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林火对土壤氮含量的扰动作用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对大兴安岭地区新林林业局 2 0a内不同年份间隔的 11块火烧迹地土壤进行调查取样和室内实验分析 ,发现火烧后不同年限、不同强度的火烧迹地 ,土壤全氮与有效氮含量变化情况如下 :低强度火烧后 9d ,土壤全氮和有效氮含量均比未烧前低 ,这与中、高强度火烧后的情况正好相反。火烧后 4a内 ,土壤氮的含量基本都比未烧林地有所下降 (中强度火烧迹地土壤有效氮含量除外 )。以后有逐年增加的趋势。火烧迹地降第一场雨后 ,低强度火烧迹地土壤全氮比降雨前减少 ,有效氮增加 ;中强度火烧迹地土壤全氮和有效氮均比降雨前增加 ;高强度火烧迹地土壤全氮和有效氮均比降雨前有所下降。连年火烧迹地土壤全氮减少 ,有效氮增加 相似文献
在工业发达、农业集约化程度较高的区域氮沉降增高仍然很突出。为明晰氮沉降类型及其强度对土壤碳氮的影响,研究了多形态、多水平氮添加下落叶松人工林的土壤碳排放及土壤碳氮的变化。结果表明,NH_4~+-N添加低、中、高3种水平每年土壤碳排放量分别比对照增加了253.81、17.15和5.69 g C·m~(-2); NO_3~--N添加低、中氮两种水平分别比对照增加了203.37和111.06 g C·m~(-2),而高氮水平减少了47.14 g C·m~(-2)。两种形态氮素添加下土壤铵态氮含量变化微小,而硝态氮含量则在逐年升高,土壤微生物生物量碳呈现出降低的趋势,而土壤微生物生物量氮表现出升高的规律。双因素方差分析显示氮素形态对土壤铵态氮及微生物量碳、氮含量均有显著的影响,而氮添加水平仅对土壤硝态氮含量有显著的影响。 相似文献
本文综述了国内外关于森林土壤碳动态过程对氮沉降响应机制的研究进展,概述了大气氮沉降对土壤碳释放及其影响因子的作用机制,从土壤生物学特性、凋落物动态、土壤碳释放等方面揭示大气氮沉降对土壤碳平衡过程影响机制和机理,探讨了森林土壤碳动态过程对氮沉降响应的不确定性因素,并指出未来该领域研究重点。 相似文献
不同土地利用类型土壤有机质与全氮供应研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取了我国西南部抚仙湖流域典型流域尖山河小流域为试验区,以不同土地利用类型的径流小区作为试验对象,对径流小区内土壤不同土层有机质和全氮含量进行了测定分析。结果表明:土壤剖面有机质及全氮含量均随着土层深度的增加而降低,即0~20cm20~40cm40~60cm,且随深度增加含量差距减小;在同种土地利用类型中,土壤全氮含量随有机质含量的增加而增加;在4种土地利用类型中,土壤有机质含量表现为次生林人工林灌草丛坡耕地,全氮含量表现为灌草丛坡耕地人工林次生林,说明在土地利用类型不同且人为干扰严重的情况下,土壤全氮含量随有机质含量变化的程度不同。 相似文献
通过调查不同树种新造林树高生长量、保存率及其土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌数量等,研究其生长、适应性及对土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明:光皮桦、桤木、楸树、栾树、湿地松5年生树高分别为7.4、6.5、6.3、4.8、4.2m,保存率分别为92%、65%、82%、78%、90%;不同树种造林后对土壤微生物数量的提高有明显差异,5个树种造林后林分土壤微生物数量提高的效果排序为桤木〉光皮桦〉栾木〉楸树〉湿地松;新造林均表现为造林当年土壤微生物数量明显下降,一般下降35%~40%,第2年底回升并超过造林前水平,第3-5年逐年增加。 相似文献
基于土壤样点调查数据,估算了梅州市林地土壤全氮、氮密度和氮储量,分析了土壤全氮含量的空间分布格局。结果表明:梅州市各区(县)土壤全氮含量在0.61~1.04 g/kg之间,均值为0.78 g/kg,土壤肥力Ⅳ级,变异系数为54.81%,属中等变异程度。梅州市各区(县)土壤氮密度大小在8.75~14.92kg/m2的范围,土壤平均氮密度约为11.13 kg/m2,梅州市林地土壤总氮储量约为1 311.24万t,各区(县)林地土壤氮储量依次为丰顺县>大埔县>五华县>梅县区>兴宁市>平远县>蕉岭县>梅江区。梅州市林地土壤全氮含量总体呈现东高西低的分布格局,且随着土壤深度的增加逐渐降低。 相似文献
1 引言人口增长和社会发展对木材的需求量日益增大,单靠森林自然生长已难以满足经济发展的需要。在我国一些林区已出现了采伐量大于自然生长量的现象。通过施肥提高木材及其它林产品产量已成为林业科学研究者面临的重要课题。我国在这方面的研究工作起步较晚,而一些发达国家已在林木施肥方面进行了长期的定位试验,取得了许多宝贵资料,这对我国该领域的研究具有重要的借 相似文献
土壤颗粒组分中氮含量及其与海拔和植被的关系 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究祁连山北坡土壤颗粒组分中氮含量及其与海拔和植被的关系.结果表明:土壤颗粒组分比例、土壤颗粒氮比例、土壤颗粒氮含量和土壤颗粒组分氮含量都随海拔升高而差异不显著;就土壤颗粒组分比例而言,0~15 cm土层在阳坡3 800 m处、阴坡3 000、3 200和3 500 m处较高,15~35 cm土层在阴坡3 200和3 500 m、半阴坡2 800 m处较高(P<0.05);就土壤颗粒氮比例而言,0~15 cm土层在阴坡3 000和3 200 m、阳坡3 300和3 800 m处最高,15~35 cm土层在阴坡3 000 m和阳坡3 300 m处最高;就土壤颗粒氮含量而言,0~15 cm土层在阴坡3 600 m处最低,阳坡3 800 m和半阴坡2 800 m处较高,15~35 cm土层在阴坡3 400 m、阳坡3 300 m处较高;就土壤颗粒组分氮含量而言,0~15 cm土层在阴坡3 400 m、阳坡3 300和3 800 m处较高,15~35 cm土层在阴坡3 400 m、阳坡3 300 m处较高(P<0.05);植被对土壤颗粒组分比例、土壤颗粒氮比例、土壤颗粒组分氮含量和土壤颗粒氮含量的影响显著;就土壤颗粒组分比例而言,0~15 cm土层在森林和灌丛草甸中较高,高寒草甸中较低,森林与灌丛草甸及干草原与荒漠草原中差异不显著,15~35 cm土层在森林、灌丛草甸和干草原中较高,高寒草甸中最低,森林、灌丛草甸与干草原中差异不显著;就土壤颗粒氮比例而言,0~15 cm土层在森林和高寒草甸中较高,灌丛草甸、荒漠草原与干草原中差异也不显著,15~35 cm土层在森林和高寒草甸中较高,荒漠草原和干草原中最低;就土壤颗粒组分氮含量而言,各土层均在灌丛草甸中较高,干草原和荒漠草原中较低;就土壤颗粒氮含量而言,各土层均在森林和灌丛草甸中最高,干草原和荒漠草原中最低,森林、高寒草甸与灌丛草甸中差异不显著;土壤颗粒组分比例、土壤颗粒组分氮含量、土壤颗粒氮比例和土壤颗粒氮含量随土壤全氮含量增加而增加(P<0.02),土壤颗粒氮含量随颗粒组分氮含量极显著增加(P<0.001),土壤颗粒氮比例随土壤颗粒氮含量增加显著增加(P<0.05);祁连山北坡土壤中非保护性氮含量总体上随海拔升高而增加,森林和高寒草甸土壤中非保护性氮比例最高. 相似文献
不同造林密度和混交树种对光皮桦幼林生长的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过对光皮桦不同造林密度、不同混交树种的试验研究,结果表明:光皮桦不同造林密度林分的生长有较大差异,其胸径、冠幅由大到小依次为:1 100株.hm-2、800株.hm-2、1 600株.hm-2、2 500株.hm-2,树高以1 100株.hm-2的林分最大,其余比较相近。光皮桦与不同树种混交生长有较大差异,各生长指标以杉木×光皮桦混交林最好,其余依次为:福建柏×光皮桦、木荷×光皮桦、马尾松×光皮桦;光皮桦纯林生长指标与福建柏光皮桦混交林比较接近。杉木×光皮桦和福建柏×光皮桦是较好的混交组合。 相似文献
Carbon and nitrogen in forest floor and mineral soil under six common European tree species 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lars Vesterdal Inger K. Schmidt Ingeborg CallesenLars Ola Nilsson Per Gundersen 《Forest Ecology and Management》2008
The knowledge of tree species effects on soil C and N pools is scarce, particularly for European deciduous tree species. We studied forest floor and mineral soil carbon and nitrogen under six common European tree species in a common garden design replicated at six sites in Denmark. Three decades after planting the six tree species had different profiles in terms of litterfall, forest floor and mineral soil C and N attributes. Three groups were identified: (1) ash, maple and lime, (2) beech and oak, and (3) spruce. There were significant differences in forest floor and soil C and N contents and C/N ratios, also among the five deciduous tree species. The influence of tree species was most pronounced in the forest floor, where C and N contents increased in the order ash = lime = maple < oak = beech ? spruce. Tree species influenced mineral soil only in some of the sampled soil layers within 30 cm depth. Species with low forest floor C and N content had more C and N in the mineral soil. This opposite trend probably offset the differences in forest floor C and N with no significant difference between tree species in C and N contents of the whole soil profile. The effect of tree species on forest floor C and N content was primarily attributed to large differences in turnover rates as indicated by fractional annual loss of forest floor C and N. The C/N ratio of foliar litterfall was a good indicator of forest floor C and N contents, fractional annual loss of forest floor C and N, and mineral soil N status. Forest floor and litterfall C/N ratios were not related, whereas the C/N ratio of mineral soil (0–30 cm) better indicated N status under deciduous species on rich soil. The results suggest that European deciduous tree species differ in C and N sequestration rates within forest floor and mineral soil, respectively, but there is little evidence of major differences in the combined forest floor and mineral soil after three decades. 相似文献
辽河三角洲盐碱地树种优化配置模式研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在辽河三角洲盐碱地台田上,布置小胡杨纯林、白蜡纯林、小胡杨×刺槐混交林、白蜡×刺槐混交林4种树种配置模式,对不同配置模式下的树木生长和土壤水、盐、温度进行了研究。结果表明,小胡杨、白蜡、刺槐在辽河三角洲盐碱地上造林均能成活,成活率达92%~98%。混交配置模式对树木生长具有显著的促进作用,优于纯林,其中小胡杨×刺槐混交模式好于白蜡×刺槐模式。与CK相比,4种模式均能改善土壤水分状况,降低土壤盐分,调控土壤温度,防止盐分表聚,4种模式间比较顺序是小胡杨×刺槐混交林>白蜡×刺槐混交林>白蜡纯林>小胡杨纯林。可见,小胡杨×刺槐混交模式可作为该地区防护林营建的首选优化配置模式。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(7):533-544
ABSTRACTThe management of non-native tree species in European forests has a long history, but the information on the current number and geographic distribution of these species in European forests is incomplete and scattered across various datasets. This study aims to perform an inventory of the most frequent non-native tree species growing in European forests and analyse their current extent, geographic distribution and geographic origin. Our results show that at least 150 non-native tree species are currently growing in European forests and provenance trials. The genera represented by largest number of species are Eucalyptus, Pinus, Acacia and Abies. Species growing at the largest areas are Robinia pseudoacacia (2.44 million ha), Eucalyptus globulus (1.46 million ha), Picea sitchensis (1.16 million ha) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (0.83 million ha). In total, non-native tree species in Europe are found in an area of approximately 8.54 million ha, or 4.0% of the European forest area, and the five most abundant species account for up to 77% of this area. The largest number of these 150 species were introduced from North America (71), followed by Asia (45) and Australia (20). North American species occupy by far the largest area. 相似文献
Effect of tree species on carbon stocks in forest floor and mineral soil and implications for soil carbon inventories 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Catharina J.E. Schulp Gert-Jan Nabuurs Peter H. Verburg Rein W. de Waal 《Forest Ecology and Management》2008,256(3):482
Forest soil organic carbon (SOC) and forest floor carbon (FFC) stocks are highly variable. The sampling effort required to assess SOC and FFC stocks is therefore large, resulting in limited sampling and poor estimates of the size, spatial distribution, and changes in SOC and FFC stocks in many countries. Forest SOC and FFC stocks are influenced by tree species. Therefore, quantification of the effect of tree species on carbon stocks combined with spatial information on tree species distribution could improve insight into the spatial distribution of forest carbon stocks.We present a study on the effect of tree species on FFC and SOC stock for a forest in the Netherlands and evaluate how this information could be used for inventory improvement. We assessed FFC and SOC stocks in stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), oak (Quercus robur) and larch (Larix kaempferi).FFC and SOC stocks differed between a number of species. FFC stocks varied between 11.1 Mg C ha−1 (beech) and 29.6 Mg C ha−1 (larch). SOC stocks varied between 53.3 Mg C ha−1 (beech) and 97.1 Mg C ha−1 (larch). At managed locations, carbon stocks were lower than at unmanaged locations. The Dutch carbon inventory currently overestimates FFC stocks. Differences in carbon stocks between conifer and broadleaf forests were significant enough to consider them relevant for the Dutch system for carbon inventory. 相似文献
Pioneer tree responses to variation of soil attributes in a tropical semi-deciduous forest in Brazil
Maria Teresa V. N. Abdo Sergio V. Valeri Antonio S. Ferraudo Antonio Lucio M. Martins Leandro R. Spatti 《Journal of Sustainable Forestry》2017,36(2):134-147
The occurrence of pioneer tree species inside tropical forests is usually associated with canopy openness due to disturbances. The distribution of these species under different environmental conditions, aside from light presence, can be influenced by other variables such as soil attributes, water availability, and non-arborous species presence. This work evaluates pioneer tree distribution in the Pindorama Biological Reserve, Brazil, with respect to altitude, soil attributes, and non-arborous species in 65,400-m2 plots in two toposequences of semi-deciduous forest. We evaluated the physical and chemical soil attributes altitude, basal area, height, and number of individuals of tree species with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5 cm in a randomly chosen quadrant in each plot. Pioneer trees were characterized by the following higher occurrence species: Acacia polyphylla, Aloysia virgata, Casearia sylvestris, and Croton floribundus. Cluster analysis suggested five similar groups among sampling plots. For each group, the mean of altitude, physical and chemical soil attributes, and degree of non-arborous species infestation was calculated. Principal components analysis correlated variables with pioneer tree data. C. floribundus occurred at low altitudes at lower or higher fertility, C. sylvestris occurred in lower fertility plots, and A. polyphylla and A. virgata occurred in higher altitude plots. 相似文献