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This study was conducted to examine the effect of insulin on lipid metabolism of adipocytes during pregnancy and lactation in ewes. During the first 3 mo of pregnancy, metabolism of adipocytes from omental adipose tissue was characterized by a high rate of de novo lipogenesis (90 to 125 nmol of acetate incorporated into lipids.2 h-1.10(6) cells-1) and a 38% reduction in response to beta-lipolytic stimulus (isoproterenol 10(-6) M). Simultaneously, there was a rise in the number of high-affinity insulin receptors (Kd = .2 nM), and insulin binding characteristics showed a decrease in the negative cooperativity phenomenon. Moreover, lipogenesis stimulated by insulin (1 mU/ml) increased in comparison with observations in nonpregnant ewes. The last third of pregnancy and early lactation were characterized by a marked fall in lipogenesis and a simultaneous increase in isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis. During lactation, the number of total insulin receptors was decreased by 62% and insulin stimulation of lipogenesis became inefficient. Results suggest that insulin plays a direct role in adipose tissue metabolism during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Because this laboratory has been able to demonstrate only a small and somewhat inconsistent stimulation of glucose metabolism by insulin in porcine adipose tissue in vitro, the tissue was preincubated with insulin to attempt to enhance the hormone effect. Preincubation with or without insulin did not increase insulin stimulation. Furthermore, insulin did not stimulate triacylglycerol biosynthesis. Adrenergic hormones stimulated lipolysis in porcine adipose tissue in vitro. Several analogs of norepinephrine incubated with porcine adipose tissue in vitro did not inhibit glucose incorporation into CO2 or total lipids, in contrast to inhibition observed in adipose tissue from other species. Isoproterenol inhibited glycerol-3-phosphate incorporation into lipids; the maximal inhibition was 50% for the initial stages of the pathway. Palmitate incorporation into lipids also was inhibited 50% by isoproterenol but this may have been an artifact. Preincubation of adipose tissue, with no exogenous hormone, might decrease the concentration of endogenous adrenergic hormones and thus make the tissue more responsive to exogenous adrenergic hormones. Preincubation of porcine adipose tissue did not consistently lower the basal lipolytic rate but enhanced the stimulated lipolytic rate; the mechanism is not known. These experiments provide no evidence that preincubation is beneficial to measurement of lipolysis or glucose metabolism in porcine adipose tissue in vitro.  相似文献   

Leucine metabolism in comparison to glucose, and with substrate and insulin supplementation, were studied in bovine adipose tissue slices obtained from the tailhead region. In addition, leucine metabolism by isolated adipocytes in a Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate (KRB) buffer was compared to metabolism in Medium-199. Slices oxidized leucine and incorporated the amino acid into cellular protein and lipid, though at much lower rates than for glucose. Glucose addition increased leucine oxidation and its incorporation into lipid but did not affect protein synthesis. Insulin, up to 100 ng/ml, had no effect. Isolated cells convened a higher proportion of the leucine utilized to lipid, and less to protein, than did slices. Absolute rates of oxidation and lipid synthesis were lower, and protein synthesis higher, for Medium-199 than for KRB. Of the total leucine utilized, conversion to lipid represented the largest percentage in both buffers. Insulin had no effect in either buffer system. Bovine adipose tissue, the major site of fatty acid synthesis in this species, was found to both oxidize leucine, and utilize the amino acid for synthesis of cellular components. The isolated adipocyte, free of connective tissue, directs this “ketogenic” amino acid primarily towards lipid synthesis, by mechanisms which appear to be insulin insensitive in the adult bovine, as studied under short-term, in-vitro conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of dietary cimaterol (5 mg/kg) on adipose tissue metabolism of wether lambs were studied. Lipogenesis, lipolysis, fatty acid composition and adipocyte size and number were measured. Cimaterol feeding increased lipogenesis; however, this effect was not statistically significant. Insulin (1,000 microU/ml) stimulated lipogenesis of adipose tissue from control sheep. However, this elevated rate was abolished by in vitro cimaterol. Insulin had no stimulatory effect on lipogenesis in cimaterol-fed sheep. Lipolysis was depressed by cimaterol feeding. However, 10(-4) M cimaterol stimulated lipolysis in the adipose tissue from both control and cimaterol-fed sheep. Insulin inhibited stimulated lipolysis in adipose tissue from control sheep but had no effect on the stimulated lipolysis in cimaterol-fed sheep. Mean adipocyte diameter was smaller (from 74 to 70 microns) and adipocyte size distribution also was changed in the cimaterol-fed sheep. Adipocyte number per gram of tissue was not affected by cimaterol. There was a significant increase in percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in adipose tissue from cimaterol-fed sheep. These results indicate that lipogenic and lipolytic responses to insulin and cimaterol in sheep adipose tissue were altered by cimaterol feeding. The carcass fat content decrease in cimaterol-fed sheep may be attributed to the reduction in adipocyte size.  相似文献   

Pregnancy and lactation are periods of significant influence on bone metabolism that has not been investigated in equines. To examine the influence of late pregnancy and lactation on bone metabolism in mares, the changes in the blood serum/plasma total calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphates (Pi), pyridinoline (Pyd) and 17β-estradiol (E2) concentration and the bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) activity were investigated. The samples were taken from 11 mares on 60 ± 10 and 20 ± 10 days before foaling, and 20 ± 10 and 60 ± 10 days after foaling. The concentration/activity of Ca, Pi, Pyd and BAP increased significantly in early lactation, but the Pyd than decreased in the 4th period. A significant correlation was observed between the E2 and bone metabolism parameters. The results indicate low maintenance of normocalcaemia with reduced bone synthesis in late pregnancy and prove the role of estradiol in bone metabolism in mares during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

We conducted several experiments to better understand the relationship between brown adipose tissue (BAT) metabolism and thermogenesis. In Exp. 1, we examined perirenal (brown) and sternum s.c. adipose tissue in 14 Wagyu x Angus neonates infused with norepinephrine (NE). Perirenal adipocytes contained numerous large mitochondria with well-differentiated cristae; sternum s.c. adipocytes contained a few, small mitochondria, with poorly developed cristae. Lipogenesis from acetate was high in BAT but barely detectable in sternum s.c. adipose tissue. In Exp. 2, we compared perirenal and tailhead adipose tissues between NE-infused Angus (n = 6) and Brahman (n = 7) newborn calves. Brahman BAT contained two-to-three times as many total beta-receptors as Angus BAT. The mitochondrial UCP1:28S rRNA ratio was greater in Brahman BAT than in BAT from Angus calves. Lipogenesis from acetate and glucose again was high, but lipogenesis from palmitate was barely detectable. Tail-head s.c. adipose tissue from both breed types contained adipocytes with distinct brown adipocyte morphology. In Exp. 3, three fetuses of each breed type were taken at 96, 48, 24, 14, and 6 d before expected parturition, and at parturition. Lipogenesis from acetate and glucose in vitro decreased 97% during the last 96 d of gestation in both breed types, whereas the UCP1 gene expression tripled during gestation in both breed types. At birth, palmitate esterification was twice as high in Angus than in Brahman BAT and was at least 100-fold higher than in BAT from NE-infused calves from Exp. 2. Uncoupling protein-1 mRNA was readily detectable in tailhead s.c. adipose tissue in all fetal samples. In Exp. 4, male Brahman and Angus calves (n = 5 to 7 per group) were assigned to 1) newborn treatment (15 h of age), 2) 48 h of warm exposure (22 degrees C) starting at 15 h of age, or 3) 48 h of cold exposure (4 degrees C) starting at 15 h of age. Brahman BAT adipocytes shrank with cold exposure, whereas Angus BAT adipocytes did not. Similarly, BAT from neonatal lambs (Exp. 5; n = 6 per group) was depleted of lipid in response to cold exposure, although UCP1 gene expression persisted. In Exp. 4, NE stimulated lipogenesis from palmitate in BAT incubated in vitro. Lipogenesis from palmitate was higher in Angus than in Brahman BAT, and increased with both warm and cold exposure. These studies suggest that BAT from Brahman calves may be exhausted of lipid shortly after birth during times of cold exposure.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to clarify the effects of coumestrol administration to maternal mice during pregnancy and lactation on serum Ca and Ca metabolism in their neonatal mice. From 6.5 to 16.5 days post coitus and from 3 to 10 days after parturition, maternal mice were administered at 200 µg/kg body weight/day of coumestrol. Coumestrol administration did not affect weight gains, serum Ca and the expression of vitamin D receptor (VDR) protein in the kidney of neonatal mice, but weight gains of maternal mice were decreased by coumestrol administration. Coumestrol administration increased the messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of epithelial Ca channels 1 (ECaC1) and VDR in the kidney of neonatal mice, and also increased the mRNA expressions of ECaC2 in the kidney and small intestine of male neonatal mice. The mRNA expressions of ECaC1, ECaC2, calbindin‐D9k (CaBP‐9k) and estrogen receptor (ER)α in the kidney and VDR in the small intestine of male neonatal mice were higher than those of female mice. Thus, coumestrol administration to maternal mice during pregnancy and lactation may affect renal Ca metabolism in neonatal mice, especially male neonatal mice via maternal milk.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate biological variables that influence fat accretion in growing ram lambs. Carcass composition and adipose tissue development were measured in Columbia-sired ram lambs from 32.0 to 73.9 kg body weight. Five or six ram lambs were slaughtered every 2 mo, from 4 to 10 mo of age. The percentage of carcass fat-free dry matter decreased with age from 30.9 to 27.5% (P less than .05), while the percentage of carcass fat increased from 17.7 to 33.4%. Similarly, offal fat-free dry matter decreased with age (from 24.5 to 21.5), and there was nearly a threefold increase in the percentage of offal fat (P less than .05 for both measures). Subcutaneous adipocyte diameter and lipogenesis in vitro increased from 4 to 6 mo of age, and did not increase further with age. A bimodal distribution of adipocytes was apparent in the 4-mo-old lambs, but was not observed in any other age group. The presence of glucose in incubation media stimulated acetate incorporation into fatty acids in vitro in adipose tissue from 8- and 10-mo-old lambs. However, glucose did not affect the rate of lipogenesis from lactate. The data indicate early, rapid increases in carcass fat accretion, which corresponded to similar increases in lipogenesis and lipogenic enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Substantial losses of skeletal tissue occur during late pregnancy and lactation. The goal of the present study was to follow these changes in pregnant and lactating goats and sheep, compare these two species during their second lactation, and also compare the results to the first lactation. Blood samples were collected from 12 adult dairy goats (Saanen goat) and sheep (Ostfriesen milk sheep) monthly during gestation, 2 or 3 days postpartum (pp), 2 weeks pp, 4 weeks pp, and then monthly during lactation until 7 months after parturition. Total bone mineral content (BMC) and total bone mineral density (BMD) were quantified using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) at the same intervals as the blood was taken. Bone resorption was assessed in serum using two different domains of the carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP and crosslaps). Bone formation was quantified in serum with osteocalcin (OC) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bAP). In addition, Ca and 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (VITD) were determined in serum. The same procedure was done during the first and second gestation and lactation. Mean ICTP and crosslaps concentrations of the two animal species showed an increase in the last month of gestation. In contrast, mean OC concentrations decreased slowly from the 2nd month of pregnancy until the first week pp. Also mean bAP activities showed a similar time course. Total BMC and BMD decreased until the first week pp in both species. Afterwards, BMC increased again during lactation. BMD levels of sheep and goats returned to prepartum levels during lactation. Vitamin D concentrations peaked in the first week pp. Only VITD concentrations in goats stayed elevated compared with prepartum values throughout the whole lactation during the second lactation. Around parturition and at the beginning of lactation, the bone resorptive phase of bone remodelling is accelerated, but is uncoupled from the process of bone formation. The mineral decrease in bone of these lactating animals seems to be reversible. Since during lactation, bone remodelling has bone resorption and formation phases tightly coupled. Interestingly, in these species, the bone loss in the second pregnancy and lactation measured with BMC and BMD is not as prominent as in the first lactation, but shows almost the same course, although the animals gave more milk in the second lactation. It seems that the organism adapts to the circumstances more easily in the second lactation compared to the first lactation in these two species.  相似文献   

A total of 64 gilts initially weighing 120 kg were used to evaluate body composition occurring during pregnancy and lactation. All animals were fed a 14% protein corn-soybean meal diet. Eight gilts were slaughtered each at breeding, 57 and 105 d postcoitum and at 5 and 25 d postpartum, with a corresponding number of nongravid females killed at similar periods except at 5 d postpartum. Chemical composition of the empty body (ingesta-free) and maternal body (empty body minus reproductive products) was determined. Gravid gilts were heavier with larger quantities of water, protein and fat than nongravid gilts by the termination of pregnancy, but these differences were attributable to the products of conception. After the reproductive tissue components were subtracted, no indication of pregnancy anabolism was evident. Hydration in gravid swine was evident at 105 d postcoitum but was attributed to the higher water contribution from conceptus products, not maternal tissue. Maternal body fat appeared to fluctuate during gestation and lactation, whereas body protein and ash content were less affected. Both the empty body and maternal body contained approximately 83.5% protein and 16.5% ash when expressed on a fat-free dry basis, suggesting that compositional changes during reproduction largely reflect water and fat content changes in the dam's body. Carcass measurements generally reflected body compositional data.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨饲料添加酵母培养物对泌乳早期至中期初产和经产水牛泌乳性能、养分消化及血液代谢指标的影响。试验选择平均体重为(520.4±10.5)kg的水牛24头,随机分为2组,每组12头,每个重复1头。对照组饲喂全混合日粮,处理组在对照组日粮基础上添加12 g/kg酵母培养物,试验从分娩后15~180 d开始,记录采食量、体重和产奶量,并收集乳样本和血液样本进行分析。收集泌乳期早期45~47 d、泌乳期中期90~92 d的粪便,测定干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质、粗纤维表观消化率,计算能量校正乳、饲料转化率、能量和氮利用效率。结果显示,酵母培养物组水牛较对照组提高了干物质和粗蛋白质的采食量(P <0.05)。与对照组相比,处理组泌乳中期干物质和有机物表观消化率显著提高(P <0.05)。初产组水牛日粮添加酵母培养物较对照组显著提高了泌乳中期水牛粗纤维表观消化率(P <0.05)。添加酵母培养物后,总血脂水平显著降低(P <0.05),此外,酵母培养物处理组显著提高了初产水牛的产奶量、能量校正乳、脂肪和蛋白质产量(P <0.05)。结论:酵母培养物对水牛的影响与胎次有关,酵母培养物可以提高经产水牛干物质摄入量和粗纤维消化率,但对体重无显著影响,从而使能量校正乳产量更高,脂肪动员更少。日粮添加酵母培养物可以增加水牛泌乳早期的产奶量,并一直延续到泌乳中期,最终提高饲料转化率、能量和氮的利用效率。  相似文献   

肌肉生长抑制素调控肌肉和脂肪组织代谢的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN),又名生长分化因子-8(growth differentiation factor 8,GDF-8),是一种主要由骨骼肌分泌的蛋白质,在肌肉生长发育过程中起负调控作用。若MSTN基因编码区碱基突变或缺失,可以导致肌肉异常肥大,出现典型的"双肌"性状。近年来研究还发现,MSTN在脂肪组织中也表达,并在脂肪沉积的过程中发挥重要调控作用。因此,本文将从MSTN的基因结构、组织分布、作用机制以及功能等几个方面的相关研究进展进行综述,重点阐述其在肌肉和脂肪组织中的调控作用及机制,以期更深入了解MSTN,为畜牧业新品种的改良和肉质性状的改善奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

The concentrations of carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), osteocalcin (OCN), parathyroid hormone (PTH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) were measured in the blood serum of two age groups of mares during late pregnancy (70–50 days before foaling), during early lactation and at the peak of lactation (10–30 and 55–80 days after foaling, respectively). During late pregnancy, the PTH was higher in older (8–19 years old), compared to younger animals (3.5–4 years old) (P < 0.05). The OCN was higher in younger group during late pregnancy (P < 0.05). IGF-I was higher in the younger group during early lactation, in comparison to late pregnancy and the peak of lactation (P < 0.05). IGF-I did not differ between two age groups of mares. The results indicate on the differences in adaptation of bone metabolism to late pregnancy and lactation in older animals, in comparison to younger animals, reflected by elevated PTH secretion.  相似文献   

Somatotropin and adipose tissue metabolism: substrate and temporal effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of these studies was to determine the time course for changes in feed intake, blood metabolites, and lipogenic activity in adipose tissue in response to the initiation of porcine somatotropin (pST) treatment and following withdrawal from treatment in barrows. An initial study was conducted to determine the impact of chronic pST treatment (4 wk of daily injection; 0 vs 4 mg/d) on adipose tissue lipid metabolism in barrows (initial weight 67 kg). Feed efficiency was improved 27%, backfat thickness was decreased 43%, and glucose and lactate oxidation and incorporation into lipid in adipose tissue was reduced 70 to 86% in pST-treated pigs. Palmitate esterification was decreased 44%, whereas palmitate oxidation was unaffected. In vitro metabolism of lactate, glucose, and palmitate in liver slices was not affected by pST treatment. The time-course for changes in intake and adipose tissue metabolism in response to 7 d of pST (0 vs 4 mg/d) treatment and 7 d of withdrawal was examined in subsequent studies in barrows (initial weight 75 kg). Feed intake during pST treatment was significantly (P < .05) less than in control pigs within 24 h of the initiation of treatment and remained low through 3 d after withdrawal. Adipose tissue biopsies were obtained on d 0, 1, 2, 4, and 7 of the treatment phase and on d 2, 4, and 7 after withdrawal from 7 d of treatment. Maximal inhibition of lipogenesis by pST treatment in adipose tissue in vitro was observed on d 4 (-68%) and d 7 (-69%). Similarly, fatty acid synthase activity declined during the treatment period, with the greatest change noted on d 7 (-26%). After withdrawal from treatment, lipogenesis gradually increased, returning to control values 7 d after withdrawal. Levels of IGF-I began to increase from d 1 to d 7 of treatment, continually decreased during withdrawal, and were normalized by the end of the withdrawal period. Plasma urea nitrogen concentrations decreased during treatment, increased during the withdrawal phase, and were normalized 4 d after the last pST treatment. Overall results indicate that most of the metabolic changes in response to pST occur within 1 wk of treatment and return to pretreatment values after 7 d of withdrawal from treatment.  相似文献   

Human acylation-stimulating protein (hASP) up-regulates triacylglycerol synthesis in human adipocytes. The objectives of this research were 1) to determine the effect of hASP on triacylglycerol synthesis in bovine adipose explants and 2) to determine whether nutritional status influences the sensitivity of adipose tissue to hASP. Fresh s.c. adipose tissue was sectioned into 20- to 30-mg explants and incubated for 1 to 6 h in M199 media containing 3% BSA and either 0.75 mM [1-14C]palmitate, 0.75 mM [9, 10-3H]oleate, or 2.5 mM [1-14C] acetate, as well as hASP and(or) insulin. The explants were extracted, and lipid fractions were separated by TLC and quantified by liquid scintillation. Acetate incorporation into lipids increased 15 to 30%, and palmitate or oleate incorporation increased 10 to 25%, when explants were exposed to hASP, although this response was not significant in every experiment. Insulin increased triacylglycerol synthesis in some experiments, but not in others. Our interpretation is that acylation-stimulating protein (ASP) can mildly enhance triacylglycerol synthesis in bovine adipose tissue. To fulfill the second objective, nine 9-mo-old steers were housed individually for two periods of 3 wk each. During the first period, four of the nine steers were fed to 50% of NEm requirement and the other five consumed the same diet ad libitum. After the first period, all steers consumed feed ad libitum for 2 wk and were assigned the opposite ration for the second period. Steers gained 40.5 kg BW when allowed ad libitum access to feed but lost 30.2 kg BW when feed intake was restricted (SE = 7.84; P < 0.01). At the end of each period, s.c. adipose tissue was sectioned into explants and incubated as described above. Four explants per steer per period were used to test effects of insulin (0 and 1 nM) and hASP (0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 microM). Insulin did not influence incorporation of acetate or oleate. Acetate incorporation (P < 0.32) was 0.99, 1.03, 1.04, and 1.10 nmol x mg(-1) h(-1) (SE = 0.13) and oleate incorporation (P < 0.01) was 0.347, 0.357, 0.353, and 0.420 nmol x mg(-1)h(-1) (SE = 0.022) for 0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 microM hASP, respectively. Feed restriction reduced (P < 0.01) acetate and oleate incorporation by 95 and 40%, respectively. No interactions among feed intake, insulin, and hASP were detected. In conclusion, the effect of hASP on fatty acid esterification is not influenced by feed restriction.  相似文献   

Bovine subcutaneous adipose tissue slices were incubated with 10 mM [U--14C] acetate in the absence and presence of 2 mM glucose, 10 mM lactate and 33 mU insulin/ml. The incorporation of acetate into fatty acids was stimulated significantly by glucose and lactate, but not by insulin. The concentration of glycolytic intermediates was measured in tissue slices incubated in vitro with the same substrate combinations. Glucose significantly increased the cellular content of glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate, but had no effect on any other glycolytic intermediate. Under certain conditions, acetate and lactate tended to decrease the monophosphorylated hexoses and increase certain triose phosphates, indicating increased flux through phosphofructokinase. Insulin generally had no effect on metabolite levels. The data indicate that phosphofructokinase has a key regulatory role in controlling glycolytic flux in bovine adipose tissue incubated in vitro. The data did not indicate regulatory roles for hexokinase or insulin.  相似文献   

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