阶元名称及栎属分组的考证结果认为:柞树在植物分类阶元"科"上的中文名称宜统称为壳斗科,柞树的"种"名应统一称为"栎";壳斗科在中国分布有7个属;青冈类植物应归为栎属的一个亚属———青冈亚属。  相似文献   

刘志鹏  任广朋 《草业学报》2022,31(11):191-203
This review investigates the disordered status of the classification of Medicago genus,both domestically and internationally. Several definitions of a taxonomic species were considered and the names and characteristics of 13 Medicago species in China are reported,together with a detailed summary of the names,life forms,chromosome numbers,pollination methods and natural distribution of about 90 Medicago species worldwide,including the classification of 14 sections and 10 subsections in Medicago. The molecular evolutionary relationships between different species,and the geographical origin of Medicago are discussed,and the genetic relationships between different subspecies in the alfalfa complex are further explained. This study puts forward a method of identifying Medicago species on the basis of deep understanding of the concept of species. A wide collection of global Medicago germplasm resources,aiming to further clarify the evolutionary relationship among different sections and different species by molecular evolution methods is proposed. This review provides a reference framework for future Medicago classification and alfalfa cross breeding. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The problem of dueling names for a species has been minimized within the scientific community through the development and use of standardized ordering and naming systems. Ambiguity, however, persists among common vernaculars. Such variation in names transcends countries and continents, and can result in a single species being known by multiple names in the same area, a single species being known by different names in neighboring communities, or many species being known by one name. As part of a group-administered survey regarding wildlife, we asked 932 Tanzanian primary school children to name the species represented by animal illustrations. Participants provided up to 37 different names for each species (M = 19.8, SD= 13.3). Determining if the names indicated familiarity with the species proved challenging. Our results highlight the complications common names can cause for human dimensions of wildlife researchers.  相似文献   

The author surveys the early history of nomenclature for parasitic diseases or infections which led to the existing usage of synonymous names with diverse spellings for denominating the same disease entities. In order to diminish heterogeneity in nomenclatural usage, principles of the standardized nomenclature of parasitic diseases (SNOPAD) have been put forward by the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. Pros and cons regarding the SNOPAD concept are discussed in seeking consensus terminology. The need for a standard nomenclature may be judged differently. SNOPAD is just a guideline based on carefully reasoned and clearly defined principles for those authors and editors dissatisfied with the existing heterogeneous and inconsistent nomenclatural usage and wish to rely on a uniform and standard disease nomenclature. The major suggestion of SNOPAD is the use solely of suffix -osis when disease name is coined from the name of a parasite taxon. Meanwhile, the proposed principles were found sensible and accepted more in the field of veterinary, less in medical parasitology. In a recent survey it has been revealed that the majority (73.8%) of 126 national language parasitological textbooks or compendia from 21 countries of Europe published since 1990 adopted consistent '-osis' disease terminology and the rest (26.2%) used a mixture of disease names ending in '-osis' and '-iasis' inconsistently. For achieving substantial shift towards the use of more consistent disease terminology, the interest and support of the parasitologists' community is required. Editorials and database producers hold the key to further progress provided they see the advantages of the use of a single name of worldwide currency for each disease entity.  相似文献   

陕西省禾本科牧草资源的区系特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
陕西省禾本科牧草种质资源丰富,据调查共有80属、175种。其区系成分多样,温带性质明显,热带成分占很大比例,在属级水平上有东亚、中亚和地中海区系成分的渗入,这与陕西所处的地理位置相一致。  相似文献   

为探索石河子地区的CPV野毒株是否发生遗传变异,本试验收集石河子地区自然发病犬及病死犬的粪便和组织,提取其病毒基因组,利用PCR技术对犬细小病毒VP2基因片段进行扩增,对扩增片段进行克隆和测序,并与不同地域流行株VP2基因进行比对,分析其差异。结果显示,本试验成功克隆了VP2基因,且序列分析结果显示一毒株存在14个点突变位点其和5个缺失位点,另一毒株存在7个突变位点。经基因型鉴定,野毒株的基因型均为CPV-2a型。  相似文献   

The existing usage of disease names formed from the name of the parasite taxon is characterised by marked heterogeneity. This is largely due to the fact that, for coining disease names, four different suffixes, '-osis', '-iosis', '-asis' and '-iasis', are being used inconsistently. The result is that alternative terms are in use for naming the same disease, e.g. trypanosomosis and trypanosomiasis, fasciolosis and fascioliasis, ascariosis and ascariasis. Inspite of the SNOAPAD/SNOPAD guideline (1988) which proposed the principles of a uniform and standard disease nomenclature, the actual usage depends largely on tradition, educational imprinting and personal preferences, showing great variation. By using alternative disease names as search terms the author investigates in four databases the impact of nomenclatural heterogeneity on information storage and retrieval. It is evident that the existence of alternative disease names in parasitology markedly interferes with the efficacy of online data retrieval. The value of a disease name as a search term was shown to be greatly different in various databases. Until we have to coexist with an inconsistent disease terminology we need to adopt specially structured database-search techniques to ensure a proper level of precision in searching. Such possible techniques are considered.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠天然植物区系特征及地理成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌兰布和沙漠地处荒漠草原过渡地带,植物区系研究具有独特的地理学意义。通过对乌兰布和沙漠天然植物物种调查统计,对区域植物区系科属组成、地理成分进行分析,并与典型荒漠区和草原区植物区系进行比较。结果表明:乌兰布和沙漠共有天然植物51科161属318种。物种组成20种以上的优势科和10种以下的寡种科为植物区系的主体,区系优势明显;单种属数量较大,说明植物区系整体物种多样性并不丰富,而优势属在种的层次上丰富度较高,有一定的优势,在荒漠植物区系属的组成中起着重要作用。植物区系地理成分以科的世界成分和属的温带分布型占主导,反映了植物区系分布与世界气候带相适应的特征,植物区系的温带性质明显。沙漠植物区系特征与其沙漠所处的地理位置和气候区域具有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

Guidi  A.  Armani  A.  Castigliego  L.  Li  X. N.  Fanzone  F.  Fusco  S.  Facibeni  E.  Gianfaldoni  D. 《Veterinary research communications》2010,34(1):163-166

Ethnic food consumption is a quickly growing reality within Chinese communities, which have a well-organized “internal” food market for both Asian and ethnic foods produced in the European Union. The main problems associated with these markets are related to hygienic conditions, certifications of accomplishment, and personnel management. Moreover, controls and identification of the products are difficult because of cultural and linguistic barriers. In this study, five markets managed by the Chinese were visited, and the conformity of the reported label information found on different kinds of food (prepackaged or loose) was assessed by a collaboration between the Local Authorities of Control of the Prato territory, which hosts the largest Chinese community in Italy, and of native speakers of Chinese. All visited markets presented products (n = 75) with non-conformities: lack of translation (6%) and incomplete/mistaken translation of the commercial name (72%) and place of production (12%). In addition to the legal implications of the observed non-compliances, certain sanitary issues were taken into consideration. In fact, a number of the products that belong to risk categories could be misclassified in a non-risk category. Lastly, missing ingredients or complete alteration of their commercial names may represent health threats in cases of allergen ingestion by allergic or intolerant consumers.


兰州南北两山种子植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面了解兰州南北两山种子植物的生长分布情况及植物区系的地理成分组成,充分认识该区域的自然历史过程,本研究对兰州地区种子植物进行了实地调查。结果表明,兰州南北两山植物种质资源相对丰富,种子植物155种,隶属于39科115属。其中裸子植物1科1属1种;被子植物38科114属154种。较大科(10~29种)的禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)和豆科(Leguminosae)为优势科,中型科(2~9种)构成了植物区系组成的主体;兰州地区种子植物科的优势现象较为明显,禾本科、菊科和豆科的科、属、种分别占总体的7.69%、43.48%和45.80%;属的种类分布较松散,植物分布于多属,属的优势现象表现的不明显;该研究区植物区系科按地理成分可划分为5种类型和4种变型,优势科均为世界广布科,其所占比例最大,占总科数的53.85%,热带分布科和温带分布科也有分布,所占比例分别为总科数的25.64%和20.51%;研究区植物区系中属按地理成分可划分为12种类型和9种变型,温带性属占有绝对的优势地位,占总属数的50.44%,热带成分和地中海成分有一定表现,分别占总属数的15.65%和6.96%,说明兰州南北两山种子植物区系与古地中海植物区系有一定的联系,中亚成分和东亚成分表现微弱,无中国特有科,中国特有属有1属,即文冠果属(Xanthoceras)。在南北两山种子植物种质资源分布差异的研究中发现,北山种子植物物种较南山丰富,南山种子植物密度、分盖度、生物量、株高、冠幅等生长指标整体呈现出较北山大的趋势。  相似文献   

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