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ABSTRACT:   It is important to clarify trophic dynamics in marine ecosystems for management of the fishing ground. Organic carbon sources and trophic position of pelagic fishes in the coastal waters of the south-eastern Izu Peninsula, Japan, were examined on the basis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope distributions. The δ13C of the fishes was mostly distributed from −19 to −16‰ for nektonic fishes (13 species of adults and immatures) and planktonic fishes (10 species of larvae and juveniles), close to the δ13C values of particulate organic matter and planktonic decapods. These δ13C signatures for the inhabitants of the water column were in contrast with the high δ13C values (mainly −16 to −13‰) for demersal fishes of Scorpaeniformes and benthic polychaetes collected in the surf zone. These results indicate that nektonic and planktonic fishes depend on phytoplankton for carbon supply. The δ15N signatures suggest that the trophic position ranged 3.1–4.5 for the nektonic fishes and 2.9–3.7 for the planktonic fishes, premised on trophic level 3 for larval Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus . Thus, planktivorous fishes should be mainly assigned to trophic levels 3 and 4 in this area.  相似文献   

Analysis of δ13C and δ15N isotope values for five species of Pacific salmon indicate that they form a trophic hierarchy on the high seas. On the basis of an analysis of these stable isotope ratios, chinook salmon feed at the upper end of the food chain and pink salmon at the lower end, in the sequence pink → sockeye → coho → chinook, with chinook and pink salmon separated by ca. 0.8 of a trophic level. Chum salmon occupy a peculiar position, with low δ13C values and high δ15N values, possibly reflecting an unusual diet that includes large amounts of gelatinous zooplankton (salps, ctenophoi;s, and medusae). Chum appear to occupy a unique trophic position, at a trophic level nearly as high as that of chinook but at the end of a different branch of the food chain. If true, the potential for trophodynamic competition with other salmon species is small. Our results suggest that the greatest potential for trophodynamic competition occurs within the pink-sockeye-coho grouping. A similar analysis, restricted to five stocks of North American sockeye, shows that four widely separated stocks have similar heavy isotope compositions but that the separation between these stocks is still statistically significant. The Chilko stock is strikingly different, however, suggesting that it is located in the central Gulf of Alaska, a region of intense upwelling. Circumstantial evidence supporting the possibility that the Chilko and other sockeye stocks are geographically separated within the Gulf of Alaska is reviewed.  相似文献   

YING-CHOU  LEE  HUANG-HAUR  KUO  YUE-GAU  CHEN 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(5):1020-1028
The discrimination between wild and released Taiwan abalone Haliotis diversicolor was performed by stable carbon isotope analysis. Abalone samples were collected from Mao Aw Gulf in north-eastern Taiwan. Live abalone and dead shells were collected by divers with an 80 × 80 cm frame. The densities and amounts of wild and released abalone, as well as the survival rates of released abalone, in 1997 and 1998 were estimated. The age of the specimens was also determined from the specific temperature of each month and the inverse relationship between oxygen isotope values and temperatures. Results show that examining stable isotopic profiles proves to be a practical and feasible method for stock discrimination as well as density and abundance estimation. These data would be helpful in assessing the success of abalone culture and release programs, which aim to enhance this valuable marine resource.  相似文献   


根据20115月在胶州湾进行的底拖网调查, 应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术对胶州湾方氏云(Enedrias fangi) 的食物组成、营养级和摄食习性的体长变化等方面进行研究。结果表明, 胶州湾方氏云δ15N值范围是10.14‰~15.50‰, 跨度为5.36‰, 平均值为(12.83±1.10)‰; δ13C值范围是–21.52‰ ~–18.14‰, 跨度为3.38‰, 平均值为(–20.42±0.73)‰。方氏云的饵料生物主要包括鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus distinguendus)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、海蜇虾(Latreutes anoplonyx)、疣背宽额虾(Latreutes planirostris)、沙蚕、粒径大于900 μm的浮游动物, 其中以海蜇虾和粒径大于900 μm的浮游动物为主, 贡献率分别为47%~66%35%~40%; 其他饵料生物的重要性由高到低依次为沙蚕、疣背宽额虾、鹰爪虾和鲜明鼓虾, 其贡献率分别为0%~15%0%~5%0%~5%0%~2%。经Pearson相关性检验发现, δ15N与方氏云的体长无显著相关(P>0.05), δ13C与方氏云体长呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。以δ15N计算方氏云各体长组的营养级范围为3.33~3.79, 平均营养级为3.65±0.14, 并不随着鱼体长的增加而升高。与以往的研究相比,方氏云鳚的食物组成和营养级均发生了一定程度的变化,基础饵料生物的波动和分析方法的不同可能是导致变化的主要原因。另外,基线生物、富集度以及样品数量和体长范围的不同也是导致方氏云鳚营养级存在差异的原因之一。本研究旨在深入了解方氏云鳚在胶州湾生态系统中所处的地位和作用,为今后深入研究胶州湾生物群落的营养结构以及食物网的物质循环和能量流动提供基础资料。


Individual variability in dispersal strategies, where some individuals disperse and others remain resident, is a common phenomenon across many species. Despite its important ecological consequences, the mechanisms and individual consequences of dispersal remain poorly understood. Here, riverine Northern pike (Esox lucius) juveniles (age 0+ (young-of-the-year) and 1+ years) were used to investigate the influence of body size and trophic position (at capture) on the dispersal from off-channel natal habitats and the subsequent consequences for body sizes, specific growth rate and trophic position (at recapture). Individuals that dispersed into the river (“dispersers”) were not significantly different in body size than those remaining on nursery grounds (“stayers”). For trophic position, 0+ dispersers were of significantly lower trophic position than stayers, but with this not apparent in the 1+ fish. Following dispersal into the river, the dispersers grew significantly faster than stayers and, on recapture, were significantly larger, but with no significant differences in their final trophic positions. Early dispersal into the river was, therefore, not associated with early dietary shifts to piscivory and the attainment of larger body sizes of individuals whilst in their natal habitats, contrary to prediction. These results suggest that despite an increasing risk of mortality for individuals dispersing early from natal areas, there are long-term benefits via elevated growth rates and, potentially, higher fitness. Such early dispersal behaviour could be driven by early competitive displacement.  相似文献   

Garra ghorensis is a small riverine cyprinid fish endemic to the southern Dead Sea that is endangered through habitat loss and invasive species. Here, their diet and trophic niche were assessed in three Jordanian populations: an allopatric population, a population sympatric with native Capoeta damascina and a population sympatric with invasive Oreochromis aureus. Stomach content analyses of samples collected between February 2011 and January 2012 revealed that detritus and algae were prominent food items in their diets, with low dietary contributions of animal material. The most frequent and abundant macro‐invertebrates in intestines were Odonata nymphs and gastropod species. The calculation of trophic niche size from the stomach content data revealed that the niche of G. ghorensis (0.10) was generally smaller than sympatric C. damascina (0.24), with an overlap of 72%, whereas they had a larger trophic niche than sympatric O. aureus (0.20–0.13), with a niche overlap of 54%. These outputs were generally supported by stable isotope analyses of δ13C and δ15N completed on samples collected at the end of the 2011 growth season, although these indicated a greater contribution of animal material to assimilated diet. They also indicated that the trophic niche breadth [as standard ellipse area (SEA)] of C. damascina (4.18‰2) was higher than G. ghorensis (2.48‰2) and overlapped by 26%. For G. ghorensis, their SEA was slightly larger than O. aureus (4.33–4.00‰2), with an overlap of 27%. Although both methods indicated some sharing of food resources between sympatric fishes, there was no evidence suggesting detrimental outcomes for G. ghorensis and thus was not considered as a constraint on the status of their populations.  相似文献   

基于碳、氮稳定同位素技术的大亚湾紫海胆食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握大亚湾紫海胆(Heliocidaris crassispina)的食性特征,应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术对2015年8月所采集紫海胆样本的稳定同位素特征、营养级和食性特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,大亚湾紫海胆平均δ~(13)C值为-(13.35±1.21)‰,平均δ~(15)N值为(9.14±0.38)‰,平均营养级为2.11±0.14。不同壳径紫海胆之间的碳、氮稳定同位素比值无显著性差异(P0.05)。大亚湾海域紫海胆生活环境周围生物δ~(13)C值分布范围为-20.76‰~-9.93‰,δ~(15)N值分布范围为-0.16‰~14.99‰,营养级范围为1.34~3.77。大亚湾主要生物种类可划分为悬浮物、初级生产者和初级消费者、次级消费者、顶级消费者4个营养组群,其中紫海胆属于次级消费者。8月份调查海域珊瑚稀少,大型海藻密度低且死亡降解形成颗粒有机物(Particulate Organic Matter,POM),陆源POM随降雨大量流入大亚湾,导致紫海胆在8月份摄食偏向碎屑食物链,主要食物来源为POM,平均贡献率为67.3%;其余摄食种类为沉积物(Sediment Organic Matter,SOM)、裂叶马尾藻(Scagassum siliquastrum)、底栖硅藻、浮游动物及浮游植物,平均贡献率分别为9.7%、9.3%、6.7%、3.7%及3.3%。大亚湾紫海胆摄食种类与其栖息地底栖生物存在重叠,具有一定的食物竞争关系。研究表明,分析紫海胆食性特征对了解其所在生态系统中营养级水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Variation in movement between individuals can have important ecological effects on populations and ecosystems, yet the factors driving differences in movement and their consequences remain poorly understood. Here, individual variability in the movements of juvenile (age 0 +  and 1 +  year) pike Esox lucius was assessed using passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry in off‐channel nursery areas over a 26‐ month period. Differences in the movement patterns of individuals were tested against their body sizes, ages, growth rates and trophic positions using data collected through a combination of catch‐and‐release sampling and stable isotope analyses. Results revealed that variation in movement between individuals was affected by age, with 1 +  individuals moving more than individuals of age 0 + , but not length. Individuals whose TP was low on their initial capture event moved significantly less than those with a higher initial TP. Individuals that moved more grew faster and achieved a higher final TP. These results suggest that higher activity (i.e., increased movement) increases resource acquisition that enhances growth rates, which could ultimately maximise individual performances.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined whether solvent-based lipid extractions, commonly used for stable isotope analysis (SIA) of biota, alters δ 15N or δ 13C values of fish muscle tissue or whole juvenile fish. Lipid extraction from muscle tissue led to only small (<1‰) isotope shifts in δ 13C and δ 15N values. By contrast, ecologically significant shifts (+3.4‰ for δ 13C and +2.8‰ for δ 15N) were observed for whole juvenile fish. Sample variance was not affected by lipid extraction. For tissue-specific SIA, two sample aliquots may be required: a lipid-extracted aliquot for stable carbon isotope analysis when differing lipid content among tissues is a concern, and a nonextracted aliquot for δ 15N determination. Whole organism SIA is not recommended because of the mix of tissues having different turnover times; for very small fish, we recommend that fish be eviscerated, decapitated, and skinned to minimise differences with samples of muscle tissue.  相似文献   

东海中北部游泳动物稳定碳氮同位素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用稳定同位素方法分析2009年夏季东海中北部23种游泳动物的类群差异、种间和种内变异。结果显示,东海北部游泳动物种间C、N同位素比值变化范围较大,δ15N值范围为6.9‰~13.4‰,1δ3C值为-20.7‰~-14.7‰。其中虾类生物1δ3C平均值为(-17.06±1.43)‰,δ15N平均值为(10.26±0.84)‰;头足类生物1δ3C平均值为(-16.54±0.97)‰,δ15N平均值为(11.68±0.62)‰;小型鱼类δ13C平均值为(-16.27±0.84)‰,δ15N平均值为(10.36±1.25)‰;大中型鱼类δ13C平均值为(-16.89±1.32)‰,δ15N平均值为(11.25±1.03)‰。方差分析结果显示,4个类群的稳定C、N同位素比值具有显著差异(P<0.01)。种内不同个体间也存在较大差异。线性回归表明鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、戴氏赤虾(M etapenaeopsisdalei)、脊腹褐虾(Crangon affinis)、小黄鱼(Larim ichthys polyactis)、蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)和黄鮟鱇(Lophius litulon)6种游泳动物体长和1δ3C值之间存在显著的相关关系,脊腹褐虾、小黄鱼、银鲳(Pampusargenteus)和白姑鱼(Argyrosomus argentatus)4种动物1δ5N值随体长增加发生显著变化。此外,1δ5N值与种间大小格局也具有显著相关性。稳定同位素分析结果表明,东海游泳动物生态位重叠现象明显,种类摄食特化程度不高,营养结构正趋向简单化。  相似文献   

鸢乌贼在中国南海海域资源丰富,是灯光罩网渔船的主要捕捞对象之一.本研究对南沙群岛海域中型群和微型群鸢乌贼样品进行采集,利用传统胃含物分析法和碳、氮稳定同位素技术研究其摄食习性、营养级、营养生态位及与饵料生物的关系.结果显示,鸢乌贼以摄食鱼类、头足类和甲壳类为主,且在不同生长阶段,饵料组成有所差异;胴长小于100mm的微...  相似文献   

利用氮稳定同位素示踪技术,对2005年4-5月长江口及南黄海毗邻水域拖网渔获物的营养级进行了研究。结果表明,长江口海域主要生物资源种类的营养级处于3.19~5.11,集中在3.70~4.65;南黄海海域主要生物资源种类的营养级处于2.46~4.88,集中在3.90~4.40。基于系统基线生物稳定同位素比值的影响,相对南黄海,长江口海域55%生物的相对营养级增加,增加幅度为0.01~0.63,集中在0.01~0.06,其生物数量占了总生物数量的30%;40%生物的相对营养级减少的,减少幅度为0.02~0.74,集中在0~0.21,其生物数量占总生物数量的30%;以上结果接近用胃含物分析法得到的生物营养级空间变幅绝对值。将营养级的胃含物分析结果与氮稳定同位素计算结果相比,长江口9种鱼类2种方法计算结果变幅绝对值为0.01~1.21;南黄海11种鱼类2种方法计算结果变幅绝对值为0.08~1.26;两海域的计算结果变幅绝对值差异较小。结论认为,两海域生物资源种类的营养级存在空间差异,随生物种类差异有所不同;稳定同位素法与胃含物分析法的计算结果差异较小。  相似文献   

应用同位素分析黑龙江中游主要鱼类营养层次   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年5月—2011年10月对黑龙江中游采集的32种鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物,运用稳定碳、氮同位素方法进行水生态营养层次的分析。结果显示,鱼类δ13C值为-32.00‰~-17.32‰,相差14.68‰;δ15N值为7.58‰~14.78‰,差值达6.80‰,跨度都很大。底栖无脊椎动物δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度不大,δ13C值为-29.64‰~-26.10‰,相差3.54‰;δ15N值为7.09‰~9.91‰,相差2.82‰。通过δ15N值计算出黑龙江中游32种主要鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物食物网营养层次,其中肉食性鱼类鳇(Huso dauricus)占据了黑龙江中游鱼类中最高的营养位置。通过分析初步建立了水体食物网连续营养谱,并结合底栖无脊椎动物同位素数据勾勒出黑龙江中游食物网营养结构图。  相似文献   

2016年2月和5月在浙江南部近海拖网采集到33种鱼类和18种无脊椎动物,利用稳定同位素技术测定渔业生物的稳定碳、氮同位素比值(δ~(13)C、δ~(15)N),并以此估算其营养级。研究结果表明:(1)浙江南部近海主要渔业生物同位素比值跨度范围大,δ~(13)C值范围为–19.71‰~–14.01‰(跨度5.70‰),δ15N值范围为7.05‰~13.69‰(跨度6.64‰),其中鱼类的碳、氮同位素跨度范围最大;(2)以滤食性双壳类为基线生物估算浙江南部近海鱼类平均营养级范围为2.66~4.21,甲壳类营养级范围为3.08~3.72,头足类营养级范围为2.83~3.49,腹足类营养级范围为3.54~3.62,渔业生物营养级主要处于3.0~4.0营养级,以初级和中级肉食性种类为主;(3)根据聚类和食性文献资料分析浙江南部近海主要渔业生物存在5种食性类型,包括浮游动物食性、杂食性、底栖生物食性、混合食性和游泳动物食性;(4)根据营养结构特征,浙江南部近海食物网营养结构可划分为4个营养群,初级消费者主要为杂食性种类,次级消费者主要为小型鱼类、虾类及头足类,中级消费者主要为底栖蟹类、腹足类和混合食性鱼类,高级消费者为凶猛肉食性鱼类。本研究建立了浙江南部近海主要渔业生物的连续营养谱,为生态系统的食物网能量流动和物质循环研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

河流溶解无机碳(DIC)是全球碳循环中的重要组成部分。河流DIC的稳定碳同位素(δ13CDIC)已被广泛用于辨识流域内碳的来源和迁移转化过程。本研究综合现有文献,系统梳理了河流δ13CDIC的影响因素和变化机理,论证了该指标能够忠实、敏感反映流域环境特征及各种地表过程,可用于重建流域碳循环体系中的生物地球化学过程。由于河流碳来源及迁移转化过程的复杂性,关于河流δ13CDIC的影响机理仍有较多细节尚未探明。通过收集和分析我国主要河流的δ13CDIC数据发现,在全国尺度上我国河流δ13CDIC呈现出“西高东低”的变化格局,基本反映了我国地质、气候及生态环境的空间分布特征。青藏高原地区河流δ13CDIC值整体上比起其地区明显偏高,关于这一现象的形成机制还有待进一步研究。最后,我们对未来研究工作应重点关注的内容提出建议,以期进一步完善和提升河流DIC同位素示踪理论及其在揭示碳循环过程和机理方面中的应用。  相似文献   

During recent decades, the health of ocean ecosystems and fish populations has been threatened by overexploitation, pollution and anthropogenic-driven climate change. Due to a lack of long-term ecological data, we have a poor grasp of the true impact on the diet and habitat use of fishes. This information is vital if we are to recover depleted fish populations and predict their future dynamics. Here, we trace the long-term diet and habitat use of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus, a species that has had one of the longest and most intense exploitation histories, owing to its tremendous cultural and economic importance. Using carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope analyses of modern and ancient BFT including 98 archaeological and archival bones from 11 Mediterranean locations ca. 1st century to 1941 CE, we infer a shift to increased pelagic foraging around the 16th century in Mediterranean BFT. This likely reflects the early anthropogenic exploitation of inshore coastal ecosystems, as attested by historical literature sources. Further, we reveal that BFT which migrated to the Black Sea–and that disappeared during a period of intense exploitation and ecosystem changes in the 1980s–represented a unique component, isotopically distinct from BFT of NE Atlantic and Mediterranean locations. These data suggest that anthropogenic activities had the ability to alter the diet and habitat use of fishes in conditions prior to those of recent decades. Consequently, long-term data provide novel perspectives on when marine ecosystem modification began and the responses of marine populations, with which to guide conservation policy.  相似文献   

基于稳定碳氮同位素的莱州湾4种鳀鲱科鱼类营养级研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究莱州湾4种鳀鲱科鱼类营养级, 根据2011年夏季(8)和秋季(10)莱州湾底拖网调查取得的样品, 测定了130 尾样品的稳定碳氮同位素值。结果表明所有样品的δ13C值范围为–21.97‰~–11.67‰, δ15N值范围为8.54‰~15.95‰。单因素方差分析结果表明, 各种类间稳定碳氮同位素比值差异显著(P<0.05)。青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)和斑(Konosirus punctatus)δ15N值随叉长变化而有显著变化(P<0.05), 但黄鲫(Setipinna taty)和赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)δ15N值随叉长的变化不明显(P>0.05)。青鳞小沙丁鱼营养级范围为2.80~4.88, 平均营养级为3.52±0.46; 营养级范围为2.71~4.29, 平均营养级为3.34±0.33; 赤鼻棱鳀的营养级范围为3.38~4.42, 平均营养级为3.97±0.28; 黄鲫的营养级范围为3.28~4.13, 平均营养级为3.76±0.23。根据稳定碳氮同位素结果, 可以得出以下结论: (1)的稳定碳同位素值范围较宽(–20.92~–11.67), 几乎涵盖了其余3种鱼类的稳定碳同位素范围(−21.97~−16.68), 表明斑栖息水层分布较广, 和传统的中上层鱼类有明显差异; (2)营养级随叉长增加而降低, 青鳞小沙丁鱼营养级随叉长增加而增加, 黄鲫和赤鼻棱鳀营养级随叉长变化不明显; (3)与胃含物分析方法相比, 赤鼻棱鳀营养级偏高0.7左右, 可能与赤鼻棱鳀摄食较多底层虾类有关, 其他3种鱼类稳定同位素测定结果略高, 但基本相当。本研究结果可为认识莱州湾渔业生物的营养关系以及构建食物网提供依据。  相似文献   


在2015年夏季和冬季开展了南海北部海域不同粒级浮游动物生物量和氮稳定同位素特征的研究。按照浮游动物粒径大小将其分成3个类群,即小型浮游动物(180~380 μm)、中型浮游动物(380~500 μm)和大型浮游动物(>500 μm)。结果显示浮游动物生物量和氮稳定同位素空间分布差异明显,高值区多分布于珠江口、东沙群岛和台湾海峡南部海域。浮游动物氮稳定同位素δ15N值出现显著的季节和粒径结构差异,其中夏季δ15N平均值高于冬季,以小型浮游动物尤为明显(P < 0.01)。各粒级浮游动物δ15N值随粒径增大而增加。小型和中型浮游动物δ15N值与浮游动物生物量有显著的相关性,而大型浮游动物与浮游动物生物量则关系不明显。


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