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The geriatric patient presents an anesthetic challenge due to the physiologic alterations that occur during aging. The geriatric patient usually has an increased number of disease processes and does not possess the functional organ reserve capabilities compared to a younger patient. The geriatric patient seems more susceptible to the cardiopulmonary depressant effects of the preanesthetic and anesthetic agents in common use and, due to decreased hepatic function and other factors, may have a delayed recovery from these drugs. The preanesthetic and anesthetic drugs chosen for a geriatric patient will depend on that particular patient's physiologic status, the procedure to be done, and the experience of the veterinarian. Adequate fluid and monitoring support should always be provided for the geriatric patient.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews physiologic changes that may occur with aging in equine patients. It summarizes anesthetic protocols and problems encountered in a group of older horses (> 20 years old) anesthetized over the previous 10 years in the teaching hospital and makes recommendations for appropriate management of these patients.  相似文献   

The popularity of amphibians in research, zoological exhibits, and as pets is on the rise. With this increased popularity comes a need for veterinarians to develop methods for managing these animals for various diagnostic and surgical procedures. For many of these procedures, the provision of anesthesia is a must. Fortunately, there are a number of different anesthetics available to the veterinary clinician for anesthetizing amphibians, including tricaine methanesulfonate, clove oil, propofol, isoflurane, and ketamine. In addition to the variety of anesthetics at our disposal, there is also a wider range of methods for delivering the anesthetics than are generally available for higher vertebrates, including immersion, topical, and intracoelomic routes of delivery. The purpose of this article is to review the different methods that can be used to successfully manage an amphibian patient through an anesthetic event.  相似文献   

Equine dentistry should no longer be thought of as art over science. To be an effective equine dental clinician requires considerable investment in knowledge beyond the basic veterinary degree. It requires current scientific dental knowledge and adherence to the fundamental principles of medicine, dentistry, and surgery. Knowledge and principles will provide clinicians with the necessary information to make more evidence-based decisions as the scientific literature continues to evolve. Diagnosis and therapy should be seen as journeys with a destination, keeping in mind the values of the Hippocratic oath. Equine dentistry no longer needs to be seen as hard physical work with considerable risk to all involved. There is a demand for providers of equine dental care to be appropriately trained veterinarians and for veterinarians to further develop the science of equine dentistry. The rewards to the horse, client, and clinician are likely to be evident to those who make the investment.  相似文献   

Anesthesia, sedation, and pain management should be taken seriously in the emergency patient. Proper knowledge of the drugs available and their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are necessary to administer anesthesia safely to critical patients. A proactive approach regarding monitoring, titration of anesthetic drugs, and anticipation of life-threatening complications helps in achieving successful anesthetic outcomes.  相似文献   

Six normal, healthy horses age 3-10 years underwent left and right thoracoscopic examination using a rigid telescope. A minimum of 30 days was allowed between procedures. Horses were restrained in stocks and sedated with a continuous detomidine infusion. After surgical preparation of the hemithorax elected for surgery, and administration of local or regional anaesthesia of the surgery sites, thoracoscopy was completed during two 15 min pneumothorax periods. During the procedures, the thoracic structures were viewed using a 57 cm, 10 mm diameter, 30 degrees rigid telescope connected to a digital camcorder to allow computer capture of digital images. The telescope was inserted into the thoracic cavity via 3 different intercostal spaces. The 8th, 10th and 12th intercostal spaces were randomly selected and used among horses. The exploration of each hemithorax started from the dorsal-caudal quadrant continued toward the cranial thorax and was completed by observing the diaphragmatic and caudal pulmonary region. Collapsed lung, aorta, oesophagus and diaphragm were viewed readily in either hemithorax. On exploration of the right hemithorax, the azygos vein, thoracic duct and pulmonary veins were also identified. Horses tolerated thoracoscopy well. Signs of discomfort, such as increased respiratory rate, coughing and decreased level of sedation, were associated with lung collapse in one horse, with pneumothorax on 2 occasions, and when the thorax was approached through the 8th intercostal space. Surgery performed via the 8th intercostal space was hindered by the rigidity of the 8th and 9th ribs, and by the presence of a greater musculature, which did not allow easy cranial and caudal movements of the telescope.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually affects cats. The overall cardiac dysfunction associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy relates to a decrease in diastolic function. Anesthetic regimens that minimize increases in heart rate and stress-related catecholamine release are desirable. Patients with dilative cardiomyopathy can present asymptomatic or in congestive heart failure. The overall myocardial defect is a depression of systolic function. An anesthetic regimen that minimizes myocardial depression is essential.  相似文献   


Madam:– It has been that time of year again when people go away on holiday and their animals go away to boarding establishments. Unfortunately it has also been the time of year when we as vaccine manufacturers are on the receiving end of critical comments about the veterinary profession from owners of cats and catteries.  相似文献   

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