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Summary A heat balance method for measuring sap flow in actively growing plants was tested on three potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Monona, Norchip and Atlantic. The method is based on applying a known heat source to the stem of an intact plant: by measuring the axial and radial heat dissipation the magnitude of sap flow can be quantified. The technique shows promise as 24 h accumulated sap flow measurements were highly correlated (r2=0.935, n=36) with gravimetric measurements of transpiration and produced an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 20 g d−1. The accuracy of the method improved as daily accumulated flow increased. Under low daily flow rates overall RMSE increased, supporting the need for a heat storage term in the heat balance equation. Short term flow rates were less significantly correlated (r2=0.764, n=1572) and produced an average RMSE of 2.89 g h−1. Identification of these short term flow rates during high flow periods may be difficult. The presence of water potential gradients and the likelihood of re-hydration during high flow events may have also affected the short term performance of the method. At low flow rates, many different errors may be introduced.  相似文献   

Summary Boron (B) requirements differ widely among plant species and the concentration range between toxicity and deficiency is less for B than for any other nutrient. Excess B can adversely affect calcium (Ca) uptake and plant growth. Potato cvs Bintje and Norland plantlets were micropropagated on Murashige & Skoog (MS) nutrient medium, supplemented with 3 (MS control level) or 9 mM Ca, and a range of H3BO3 levels (0.025 to 0.300 mM B). Medium B levels of 0.100 and 0.300 mM decreased Ca content in leaves and shoots of cv. Norland, but not Bintje. Medium B level of 0.025 mM, which is 25% of the control MS level, enhanced Ca uptake in cv. Norland and did not compromise normal plantlet growth in either cultivar. This lower H3BO3 level (0.025 mM B), and a B-free gelling agent such as Gelrite, could be used for micropropagation of potato and possibly other species susceptible to Ca defifiency disorders.  相似文献   

Summary The duration of dormancy of seed potatoes varies between years and between origins. Therefore, the effects of conditions during crop growth on dormancy of progeny tubers were studied. The effect of nitrogen during tuber bulking on the duration of dormancy was investigated in three field experiments with two cultivars. In addition to an application of 125 kg N/ha at planting, top dressings of 0–150 kg N/ha were given about 2 weeks after tuber initiation. Haulm was pulled about 4 weeks later. The effect of nitrogen rate at planting was also examined in one experiment. Nitrogen top dressings shortened dormancy in all experiments by 5–8 days. An increased nitrogen rate at planting resulted in a shorter dormancy when the duration of dormancy was expressed in days after tuber initiation, but not when it was expressed in days after haulm pulling, probably because extra nitrogen also delayed tuber initiation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of inorganic nitrogen nutrition on the induction and development of microtubers by cytokinin-induced tuberization was studied in four potato genotypes belonging to different maturity groups. The objective of this study was to investigate whether a reduction in total nitrogen level in the Murashige & Skoog medium would improve cytokinin-induced tuberization rate. The effect of three levels of total nitrogen (15, 30 and 45 meq) on tuberization was studied at constant (20 meq K) and varying potassium levels approximating to 5, 10 and 15 meq. Reducing the total nitrogen supply increased the number but decreased the size of nitrogen level on the rate of assimilate partitioning (harvest index) during cytokinin-induced microtuberization.  相似文献   

K. Scholte 《Potato Research》1989,32(3):367-376
Summary The effects of soil-borneRhizoctonia solani on yield and quality of potato were studied by an extensive individual plant sampling procedure. From 1983 to 1986, stem canker and stolon pruning were examined in 10 768 plants growing on a sandy soil. Tuber yield and quality and haulm yield per plant were also recorded. The degree of attack byR. solani depended on the cropping frequency of potato. Severe and very severe stem and stolon attacks decreased fresh yield, dry matter yield and dry matter content of tubers and increased the number of deformed and small tubers, whereas the effect on haulm yield and stem number was small. Potato cultivars differed in susceptibility toR. solani, but yield response did not differ significantly between cultivars at the same levels of stem and stolon infection.  相似文献   

Summary The susceptibility of 21 potato cultivars to leak (watery wound rot) caused byPythium aphanidermatum was compared. Whole tubers were inoculated after wounding by dipping into a water suspension of 103 oospores/ml and incubated for 3 days at 25°C. The mean penetration of tissue calculated from the recording of lesion width and depth and the qualitative assessment of rot extension were highly correlated. For 10 of 12 cultivars tested at least twice, consistent reactions were obtained: cvs Korrigane. Superstar, Safrane and Yesmina were moderately susceptible, whereas Atlas, Diamant, Mondial, Obélix, Spunta and Timate were susceptible to highly susceptible. Tubers originated from two locations and/or two cropping seasons: thus, the performance of these cultivars under different production conditions reveals a satisfactory level of agreement with the test. Moreover, ratings assigned are supported by field or store observations.  相似文献   

Summary Pot and field experiments were carried out to test fertilizer treatments on the behaviour of potato tubers stores at 4°C and ≥90% relative humidity for 6 months. Weight losses (separated into water and dry matter) were enhanced after N and K fertilization and decreased by increasing P supply. Glucose and fructose contents were reduced at harvest by high N-fertilizer rates compared to no or low fertilization, but throughout storage reducing sugar accumulation was increased, sucrose reduction was decreased and ascorbic acid was increased. K fertilization affected the chemical composition of the tubers somewhat similar to that of nitrogen fertilization. High initial nitrate content of the tubers seemed to be increased and low nitrate values were decreased during storage. The tubers from pot experiments showed similar changes but of greater magnitude.  相似文献   

Summary Potato cultivars Chieftain and Kennebec were prewarmed at 70°C for 15 min. prior to heating at 100°C for 18 min. in a water bath. Chieftain exhibited a large increase in fracturability upon treatment while Kennebec showed a smaller increase. Pectic substances of the two cultivars were sequentially extracted in water, sodium hexametaphosphate (0.5%), hydrochloric acid (0.05M, 50°C), and sodium hydroxide (0.05M, 5°C). The largest fraction isolated from both cultivars consisted of hydroxide-soluble pectic substances, and was followed by the acid-soluble fraction. Chieftain contained significantly greater amounts of the hydroxide-soluble fraction than Kennebec. Ion exchange chromatography revealed that the extracted pectic substances from the two major fractions consisted of a charged pectin chain with attached neutral sugars. Gel filtration chromatography revealed wide molecular size distributions for the isolated pectic substances. Pectic neutral sugar content for the hydroxide-soluble fraction (50% of total pectic substances) was greater for Chieftain than for Kennebec.  相似文献   

Summary The severity of late blight tuber rot in five potato cultivars (Green Mountain, Sebago, Dorita, AC Brador and Island Sunshine) resulting from inoculation with US-1/US-8 combinations of Canadian isolates ofPhytophthora infestans was evaluated. In addition, the potential for mixed (A1∶A2) inoculations to result in oospore formation was examined. In studies conducted in 1996 and 1997, cv. Dorita (and Island Sunshine in 1997) developed the least amount of surface or internal necrosis relative to the other cultivars following co-inoculation with US-1 and US-8 isolates ofP. infestans. Differences also were revealed among isolate combinations used for inoculation. The combination of a US-1 isolate from Prince Edward Island with a US-8 isolate from New Brunswick consistently produced the least amount of necrosis in tubers of the various cultivars. There was no evidence of oospore production in any of the tubers examined. AAFC Contribution No. 919  相似文献   

Summary Potato tuber glycoalkaloid content was measured in response to nitrogen fertilizer rate, storage temperature, length of storage period and cultivar. Cvs Gemchip, Norchip and Russet Burbank were grown with applied nitrogen fertilizer rates of 0, 168 or 336 kg/ha and then stored at either 4.4 or 10°C. Total glycoalkaloid content was determined one month before harvest, at harvest, after three months of storage and after nine months of storage. Higher rates of nitrogen, higher storage temperature and a period of storage all resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher concentration of glycoalkaloids. The cv Norchip had higher glycoalkaloids than cvs Gemchip or Russet Burbank. Only the storage period had more influence than the environment (difference between years). Significant (P<0.05) two-way interactions were detected for year x cultivar, year x nitrogen, storage period x cultivar and nitrogen x cultivar. Most interactions were due to the unique responses of cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary In physiologically young plants (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Sebago), abscisic acid (ABA) and chlorethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCC) promoted tuberization at day/night temperatures of 32°/18°C, but not at 32°/28°C, in contrast to earlier experiments with physiologically old plants. Disbudding promoted tuberization at both temperatures. These results suggest that physiologically young plants have a greater capacity for increased gibberelling synthesis in the buds at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary Powdery scab incidence and severity was examined on six potato cultivars planted at two different dates in a naturally infested field. There were two sub-plots; one where seed was exposed prior to planting to spores ofSpongospora subterranea from scabby peels, which were then added to the furrow at planting, and another where seed was exposed only to natural inoculum within the field. The later planting data reduced incidence and severity, but there were no differences between sub-plots. All cultivars became infected, but ‘Rosa’ was the most susceptible and ‘Katahdin’ the most resistant. Contribution No. 1720, Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. Authorized for publication September 22, 1988 as Journal Series Paper No. 8007.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty seven cultivars of potato were screened for common scab grown in a commercial field in two successive years (1996–97 and 1997–98). Eight cultivars were least susceptible and the others ranged from medium susceptible to very highly susceptible. None of the cultivars was resistant. Most showed a stable resistance reaction in both years.  相似文献   

Summary Solanum tuberosum potato cultivars with differing levels of resistance to dry rot caused byFusarium sulphureum were hybridised in a half diallel crossing programme. Glasshouse grown tubers from true seedlings and field-grown tubers of the resulting progenies were assessed for their resistance toF. sulphureum. Statistical analysis revealed differences between the progenies forF. sulphureum resistance on both field and glasshouse grown tubers. On the field grown tubers, differences between progenies were due to differences in the general combining ability (GCA) of the parents. Parental phenotypes and GCA values were highly correlated. Overall. GCA was consistent for resistance or susceptibility, and glasshouse grown progenies showed a good correlation for GCA between years (r=0.85***), and with the results of the field grown progenies (r=0.61* in 1998 and r=0.69** in 1999). It appears that resistance toF. sulphureum is heritable, and that this heritability is better assessed on field grown rather than glasshouse grown tubers, although the two are largely in agreement.  相似文献   

L. Mol  K. Scholte 《Potato Research》1995,38(2):151-157
Summary In four pot experiments, potato plants of cv. Element were artificially infected withV. dahliae. At an early and a late harvest haulms were killed chemically, by burning or by various other treatments, including cutting them into pieces of different lengths and keeping the debris on the soil surface or covering with soil. After 4 weeks the plant material was air-dried and the number of microsclerotia per mg was determined. At the early harvest, in two experiments, the chemical treatment yielded more microsclerotia than the cutting treatments. Covering colonised haulm tissue with non-sterilised soil was effective in inhibiting microsclerotia formation. Shorter haulm pieces led to fewer microsclerotia at the later harvest if the material was kept on the soil surface. The variation in microsclerotial yield and in treatment effects among the different experiments was large.  相似文献   

Summary Potatoes were irrigated at three growth stages: (1) planting-stolon initiation. (2) stolon initiation-tuber bulking, and (3) tuber bulking, when available soil water dropped to 25%, 50% and 75%, bringing it up to field capacity; and irrigation ceased 0, 10 and 20 days before maturity. Significant increases in specific gravity, dry matter, starch content, chip yield and significant decreases in protein content and oil absorption rate of chips were observed due to the frequent irrigation at growth stages 1 and 2. No significant effect on chip colour was attributed to irrigation during the early growth stages. Frequent irrigations at the final growth stage were found to have deleterious effects on specific gravity, dry matter, starch content and chip yield especially when irrigation continued until maturity.  相似文献   

Summary Field-grown potato plants of cvs King Edward, Record, Maris Piper and Désirée were inoculated on seven different dates during the growing season of 1987 and 1988 with either potato virus YO (PVYO) or PVYN, using three viruliferous peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae) per plant. In each cultivar, the proportion of progeny tubers infected with PVYO or PVYN was high in plants inoculated during the four weeks following emergence, the proportion declining to zero or close to zero in the subsequent 4–6 wks.  相似文献   

Summary Trials were carried out in two years on a sandy loam and on a heavy clay soil with two cultivars to examine the potential of chloride fertilization as a tool to reduce blackspot susceptibility of potatoes and to investigate other effects on yield and quality. Blackspot susceptibility was significantly reduced in cv. Marijke, but not in cv. Bintje as a result of increasing doses of applied chloride from 0 to 400 kg ha1. Dry matter concentration, assessed as under-water weight, was reduced by chloride in both cultivars at the two locations. Fry colour of French fries was improved by chloride. Applying 400 kg ha−1 Cl to both soil types decreased net tuber yield >35 mm of cv. Bintje but not of cv. Marijke. Chloride caused slower emergence, retarded crop development and less stems per plant on the sandy loam soil but not on the heavy clay soil.  相似文献   

D. Levy 《Potato Research》1986,29(1):95-107
Summary The effects of high temperatures and water deficit on potatoes were investigated under field conditions. Nine cultivars and one un-named seedling were grown in the spring and in the summer under high temperatures. In both seasons the cultivars were grown under 3 water regimes: adequate water supply, moderate water deficit, and severe water deficit that were achieved by a modification of the single line source sprinkler irrigation system. Severe drought reduced tuber yields in both seasons. Moderate tolerance to a moderate water deficit in the spring season was exhibited by Draga, Désirée, and Monalisa. Late and intermediate cultivars produced high tuber yields in the spring season, and early cultivars had relatively smaller yield losses in the summer. The extent of tuber disorders, sprouting, rotting and malformation, varied considerably. High temperatures enhanced sprouting, rotting and malformation and drought may enhance sprouting and malformation. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Technical Assistance Department, Netherlands.  相似文献   

Summary The growth and duration of crop leaf area determines the amount of solar radiation intercepted by the canopy and therefore influences the extent of photosynthesis, evaporation, transpiration and final dry matter yield. The objective of this study was to develop cultivar specific relationships to estimate the daily leaf area index (LAI) for the potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) that included the effects of available soil water. The model is divided into three LAI growth stages, the durations of which are partially related to potato heat units (PHU). The LAI in the first stage is estimated from a cultivar specific leaf area-based radiation use efficiency index with a soil water reduction factor. The second stage involves the maintenance of a constant LAI with the duration related to both PHU and a soil water index that can accelerate senescence. The final stage includes a decrease in the LAI from a maximum to zero in response to a cultivar specific PHU accumulation. Model simulations compared favourably with independent LAI measurements obtained with a LI-COR plant canopy analyzer over two seasons.  相似文献   

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