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Agroecology is defined as the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems. By viewing cropping systems as agroecosystems, an understanding of the value of the emergent qualities of systems can become a guiding element in research design. A framework for applying this approach in cropping systems research in proposed. A protocol for researching the conversion to sustainable agriculture involves three levels of investigation. The first focuses on improving the efficiency of conventional farming inputs and practices in ways that reduce both their amounts and the environmental impacts of their use. The second focuses on substituting conventional inputs and practices with alternatives that meet broader environmental standards, such as certified organic. Since the problems addressed at these two levels continue to present themselves, a third level is proposed whereby the agroecosystem is redesigned so as to operate on the basis of a new set of ecological processes. At this third level, the emergent qualities of the system itself help prevent problems. Such an approach promotes the conversion to sustainability.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):105-135

Growers in the United States and worldwide are adopting no-tillage (no-till) cropping to reduce soil erosion, improve soil quality, increase water infiltration, and reduce number of passes with farm equipment over their fields. Soil erosion from dry farmed (i.e., non-irrigated) cropland in most regions of the United States exceeds the tolerable rate. An understanding of the changes in the soil ecosystem with changing tillage practices is needed to minimize the impact of agriculture on the environment and foster the use of sustainable agricultural practices. The soil biota is critical to the functioning of any agro-ecosystem, but studying the soil biota is difficult due to the diversity and the challenges associated with isolating and identifying these organisms. Soil disturbance or lack of disturbance can have a profound effect on biotic populations, processes and community structure. This contribution examines changes that occur in soil during the transition to no-till cropping, interrelations among organisms in the soil food web, and the relationships between organisms and their environment. As interest grows in sustainable cropping systems that mimic processes and soil organic matter turnover of native, undisturbed systems, it is imperative to understand how the transition to no-till affects an organism's niche, or functional role within the soil environment. Ecosystem investigations will enhance the understanding of changes that occur with the adoption of reduced tillage and no-till cropping systems so that these systems become increasingly viable.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):125-136

The rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) has contributed tremendously to food security of the region. However, of late there has been a significant slowdown in yield growth rate of this system and the sustainability of this important cropping system is at stake. A decline in soil productivity, particularly of organic C and N, a deterioration in soil physical characteristics, a delay in sowing of wheat, and decreasing water availability are often suggested as the causes of this slowdown in productivity. Therefore, a paradigm shift is required for enhancing the system's productivity and sustainability. Resource-conserving technologies involving zero-or minimum tillage with direct seeding, improved water-use efficiency, innovations in residue management to avoid straw burning, and crop diversification should assist in achieving sustainable productivity and allow farmers to minimize inputs, maximize yields, conserve the natural resource base, reduce risk due to both environmental and economic factors, and increase profitability.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):245-270

Weeds pose a recurrent threat to agricultural productivity in both industrialized and developing countries. Weeds respond dynamically to all cropping practices, and therefore, the design and function of cropping systems plays a central role in the composition of weed communities. The unique and challenging nature of weed communities requires more integrated approaches to weed management than are currently being employed by most growers. Integrating weed management with cropping system design and application may be an effective approach to diversifying weed management systems. Each crop-weed system is a unique mix of genetics and biology and will respond dynamically to changes in management practices. Practices such as crop rotation, tillage, cover crops, and fertility management modify weed populations. The challenge is to integrate these and other practices with the best available control tactics to generate integrated management systems. Cropping system design provides an excellent framework for developing and applying integrated approaches to weed management because it allows for new and creative ways of meeting the challenge of managing weeds. Weed science must integrate the theories and application of weed management into cropping system design based on the unique characteristics of weed communities and the available weed management options.  相似文献   


Concerns about current weed control practices have increased the consideration of new weed management strategies. In recent times, weed control practices for major crops have been influenced greatly by the availability of selective herbicides. Herbicides are critical tools, but weed science must integrate more components to create weed management systems. Changes in weed management can be attained within the framework of existing cropping systems. However, for the longer term, new methods and approaches to weed management are needed. Weed scientists need to play a central role in the development of new cropping systems to make weed management an integral component of the system. This volume contains a series of review articles and original research that presents innovative approaches to weeds and weed management. It is our hope that these papers will stimulate discussion on a broader view of weeds and weed management.  相似文献   


Cropping system refers to temporal and spatial arrangements of crops, and management of soil, water and vegetation in order to optimize the biomass/agronomic production per unit area, per unit time and per unit input. Soil quality refers to its intrinsic attributes that govern biomass productivity and environment moderating capacity. It is the ability of soil to perform specific functions of interest to humans. Three components of soil quality (e.g., physical, chemical and biological) are determined by inherent soil characteristics, some of which can be altered by management. Soil quality and soil resilience are inter-related but dissimilar attributes. Resilient soils, which have the ability to restore their quality following a perturbation, have high soil quality and vice versa. Decline in soil quality sets-in-motion degradative processes, which are also of three types, namely physical (e.g., compaction, erosion), chemical (e.g., acidification, salinization) and biological (e.g., depletion of soil organic matter content). Soil degradation, a biophysical process but driven by socioeconomic and political causes, adversely affects biomass productivity and environment quality. Determinants of soil quality are influenced by cropping systems and related components. Dramatic increases in crop yields during the 20th century are attributed to genetic improvements in crops, fertilizer use, and improved cropping systems. Dependence on fertilizers and other input, however, need to be reduced by adopting cropping systems to enhance biological nitrogen fixation and use efficiency of water and nutrients through conservation tillage, cover crops, and improved methods of soil structure and nutrient management.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) availability for crop uptake is dependent on various factors that influence the transformation of N sources and transport of N forms in soils. The fate and transport of N is site specific. Therefore evaluation of N dynamics under each condition is neither practical nor feasible. Simulation models which are adequately calibrated and tested can be used to estimate the fate and transport of N as well as crop responses under different production systems. These evaluations provide some guidelines as how to manage N and water efficiently to maximize the N uptake efficiency and minimize the losses. Thus, they contribute to the development of N and water best management practices. In this chapter, we discuss recent information on experimentally measuring the water and nutrient transport in soils as well as performing estimations using simulation models. The development and application of different simulation models for different production systems have been summarized. Some case studies on nitrogen and water best management practices are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):325-340

This article describes models which can consider the interactions between plants, soils, water, irrigation practices, crop yields, and economics under shallow, saline groundwater conditions. Personal computing capability has now made it possible to develop a range of interactive modeling tools based on existing and new biophysical concepts. In view of the large number of available models, it is not possible to cover all modeling efforts in a single article. Hence, the discussion in this article is limited to farm and irrigation area scale salt, water, and groundwater management models. It provides an introduction to the SWAGMAN suite of models that have been used in Australia to determine sustainable cropping patterns under shallow, saline water table conditions. Salient features and applications of a detailed process based model (SWAGMAN Destiny), a lumped hydrologic economic model (SWAGMAN Farm) and a distributed biophysical model (SWAGSIM) are provided.  相似文献   

Nematode pests parasitise and cause substantial crop yield and quality losses to a wide range of crops worldwide. To minimize such damage, the exploitation and development of alternative nematode control strategies are becoming increasingly important, particularly as a result of global efforts to conserve the ozone layer as well as our soil and water substrates. Inclusion of Brassicaceae crops in cropping systems is one such alternative and has been demonstrated in most cases to be effective in managing the top-three rated economically important nematode pests, viz. root-knot (Meloidogyne), cyst (Heterodera and Globodera) and lesion (Pratylenchus) nematodes as well as others. In the past nematode pests were and still are generally managed successfully by the use of synthetically-derived nematicides, which are progressively being removed from world markets. However, fragmented and limited information about the use of Brassicaceae crops as a nematode management tool exists in various countries. The need thus arose to summarize, compare and discuss the vast amount of information that has been generated on this topic in a concise article. This paper therefore represents a comprehensive, practical and critical review of the use and effect(s) of Brassicaceae-based management strategies and the biofumigation and cover-crop/rotation characteristics of Brassicaceae in reducing nematode-pest population levels in global cropping systems.  相似文献   


Biological nitrogen fixation is an important process for agricultural productivity in many cropping systems because of direct inputs of atmospheric nitrogen, and rotational effects such as disease control. Advances in molecular biology techniques provide new opportunities to understand the ecology of root nodule bacteria and may improve the selection of elite strains for inoculation. An understanding of the genetic basis of nodulation in grain and pasture legumes may improve inoculation technologies. Temperate and tropical pastures may be improved through effective inoculation, removal of nutritional constraints, and use of alternate legume species. Increases in nitrogen fixation in crop legumes may result from addressing problems in the legume host, the microsymbiont and the environment.  相似文献   


Weeds continue to have major impacts on crop production in spite of efforts to eliminate them. Most weed species rely on seed for regeneration and persistence. The species composition and density of weed seed in the soil vary greatly and are closely linked to the cropping history of the land. Altering tillage practices changes patterns of soil disturbance and weed seed depth in the soil, which plays a role in weed species shifts. Crop rotation and weed control practices also impact the weed seed bank in the soil. Information on the weed seed bank should be a useful tool for integrated weed management. Decision aid models are being developed that use information on the composition of the weed seed bank to estimate weed populations, crop yield loss, and to recommend weed control tactics. Understanding weed seed bank dynamics can also be used to guide management practices. Improving and applying our understanding of weed seed and seed bank dynamics is essential to developing improved weed management systems.  相似文献   


Future advancements in crop production will rely on increased understanding of ecological principles that control interactions among cropping system components. Our interest in linking soil quality and weed management derives from the belief that greater understanding of key processes and properties that define soil-weed relationships will lead to the design of agroecosystems with greater capacity and opportunity to suppress weeds. We identified seed-bank persistence, seedling establishment, and interspecific interference as key processes that affect annual weed population dynamics. We then examined how soil processes and properties can affect each of these factors and how, in turn, soil-improving management practices and cropping system design may affect weed dynamics. We established weed-related soil management objectives as: (i) reducing the persistence of seeds in the soil; (ii) reducing the abundance of safe-sites for weed establishment and the filling of available sites; and (iii) reducing crop yield loss caused by a given density of weeds. Soil factors that can be managed to achieve these goals include: (i) chemical, physical, and biological conditions that affect resources required for weed seed germination, establishment and growth; (ii) habitat for herbivores and pathogens that attack weed seeds and seedlings; and (iii) phytotoxin production. We concluded that many as yet unexplored opportunities exist to manipulate the soil environment and to design cropping systems that create multiple weed suppressive conditions at critical junctures of weed seed-bank persistence, establishment, and interference.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):257-258

The response of microarthropod populations to different combinations of conservations! agricultural practices was investigated in two field experiments. In the first experiment, cropping systems with combinations of tillage (conventional or reduced), biocide application (conventional or reduced), and fertilization (chemical or cattle manure compost) were compared. In the second experiment, five treatments including four fallow managements that received different levels of tillage, biocide, and organic matter input from vegetation were compared. The springtail (Collembola) population was higher with less tillage, less biocide application, and more organic matter input in both experiments, and these effects were additive; there was no specific combination of practices that has an interacting effect. The mite (Acari) population was also higher under most conservations! treatments, and a significant interaction effect between tillage and organic matter application was found. A large increase in the Acari population under the combination of reduced tillage and higher organic matter input suggested that beneficial effects of these practices on the Acari community could be increased by integrating these practices. There was no significant correlation between the microarthropod populations and plant cover or soil chemical/physical properties measured. Slight changes in soil environments caused by agricultural practices may affect microarthropod communities substantially even before the changes in soil properties become detectable.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):323-335

To ensure higher yields, farmers in China have increased cropping intensity with a large input of chemical fertilizer and livestock manure since 1980s, which has led to unsustainable agricultural productivity and environmental quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of intensive cropping on nutrient absorption and biomass production of crops and to determine the controllable source of residual nutrients in soil in the coastal area of Lake Dianchi, China. Soil and crops were sampled in 32 vegetable fields and four paddy fields; and simultaneously surveyed. In vegetable fields, cropping intensity and input to each crop were extremely high; and, 58, 72, and 20% of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were not absorbed by the crop. Nitrogen absorption ratios of the vegetables were low. The amount of nitrogen absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer by vegetables, namely, from soil, manure, or irrigation water, in the fields with three to nine years cultivation duration was higher than those with zero to two years cultivation duration. Reduction of input should be more efficient than enhancing output to decrease soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; and, reducing input of chemical fertilizer should be more efficient than reducing input of manure. These results should be helpful for reducing agricultural pollution in China.  相似文献   

Researchers generally accept that land use types within a watershed closely relate with the water quality characteristics of streams. Despite numerous studies investigating the relationships between water quality and land use, there are increasing concerns about the geographical variation and lack of spatial integration in previous studies. We investigated the relationships between land use and water quality characteristics including biological oxygen demand (BOD5), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and Escherichia coli in the Wha-Ong estuarine reservoir watershed in Korea, which has spatially integrated land uses. Residential and paddy areas appear to be positively and negatively correlated, respectively, with degraded water quality. The spatial variations of these relationships were also examined using zonal analysis. Some results contrasted with those of previous studies that were conducted mostly in developed Western countries and may reflect the different land use intensities and agricultural practices in Korea. Relationships across zones, distinguished by distances from streams, were inconsistent and erratic, suggesting that the relationships between remote land uses and water quality may be affected more significantly by sub-basin characteristics than by the land use itself. The geographical differences and spatial variations found in this study indicate that caution must be taken in generalizing the relationship between land use and water quality.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):531-558

Yams (Dioscorea spp.) constitute an important starchy staple in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where food security for a growing population is a critical issue. Mixed cropping in yam based systems is the norm in the region and productivity of yams in these systems is below potential. It is concluded that there is much scope for improvement of yam based cropping systems in SSA in order to meet the needs of the region. The strategy of crop breeding to select yam varieties suitable for various cropping systems must consider a truly multidisciplinary systems approach. Further manipulation must be made to tuber dormancy to expand flexibility in field propagation in different cropping systems and improve storage and marketing. The sustainability of yam based cropping systems in SSA could improve if agronomic research was focused on strategies for improving soil fertility, weed and pest management including design of cropping systems and suitable rotations.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):219-231

Water-saving rice-winter crop rotation systems were repeated for 4 cycles from 2000 to 2004 in an urban area, Nishitokyo, Japan, to assess the effects of water-saving (i.e. non-flooded vs. flooded) on grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and chemical constituents of percolating water. The effects of pre-rice winter cropping compared with fallow on rice yield were also examined. The pre-cultivated crops were wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) or spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) with their above-ground parts removed, chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) or rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with their above-ground parts incorporated before rice transplanting. Neither winter cropping effects nor its interaction with water-saving were significant for rice yield, although the yield after rapeseed incorporation tended to be 9 % higher than that after fallow. In 2001, 2003 and 2004, when more than 70% of irrigation water was saved in the non-flooded trial, average yield in non-flooded trial was 58 % of flooded trial, but water productivity increased (from 0.10 to 0.16 kg m-3). Among the 3 years, yield in non-flooded trial was highest in 2004 when the amounts of irrigation and total water supply was larger, the frequency of dry spells was the lowest, and 2 seedlings were transplanted per hill. The nitrate and nitrite concentrations in the percolating water were far below the environmental standard values by WHO. The study showed that incorporation of winter crops had no negative effects on water-saving rice production at least for the first 4 years, and that under extreme water-saving, irrigation and planting methods could minimize yield reduction.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):233-248

Sunflower, a major edible oil crop producing a high-quality and healthful oil for human consumption and also recycled for use as feedstock to produce biodiesel fuel, is recently being cultivated in rotation with rice in the paddy field. The oil of cultivars with a high oleic acid content has higher oxidation stability and better nutritional properties than the standard cultivars, which have a high linoleic acid content. In this study, we evaluated the effects of excess water on plant growth, seed yield, and oil quality. Seed yield, the major yield components, the oleic acid content and the total oil content were negatively affected by a shallow water table. In particular, waterlogging at the establishment stage decreased the growth and seed yield severely. In addition, waterlogging during the flowering and maturation stages tended to decrease the oleic acid content and to increase the linoleic acid content. These results will be useful for improving management practices to increase the seed yield and improve the oil quality of sunflower in rotation with upland paddy rice.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):217-244

Since CO2 is a primary input for crop growth, there is interest in how increasing atmospheric CO2 will affect crop productivity and alter cropping system management. Effects of elevated CO2 on grain and residue production will be influenced by crop selection. This field study evaluated soybean [C3; Glycine max(L.) Merr.] and grain sorghum [C4; Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] cropping systems managed under conservation tillage practices and two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ambient and twice ambient) for three growing seasons. Elevated CO2 increased soybean and sorghum yield by 53% and 17% increase, respectively; reductions in whole plant water use were also greater for soybean than sorghum. These findings suggest that increasing CO2 could improve future food security, especially in soybean production systems. Elevated CO2 increased aboveground residue production by > 35% for both crops; such shifts could complement conservation management by increasing soil surface cover, thereby reducing soil erosion. However, increased residue could negatively impact crop stand establishment and implement effectiveness during tillage operations. Elevated CO2 increased total belowground dry weight for both crops; increased root proliferation may alter soil structural characteristics (e.g., due to increased number and extent of root channels) which could lead to increases in porosity, infiltration rates, and subsequent soil water storage. Nitrate leaching was reduced during the growing season (due to increased N capture by high CO2-grown crops), and also during the fallow period (likely a result of altered decomposition patterns due to increased C:N ratios of the high CO2-grown material). Enhanced crop growth (both above-and be-lowground) under elevated CO2 suggests greater delivery of C to soil, more soil surface residue, and greater percent ground coverage which could reduce soil C losses, increase soil C storage, and help ameliorate the rise in atmospheric CO2. Results from this study suggests that the biodegradability of crop residues and soil C storage may not only be affected by the environment they were produced in but may also be species dependent. To more fully elucidate the relationships between crop productivity, nutrient cycling, and decomposition of plant materials produced in elevated CO2 environments, future studies must address species effects (including use of genetically modified crops) and must also consider other factors such as cover crops, crop rotations, soil series, tillage practices, weed management, and regional climatic differences.  相似文献   


The root-knot nematode (RKN) is a significant pest in upland farming. We studied the effects of introducing nematode-resistant sweet potato cultivars on crop yield, crop quality, and RKN population dynamics in sweet potato-radish double-cropping systems. Three cropping systems with and without nematicide treatment (6 systems in total) were arranged for a 4-yr field experiment from 2003 to 2006. In two nematode-suppressive cropping systems, highly nematode-resistant J-red, (J) or Sunny red (S) and moderately nematode-resistant Kyushu No. 139 (K139) or Murasakimasari (M) sweet potato cultivars were cropped in alternate years beginning with the former and the latter, and in the non-nematode-suppressive cropping system, nematode-susceptible Kokei No. 14 (K14) and M were cropped in alternate years beginning with the former, from 2003 to 2005. In all cropping systems, K14 was cropped in 2006 to estimate the nematode-suppressive effect of the preceding 3-yr cropping. Introduction of J and S to the cropping system decreased the number of RKNs. In 2006, the extent of injury of K14 was decreased in nematode-suppressive cropping systems. The RKN population density, however, recovered during the cropping of K14 even after cropping of J or S or after nematicide treatment. This suggests that the effects of these measures last for only 1 yr. Nematode injury in radish decreased after nematicide treatment and after cropping of highly nematode-resistant J or S. These results indicate that the introduction of nematode-resistant sweet potato cultivars in cropping systems is effective for reduction of agrochemical use for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

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