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Classical hemolytic complement (C) of calves was analyzed during a protocol designed to imitate the usual market handling of feeder calves from the southeastern United States. Serum C concentrations of the calves (n = 100 x 4 years) were evaluated on their farm of origin, on arrival at an auction market, on arrival at a feedyard, and during their first 4 weeks in the feedyard. Complement concentrations (measured in CH50 units) were typically lowest at the farm of origin and highest when the calves entered the auction market 28 to 133 days later. Serum C concentrations decreased after the calves encountered the severe stresses of being in the auction market for 7 days, 24-hour truck transport (1,932 km) to the feedyard, and the first 7 days in the feedyard. The C concentrations recovered after 21 to 28 days in the feedyard. Steers had significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) lower C concentrations than did heifers in 3 of 4 years at the farm of origin, and in 2 of 4 years at the auction market. Morbid calves had significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) lower C values than did healthy calves on day 7 in the feedyard in 3 of 4 years. There were significant differences in C concentrations of calves from different farms of origin in each of the 4 years. There was no significant difference in C concentrations of calves that were vaccinated vs those not vaccinated with Pasteurella haemolytica.  相似文献   

A group of 90 feeder calves was accidentally exposed to lead for approximately 30 days. The source of the intoxication was determined to be contamination of feed ingredients from a railroad car. Fourteen calves died and 8 more were clinically affected. Blood samples were obtained from 24 exposed calves (16 clinically normal and 8 intoxicated), and the samples were analyzed for lead, delta-amino levulinic acid dehydrase activity, and free erythrocyte porphyrin. Blood lead values ranged from 0.44 to 1.16 parts per million. Amino levulinic acid dehydrase activity was not affected enough to be of diagnostic value, whereas free erythrocyte porphyrin was increased dramatically and consistently in lead-exposed cattle.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis has been recognised in association with copper deficiency in young farmed red deer and wapiti X red deer hybrids on several deer farms throughout New Zealand. On some properties more than 30% of fawns were affected. Affected animals were lame, often had one or more swollen joints and in some cases had an abnormal “bunny-hopping” gait or “COW hocked” stance. Lesions were most common in the carpal, tarsal, stifle and hip joints and were usually bilateral. Defects in articular cartilage ranged from loose flaps to complete separation with exposure of subchondral bone and the presence of loose bodies within the joint space. In advanced cases the joints had features of degenerative arthropathy. Bilaterial epiphyseolysis of the femoral head was observed in some severely lame deer.  相似文献   

Supplemental chromium for stressed and growing feeder calves.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The effects of supplemental chromium (Cr) from high-Cr yeast were investigated with steer calves fed corn silage diets. One hundred eight Charolais-crossed calves, weighing 245 kg after marketing and transport, were allotted to one of four treatments during the initial 28-d stress period: control, .4 ppm of Cr in the diet, long-acting injectable oxytetracycline (LAOTC), and Cr + LAOTC. Those fed Cr received 4 mg of Cr/d for the first 3 d sprinkled onto a small amount of hay over the silage. Chromium without LAOTC increased (P less than .05) ADG by 30% (.61 vs .79 kg/d) and ADG/DMI by 27% (.123 vs .156). Oxytetracycline alone increased (P less than .05) ADG by 30% and DMI by 15%. Chromium had no effect on morbidity. However, LAOTC tended (P less than .14) to reduce morbidity (26.0 vs 14.0%) after its administration. After d 28, steers were processed. Two weeks later, they were rerandomized within Cr groups to urea-corn vs soybean meal supplementation of corn silage during a 70-d growing period. Level of Cr was reduced to .2 ppm. Jugular blood was collected from eight steers on each treatment on two occasions. Chromium had no effect on ADG or ADG/DMI. However, Cr decreased (P less than .05) serum cortisol (75.0 vs 55.6 nmol/L). Furthermore, Cr increased (P less than .05) serum immunoglobulin M and total immunoglobulins in calves fed diets with soybean meal but had no effect in calves with urea-corn supplementation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Elbow incongruity is an important factor regarding the treatment and prognosis of elbow dysplasia. Our purpose was to determine the sensitivity and specificity for radiographic detection of elbow incongruity in clinical patients, to establish inter- and intraobserver variation for different parameters, and to evaluate the possibility of radiographic grading of incongruity. Standard radiographic projections were acquired from 29 incongruent and nine congruent elbows of dogs of various ages and breeds. Computed tomography (CT) was used to diagnose and grade the incongruity. All radiographs were evaluated by four observers for detection and grading of elbow incongruity. Sensitivity, specificity, inter- and intraobserver variability were calculated. The mean sensitivity for detection of incongruity was very good (88.8%) with a mean specificity of 91.7%. Correct grading of incongruity was difficult. The radioulnar step and the widening of the humeroulnar and humeroradial joint space were seen most frequently. Intraobserver and interobserver variability were fair to excellent (Kappa = 0.372-0.809), depending on the investigated parameters. Radiography is valuable to screen for elbow incongruity. In over 91% of the patients, a clear distinction could be made between a congruent and an incongruent joint grading was not possible.  相似文献   

Two bison calves were submitted to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine to confirm suspected copper deficiency. In addition to clinical signs, there were pathologic changes in the cartilage and subchondral bone of several joints. Water analysis indicated high levels of sulfate in the drinking water, contributing to a secondary copper deficiency.  相似文献   

Effect of transport on feeder calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One hundred fifty feeder steers (mean body weight, 195 kg) were assigned to 1 of 3 transport groups and were deprived of feed and water (fasted) for 24 hours. Additionally, calves were transported on a commercial livestock trailer for 0 (control-fasted only), 12 (short haul), or 24 (long haul) hours. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein before calves were loaded on the transport vehicle and immediately after calves of the long-haul group returned to the research feedlot. Complete blood counts were performed and 32 mineral, enzyme, and biochemical constituents were measured. Calf morbidity, mortality, and average daily weight gain were evaluated during the next 56 days. Duration of transport did not affect average daily gain; however, calves of the short-haul group had significantly (P less than 0.05) higher morbidity and mortality than did those of the control and long-haul groups. In all groups, results of differential leukocyte counts were indicative of stress response. Significant (P less than 0.05) linear contrasts were observed between duration of transport and erythrocyte, leukocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, and eosinophil counts and results of serum enzyme (alanine transaminase, hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, total lactate dehydrogenase [LD], and LD-1, LD-3, and LD-4 isoenzymes), iron, urea nitrogen, beta-globulin, glucose, and urea nitrogen-to-creatinine ratio determinations. Significant (P less than 0.05) quadratic contrasts were observed between duration of transport and serum unsaturated iron binding capacity, total iron binding capacity, and LD-5 percentage. Calf source had a significant (P less than 0.05) effect on almost all variables tested.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of an absorbed ELISA and an AGID test for the detection of clinical and subclinical paratuberculosis in sheep. DESIGN: By testing a panel of sera from 1257 Australian Merino and crossbred sheep greater than 1 year of age, of which 1137 sheep were not infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and 120 sheep had paratuberculosis. PROCEDURE: Sera were collected from 457 sheep in Victoria and 800 sheep in Western Australia. Presence of M a paratuberculosis infection in Victorian sheep was determined by histological examination of intestinal tissues, whereas sheep from Western Australia were presumed to be free of Johne's disease. The ability of an absorbed ELISA to discriminate between infected and uninfected sheep was described by test sensitivity and specificity, the distribution of ELISA OD, and the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: The absorbed ELISA had a specificity of 98.2 to 99.5% (CI) and a sensitivity of 35 to 54% (CI). In sheep from infected flocks in Victoria, the AGID test had a specificity of 99 to 100% (CI) and a sensitivity of 38 to 56% (CI). The sensitivity of serological tests was higher in sheep with a body condition representative of the lower quintile of their flock of origin. CONCLUSION: The AGID test and absorbed ELISA are useful tests for the detection of ovine paratuberculosis. Although the tests had a similar accuracy, they detected different subpopulations of infected sheep with only moderate overlap. The AGID test had a higher specificity than the absorbed ELISA.  相似文献   

To examine the sensitivity of a commercially available bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) kit (NippIBL) for the detection of ovine scrapie, 50 scrapie‐positive ovine samples from the UK, and 54 scrapie‐negative ovine samples from Japan were obtain and tested using this kit. The sensitivity and specificity of NippIBL for ovine samples were 96% and 100%, respectively. The detection limit of the abnormal isoform of prion protein (PrPSc) of NippIBL was examined using diluted scrapie‐positive samples. The sensitivity of NippIBL to ovine scrapie was 3–10 times superior to that of another commercial BSE diagnosis kit. Thus, the NippIBL kit proved more effective for the detection of ovine scrapie.  相似文献   

The specificity of a fluorescent conjugate to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was examined using chick trachea organ culture or tissue sections infected with other avian viruses (adenovirus, infectious bronchitis, poxvirus, reovirus, Newcastle disease virus, Marek's disease virus, avian encephalomyelitis and infectious bursal agent) or Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Confirmation of virus replication in these preparations was obtained by either 1) demonstration of virus titre increase or 2) demonstration of fluorescence when using the homologous conjugate. Once either of these criteria had been satisfied, negative results with the infectious laryngotracheitis conjugate were taken to indicate that the conjugate would not present false positive results in differentiated cells infected with these heterologous viruses. The spectrum of reactivity of the infectious laryngotracheitis conjugate was then examined on organ cultures infected with several infectious laryngotracheitis isolates from across Canada. Finally, the conjugate was applied to experimental and natural cases of infectious laryngotracheitis and its efficiency was compared to routine virus isolation methods.  相似文献   

Calcium, magnesium, copper, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, total protein, albumin, globulin, urea, glucose, packed cell volume and haemoglobin in the bloods of apparently health single-suckler calves were frequently measured. Values were within normal ranges except magnesium and copper which became subnormal as lactation advanced and closely approached values of single-suckler calves clinically affected with combined hypomagnesaemic tetany and hypocuprosis which responded to magnesium and copper therapy.
Kurzfassung Die Autoren bestimmten häufig den Gehalt von Kalzium, Magnesium, Kupfer, anorganischem Phosphor, Natrium, Kalium, gesamtem Protein, Eiweiss, Globulin, Harnstoff, Glukose, Hämatokrit und Hämoglobin im Blut anscheinend gesunder Saugkälbern. Die bestimmten Werte lagen im je mehr die Laktation weiterschritt, und näherten sich den Werten von Saugkälbern, die von dem gleichzeitig auftretenden Magnesium und Kupfermangel im Blut verursachtem Starrkrampf befallen waren, und die auf eine Magnesium und Kupfer-Thermapie reagieriten.

Resume Le calcium, le magnésium, le cuivre, le phosphore inorganique, le sodium, le potassium, les proteines totales, les albumines, les globulines, l'urée, le glucose, le hématocrite et l'hémoglobine dans le sang de veaux allaités et apparemment en bonne santé ont été mesurés. Les valeurs no dépassaient pas les limites normales sauf dans le cas du magnésium et du cuivre, qui devenaient subnormales au fur et à mesure que la période de lactation avancait, pour se rapprocher aux valeurs des veaux allaités atteints cliniquement d'une combination de la tétanie hypomagnésémique et al l'hypocuperose que réagissent à une thérapie de magnésium et de cuivre.

Riassunto Gli autori hanno spesso definito il contenuto in calcio, magnesio, rame, fosforo inorganico, sodio potassio, proteina totale albumina, globulina, urea, glucosio, ematocrita, ed ematoglobulina del sangue di vitelli poppanti apparentemente sani. I valori erano normali eccetto quelli del magnesio e del rame che diventarono subnormali man mano che progrediva la lattaxione ed avvicinarono i valori dei vitelli lattanti clinicamente affetti dalla tetania ipomagnesemica combinata alla ipocuperosi e che rispondevano ad una terapia con magnesio e rame.

Serum isoamylases were determined prospectively in dogs with pancreatic and extrapancreatic diseases. Mean serum isoamylase determinations were significantly different (p less than 0.05) between normal dogs and dogs with pancreatitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The sensitivity of serum isoamylase determination exceeded that of total amylase activity for the diagnosis of pancreatitis. Serum isoamylase determinations were less influenced by extrapancreatic diseases compared to total amylase activity when used in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease. Neither serum isoamylase determination nor total amylase activity had adequate sensitivity to support their use in the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. There were significant (p less than 0.05) linear correlations between isoamylase determinations, total amylase activity, and trypsin-like immunoreactivity concentration.  相似文献   

Influence of yeast culture on feeder calves and lambs.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Four experiments were conducted to determine the influence of yeast culture on 1) the health and performance of feeder calves, 2) the response of calves to an infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV) infection, and 3) nutrient utilization in lambs fasted for 3 d. In Exp. 1, 108 feeder calves were transported from Tennessee to Texas (1,600 km) and fed receiving diets containing 0 or .75% yeast culture and .35 or .69% P in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. In Exp. 2, 101 calves were transported 950 kg from Austin, TX to Bushland, TX and fed receiving diets containing 0, .75, 1.125, or 1.5% yeast culture. Yeast culture did not significantly affect the health or performance of calves in either experiment, although morbid calves fed yeast culture required fewer (P less than .05) days of antibiotic therapy in Exp. 2. In Exp. 3, feeder steers were fed diets containing 0 or .75% yeast culture and challenged intranasally with IBRV. Calves fed yeast culture tended to maintain heavier weights and higher DMI during IBRV infection than did steers fed the control diet. In Exp. 4, feeder lambs were fasted for 3 d and refed diets containing 0, .75, 1.125, or 1.5% yeast culture during a N and mineral balance trial. Lambs fed yeast culture had greater (P less than .08) N balance and tended to have greater Zn and Fe balance than control lambs. Results of these studies are interpreted to suggest that supplementation of morbid calves with yeast culture can have beneficial effects (fewer sick days, higher feed intakes) and that these effects may be mediated by improved N, Zn, and Fe metabolism.  相似文献   

A preconditioning (PC) program that involved preweaning vaccination and preshipment weaning was evaluated utilizing 600 calves produced on four South Dakota ranches. Nonpreconditioned (NPC) controls were herd mates that were maintained with their dams during the preconditioning process. All calves were shipped from the ranch to the feedlot on the same date. In Exp. I, PC caused lower (P less than .001) preshipment gains. However, management x ranch and management x year effects indicated that response to PC was variable. Preconditioning reduced (P less than .001) transit shrink in Exp. I but caused greater (P less than .05) shrink in Exp. II. Ranch and management x ranch effects accounted for more of the variation in shrink than PC did. In the feedlot, PC calves consumed more feed initially (d 1 to 28; P less than .001) and during the entire (P less than .10) feeding period when fed to slaughter condition. During the 28-d postshipment period, calves fed higher-grain diets consumed more feed (P less than .001) and were less efficient (P less than .001) than calves fed corn silage. When fed for longer periods (greater than 28 d), higher-energy diets improved feedlot gains and feed efficiency independent of preconditioning. Health and performance responses to this preconditioning procedure were variable. Our preconditioning procedure did not improve beef production efficiency.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aim of this work was to study the effect of gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) on copper (Cu) and phosphorus (P) in blood of beef cattle in two ranches...  相似文献   

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