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Abstract –  Common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) are a major freshwater invader and knowledge of their movements is important for planning control efforts. To investigate the movement patterns of common carp, radio-tags were implanted into 46 adult fish; 37 near a large floodplain wetland, the Barmah-Millewa forest, and 9 in the Murray River approximately 175 km upstream. Tagged fish were located every second week between August 1999 and March 2001. Common carp occupied total linear ranges (TLR) between 0.4 and 238 km (mean 30 ± 61 km), with 25 fish (62.5%) occupying a TLR < 10 km. Two fish made large distance movements approximately 650 km downstream. Fish sex, the number of locations, time at large, or tagging location explained little variability ( P  > 0.05) in TLR. Monthly distance from release varied from 0.04 to 238 km (mean 15 ± 44 km), and was not significantly related to river discharge and water temperature, but 29 of 31 (93.5%) fish tagged at Barmah moved from the Murray River into adjacent floodplain habitats upon flooding. Five fish (12.5%) moved large distances (>127 km) upstream of the Barmah-Millewa forest. Fourteen fish (35%) showed site fidelity to within 20 m and usually occupied one or two home sites. Twenty-six fish (65%) showed site fidelity to within 100 m occupying up to five sites during the study period. Movement patterns of common carp were complex, and individuals exhibited different strategies, which is typical of invasive species. Efforts to control and potentially reduce common carp populations in regulated river-floodplain environments should target key floodplain access points and over-wintering habitats to reduce adult biomass, spawning and recruitment levels.  相似文献   

Abstract – Imperiled pygmy sculpins are known from only one locality in Alabama, USA. One conservation strategy for the species is the creation of another population by introducing the species into a suitable habitat. Before such action is considered, however, an understanding of the life history, including reproductive biology and habitat use, of the species must be obtained. In this study, nesting of pygmy sculpins was found to peak in July, although the species has an extended reproductive period. Preferred nesting sites had higher flow and shallower water depth than the surrounding habitat. Pygmy sculpins readily used artificial nest substrates that were introduced into the spring run, where natural nest substrate was uncommon. Note  相似文献   

Abstract –  Residency and movement of bullheads ( Cottus gobio ) were assessed by mark-recapture from November 2001 to June 2002 in two Flemish rivers [Steenputbeek (SPB), Laarse Beek (LB)]. Although the majority of the recaptured bullheads (SPB: 66%; LB: 55%) was found in their initial tagging site before the spawning season, some fish had covered distances between 10–100 m (mean: 17 ± 2 m) and 10–70 m (mean: 18 ± 7 m), respectively. During the spawning season, the proportion of fish that moved (SPB: 58%; LB: 75%) and the distances travelled (SPB: between 10 and 90 m, mean 26 ± 3 m; LB: between 30 and 260 m, mean 133 ± 3 m) were significantly larger. In addition, analysis of individual movement behaviour of multiple recaptured bullheads showed that some fish were either always resident or mobile, while others switched between both behaviours. In general, our results suggest that not all bullheads exhibit sedentary behaviour but that the populations under study consist of both stationary and mobile individuals.  相似文献   

Abstract – Native Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) are listed as a nationally vulnerable species, whereas non‐native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are widespread and abundant. Understanding key aspects of life history, such as movement patterns and habitat selection by juvenile Murray cod and common carp, might be useful for conserving Murray cod populations and controlling common carp numbers. We used radio‐telemetry to track eight juvenile Murray cod and seven juvenile common carp in the Murray River, Australia, between March and July 2001. Common carp occupied a significantly greater total linear range (mean ± SD: 1721 ± 1118 m) than Murray cod (mean ± SD: 318 ± 345 m) and the average daily movement was significantly greater for common carp (mean ± SD: 147 ± 238 m) than for Murray cod (mean ± SD: 15 ± 55 m). All Murray cod and five of the seven common carp displayed site fidelity or residency to one, two or three locations. Murray cod were found only in the mainstream Murray River among submerged woody habitats, whereas common carp occurred equally in mainstream and offstream areas, and among submerged wood and aquatic vegetation. Murray cod were found in deeper (mean ± SD: 2.3 ± 0.78 m) and faster waters (mean ± SD: 0.56 ± 0.25 m·s?1) compared with common carp (mean ± SD: 1 ± 0.54 m; 0.08 ± 0.09 m·s?1) respectively. The presence of juvenile Murray cod only amongst submerged wood is an indication that these habitats are important and should be preserved. Conversely, juvenile common carp were equally present among all habitats sampled, suggesting that habitat selection is less specific, possibly contributing to their widespread success.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effectiveness of a pool-and-weir fish pass in the regulated river Laarse Beek (Belgium) was assessed for bullhead ( Cottus gobio ), perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) from August 2002 to April 2003. Fish were caught by electrofishing downstream, within and upstream of the fish pass. They were marked with visible implant elastomer tags and released downstream of the fish pass. Our results suggest that the fish pass is ineffective for the bullhead because none of the 1270 tagged bullheads were recaptured in the upstream study area. Passage failure most likely resulted from excessive water velocities in the fish pass. On the contrary, 8% of the tagged perch and 29% of the tagged roach were recaptured in the upstream study area. Several management strategies are proposed to allow free upstream passage of the endangered bullhead at the fish pass under study.  相似文献   

Abstract – In a regulated lowland river in Flanders (northern part of Belgium), the locally endangered bullhead was found mainly near bridges. These locations are characterised by the presence of artificial stones and a relatively high water velocity. To preserve and expand the few remaining bullhead populations, the removal of these stones should be avoided and new suitable habitats should be created.  相似文献   

Abstract–  Comparing genetic and demographic estimates of dispersal in freshwater fish can improve understanding of movement distributions and population connectivity. Here we examined genetic variation among mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) in the Nantahala River (North Carolina, USA) to compare genetic estimates of dispersal with estimates derived from mark–recapture studies of individual movement. Microsatellite‐based analysis of gene flow revealed evidence of strong isolation by distance among locations spanning only 5.6 km and limited dispersal among clusters of sites separated by swift cascades. Estimates of between‐cluster contemporary dispersal rates derived from Bayesian assignment tests ranged from 1% to 6%, with most movement occurring among adjacent clusters in a downstream direction. Evidence of a long‐term net immigration asymmetry and decreasing genetic diversity from downstream to upstream locations indicates that historical patterns of stream colonisation contrast with contemporary dispersal patterns. Our findings are largely consistent with predictions from individual movement patterns but suggest that long moves (>500 m) are more frequent, and maximum dispersal distances are greater than what has been reported from mark–recapture studies. The discrepancy may reflect spatial limitations of mark–recapture methods or temporal variation in dispersal in individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study of Murray cod ( Maccullochella peelii peelii ) movements in a large lowland river in south-eastern Australia indicated that the species was not sedentary, but undertook complex movements that followed a seasonal pattern. While there were sedentary periods with limited home ranges and high site fidelity, Murray cod also under took larger movements for considerable portions of the year coinciding with its spawning schedule. This generally comprised movements (up to 130 km) from a home location in late winter and early spring to a new upstream position, followed by a rapid downstream migration typically back to the same river reach. Timing of movements was not synchronous amongst individuals and variation in the scale of movements was observed between individuals, fish size, original location and years.  相似文献   

A century of tagging experiments on 174 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) groups is reviewed and the frequency and spatial distribution of four migratory behaviours documented. Of all cod groups, 41% were categorized as sedentary, 18% as accurate homers, 20% as inaccurate homers and 20% as dispersers (ranging over large areas without recognizable return migrations). All behaviours occurred over the full spatial range of cod. Coastal groups did not differ significantly from offshore (shelf) groups in the relative frequency of migratory behaviours. However, the north‐east Atlantic had more sedentary and accurate homing groups than did the north‐west Atlantic, which had more dispersing groups. Overall, sedentary cod groups had lower maximum historical biomass than did other groups, confirming that migration/dispersal begets abundance. Maximum historical biomass was strongly related to the area occupied [log (biomass, tonnes)] = 1.58 log (range, km2) + 1.529; r2 = 0.9), irrespective of migratory type (for 23 major groups a total of 22 million tonnes over 3.3 million km2 with an average density of 7 tonnes km?2). Historical densities were not related to area occupied, although all large groups exhibited high densities (10–12 tonnes km?2 ; smaller groups had a wide range of density). The four migratory strategies in cod enable entrainment by diverse physical, oceanographic and biological ecosystem properties, and is key to cod success in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Abstract– Food resource partitioning between Siberian sculpin ( Cottus poecilopus ) and Atlantic salmon parr ( Salmo salar ) was investigated throughout a summer season in the subarctic River Reisa, northern Norway. The two species had almost identical diets, feeding primarily on benthic invertebrates and selecting the same prey species. There was no strong segregation in the diel feeding rhythms of the two species, although the salmon parr consumed a large proportion of their food at night during August and September. The results suggest that the two species compete for food, and that interspecific competition for limited food resources may explain the low production of Atlantic salmon in this river. The observation of a high degree of dietary overlap between the sculpin and the salmon parr contrasts with expectation of interactive segregation. Further, the findings conflict with general niche and competition theories, being inconsistent with the competitive exclusion principle.  相似文献   

Increasing our understanding of the traits and adaptations that promote the survival and persistence of organisms in highly dynamic environments will aid in the conservation of populations and communities. Projected effects of climate change and land alterations suggest headwater streams may become more intermittent and less predictable, consequently altering biological processes (i.e. dispersal or movement) that govern population dynamics. Few studies have provided insight into movement dynamics of nongame fishes in small headwater streams that commonly experience intermittent conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate movement of a fish species adapted to intermittent stream conditions. Our objectives were to (i) describe the general movement patterns of creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus, in an intermittent stream and (ii) investigate which ecological factors may influence movement in patchy environments. Creek chub displayed some of the longest distances moved compared to many other stream fishes in perennial streams (179–1069 m seasonal averages; 4678 m maximum distance). Directional movement was significant only in May with more individuals moving upstream. The probability of creek chub movement was inversely related to habitat complexity and pool area. Creek chub adapted to intermittent stream conditions not only exhibited increases in the frequency and distance of movement compared to other nongame fishes, but also exhibited movements in relation to local habitat metrics. These results demonstrate some of the potential adaptations that are likely to promote the survival and persistence of populations in highly dynamic environments such as intermittent streams.  相似文献   

Abstract – Understanding population regulation in juvenile salmonids requires distinguishing the effects of intrinsic (size, behaviour) and extrinsic (food, competition) factors. To examine the relative influence of these variables on juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Salmon River drainage (ID, USA), we examined diel differences in foraging microhabitats, behaviour and consumption in two areas with consistent differences in parr‐to‐smolt survival. In lower Big Creek (LBC, high‐survival area) and upper Big Creek (UBC, low‐survival area), we observed fish by snorkelling, recording length, behaviour (foraging rate and aggression) and physical (depth, velocity, cover, temperature) and biotic (density, size and species of neighbouring fish) microhabitat features. Stomach contents were extracted to estimate consumption. Depth and temperature were greater in LBC, where Chinook salmon were significantly larger and present at lower densities. Fish in LBC exhibited higher foraging activity during the day than night, but there were no size differences between day and night foragers. In UBC, a higher density area, foraging behaviour did not change between day and night, although the smallest size classes did not forage nocturnally. Regression models that integrated physical and biotic variables suggested that physical factors influenced foraging in both areas, but competition also affected foraging in UBC. Our results demonstrate that fish from low‐ and high‐survival populations in Big Creek are exposed to different physical and biological influences during their first growth season, which are reflected in different diel foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The movement of ten radio-tagged adult pikes (57–113 cm) in the River Gudenå, Denmark, was investigated from September 1998 to September 1999. The movements of pike were characterised by long resident periods in the submergent vegetation, interrupted by short excursions to nearby areas. Two periods with more intense movement were observed; one period during early winter; and one period during spring from mid-March to mid-May. The increased movement during early winter may have been initiated by a slight temperature increase at this time, whereas the increased movement during spring coincided with the spawning of pike. Despite suitable spawning areas nearby the areas where pike resided most of the year, several pike, mainly females, migrated to distant localities during spring.  相似文献   

Abstract— Evolutionary theory predicts that some aquatic organisms may adapt by directional selection to limiting physical environmental conditions, yet empirical data are conflicting. We sought to test the assumption that sculpins (family Cottidae) inhabiting thermally stable springs of the southeastern United States differ in temperature tolerance and metabolism from populations inhabiting more thermally labile stream habitats. Spring populations of pygmy sculpins ( Cottus pygmaeus ) and Ozark sculpins ( C. hypselurus ) differed interspecifically in thermal tolerance from populations of stream-dwelling mottled ( C. bairdi ) and Tallapoosa sculpins ( C. tallapoosae ), and both stream and spring populations of banded sculpins ( C. carolinae ). No intra- or interspecific differences in thermal tolerance were found among populations of C. bairdi, C. talla poosae , or C. carolinae . Cottus pygmaeus acclimated to 15°C differed intraspecifically in routine metabolism from fish acclimated to 20° and 25°C. Cottus pygmaeus and stream-dwelling C. bairdi and C. carolinae acclimated to temperatures of 20° and 25°C showed no interspecific differences in routine metabolism. Our results suggest that some spring-adapted populations or species may be more stenothermal than stream-dwelling congeners, but a greater understanding of the interactions of other physical and biological factors is required to better explain micro- and macro habitat distributions of eastern North American sculpins.  相似文献   

To determine whether invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from Lake Ontario were establishing a year‐round population in a tributary stream or migrating to the lake, we assessed population and individual movement patterns using mark–recapture assessment generated from weekly backpack electrofishing from May until November 2016. Round goby abundance was low in spring, peaked in summer and decreased again in autumn, suggesting seasonal inward stream migration and outward migration back to the lake. Adult round goby movement patterns were positively associated with changes in water temperature, but this was not the case for juveniles. Juveniles displayed a preference for shallow, upstream habitats. Observations of reproductive individuals coupled with a peak in juvenile abundance following the peak in adult abundance indicate that the tributary was used for reproduction and recruitment. The individual movement was primarily upstream in spring, and there was little net movement in summer, likely during reproduction. Downstream movement occurred in autumn over a short time period, suggesting rapid outmigration to the lake. The combined observations of seasonal population structure and individual movement suggest that tributary streams connected to large, infested waterbodies can be used for round goby reproduction and recruitment, rather than year‐round residence. This study provides evidence of round goby seasonal migration and their individual movement patterns within tributary streams, which complements an earlier study in Lake Erie tributaries and may be a common occurrence in other Great Lakes tributaries.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We performed a tagging study on one of the spawning populations of northern pike ( Esox lucius L.) of the River Kajaaninjoki in Finland. Northern pike is the main predator in many lakes and rivers in the northern hemisphere. Previous tagging studies have shown a general tendency to sedentary behaviour by pike. Whether individuals in a fish population adapt a sedentary or moving strategy may affect population persistence. To study if the spawning population consists of sedentary or moving individuals and the pattern of movements, we tagged 40 pike with radio transmitters and followed them from May 2002 to June 2003. Pike were caught and tagged during the spawning season in the mouth of the River Kajaaninjoki which flows into one of the largest lakes in Finland, Lake Oulujärvi. Our results suggest that the pike spawning population consisted of sedentary pike ( N  = 16) dwelling the whole year in the river, and moving pike ( N  = 24) which moved to Lake Oulujärvi after the spawning period. Pike exhibited homing behaviour, as most of the migrating pike returned to the same spawning area in the following year. Large pike had a higher movement rate than small pike during the summer and seasonally the movement rate was lowest during the spring and highest during the summer.  相似文献   

Fidelity to spawning habitats can maximise reproductive success of fish by synchronising movements to sites of previous recruitment. To determine the role of reproductive fidelity in structuring walleye Sander vitreus populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes, we used acoustic telemetry combined with Cormack–Jolly–Seber capture–recapture models to estimate spawning site fidelity and apparent annual survival for the Tittabawassee River in Lake Huron and Maumee River in Lake Erie. Walleye in spawning condition were tagged from the Tittabawassee River in Lake Huron and Maumee River in Lake Erie in 2011–2012. Site fidelity and apparent annual survival were estimated from return of individuals to the stream where tagged. Site fidelity estimates were higher in the Tittabawassee River (95%) than the Maumee River (70%) and were not related to sex or fish length at tagging. Apparent annual survival of walleye tagged in the Tittabawassee did not differ among spawning seasons but was higher for female than male walleye and decreased linearly as fish length increased. Apparent annual survival of walleye tagged in the Maumee River did not differ among spawning seasons but was higher for female walleye than male walleye and increased linearly as fish length increased. Greater fidelity of walleye tagged in the Tittabawassee River than walleye tagged in the Maumee River may be related to the close proximity to the Maumee River of other spawning aggregations and multiple spawning sites in Lake Erie. As spawning site fidelity increases, management actions to conserve population structure require an increasing focus on individual stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract – The diel activity of three size groups (small=<100 mm; medium=100–199 mm; large=200–299 mm total length) of juvenile shortfinned ("shortfin") eels ( Anguilla australis ) and longfinned ("longfin") eels ( A. dieffenbachii ) was tested in a laboratory flow tank over a 48-h period during summer. All size groups of both species were nocturnally active, with the eels hiding in the substratum during the day and coming out on top of the cobbles from dusk to dawn, to feed. During the foraging period, the numbers and activity of all sizes of longfins visible were greater than those seen of shortfins, with the differences being more pronounced for small and medium eels. The activity of all eels consisted mostly of foraging by crawling, searching and probing for prey among the cobbles. Rate of activity increased with size of eel for both species. Small eels of either species did more swimming than eels of the larger sizes, whereas large eels were observed more frequently with only their head out of the substrate than were the smaller individuals. Feeding of small eels within the interstitial spaces of the streambed may explain their significantly lower activity on top of the substrate at night. The significantly lower rate of activity recorded for shortfins than longfins of all sizes may be due partly to their ability to feed within the interstices of the stream bed, and (or) longer time to recover from handling and habituate to the test environment. Note  相似文献   

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