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依据乳酸菌的肠道益生作用,选择产气荚膜梭菌关键致病因子α毒素/磷脂酶C为抗原,构建产气荚膜梭菌α毒素去除信号肽的plc基因片段重组植物乳杆菌,利用植物乳酸菌穿梭载体pSIP409构建重组质粒pSIP409-plc,经双酶切鉴定和序列测定正确后转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞并进行SppIP诱导表达。Western Blot证明重组蛋白表达成功,并且主要以包涵体形式存在,plc重组蛋白相对分子质量分别为40 kDa。重组质粒pSIP409-plc分别电转化植物乳杆菌NC8细胞,PCR和双酶切鉴定正确后进行SppIP诱导表达。Western Blot和间接免疫荧光鉴定表明,构建的重组植物乳酸杆菌具有诱导分泌plc蛋白的能力,可作为黏膜免疫的候选抗原。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic diversity among Clostridium perfringens isolates from Danish broiler chickens since both sick and presumably healthy animals were investigated. Isolates (n=279) collected from chickens from 25 farms were analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with the restriction enzyme SmaI. A high genetic diversity was found. Isolates with different PFGE types were toxin typed by PCR and all were found to be of type A. The results showed that healthy broiler chickens carried several different C. perfringens clones both within a flock and even within individual birds, whereas flocks suffering from necrotic enteritis (NE) or cholangio-hepatitis carried only one or two clones.  相似文献   

兔的梭菌性肠炎是由产气荚膜梭菌感染引起的严重危害养兔业的一种疾病,为了更好地控制此病,本研究调查了青岛地区规模化兔场爆发此病时产气荚膜梭菌的毒素型及遗传多样性。2010年11月-2012年5月期间,采集青岛地区规模化养兔场疑似产气荚膜梭菌感染兔的肝脏进行产气荚膜梭菌的分离鉴定,采用Multiple—PCR方法对分离菌株进行毒素型分析,应用ERIC-PCR方法分析分离菌株的遗传多样性。共分离到25株产气荚膜梭菌,其中A型24株(96%),C型1株(4%)。用ERIC—PCR方法将25株分离株分于9个聚类中,其中V型为主要流行型。结果表明:青岛地区规模化兔场中产气荚膜梭菌流行的毒素型主要为A型,且具有多种基因亚型,其中V型为主要流行型。此结果为该地区兔产气荚膜梭菌病的免疫和微生态防治提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

Epsilon toxin (ε-toxin), produced by Clostridium perfringens types B and D, causes fatal enterotoxaemia in livestock. In the renal system, the toxin binds to target cells before oligomerization, pore formation and cell death. Still, there is little information about the cellular and molecular mechanism involved in the initial steps of the cytotoxic action of ε-toxin, including the specific binding to the target sensitive cells. In the present report, the binding step of ε-toxin to the MDCK cell line is characterized by means of an ELISA-based binding assay with recombinant ε-toxin-green fluorescence protein (ε-toxin-GFP) and ε-prototoxin-GFP. In addition, different treatments with Pronase E, detergents, N-glycosidase F and beta-elimination on MDCK cells and renal cryosections have been performed to further characterize the ε-toxin binding. The ELISA assays revealed a single binding site with a similar dissociation constant (K(d)) for ε-toxin-GFP and ε-prototoxin-GFP, but a three-fold increase in B(max) levels in the case of ε-toxin-GFP. Double staining on kidney cryoslices with lectins and ε-prototoxin-GFP revealed specific binding to distal and collecting tubule cells. In addition, experiments on kidney and bladder cryoslices demonstrated the specific binding to distal tubule of a range of mammalian renal systems. Pronase E and beta-elimination treatments on kidney cryoslices and MDCK cells revealed that the binding of ε-toxin in renal system is mediated by a O-glycoprotein. Detergent treatments revealed that the integrity of the plasma membrane is required for the binding of ε-toxin to its receptor.  相似文献   

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is a Lentivirus responsible for an immunodeficiency like disease in domestic cats. Based on the genetic diversity of the V3-V5 region of env gene FIV is divided in five phylogenetic subtypes (A, B, C, D and E) with a world-wide distribution. To understand the subtype diversity of FIV in Portugal a serological survey was conducted during 1 year in the Veterinary Faculty Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal to identify seropositive animals. Two viral genomic regions were amplified by a nested PCR, sequenced and the phylogenetic relationships between 24 new Portuguese FIV sequences and other previously published FIV isolates were assessed. The introduction of these sequences induced a subclustering in subtype B including most of the new Portuguese sequences. Moreover, a new cluster emerged, with two highly divergent new sequences that might represent a new subtype. The study of these new FIV isolates showed the presence in Portugal of a unique viral population subclustering within subtype B and of sequences clearly divergent from the five known subtypes, providing a contribution for the understanding of FIV's genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Clostridium-related poultry diseases such as necrotic enteritis (NE) and gangrenous dermatitis (GD) cause substantial economic losses on a global scale. Two antigenic Clostridium perfringens proteins, elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO), were identified by reaction with immune sera from commercial meat-type chickens with clinical outbreak of Clostridium infections. In addition to the genes encoding EF-Tu and PFO, C. perfringens alpha-toxin and necrotic enteritis B-like (NetB) toxin were also expressed in Escherichia coli and their corresponding recombinant proteins were purified. Using the four recombinant proteins as target antigens in ELISA immunoassays, high serum antibody titers were observed not only in chickens with clinical signs of Clostridium infections, but also in apparently healthy animals from the same disease-endemic farm. By contrast, no antibodies against any of the proteins were present in the serum of a specific pathogen-free bird. In ELISA using recombinant proteins of C. perfringens, the levels of anti-bacterial protein antibodies were also higher in chickens which were experimentally induced to show NE clinical signs after co-infection with C. perfringens and Eimeria maxima compared with uninfected controls. These results show that two antigenic C. perfringens proteins, EF-Tu and PFO can be useful detection antigens for C. perfringens-afflicted infections in commercial poultry.  相似文献   

Clostridium-related poultry diseases such as necrotic enteritis (NE) and gangrenous dermatitis (GD) cause substantial economic losses on a global scale. Two antigenic Clostridium perfringens proteins, elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO), were identified by reaction with immune sera from commercial meat-type chickens with clinical outbreak of Clostridium infections. In addition to the genes encoding EF-Tu and PFO, C. perfringens alpha-toxin and necrotic enteritis B-like (NetB) toxin were also expressed in Escherichia coli and their corresponding recombinant proteins were purified. Using the four recombinant proteins as target antigens in ELISA immunoassays, high serum antibody titers were observed not only in chickens with clinical signs of Clostridium infections, but also in apparently healthy animals from the same disease-endemic farm. By contrast, no antibodies against any of the proteins were present in the serum of a specific pathogen-free bird. In ELISA using recombinant proteins of C. perfringens, the levels of anti-bacterial protein antibodies were also higher in chickens which were experimentally induced to show NE clinical signs after co-infection with C. perfringens and Eimeria maxima compared with uninfected controls. These results show that two antigenic C. perfringens proteins, EF-Tu and PFO can be useful detection antigens for C. perfringens-afflicted infections in commercial poultry.  相似文献   

采用限制性核酸内切酶酶切鉴定含α毒素基因的重组质粒,用SDS—PAGE检测不同条件下α毒素基因的表达情况。经酶切鉴定证实重组质粒pXETA02含有α毒素基因且基因序列和阅读框架正确。结果表明,以乳糖诱导α毒素基因表达的优化条件为:培养基pH7.0,培养温度37℃,菌体生长密度D600达到1.0时分批添加0.5g/L乳糖,诱导5h,此时目的蛋白表达量为23%,实现了α毒素基因的高效表达。从而为C型产气荚膜梭菌α毒素基因工程菌苗的生产工艺研究提供了可靠的试验数据。  相似文献   

产气荚膜梭菌ε毒素基因的克隆、表达及其抗血清的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PCR扩增B型产气荚膜梭菌C58-2株ε毒素完整基因,并将其插入到pGEM-TEasy载体中,构建克隆载体pGEM-T-ε。对克隆载体pGEM-T-ε进行双酶切,将得到的918bp片段以正确的阅读框架定向克隆于pET-28a(+)中,然后将重组质粒转化进宿主菌BL21(DE3)中,在37℃1mmol/LIPTG诱导下该基因获得良好表达。经SDS-PAGE分析,其表达的蛋白约为36600,与预期值一致。Western-blotting试验显示,该重组蛋白可被D型产气荚膜梭菌血清识别,表明该重组蛋白具备天然毒素相似的反应原性。重组ε毒素蛋白在菌液上清、超声波裂解上清和包涵体中均有分布,表明重组蛋白可同时以胞外、周质和胞浆的形式表达,且以周质方式为主。重组蛋白在胰酶活化前后均可致死小鼠,活化后毒力可为原来的150倍。以重组ε毒素蛋白作为抗原免疫家兔制备血清,效价测定结果表明,重组ε毒素蛋白抗血清每毫升可中和30000个小鼠MLD。毒素-抗毒素中和试验和琼脂扩散试验均表明,该抗血清具有ε毒素特异性。  相似文献   

Up to 60% of cases of equine colitis have no known cause. To improve understanding of the causes of acute colitis in horses, we hypothesized that Clostridium perfringens producing enterotoxin (CPE) and/or beta2 toxin (CPB2) are common and important causes of severe colitis in horses and/or that C. perfringens producing an as-yet-undescribed cytotoxin may also cause colitis in horses. Fecal samples from 55 horses (43 adults, 12 foals) with clinical evidence of colitis were evaluated by culture for the presence of Clostridium difficile, C. perfringens, and Salmonella. Feces were also examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for C. difficile A/B toxins and C. perfringens alpha toxin (CPA), beta2 toxin (CPB2), and enterotoxin (CPE). Five C. perfringens isolates per sample were genotyped for the following genes: cpa, cpb, cpb2 consensus, cpb2 atypical, cpe (enterotoxin), etx (epsilon toxin), itx (iota toxin), netB (necrotic enteritis toxin B), and tpeL (large C. perfringens cytotoxin). The supernatants of these isolates were also evaluated for toxicity for an equine cell line. All fecal samples were negative for Salmonella. Clostridium perfringens and C. difficile were isolated from 40% and 5.4% of samples, respectively. All fecal samples were negative for CPE. Clostridium perfringens CPA and CPB2 toxins were detected in 14.5% and 7.2% of fecal samples, respectively, all of which were culture-positive for C. perfringens. No isolates were cpe, etx, netB, or tpeL gene-positive. Atypical cpb2 and consensus cpb2 genes were identified in 15 (13.6%) and 4 (3.6%) of 110 isolates, respectively. All equine C. perfringens isolates showed far milder cytotoxicity effects than a CPB-producing positive control, although cpb2-positive isolates were slightly but significantly more cytotoxic than negative isolates. Based on this studied population, we were unable to confirm our hypothesis that CPE and CPB2-producing C. perfringens are common in horses with colitis in Ontario and we failed to identify cytotoxic activity in vitro in the type A isolates recovered.  相似文献   

为治疗产气荚膜梭菌感染引起的疾病,研究制备了产气荚膜梭菌多价高效抗毒素血清。试验采用C、D型产气荚膜梭菌标准菌株,制备了高浓度外毒素和灭活疫苗,作为免疫原多次免疫绵羊,通过间接ELISA法监测绵羊抗体水平变化,采用小鼠中和试验检验绵羊抗毒素血清保护效果。结果表明:制备的高效价抗C、D型产气荚膜梭菌毒素血清每0.1 m L血清能中和400个C型毒素对小鼠的MLD和600个D型毒素MLD,有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

C型产气荚膜梭菌β毒素基因克隆与核苷酸序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用PCR技术,从含C型产气荚膜梭菌β毒素基因质粒pB12中扩增出了0.95Kb的β毒素基因,然后用限制性核酸内切酶BamHI和EcoRI对其进行双酶切处理,最后将其定向连接在事先经同样内切酶处理的载体pET-28c(+)中的相应位点上,转化至受体菌BL21(DE3)中。经BamHI和EcoRI双酶切分析和核苷酸序列分析,证明重组质粒pXETB2含有产气荚膜梭菌β毒素基因,确定了其全部的核苷酸序列,并且具有正确的阅读框架  相似文献   

CTB-CPA融合基因构建、表达及其产物的免疫原性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建成含有编码霍乱毒素B亚单位 (CTB)和产气荚膜梭菌α毒素 (CPA)第 70~ 370位氨基酸的融合基因CTB CPA ,并在大肠杆菌中获得表达。经限制性内切酶鉴定和核苷酸序列分析表明 ,CPA基因在重组质粒中与CTB基因的连接向位是正确的 ,位于CTB基因的下游并与CTB基因处于同一阅读框架。重组菌株BL2 1(DE3) (pECTB CPA)经IPTG诱导后 ,其表达产物经SDS PAGE和Western blot检测表明 ,重组菌株可以表达CTB CPA融合蛋白。表达的产物以包涵体的形式存在 ,可分别被抗CT和A型产气荚膜梭菌抗毒素识别 ,表达量占菌体总蛋白的 2 2 7%。用表达产物免疫小鼠后 ,所产生的对A型产气荚膜梭菌毒素攻击的免疫保护力高于用单独的A型产气荚膜梭菌类毒素免疫的小鼠所产生的免疫力 ,证明所表达的融合蛋白中CTB起到免疫佐剂的作用 ,增强CPA的免疫原性  相似文献   

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