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Faba bean in cropping systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The grain legume (pulse) faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is grown world-wide as a protein source for food and feed. At the same time faba bean offers ecosystem services such as renewable inputs of nitrogen (N) into crops and soil via biological N2 fixation, and a diversification of cropping systems. Even though the global average grain yield has almost doubled during the past 50 years the total area sown to faba beans has declined by 56% over the same period. The season-to-season fluctuations in grain yield of faba bean and the progressive replacement of traditional farming systems, which utilized legumes to provide N to maintain soil N fertility, with industrialized, largely cereal-based systems that are heavily reliant upon fossil fuels (=N fertilizers, heavy mechanization) are some of the explanations for this decline in importance. Past studies of faba bean in cropping systems have tended to focus on the effect of faba bean as a pre-crop in mainly cereal intensive rotations, whereas similar information on the effect of preceding crops on faba bean is lacking. Faba bean has the highest average reliance on N2 fixation for growth of the major cool season grain legumes. As a consequence the N benefit for following crops is often high, and several studies have demonstrated substantial savings (up to 100–200 kg N ha−1) in the amount of N fertilizer required to maximize the yield of crops grown after faba bean. There is, however, a requirement to evaluate the potential risks of losses of N from the plant–soil system associated with faba bean cropping via nitrate leaching or emissions of N2O to the atmosphere as a consequence of the rapid mineralization of N from its N-rich residues. It is important to develop improved preventive measures, such as catch crops, intercropping, or no-till technologies, in order to provide farmers with strategies to minimize any possible undesirable effects on the environment that might result from their inclusion of faba bean in cropping system. This needs to be combined with research that can lead to a reduction in the current extent of yield variability, so that faba bean may prove to be a key component of future arable cropping systems where declining supplies and high prices of fossil energy are likely to constrain the affordability and use of fertilizers. This will help address the increasing demand by consumers and governments for agriculture to reduce its impact on the environment and climate through new, more sustainable approaches to food production. The aims of this paper are to review the role of faba bean in global plant production systems, the requirements for optimal faba bean production and to highlight the beneficial effects of faba bean in cropping systems.  相似文献   


The benefits of cover crops in cropping systems have long been recognized. Legumes have historically been used lo provide biologically fixed nitrogen to cash crops, and it has been shown that soil erosion can be slowed significantly with even minimal amounts of soil cover during vulnerable times of year. The role of cover crops in North American farming systems is expanding to include management of weeds, disease and pests, and overall enhancement of soil quality through organic matter enrichment, improved nutrient cycling and reduction of soil compaction. While the predominant temporal niche for cover crops in North America remains the winter, other opportunities in diverse cropping systems exist for cover crop inclusion, such as summer fallow, living mulches or full-year fallow crops. To date, the use of cover crops is constrained by economic, biological, and farm operational factors, but farmer education, continued research, and government policy changes can aid in overcoming existing barriers to adoption.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):127-155

This paper examines the nature and importance of the dynamics of crop root growth, particularly root turnover, and the application to different cropping systems. Methods now available to investigate root dynamics are summarized, and information being obtained is presented. Effects of physical, chemical, and biological factors on root dynamics are discussed. Growth of new roots and death of older roots can change the initial distribution in soil, allowing roots to exploit zones that have a more favorable nutrient or water supply. In herbaceous crops, the lifespan of roots appears to range between 16 and 36 per cent of the annual growth cycle. However, there is a paucity of data with which results can be compared. Localized enrichment of the water and nutrient supply enhances root turnover, and plants growing in soil well supplied with nutrients tend to have shorter-lived roots than those from nutrient limiting conditions. Both drought and excess water can induce premature root death, as can the resupply of water after drought. Turnover of roots contributes to carbon deposition in soil through their death and decay, as well as from the release of exudates from those roots during their lifetime. Improved understanding of root turnover is important for the development of more sustainable cropping systems. In particular, it could be used to improve the exploitation of N released from green manure as well as capturing N that has been leached below the rooting zone of staple crops. It is stressed that root turnover has more importance for plants with longer life cycles than in short season annual crops.  相似文献   

In many parts of Europe there has been a net decline in the use of forage legumes since the 1980s, despite the reputed value of legumes for low‐input livestock production systems. The political environment within which livestock farming in much of Europe operates (Common Agricultural Policy) is shifting the balance of economic advantage towards legumes and away from high usage of inorganic fertilizer. This has already been found for legume and grass–legume silages when compared with grass silages with a potential economic gain for farmers averaging 137 € ha?1, corresponding to an annual benefit for the European livestock farming sector of as much as € 1300 million. Recent literature has shown that legume‐based grazing systems have the ability to reduce environmental problems by increasing the efficiency of N use and by avoiding a high transient surplus of soil mineral N. From the perspective of livestock nutrition, when forage legumes contain moderate levels of secondary compounds, such as condensed tannins and flavonoids, they offer considerable advantages including increased efficiency of N utilization within the digestive tract, reduced incidence of bloat hazard and higher resilience to parasites. Nevertheless, these benefits are partially counterbalanced in both temperate and Mediterranean regions by difficulties in establishment, maintenance and management under grazing. To gain knowledge on mixed grass–legume pastures, further research is required on: (i) the development of sustainable systems of livestock production which can maintain sward persistence and agricultural production under environmental stress; (ii) increasing knowledge of soil–plant–animal relations for a wide range of leguminous species, and under different soil types and climatic situations; and (iii) the benefits for consumers of food produced from low‐input livestock production systems.  相似文献   

Climate variability and current farming practices have led to declining soil fertility and pH, with a heavy reliance on fertilizers and herbicides. The addition of forage and grain legumes to farming systems not only improves soil health but also increases farm profitability through nitrogen (N) fertilizer cost offsets. However, the formation of effective symbioses between legumes and rhizobia can be unreliable and is considered at risk when combined with dry sowing practices such as those that have been designed to obviate effects of climate change. This research was initiated to improve the robustness of the legume/rhizobia symbiosis in low pH, infertile and dry soils. Production from two cultivars of field pea (Pisum sativum) and two species of vetch (Vicia spp.), and symbiotic outcomes when inoculated with a range of experimental rhizobial strains (Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae), was assessed in broad acre field trials which simulated farmer practice. New rhizobia strains increased nodulation, N fixation, produced more biomass and higher seed yield than comparator commercial strains. Strain WSM4643 also demonstrated superior survival when desiccated compared to current commercial strains in the laboratory and on seed when delivered as inoculant in peat carriers. WSM4643 is a suitable prospect for a commercial inoculant in Australia and other agricultural areas of the world where growing peas and vetch on soils generally considered problematic for this legume/rhizobia symbiosis. A particular advantage of WSM4643 may be that it potentiates sowing inoculated legumes into dry soil, which is a contemporary response by farmers to climate variation.  相似文献   

Increased land degradation and shortage of forage resources for animal production over-winter have accentuated the need for alternative cropping systems in northeast China. While short frost-free period and cool temperatures are major limitations to cereal grain production in the northern regions of China (45°N, 122°E), crop varieties that are able to produce food and feed in short growing season and tolerant to low temperature may extend the total cropping period. Three hulless oat (Avena sativa L.) lines, Baiyan 9015, Baiyan 9017 and Baiyan 9044, were bred and tested for 3 years (2004–2006) to determine their suitability for summer seeding in a double cropping system. The new lines were sown both in the spring and summer to provide growers with opportunities to harvest two grain-crops in a year. Averaged across 3 years, Baiyan 9044 produced 2.5 and 1.6 Mg ha−1 yr−1 grain yield when sown in spring and summer, respectively. The new lines seeded in 20th or 21st July and harvested in early October allowed utilization of an average of over 1500 growing degree days (GDDs). For grain yield alone, the net income for two oat crops a year was up to 1390 Chinese yuan (RMB) ha−1, more than that of growing a single oat crop in 3 years, or in most cases, equivalent to monocultured corn (Zea mays L.) production, the dominant crop in the region. In addition, an average of 5 Mg ha−1 of oat straw was produced as valuable forage fodder for the livestock industry, which was in great demand for over-wintering animals. Furthermore, in the traditional single small grain cereal cropping system, bare ground after harvest leads to severe water and wind erosions. Our results indicate that the new oat lines could be a potential crop for summer seeding, particularly when spring-seeded crops fail due to abiotic (hail, drought, etc.) or biotic (e.g. insects) stresses. The double cropping system provides growers with a potential opportunity to facilitate the farming strategy of food, cash crops and control soil erosion in the region.  相似文献   

Forage legumes are vitally important to animal production in the dryland farming systems of the Mediterranean region. Of the diverse forage‐legume species adapted to the Mediterranean climate, vetches, (Vicia spp.), chicklings (Lathyrus spp.), annual medics (Medicago spp), clovers (Trifolium spp.) and species of the Lupinus, Lotus, Onobrychis, Hedysarum and Ornithopus genera are considered to be the most agronomically important and economically valuable species for the region. Adoption of perennial self‐regenerating medic (Medicago spp.) has been limited because of technical difficulties, but annual vetch (Vicia spp.) has the greatest potential as a viable animal‐feed source and a rotation crop with cereals. Some forage legumes survive harsh conditions by their unique underground growth habit, for example, V. amphicarpa and Lathyrus ciliolatus. Efforts to improve forage legumes have been based on both management/cultural factors and breeding. Research based on several long‐term barley‐ and wheat‐based rotation trials has demonstrated the viability of forage legumes, especially vetch, in the region's improved farming system. An additional benefit to such legumes is the enhancement of soil quality, that is, soil fertility, soil organic matter and soil physical properties. Thus, the development of forage legumes is essential to agricultural sustainability in the Mediterranean region and in other dryland cereal‐growing areas of the world where grazing livestock is a dominant enterprise. To build upon the considerable research conducted on forages, intensified efforts are needed to develop locally adapted forage cultivars, to provide economic assessment of forages in cropping systems and to promote technology transfer at the farm and community level.  相似文献   


Legumes are an important source of protein for humans and livestock. Legumes have also been used for soil improvement for centuries because of their N and non-N rotational benefits to non-legume crops. The N benefits include N2 fixation and mineralization, sparing of soil inorganic N, and reduced immobilization of soil inorganic N. The non-N benefits include breaking pest cycles, improvement of soil structure, and the nutritional and disease-control effects of endophytic rhizobia. Therefore, optimizing the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis is important, and it can be done by selecting or modifying either (or both) symbiotic partner(s) for desirable traits related to N2 fixation. Rhizobium strains can be selected or genetically modified for traits like N2 fixation potential, nodulation competitiveness, persistence in soil, compatibility with inoculant carriers, and tolerance to environmental stress factors. Legume genotypes can also be selected, bred or genetically modified for N2 fixation potential, restricted or preferential nodulation, and tolerance to nitrate and environmental stress factors. When choosing prospective strains or legume genotypes for a particular environment, time and resources can be saved by realizing that the most adaptable rhizobia or legume genotypes are usually those isolated from similar environments. Inoculant delivery methods also affect N2 fixation. Soil inoculation, particularly with granular inoculants, seems to be often better and never worse than seed inoculation for initiating nodulation and N2 fixation. Use of pre-inoculated seeds eliminates the seed inoculation operation, but Rhizobium numbers in pre-inoculated seeds tend to be lower than those in traditional inoculant products. Therefore, the time saved by using pre-inoculated seeds should be weighed against the possibility that crop yields may be lower if insufficient Rhizobium numbers are delivered. Until tools for genetic modification of rhizobia or legumes to suit specific requirements are commonly used, N2 fixation can be enhanced by adopting practices like choosing the best combinations of Rhizobium strains and legume genotypes, the best inoculant formulation and delivery methods, optimum inoculation rates, and providing favourable growing conditions for the crop.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):271-305

Cropping systems have been central to managing associated pests for centuries. This treatment focuses on the history, concepts, and the integration of available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools/strategies into cropping systems. Pest assessments/diagnoses, IPM-decision-making aids, and examples of pest management in selected crops/cropping systems (wheat, soybean, corn, cotton, potato, and strawberry) as well as emerging opportunities and challenges are discussed. The evolving philosophy of IPM and the recently renewed emphasis on ecologically based pest management address the fact that significant levels of predation and/or parasitism are desirable insofar as they promote diversity and sustainability of agroecosystems. Thus, cropping systems are beginning to focus on soil and crop health as well as specific IPM and production goals. Although extensive efforts have been directed toward modeling the many interactions between crops, associated pests and the environment, the general implementation of a systems approach to integrated crop and pest management remains to be accomplished.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):261-284

Legume forage quality research is now concerned not only with nutritive value of forage for ruminant animals, but the impact of these nutrients on environmental quality. If we are to move to a more sustainable agriculture worldwide, more legumes must be incorporated into animal production systems. The goal of forage legume breeders is to tailor legume nutritive value to the needs of the consuming animals. A generalized priority list for legume nutritive value research includes high fiber digestibility, low anti-quality compounds, appropriate condensed tannins, reduced nonprotein nitrogen, and high sulfur amino acids. Although breeders have regularly found a wide range in forage quality within a given legume species, very few varieties with proven forage quality advantages have been released. Yield and persistence issues have dominated forage legume breeding. Improvement in forage quality often is linked to a reduction in yield and/or persistence, and also frequently results in complex genotype X environment interactions. Transgenic technology has almost limitless potential for improving legume forage quality and environmental quality, but only if the public can be convinced that transgenics are an acceptable risk. Structural and functional roles of legume plant cell walls and their relationships to forage quality are poorly understood. Research on the basic processes of forage legume growth and the relationships between growth and forage composition should result in the development of more accurate simulation models, and transgenic technology can provide us with the tools to understand these basic processes.  相似文献   

Evaluating decision rules for dryland rotation crop selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
No-till dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow systems in the central Great Plains have more water available for crop production than the traditional conventionally tilled winter wheat-fallow systems because of greater precipitation storage efficiency. That additional water is used most efficiently when a crop is present to transpire the water, and crop yields respond positively to increases in available soil water. The objective of this study was to evaluate yield, water use efficiency (WUE), precipitation use efficiency (PUE), and net returns of cropping systems where crop choice was based on established crop responses to water use while incorporating a grass/broadleaf rotation. Available soil water at planting was measured at several decision points each year and combined with three levels of expected growing season precipitation (70, 100, 130% of average) to provide input data for water use/yield production functions for seven grain crops and three forage crops. The predicted yields from those production functions were compared against established yield thresholds for each crop, and crops were retained for further consideration if the threshold yield was exceeded. Crop choice was then narrowed by following a rule which rotated summer crops (crops planted in the spring with most of their growth occurring during summer months) with winter crops (crops planted in the fall with most of their growth occurring during the next spring) and also rotating grasses with broadleaf crops. Yields, WUE, PUE, value-basis precipitation use efficiency ($PUE), gross receipts, and net returns from the four opportunity cropping (OC) selection schemes were compared with the same quantities from four set rotations [wheat-fallow (conventional till), (WF (CT)); wheat-fallow (no-till), (WF (NT)); wheat–corn (Zea mays L.)-fallow (no-till), (WCF); wheat–millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) (no-till), (WM)]. Water use efficiency was greater for three of the OC selection schemes than for any of the four set rotations. Precipitation was used more efficiently using two of the OC selection schemes than using any of the four set rotations. Of the four OC cropping decision methods, net returns were greatest for the method that assumed average growing season precipitation and allowed selection from all possible crop choices. The net returns from this system were not different from net returns from WF (CT) and WF (NT). Cropping frequency can be effectively increased in dryland cropping systems by use of crop selection rules based on water use/yield production functions, measured available soil water, and expected precipitation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):217-244

Since CO2 is a primary input for crop growth, there is interest in how increasing atmospheric CO2 will affect crop productivity and alter cropping system management. Effects of elevated CO2 on grain and residue production will be influenced by crop selection. This field study evaluated soybean [C3; Glycine max(L.) Merr.] and grain sorghum [C4; Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] cropping systems managed under conservation tillage practices and two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ambient and twice ambient) for three growing seasons. Elevated CO2 increased soybean and sorghum yield by 53% and 17% increase, respectively; reductions in whole plant water use were also greater for soybean than sorghum. These findings suggest that increasing CO2 could improve future food security, especially in soybean production systems. Elevated CO2 increased aboveground residue production by > 35% for both crops; such shifts could complement conservation management by increasing soil surface cover, thereby reducing soil erosion. However, increased residue could negatively impact crop stand establishment and implement effectiveness during tillage operations. Elevated CO2 increased total belowground dry weight for both crops; increased root proliferation may alter soil structural characteristics (e.g., due to increased number and extent of root channels) which could lead to increases in porosity, infiltration rates, and subsequent soil water storage. Nitrate leaching was reduced during the growing season (due to increased N capture by high CO2-grown crops), and also during the fallow period (likely a result of altered decomposition patterns due to increased C:N ratios of the high CO2-grown material). Enhanced crop growth (both above-and be-lowground) under elevated CO2 suggests greater delivery of C to soil, more soil surface residue, and greater percent ground coverage which could reduce soil C losses, increase soil C storage, and help ameliorate the rise in atmospheric CO2. Results from this study suggests that the biodegradability of crop residues and soil C storage may not only be affected by the environment they were produced in but may also be species dependent. To more fully elucidate the relationships between crop productivity, nutrient cycling, and decomposition of plant materials produced in elevated CO2 environments, future studies must address species effects (including use of genetically modified crops) and must also consider other factors such as cover crops, crop rotations, soil series, tillage practices, weed management, and regional climatic differences.  相似文献   


Cropping system refers to temporal and spatial arrangements of crops, and management of soil, water and vegetation in order to optimize the biomass/agronomic production per unit area, per unit time and per unit input. Soil quality refers to its intrinsic attributes that govern biomass productivity and environment moderating capacity. It is the ability of soil to perform specific functions of interest to humans. Three components of soil quality (e.g., physical, chemical and biological) are determined by inherent soil characteristics, some of which can be altered by management. Soil quality and soil resilience are inter-related but dissimilar attributes. Resilient soils, which have the ability to restore their quality following a perturbation, have high soil quality and vice versa. Decline in soil quality sets-in-motion degradative processes, which are also of three types, namely physical (e.g., compaction, erosion), chemical (e.g., acidification, salinization) and biological (e.g., depletion of soil organic matter content). Soil degradation, a biophysical process but driven by socioeconomic and political causes, adversely affects biomass productivity and environment quality. Determinants of soil quality are influenced by cropping systems and related components. Dramatic increases in crop yields during the 20th century are attributed to genetic improvements in crops, fertilizer use, and improved cropping systems. Dependence on fertilizers and other input, however, need to be reduced by adopting cropping systems to enhance biological nitrogen fixation and use efficiency of water and nutrients through conservation tillage, cover crops, and improved methods of soil structure and nutrient management.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is an essential macro-nutrient for plant growth and is indispensable for high agricultural food productivity and quality. Shortage of good quality forage under the dry winter season and low soil fertility conditions are the major constraints in rural farming systems in the Moist Tall Grassveld of the Upper Thukela, South Africa. The effect of legumes on inorganic soil nitrogen was assessed in an agroforestry trial (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit, Acacia karroo Hayne, Dactylis glomerata L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), by soil sampling method. In the agroforestry trial, total inorganic soil nitrogen accumulation was significantly greater under intercropping than under sole crop treatments and, irrespective of the treatments, significantly more nitrate than ammonium nitrogen was measured. The study demonstrated that intercropping grasses with tree legumes could provide important ecosystem services of nitrogen supply in the soil. The results suggested that introducing legume intercrops might constitute a relevant cropping strategy to improve the soil fertility status with regard to nitrogen while at the same time providing forage in smallholder farming systems in South Africa’s Moist Tall Grassveld regions.  相似文献   


Biological nitrogen fixation is an important process for agricultural productivity in many cropping systems because of direct inputs of atmospheric nitrogen, and rotational effects such as disease control. Advances in molecular biology techniques provide new opportunities to understand the ecology of root nodule bacteria and may improve the selection of elite strains for inoculation. An understanding of the genetic basis of nodulation in grain and pasture legumes may improve inoculation technologies. Temperate and tropical pastures may be improved through effective inoculation, removal of nutritional constraints, and use of alternate legume species. Increases in nitrogen fixation in crop legumes may result from addressing problems in the legume host, the microsymbiont and the environment.  相似文献   

Perennial forage legumes, particularly lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), play a significant role in crop/livestock mixed farming systems in the semiarid region of the Loess Plateau of China as stock feed and a source of nitrogen for subsequent crops. However, there is evidence that lucerne reduces soil water deep in the soil profile, thereby reducing subsequent crop productivity. From 2004 to 2010, this study evaluated the forage productivity and water use of two locally adapted perennial legume species, milk vetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall.) and bush clover (Lespedeza davurica S.), compared with lucerne. The 7‐year total and average annual forage yield of milk vetch were 56 and 8 t ha?1 and bush clover was 42 and 6 t ha?1, respectively, significantly lower than lucerne at 91 and 13 t ha?1. However, despite lower water‐use efficiencies (16 and 12 kg ha?1 mm?1 for milk vetch and bush clover, respectively, compared to 22 kg ha?1 mm?1 for lucerne), the total 7‐year water use in milk vetch and bush clover was 3500 mm and 3490 mm, respectively, which was 135–140 mm less than lucerne. After 7 years, lucerne had extracted water from the upper 5 m soil, whereas bush clover used water mainly from the upper 2 m of the soil profile and milk vetch still had some water available below 3 m. We conclude that while the locally adapted forage legumes were not as productive as lucerne as a source of fodder in mixed cropping/livestock system in this region, they use less water, which may be advantageous in drier regions.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(1):61-78
Green manure (GM) is not superior to organic fertilizer in terms of agronomic efficiency. Use of GM destabilizes rice yield, and has higher unit production cost than N fertilizers. It produces higher cereal yields in farmers' field, but gives negative or trivial returns in the short-term conditions. When compared with grain legumes (GL) grown under similar conditions, GM is not economical both in the short- and long-term conditions. Integrating GL in the existing cropping system without disturbing the main crops in the system appears to have a greater chance of adoption, and may also provide long-term economic benefits to low-land rice-based systems. The economic feasibility of GM can be improved by enhancing its use as food and feed, which will improve its short-term advantage. The lesson for developing technologies in future is that they should have economic benefits in the short-term, otherwise these will be rejected by farmers, despite their long-term advantages.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate non-legume cover crops for growing no-till grain legumes in organic farming systems. Evaluated cover crops should be able to suppress weed growth, reduce plant available nitrogen in the soil and produce large amounts of biomass with slow N mineralisation. Six non-legume species; spring rye (Secale cereale L.), black oat (Avena sativa L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), white mustard (Sinapis alba L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) were tested. Plots with organic fertiliser (50 kg N ha?1) and without fertiliser incorporation at three locations in south-east Germany were trialled and the cover crops’ ability to produce biomass and accumulate N in plant compartments was evaluated. The N mineralisation from stem and leaf material was simulated using the STICS model. The biomass production ranged from 0.95 to 7.73 Mg ha?1, with fertiliser increasing the total biomass at locations with low-N status. Sunflower consistently displayed large biomass and N accumulation at all locations and fertiliser variations, although not always significantly more than other species. Most N was stored in sunflower leaf material, which can be easily mineralised making it less suited as cover crop before no-till sown spring grain legumes. Rye, which produced slightly less biomass, but accumulated more N in the stem biomass, would be better suited than sunflower in this type of system. The N mineralisation simulation from rye biomass indicated long N immobilisation periods potentially improving weed suppression within no-till sown legume cash crops.  相似文献   

Waterlogging and dryland salinity in Western Australia (WA) as well as in many other parts of the world have long been recognized as major constraints to productive pastures and crops. In the late 90s, bed-furrow systems were introduced to waterlogged non-saline land in high rainfall areas of Australia. That resulted in significant yield increases of broad-acre crops through a reduction of the waterlogging. It was expected that yield gains could also be realised on waterlogged and saline land, of which more than 1 million ha is present in WA. This paper examines the productivity of crops and pasture of waterlogged and salt-affected land after the implementation of bed-furrow systems. Three sites were selected in the south western Wheatbelt of WA, with different rainfall regimes and with soil salinity ranging from none to extreme. The treatments were: pasture, cropping and raised beds (RB), no-till beds (NTB) and the Control. The distribution of salinity was mapped using an electromagnetic instrument (EM38). Pasture biomass and distribution were obtained from validated multispectral images. Grain yield and distribution were obtained from calibrated yield maps. In 4 of the 12 site-years, grain yields from the bed-furrow systems were statistically significantly compared to the Control. These were mostly associated with the site in the high rainfall region. The pasture biomass declined under the impact of summer and winter grazing and salinity. Bed-furrow systems did, in general, not generate higher grain yields for a given soil salinity compared to the Control. Relative yield - salinity relationships revealed a higher salt tolerance of the various crops compared to criteria published previously. It was also found that the interaction between waterlogging and salinity was not applicable since the timing of both issues did not coincide. Despite the grain yield gains at the high rainfall site using bed-furrow systems, cropping the low-lying salt-affected and potentially waterlogged land carries high risks. Provided these are accepted, growers with access to such land may be able to extend their cropping areas considerably. It is expected that bed-furrow systems are also beneficial in the waterlogged and salt-affected regions where topographical conditions and a precipitation surplus have created such conditions, like in some of the prairie states of North America.  相似文献   

Legumes in the Fynbos vegetation of the Western Cape of South Africa have emerged as candidates for domestication, particularly for their adaptation to acidic and infertile soils. However, South African rhizobia have been shown to be very diverse and unique, and a detailed understanding of them is essential to success in forage breeding programs that seek to exploit these “new” legumes. Symbionts of legumes in South Africa that belong to traditional rhizobial genera have been shown to have a unique origin for their symbiotic loci in comparison to members sampled from other regions of the world. Some of the legume tribes in the Fynbos have also been shown to associate predominantly with unique species in the Betaproteobacterial genus Paraburkholderia. The rhizobial members of this genus have two main centres of diversity, of which South Africa is one. In this centre, the legume hosts are principally from the Papilionoideae subfamily while hosts from the mimosoid clade (now in the Caesalpinioideae) are abundant in the South American centre. Not only do these rhizobia differ in terms of host, but their symbiotic loci also show separate origins. The dominance and uniqueness of the Paraburkholderia symbionts, in the context of indigenous South African legumes, makes understanding the history and factors that affect the distribution of this genus essential if successful adaptation and effective nodulation of these legumes in Agriculture are to be achieved globally.  相似文献   

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