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Pear juice obtained from pear concentrate was fermented at room temperature using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BDX, ENOFERM, France) as the fermentation microorganism. During the fermentation process, total sugars were measured. High performance liquid chromatography analyses were used to monitor the fermentation process and to characterize the pear wine. The pear wine obtained was distilled with its lees using three different equipments: a glass alembic (a glass pot still coupled to a glass column), a copper alembic, and a glass alembic with the addition of 5 g/L of copper shavings to the pot still. The same distillations were repeated with the wine without its lees (separated by decanting). Several distillation fractions were collected, up to a total of 500 mL of distillate. Gas chromatography was used to identify and quantify the volatile compounds in each fraction, and the methanol and ethanol contents. Based on these results, the heart fraction was defined. ANOVA tests were performed on the heart fractions to determine quantitative differences between some volatile compounds depending on the equipment used and the presence or absence of the wine lees. From this series of ANOVA tests, it can be concluded that the concentrations of the compounds that are considered to have a negative effect on the quality of the distillates (methanol, ethyl acetate, furfural) decrease or do not change when they are distilled in the presence of lees and in the copper alembic. In addition, the concentrations of the positive compounds (ethyl decanoate and ethyl-2-trans-4-cis-decadienoate) increase in the presence of lees for all of the equipment tested. So, it can be assumed that the distillation of pear wine with its lees in copper alembic leads to a better quality product.  相似文献   

Juice of the Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (marula) fruit was fermented by indigenous microflora and different commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains at different temperatures, namely, 15 and 30 degrees C. Volatile acids, esters, and higher alcohols were quantified in the wine and distillates, and the results were interpreted using a multivariate analysis of variance and an average linkage cluster analysis. Significant differences between 15 and 30 degrees C and also among yeasts with respect to volatile compounds were observed. Yeast strains VIN7 and FC consistently produced wines and final distillates significantly different from the other strains. A panel of tasters and marula and brandy producers was asked to select wines and distillates that had an acceptable and typical marula "nose". They were also asked to detect the differences among wines and distillates fermented with the same yeast strain at different temperatures.  相似文献   


This review deals with the mechanism of antagonistic action of bacterial and fungal biocontrol agents such as the production of antibiotics, siderophores, enzyme secretion, competition for nutrition, plant growth promotion by rhizosphere microorganism. The utilisation of synthetic pesticides has been the predominant control processor for diseases brought about by phytopathogenic microorganisms. Notwithstanding, their open and improper application in intensive agriculture has realised issues that have prompted ecological contamination, considerable residues in agricultural products and phytopathogen resistance. They are likewise disrupting the quantity of beneficial microorganism which is available in the soil and capable of expanding soil fertility. Along these lines, there is a need to look through the option of synthetic pesticides that are safe, environmental and monetarily feasible to confront this problem. Biocontrol agent’s utilisation is the best alternative method to control the different kinds of diseases, such as nematode infestation, fungal pathogen and bacterial pathogen. Nowadays, biocontrol agents assume a significant role in the field of agriculture. It is a financially savvy, environment-friendly and inhibits the advancement of pathogenic microorganism sustainably. This review emphasises the role of biocontrol agents against different pathogenic microorganisms and their significance potentiality to improve plant growth and enhance defence system of plants.  相似文献   

Conservation needs are often in direct competition with other forms of land-use, and therefore protection of biodiversity must be cost-efficient. While common reserve selection algorithms address this problem, quantitative planning tools often suggest an optimal set of sites that is not necessarily convenient for practical conservation. Besides cost-effective solutions we require flexibility if land-use conflicts are to be effectively resolved. We introduce a novel concept for site value in quantitative reserve planning. Replacement cost refers to the loss in solution value given that the optimal cost-efficient solution cannot be protected and alternative solutions, with particular sites forcibly included or excluded, are needed. This cost can be defined either in terms of loss of biological value or in terms of extra economic cost, and it has clear mathematical definitions in the context of benefit-function-based reserve planning. A main difference with the much-used concept of irreplaceability is that the latter tells about the likelihood of needing a site for achieving a particular conservation target. Instead, replacement cost tells us at what cost (biological or economic) can we exclude (or include) a site from the reserve network. Here, we illustrate the concept with hypothetical examples and show that replacement-cost analysis should prove useful in an interactive planning process, improving our understanding of the importance of a site for cost-efficient conservation.  相似文献   

蒸汽式扇贝开壳装置工作参数优化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了得到蒸汽式扇贝开壳装置蒸汽工作参数的最优匹配,提高扇贝深加工的产品品质,以开壳效果感官评分值为考察目标进行单因素试验,明确影响开壳效果的蒸汽喷射时间、喷射距离和蒸汽排量的最佳取值范围。采用Box-Behnken design试验设计方法进行了扇贝开壳组合试验,建立了扇贝开壳效果感官评分值与喷射时间、喷射距离和蒸汽排量之间的数学模型,并采用响应面优化分析法,得到了蒸汽式扇贝开壳装置的最佳工作参数匹配。结果表明:采用蒸汽发生器,压强控制在0.3~0.4 MPa、温度控制在142.92~151.11℃,当喷射时间设定在3.5 s、喷射距离设定在30 mm和蒸汽排量设定6 mm球阀门开度为90°,扇贝开壳率为93.3%,开壳效果感官评分值为94.53分。该研究为即食扇贝加工设备的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Chickpea and lentil protein-stabilized emulsions were optimized with regard to pH (3.0-8.0), protein concentration (1.1-4.1% w/w), and oil content (20-40%) for their ability to form and stabilize oil-in-water emulsions using response surface methodology. Specifically, creaming stability, droplet size, and droplet charge were assessed. Optimum conditions for minimal creaming (no serum separation after 24 h), small droplet size (<2 μm), and high net droplet charge (absolute value of ZP > 40 mV) were identified as 4.1% protein, 40% oil, and pH 3.0 or 8.0, regardless of the plant protein used for emulsion preparation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to design ecologically acceptable formulations of acetochlor by adsorbing it on montmorillonite exchanged by a small organic cation, phenyltrimethylammonium (PTMA). Adsorption of acetochlor on the clay mineral exchanged with different organic cations and its release from these complexes were determined by GC and modeled by Langmuir equation. Interactions between acetochlor molecules and the exchanged organic cation on the clay surface were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Leaching of acetochlor in soil was determined by a bioassay using a column technique and Setaria viridis as a test plant. The adsorbed amounts of acetochlor on montmorillonite exchanged by PTMA at a loading of 0.5 mmol/g of clay were higher than at a loading up to the cation-exchange capacity, i.e., 0.8 mmol/g, and were higher than obtained by using a clay mineral exchanged by other organic cations. Preloading montmorillonite by PTMA at 0.5 mmol/g yielded maximal shifts of the infrared peaks of the herbicide. The above formulation of acetochlor yielded slow release in water and showed improved weed control in field and greenhouse experiments in comparison with the commercial formulation. The PTMA-clay formulation of acetochlor maintained herbicidal activity in the topsoil and yielded the most significant reduction in herbicide leaching and persistence under field conditions. The application of this formulation can minimize the risk to groundwater and can reduce the applied rates.  相似文献   

Even after land is legally protected, ecological change continues to affect species and ecosystems. Changes vary from natural to human-caused, from beneficial to detremental, and from manageable to impossible to manage. Management can be approached on two levels: (1) an ecosystem-community (‘process-oriented’) level and (2) a species-population (‘species-oriented’) level. Management on these two levels sometimes conflicts. Key changes in reserves include: natural and human disturbance, manipulation of fire regimes, succession, imbalance of animal populations (e.g., elemination of large predators and population fluctuation of grazers), population and genetic change of rare species, introduction of exotics, pollution of air and water, interference with hydrologic regimes, and increased visitor pressure. Man-caused changes and poor management are still the greates threats to nature reserva systems.A preservationist ‘hands-off’ legacy, while idealistic and philosophically attractive, may contribute to lack of firm leadership in reserves by biologists and managers, Because the effects of human are now omnipresent, some form of management (if only to regulate visitor impact) usually is necessary. Dealing with ecological change requires statement of preservation goals, priorities, and clear policy on key issues; in addition, resource inventory, monitoring, and management-oriented research are required.  相似文献   

采用概率模型设计仔猪日粮配方探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用线性规划模型和概率模型对仔猪日粮配方设计进行研究 ,并就不同模型设计日粮对仔猪生产性能和经济效益影响进行评价和讨论。认为概率模型设计配方具有误差小、准确性高等特点 ,可以解决饲料原料变异性对饲料配方设计造成的影响 ,提高饲料产品质量稳定性。  相似文献   

Long-term changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) resulting from management change are documented for many experimental situations, and corresponding trends in the field have been observed by national survey. Since these changes are relevant to atmospheric carbon balance a practical measure to confirm the impact of recent management decisions at any location, without resorting to repeated sampling, is highly attractive but none has previously been tested. This study assessed intra-aggregate C to fulfil the role, based on a temporary deviation from its predictable contribution to total SOC under stable management. A total of 166 surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were analyzed for intra-aggregate C using an established physical fractionation protocol or compatible scaled-up procedure. Soils were arable (or ley-arable) managed by conventional or minimum-tillage, or permanent grassland, and assigned ‘stable’ or ‘changing’ status on the basis of a verbal account of management history. Log-normal populations of intra-aggregate C were compared for soils of stable and changing status using F-tests. Intra-aggregate C shows promise as an indicator of changing SOC in arable soils up to 30% clay content, particularly soils <20% clay. A larger dataset is required to establish its utility in grassland soils. It is not certain that intra-aggregate C is capable of confirming direction of change or trajectory (endpoint), and functions to indicate change, rather than confirm stable status. Supplementary information on the history of soil use and management is therefore essential in the interpretation of such measurements.  相似文献   

Arsenic is present in rice grain mainly as inorganic arsenic. Little is known about the effect of cooking on inorganic arsenic content in rice and its bioavailability. This study evaluated total arsenic and inorganic arsenic in rice cooked with arsenic-contaminated water, the bioaccessibility of As(III) and As(V) after simulated gastrointestinal digestion, and the extent of arsenic retention and transport by Caco-2 cells used as a model of intestinal epithelia. After cooking, inorganic arsenic contents increase significantly. After simulated gastrointestinal digestion, the bioaccessibility of inorganic arsenic reached 63-99%; As(V) was the main species found. In Caco-2 cells, arsenic retention, transport, and total uptake (retention + transport) varied between 0.6 and 6.4, 3.3 and 11.4, and 3.9 and 17.8%, respectively. These results show that in arsenic endemic areas with subsistence rice diets, the contribution of inorganic arsenic from cooked rice should be considered in assessments of arsenic health risk.  相似文献   

结合作者近年开展科研工作的实际,谈我校在"教学型"向"教学科研型"办学定位转型过程中实验室运行存在的问题,提出建立"教学科研型"开放实验室运行机制的措施。  相似文献   

Monascus has been used for thousands of years. In China, Monascus has been widely used as a natural food-coloring agent for many kinds of foods. The metabolites of Monascus species, specifically, monacolin K, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and dimerumic acid, have been proven to have cholesterol-lowering, blood pressure-lowering, and antioxidant effects. Nowadays, the public has recognized the importance of Monascus products for its many health benefits. The focus of this study is to explore the effects of nanoparticulate dispersion of red mold rice (RMR) after wet-milling technology treatment. An RMR nanoparticulate formulation was reproducibly obtained after milling in the presence of dispersing agent and water. Furthermore, the physical and chemical properties of these RMR particles were studied using electron microscopy, laser light scattering, pH meter, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and photometry. The results demonstrate that RMR (mean size = 20.15 microm), processed with wet-milling technology, forms an aqueous-based nanoparticle dispersion (mean particle size of less than 0.41 microm). In addition, HPLC analyses, performed on the secondary metabolites, demonstrated that monacolin K was reduced to 50-92% of its base level and citrinin was reduced to 48-74% of its base level. When testing for the levels of pH, the processed RMR had increased from a pH level of 4.47-4.82 to 5.56-6.4; also, pigment analysis showed that yellow and red pigments were reduced to 36 and 39% of its base level after the wet-milling process. Partial agglomeration has been observed in RMR dispersion when stored in refrigeration after 2 months. RMR can be formulated as a nanoparticulate dispersion without compromising its stability, but its secondary metabolite extraction rate was changed. Further experimentation will be needed to verify safety and functionality evaluations.  相似文献   

为实现盆栽红掌花卉在盆间移栽领域的自动化移栽作业,该文进行了盆栽红掌移栽手爪设计,并采用试验方法对移栽手爪进行了工作参数优化,可实现红掌花苗从110 mm×90 mm规格花盆移栽到至170 mm×150 mm规格花盆的移栽任务。移栽手爪采用两侧同时抱抓的形式,实现对花苗的聚叶、抓取、固定功能,通过机构创新设计,在提高抓取成功率的同时,避免出现伤苗情况。根据红掌花苗生长特点及种植情况,对移栽手爪的工作过程进行了分析,选取升降气缸气压、钢针插入斜度和钢针插入点到中心的距离作为因素,选取花苗脱离花盆后的提取效果作为试验指标,进行盆栽红掌移栽手爪作业性能的二次回归正交旋转组合试验,确定最优工作参数。试验结果表明,针对种植在110 mm×90 mm规格花盆的花苗,当升降气缸气压为0.36 MPa,钢针插入斜度为28°,插入点到中心的距离为38.12 mm时,可达到良好的移栽效果,具有较高的移栽成功率,能够应用到实际生产当中。研究结果可为盆间移栽领域自动化移栽机的研制与开发提供参考。  相似文献   

推进农业装备智能化能够有效解决农业劳动力短缺的问题。环境感知是农业装备智能化的首要条件。然而,农业环境的动态变化和非结构化特性限制了无人农机的环境感知能力。该文对无人农机的作业环境信息感知技术进行全面梳理,首先介绍了无人农机作业环境的典型要素和各类感知传感器,并分析了不同传感器的优缺点,然后分别从障碍物感知、作物行感知和农田边界及高程信息感知等方面,对无人农机作业环境信息感知技术进行归纳总结,最后讨论了无人农机作业环境信息感知技术面临的挑战及发展趋势,旨在推动环境感知技术在农业领域的应用,促进农业机械的智能化转型。  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄是河西地区主要优势特色产业之一。为进一步完善酿酒葡萄水肥一体化技术体系,以节水控肥、提质增效为目标,基于多年定位试验基础,采用室内野外结合、实验分析与综合调查结合等研究方法,从适用范围、规范性引用文件、术语和定义、产地气候环境条件、水肥一体化系统组成与设备安装、栽培技术、肥水管理、设施维护等方面规范了河西酿酒葡萄水肥一体化高效栽培技术。  相似文献   

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