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Micronutrient fertilizer sources are mostly sulfates for Zn, Cu, and Mn, but chelates are the usual Fe source, and borax and sodium molybdate are used for B and Mo, respectively. Soil pH is the soil property that most influences micronutrient availability, and for all but Mo, the higher the soil pH, the lower is the plant availability. For Mo, liming can actually prevent deficiencies. Other soil properties that are important in bioavailability are organic matter content, especially for Cu, oxidation/reduction conditions, especially for Fe and Mn, soil texture, Fe and Al oxide content and soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   


Rice-wheat based cropping systems in South Asia are among the most highly evolved production systems in the world. The productivity growth of these systems in South Asia is declining due to several factors including the biotic stresses of plant parasitic nema-todes. This article reviews the research on rice and wheat nematodes in a cropping systems perspective and identifies nematodes that have wide host ranges and are greatly influenced by the crop rotations and sequences. These polyphagous nematodes can cause significant damage to rice and (or) wheat crops, either alone or in combination with other microorganisms. The research projects on pest management in the region lack inter-disciplinarity and it is important for nematologists to become integral members of interdisciplinary teams on improving the productivity and sustainability of the rice-wheat cropping systems.  相似文献   

Application of Micronutrients in Rice-Wheat Cropping System of South Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rice-wheat cropping system(RWCS) is one of the most important cropping systems in South Asia. However, sustainability of this system is under threat owing to several factors, of which deficiency of micronutrients particularly zinc(Zn), boron(B) and manganese(Mn) is one of the major problems. Continuous rotation of rice and wheat, imbalanced fertilizer use and little/no use of micronutrient-enriched fertilizers induce deficiencies of Zn, B and Mn in the RWCS of South Asia. Here we review that(i) imbalanced fertilizer use and organic matter depletion deteriorate soil structure resulting in low efficiency of applied macro-and micro-nutrients in RWCS.(ii) The micronutrients(Zn, B and Mn) are essentially involved in metabolism of rice and wheat plants, including chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis, enzyme activation and membrane integrity.(iii) Availability and uptake of Zn, B and Mn from rhizosphere depend on the physico-chemical soil properties(which differ under aerobic and anaerobic conditions) including soil p H, soil organic matter, soil moisture and interaction of these micronutrients with other nutrients.(iv) Plant ability to uptake and utilize the nutrients is affected by several plant factors such as root architecture, root hairs, transport kinetics parameter and root exudates.(v) Crop management and application of these microelements can help correct the micronutrients deficiency and enhance their grain concentration.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):119-144

More than twenty cropping systems are practiced in India. Rice-wheat and rice-rice are the major cropping systems practiced in an estimated 120 districts and 50 districts of the country, respectively. The rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) region of South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan) is the creation of the agricultural green revolution. Higher production of rice and wheat was necessary to meet the calorie needs of an increasing population in this region; as a result, the percent of malnutrition amongst children and adults decreased during the green revolution era. However, in recent years, there has been a reduction in both the rate of malnutrition decline and of the partial and total factor productivity of the RWCS in India. One of the many reasons for the decreased rate of malnutrition decline is micronutrient deficiency. Malnutrition amongst children and adults is a silent emergency in South Asia, including India. This review compares the food consumption habits, nutritional status, and cropping system practiced for different states of India to provide reasons for shifting the rice-wheat cropping system through crop diversification. Diversification of the RWCS will increase the supply of legumes and vegetables, help to diversify the diets consumed, and increase micronutrient intake. This approach is important for a largely vegetarian population of India, and is therefore, considered to be one of several important Food Systems strategy to address the silent emergency of malnutrition in the region.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):125-136

The rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) has contributed tremendously to food security of the region. However, of late there has been a significant slowdown in yield growth rate of this system and the sustainability of this important cropping system is at stake. A decline in soil productivity, particularly of organic C and N, a deterioration in soil physical characteristics, a delay in sowing of wheat, and decreasing water availability are often suggested as the causes of this slowdown in productivity. Therefore, a paradigm shift is required for enhancing the system's productivity and sustainability. Resource-conserving technologies involving zero-or minimum tillage with direct seeding, improved water-use efficiency, innovations in residue management to avoid straw burning, and crop diversification should assist in achieving sustainable productivity and allow farmers to minimize inputs, maximize yields, conserve the natural resource base, reduce risk due to both environmental and economic factors, and increase profitability.  相似文献   


Vitamin A, iodine, and iron deficiencies affect large numbers of people worldwide. A deficiency of one or more of these micronutrients adversely affects the physical and mental abilities of humans. South Asia contains a high percentage of these individuals, not just because of its large population, but also the prevalence of deficiency is higher there than in many other parts of the world. The reasons for the high rates of deficiency in South Asia are many, but they include inadequate availability of micronutrient-rich foods, sub-optimal dietary habits, and high rates of infection. Across the region, national plans vary from (a) increasing availability of appropriate foods, (b) introducing new dietary behaviors, (c) improving health status, and (d) directly addressing deficiency through intervention programs. The extent to which each of the countries is making progress toward the goals of these plans can help in understanding the priorities for future efforts to address micronutrient malnutrition. This article discusses the adverse effects of micronutrient deficiencies in humans with special reference to South Asia.  相似文献   

红黄壤区“豌豆-稻-稻”高产高效种植制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 通过在红黄壤区稻田5年的研究(1995~1999年),从品种引进筛选、适播期、适播量3个方面研究了稻田冬种豌豆的高产高效栽培配套技术。由“豌豆 稻 稻”的豌豆、早稻、晚稻品种筛选得出豌豆、早稻、晚稻3季品种优化搭配方式。通过“豌豆-稻-稻”3年连作试验,得出豌豆因连作而病害日益严重,产量逐年下降的结论,并对其低产原因进行了初步讨论,提出了“豌豆-稻-稻”与“大麦-稻-稻”3年1轮作的持续高产增收实用技术。  相似文献   

我国稻田种植制度的演化及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多熟制是我国作物种植制度的重要特征,也是进一步提高粮食产能的重要途径。本文回顾了我国稻田复种制度的起源,简述了新中国成立以来我国稻田种植制度的演化历程,概述了当前我国主要存在的稻田复种轮作模式,并对我国稻田种植制度的发展方向作出了展望。  相似文献   


Rice (Oryza sariva)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) rotation is the major production system in the Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia and mid hills and is important for the food security of the region. The productivity and profitability of the rice-wheat system are very low mainly because of inappropriate nutrient input and poor crop management practices. Field experiments were conducted in 21 farmers' fields in Bara and Parsa districts in the Eastern-Gangetic plains of Nepal from May 1999 to April 2002 to evaluate site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) and integrated crop management (ICM) for improving rice-wheat productivity and profitability. Soil nutrient-supplying capacity (based on omission plot method) varied largely among farmers' fields. Rice soil had a higher N, P, and K-supplying capacity (35–76, 8–17, and 63–98 kg ha1, compared with wheat (16–41, 6–12, and 20–104 kg ha1, respectively). Both SSNM and ICM strategies significantly improved the grain yields of rice and wheat. Overall yield increment by ICM over farmers' practice (FP) reached up to 2.3 Mg ha1 (66%) in rice and 2.3 Mg ha1 (87%) in wheat, suggesting that there is a large potential for increasing rice and wheat yields in Nepal. Yield gap 1 (maximum attainable yieldaverage yield in ICM) was 1.3 to 1.4 Mg ha1 for rice and 0.3 to 1.0 Mg ha1 for wheat. While yield gap 2 (maximum attainable yieldaverage yield in FP) ranged from 2.8 to 3.5 Mg ha-1 for rice and 2.3 to 2.8 Mg ha-1 for wheat. Rice N-use efficiencies increased up to 50% and 70% with SSNM and ICM, respectively, over FP. In wheat, N-use efficiency increased up to 46% by ICM over SSNM. The net profit gained by applying ICM over FP was higher in wheat (US$ 217) than in rice (US$ 73). The findings suggest the urgent need to develop an effective program for wider dissemination of ICM technology in the Eastern-Gangetic plains.  相似文献   

江西省冷害发生规律研究及水稻种植制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江西省81个常规气象观测站1961-2012年的数据为基础,对江西省"倒春寒"及"寒露风"的发生规律进行分析,确定江西省适宜的水稻种植制度。分析结果显示,受全球气候变暖的影响,江西省"倒春寒"灾害气候发生风险总体呈降低趋势;在年平均气温和秋季平均气温升高的背景下,"寒露风"灾害气候发生的风险并没有降低,且有提前出现的趋势。因此,在水稻种植制度上,除了选用耐寒性好的品种外,还应合理扩大"中熟-中熟"的搭配种植模式,同时应尽量避免双季杂交晚稻的直播栽培。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区麦稻水旱轮作二熟制双免耕的土壤培肥效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价麦稻水旱轮作二熟制双免耕的土壤培肥作用,采用常规测定法、比重计法、Biology-ECO法分别对参试的土壤养分、质地、微生物功能多样性等进行检测.结果表明,与传统耕作相比,连续4年冬小麦水稻全免耕轮作后,0~40 cm土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷含量分别增加11,9%、17.1%、9.2%、26.5%、19.1%,全钾、速效钾含量分别减少0.9%、10.2%,0~20 cm土层的土壤粘粒、砂粒比例明显增加,粉粒比例明显减少.免耕冬小麦成熟期的土壤微生物功能多样性代谢活性显著高于传统耕作.0~20和20~40 cm土壤层次内反映微生物功能多样性的4种指数(Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数、丰富度和Simpson优势度指数)在冬小麦整个生长季节中的变化趋于一致,即在分蘖期和拔节期传统耕作高于连续4年免耕处理,在灌浆期和成熟期连续4年免耕处理高于传统耕作处理.连续4年免耕0~40 cm土壤肥力明显优于连续3年双免耕的肥力.免耕对提高土壤肥力,尤其是对促进冬小麦中、后期生长有利.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):181-230

Like the problem of salt-affected soils afflicting many other countries with arid and semi-arid climates, these lands occupy about 8.6 M ha in India out of which 3.5 M ha are in canal commands, commonly referred to as man made or wet deserts. Starting from the early systematic work of Dr. Leather about a century ago, real impetus to development and application of reclamation technologies has occurred in the post independence period, especially the seventies. Salt-affected soils are grouped into saline and alkali/sodic soils on the considerations of soil management and crop responses. Out of the 3.4 M ha of alkali lands in Indo-Gangetic Plains, about 1.0 M ha has been reclaimed by the hydro-chemical technology. Application of amendments like gypsum, equivalent to 50% gypsum requirement, to the surface 15-cm soil only was enough to start cropping with rice. Light and frequent irrigation are ideal for upland crops. Application of higher doses of nitrogen in splits to compensate for volatilization losses, organic matter additions through green manure to increase reclaiming action, skipping phosphorus application in the initial years and the application of zinc to each crop were some of the emerging recommendations. Application of low-grade pyrites also gave encouraging results in calcareous soils. Feasibility of drainage has been successfully demonstrated in 1980s for the quicker rehabilitation of saline and waterlogged soils. Provision for subsurface drains at 1.5–2.0 m depth and 50–75 m spacing in alluvial soils and 12–24 m interval in vertisol was sufficient for facilitating growing crops within 2–3 years on lands lying barren for considerable period. However, technological, economic, social, and political considerations are the major bottlenecks for large-scale amelioration of saline soils, in addition to the safer disposal of drainage waters. Strategies worked out for successful crop production on saline soils after drainage include initial leaching management (minimizing water requirement for leaching by synchronizing with monsoon rains, etc.), proper selection of crops/cultivars, irrigation (method, controlled frequency for enhancing water-table contribution, canal water use during the initial stages including presowing for conjunctive use with drainage waters) and cultural practices (furrow planting, increasing seed rate and fertility management). Some of the future issues for combating salinity and also preventing further land degradations in India are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Although Cambodia might have achieved self-sufficiency and an exported surplus in rice production,its rice-based farming systems are widely associated with low productivity,low farmer income and rural poverty.The study is based on a questionnaire village survey in 14 communes containing 97 villages of Kampong Chhnang Province from March to June,2011.It analyzes the prevailing rice-based cropping systems and evaluates options for their improvement.Differences in cropping systems depend on the distance from the Tonle Sap water bodies.At distances greater than 10 km,transplanted wet-season rice cropping system with low productivity of about 1.6 t/hm 2 prevails.This deficiency can be primarily attributed to soils with high coarse sand fractions and low pH (< 4.0),use of ’late’ cultivars,and exclusive use of self-propagated seeds.To improve this cropping system,commercial ’medium’ cultivars help prevent crop failure by shortening the cultivation period by one month and complementation of wet-season rice with non-rice crops should be expanded.Areas adjacent (≤ 1 km) to the water bodies become inundated for up to seven months between July until January of each year.In this area,soils contain more fine sand,silt and clay,and their pH is higher (> 4.0).Farmers predominantly cultivate dry-season recession rice between January and April.Seventy-nine percent of the area is sown directly and harvested by combines.Adoption ratio of commercial rice seeds is 59% and yields average 3.2 t/hm 2.Introduction of the second dry-season rice between April and July may double annual yields in this rice cropping system.Besides upgrading other cultivation technologies,using seeds from commercial sources will improve yield and rice quality.Along with rice,farmers grow non-rice crops at different intensities ranging from single annual crops to intensive sequences at low yields.  相似文献   

不同施肥制度对红壤地区双季稻田氨挥发的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
 为系统地了解不同施肥制度下各生育期氨挥发损失的程度及规律,采用密闭室法对南方红壤地区双季稻田的氨挥发进行了监测。不同施肥制度下氨挥发的变化规律基本相同,施肥后1~3 d内达到峰值,随后逐渐下降,1周后无明显排放。氨挥发速率随施N量增加而增加。早季各处理氨挥发累积量基肥时为1.6~3.6 kg/hm2,分蘖肥时为58~18.2 kg/hm2;而晚季基肥、分蘖肥和穗肥时的氨挥发累积量分别为4.5~7.9、12.3~26.8和1.4~2.4 kg/hm2,早、晚季氨挥发总累积量分别占其施N量的4.5%~15.3%和16.9%~32.8%。相对于不施肥处理,尿素的施用促进氨挥发,而在等氮施用量下,缺P处理通过氨挥发损失的N量较多,较高水平的秸秆和绿肥施用也会增加氨挥发量。此外,氨挥发与田面水NH4+ N浓度及水层pH之间存在正相关关系,气候条件也显著影响氨挥发量。  相似文献   

江淮地区温光水资源丰富,是我国重要的粮食主产区之一.该地区地处南北气候过度地带,病虫草害类型复杂,病虫草害绿色防控是确保粮食安全生产的重要保障措施.江淮地区作物周年种植,模式多样,其中以稻-麦轮作种植模式为主.本研究根据安徽粮丰项目试验示范成果,结合江淮稻-麦周年生产实际,针对稻-麦周年生长不同生育期主要靶标病虫草害发...  相似文献   


Results of field experiments across the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) region indicates that soil B deficiency induces sterility in wheat and results in poor crop yields of legumes and cereals. The deficiency of soil B and the response of crops to applied B generally increases from the northwestern to the eastern end of the IGP, this trend being influenced by the distribution of the soil parent material and the variation in the climatic conditions within the IGP. An earlier FAO study rated Nepal as the lowest of thirty countries in its soil B status and showed that a higher soil B deficiency problem exists in the eastern half of the Indian-IGP, therefore crop response to applied B is more likely in these areas. Few studies have made qualitative and quantitative assessment of sterility in wheat in the IGP and the positive response of other crops to B application also suggest B deficiency related sterility problems in these crops. Micronutrient research in the IGP often rates Zn followed by Fe and Mn deficiencies in some instances, as its major soil micronutrient deficiency problems. However, the deficiency of B perhaps is as important if not more, than Fe and Mn deficiency. The awareness of soil B deficiency is not as widespread as its occurrence in the IGP region. This article reviews and discusses the sterility problems in wheat and the response of several field crops to applied B to highlight the growing importance of soil B deficiency in the IGP.  相似文献   

设置3种稻田三熟制模式与“冬闲+早稻+晚稻”模式对比,研究了冬季作物对早稻返青缓苗期植株生长的影响。结果表明:三熟制模式下水稻返青期推迟2~3 d、缓苗期推迟1~3 d,期间水稻株高、叶龄、叶绿素含量(SPAD)、根茎叶干物质下降;在移栽至缓苗期内,三熟制模式下水稻植株根冠比比对照的小;移栽至返青期,三熟制模式下水稻生长速率均比对照处理低,在返青至缓苗期表现则相反。本研究结果表明,三熟制模式下冬季作物明显抑制了早稻返青缓苗期植株生长,其抑制作用在水稻返青后变小。  相似文献   

 田间实验表明在不同的管理方式和不同生长期所研究的土壤参数均发生显著变化。土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量随水稻生长期延长而显著减少,同时,单独施用肥料或农药和同时施用肥料和农药均导致土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量发生一定变化,单独施用农药的土壤中土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量最低。异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量随水稻生长期延长持续减少,单独施用农药的土壤中异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量最少,异养型细菌和蛋白质分解菌数量的变化趋势与土壤微生物生物量/磷脂含量相似。电子运输系统/脱氢酶活度随水稻生长期延长持续增强。与对照相比,单独施用肥料或同施农药和肥料导致土壤中电子运输系统活度增强,而单独施用农药土壤中电子运输系统活度明显下降。单独施用肥料或农药及同时施用肥料和农药处理中,土壤中蛋白质含量相对稳定,但在不同生长期存在较大变化。关键词  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents,abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control.The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

Combined effects on soil microbial activity of nutrient and pesticide management in hybrid rice double annual cropping system were studied. Results of field experiment demonstrated significant changes in soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents, abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria, electron transport system (ETS)/dehydrogenase activity, soil protein contents under different management practices and at various growth stages. Marked depletions in the soil microbial biomass phospholipid contents were found with the advancement of crop growth stages, while the incorporation of fertilizers and/or pesticides also induced slight changes, and the lowest microbial biomass phospholipid content was found with pesticides application alone. A decline in the bacterial abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was observed during the continuance of crop growth, while the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and proteolytic bacteria was found with pesticides application alone, which coincided with the decline of soil microbial biomass. A consistent increase in the electron transport system activity was measured during the different crop growth stages of rice. The use of fertilizers (NPK) alone or combined with pesticides increased it, while a decline was noticed with pesticides application alone as compared with the control. The soil protein content was found to be relatively stable with fertilizers and/or pesticides application at various growth stages in both crops undertaken, but notable changes were detected at different growth stages.  相似文献   

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