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Zusammenfassung Von den Faktoren, die zur Winterfestigkeit der Gersten beitragen, wird die Frostresistenz untersucht. Dazu wird ein Verfahren des künstlichen Gefrierens im Kältegewächshaus ausführlich beschrieben.Mit Hilfe dieses Verfahrens wurden aus dem Material des Gaterslebener Wintergerstensortiments bisher 367 Zucht- und Landsorten untersucht. Nach Vergleich mit fünf aus früheren Untersuchungen zur Verfügung stehenden Standardsorten ließen sich diese Sorten in entsprechende Resistenzgruppen einordnen. Die Sorten mit guter Frostresistenz sind Albert (Frankreich), Almerfelder, Dominator, Hellmann und Teilhaber, Schwarze Wintergerste (Deutschland), Kostek, Kujawiak, lski II (Polen), Mozdokskij Mestnij, Odesskij 17 (Sowjetunion) und eine Herkunft vom Peloponnes. Der Verlauf ihrer Frostresistenz während des Winters wird im einzelnen charakterisiert. Die 103 Sorten mit mittlerer Frostresistenz sind einzeln aufgeführt (Tabelle 4).Die Möglichkeiten dieses Verfahrens für eine umfassende Beurteilung der Frostresistenz werden diskutiert, ebenso das Problem der Züchtung winterfesterer Gersten.
Summary The frost-hardiness of barley, one of the several factors causing winter-hardiness, has been studied by artificial freezing in a cooled greenhouse. The method is described in detail.Out of the Gatersleben collection 367 varieties and land-races of winter barley were tested. This material was grouped, in comparison to standard varieties, into corresponding classes of frost-resistance according to the degree of plant injury. Varieties with high frost-resistance are Albert (France), Almerfelder, Dominator, Hellmann und Teilhaber, Schwarze Wintergerste (Germany), Kostek, Kujawiak, lski II (Poland), Mozdokskij Mestnij, Odesskij 17 (Sowjet-Union) and one land-race from Peloponnesus. Their reaction to frost-resistance during the winter is described in detail. Further 103 varieties, listed in table 4, showed moderate resistance.Finally the possibilities are discussed, given by this method for a comprehensive estimation of frost-resistance, as well as the problem of breeding winter barley varieties with higher frost resistance.

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Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Es wurde eine statistisch signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Längenverhältnis des Sekundär- und Primärblattes am 10. Tag nach der...  相似文献   

Microsymptoms in maize and tomatoes resulting from imbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus supply The inducing factors of visible symptoms are not easy to identify in cases of ?complex”? symptoms. ?Complex”? symptoms originate from simultaneous multiple nutrient deficiencies, nutrient deficiency and excess, or multiple nutrient toxicities. Microsymptoms are well known for nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency supply as well as for nitrogen excess supply. The aim of the present paper was to study whether these microsymptoms can be helpful in diagnosing visible symptoms which are difficult to identify in cases of ?complex”? symptoms. The experiments were carried out with maize and tomatoes under controlled experimental conditions in solution culture. Microsymptoms which occur in response to nitrogen or phosphorus stress – deficiency or excess – occur in the same way in plants that are suffering from imbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus supply. In cases of multiple toxicities further microsymptoms occurred. These symptoms mainly depended on the nutrient concentration in the solution.  相似文献   

Macrosymptoms in higher plants resulting from imbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus supply The development of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency and toxicity symptoms was studied under controlled experimental conditions in solution culture. The experiments were carried out with maize and tomato. The aim of the investigation was to study whether the macrosymptoms of nitrogen deficiency or toxicity in its typical form are influenced by simultaneous phosphorus deficiency or excess supply, or, on the other hand, whether the typical symptoms of phosphorus deficiency or excess are affected by simultaneous nitrogen deficiency or excess supply. The results show that - assuming that ‘complex’ symptoms occur - neither nutrient influences the development of macrosymptoms in their typical form as caused by the other nutrient. Tomato showed clear ‘complex’ symptoms while maize only showed the macrosymptoms of one nutrient.  相似文献   

Decomposition of Chlorocholine Chloride in Wheat Plants and its Leaching from leaves The decomposition of 14C-labeled chlorocholine chloride (CCC) in intact plants and its leaching by rainfall were investigated in pot trials with spring and winter wheat. The results can be summerized as follows:
  • 1. CCC is relatively stable in intact plants and is rather not metabolized. Nearly all CCC applied to the leaves or the roots of the young plants was found as undecomposed CCC in later growth stages (Table 1 and 2).
  • 2. Only a small amount of decomposition products containing 14C could be dedected in the wheat plants. After treatment 94–98 and 2–6 per cent of the total activity were found in the CCC and choline fraction respectively without significant variation throughout the experimental period (Table 1 and 2).
  • 3. A great part of the CCC sprayed on the plants in the juvenile stage was leached by rain during the vegetation period (Fig. 1).
  • 4. The mobility of CCC in the plants is low. Only a small part of the CCC amount applied to the leaves moves to the stalks and ears and to the leaves developed after CCC application (Fig. 2).

Methoxyl content, PSR and color reactions on root and straw lignin The wet chemical measured content of methoxyl groups is in lignin from up to 13 cm long roots and straw with ~ 11,5 % nearly indentical. Lignin in roots contains more keto groups. This was proved by psr-spectroscopy (δ = 8 ppm) and by various color reaction with o–dianisidine/HCl, diphenylamine, acridine, barbituric acid, p-anisidinhydrochloride, sulfanilic acid and aniline. Root lignin has also more benzolic protons (δ = 5,35 – 5,45 ppm) and by far higher part of highly shielded aliphatic protons (δ = 1,33 ppm). The last diminished to a large extend after having react with diazomethane. From this informations could even be concluded that lignin in roots has more methylable structures. Against that protons in the side arms are to find more in the lignin of straw.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Anzahl und die Ausdehnung der Aleuronschichten können als relativ konstantes Sortenmerkmal angesehen werden. Der Rohproteingehalt und der prozentuale Anteil der Aminosäuren sind nicht mit der Dicke der Aleuronschichten korreliert.
Aleuron layers and content of amino-acids in barley
Summary The number and the extension of aleuron layers can be reputed as a relative constant character of varieties. The content of gross proteins and the quantitative percentage of amino-acids are not correlated with the thickness of aleuron layers.

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Molecule-complexes on Humic-substances by Structures with ?-Donor- and ?-Acceptor-Qualities For many considerations with reference to the biosynthesis of humic-substances it is useful to formulate radicals prevailing for certain phases. Some interesting conclusions can be drawn from this conception based on a great number of experiments. The formation of humic-substances requires radicable materials, i.e. aromatic substances (initial reactants first order, e.g. lignins). The interpretation of X-ray diffraction allows to estimate the distributation of aromatic and aliphatic share in humic-substances. The immense possibilities of chemical reactions therefore form extremely complex materials. But their uniformity makes impossible to separate them exactly. Further, with the formation of particles possessing additional properties of mesomerism the stability of the radicals increases, whilst the humification rate decreases.  相似文献   

  • 1 The copper content (on pure protein basis) of whole summer-wheat plants remained nearly constant during the vegetative part of growth. However the contents were higher in the last third of the vegetation period.
  • 2 Increased copper supply considerably increased the copper content of plants (on pure protein basis) throughout the vegetation period (12–65 %).
  • 3 The copper content (on pure protein basis), after beginning of grain development, was 5–3 times higher (depending on copper supply) in vegetative organs than in grains, which would mean, that translocation of copper from the vegetative parts into the generative organs did not occur to the same extent as did the protein building components. The significance and possible cause of this phenomenon are discussed.
  • 4 The uptake capacity of plants for copper (% per day on pure protein basis) increased strongly, reaching maximum, from 20th till 30th days of growth, then decreased nearly to zero by 45th day and remained fluctuating with low values between 50th and 80th day. Practically there was no uptake capacity after 80th day.
  • 5 A theory on the close relationship between the synthesis capacity of system for system and the uptake of mineral nutrients is postulated.
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Effect of NaCl and Na2SO4 on dry matter production, mineral content and organic compounds of spinach and lettuce . In water culture experiments the effect of 2,5 meq and 25 meq NaCl and Na2SO4 respectively on dry matter production and content of mineral elements, chloroplasts pigments and carbohydrates in lettuce (salt sensitive) and spinach (salt tolerant) has been studied. With increasing Na-supply the dry matter production was decreased in lettuce and increased in spinach. With increasing Na-supply in both species the content of K, Mg and Ca in the leaves decreased. This decrease was more pronounced with sulfate as accompanying anion (Na2SO4) and induced already deficiency in Ca and Mg. This induced deficiency of Mg was reflected especially in lettuce in lower contents of chloroplasts pigments. In both plant species there was no effect of the Na salt treatments on the content of phosphorus or nitrogen in roots or leaves. The carbohydrate content in both species was strongly affected by the Na salt treatments. Irrespectively of the accompanying anion this effect occured already at the low Na supply and before the dry matter production was influenced. In leaves and roots of lettuce the contents of glucose, fructose and sucrose was considerably decreased; this decrease was less expressed in the starch content. In spinach the Na supply only decreased the carbohydrate content in the roots whereas in the leaves especially the sucrose content was increased. This different effect of Na on carbohydrate content in spinach and lettuce could be an indication of different action of Na on carbohydrate metabolism, namely inhibited synthesis in lettuce and inhibited translocation in spinach. The results demonstrate that in studies on the effect of increasing Na salt concentrations besides the osmotic effects also the ion specific effects have to be carfully considered. These ion specific effects are competition of Na+ with other cations during uptake and the influence of Na on the cell metabolism, especially on the pathway of carbohydrates. The authors thanks Mrs. Hwie Juen Tjandraatmadja for her engaged help in various laboratory works.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vergleichende Discomyceten-Studien der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, daß strittige Arten oft nur durch Heranziehung lebender Exemplare geklärt werden können, da Exsikkate einen Teil ihrer makroskopischen Merkmale verloren haben und dadurch leicht Fehlschlüsse entstehen. Einige Beispiele der GattungHelvella L. ex. Fr. ss. str. werden kritisch erörtert,H. pithyophila Boud. undH. sulcata Afz. ex. Fr. als wohlbegründete Arten bestätigt undH. platycephala Bx. nov. spec. erstmalig beschrieben.Ein Nachtrag zur Gliederung der Discinaceen (cf. Kulturpflanze 17) unterscheidet in der GattungParadiscina Bx. zwei neue Sektionen (Leucoxanthae Bx. nov. sect. —Melaleucae Bx. nov. sect.) und vervollständigt sie durch 3 Umkombinationen. Für die europäischen Discinaceen ist ein Artenschlüssel hinzugefügt.
Specific and generic limits within higherDiscomycetes, IV
Summary For the last years comparative studies on higherDiscomycetes pointed out, that uncertain species may only be proved by employment of fresh specimens, because the dried ones mostly lost some of their macroscopic criteria and easily produce errors. Some examples of the genusHelvella L. ex Fr. ss. str. are critically discussed, wherebyH. pithyophila Boud. andH. sulcata Afz. ex Fr. are confirmed as well-founded species, andH. platycephala Bx. nov. spec. is described for the first time.A supplement to theDiscinaceae (cf. Kulturpflanze17) divides the genusParadiscina Bx. into the new sectionsLeucoxanthae Bx. nov. sect. andMelaleucae Bx. nov. sect. and completes this genus by 3 new combinations. A key to European species ofDiscinaceae is added.

, IV
, . , . Helvella L. ex Fr. s. str.;H. pithyophila Boud. H. sulcata Afz. ex Fr. ; H. platycephala Bx. nov. spec. Discinaceae (. . 17) Paradiscina Bx. (Leucoxanthae Bx. nov. sect. Melaleucae Bx. nov. sect.) . .

Teil I in Kulturpflanze10, S. 359–371; Teil II in Kulturpflanze14, S. 359 bis 379; Teil III in Kulturpflanze17, S. 253–284.  相似文献   

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