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Transforming growth factor (TGF)‐β1 is associated with fibrosis in many organs. Recent studies demonstrated that delivery of TGF‐β1 into chemically injured muscle enhances fibrosis. In this study, we investigated the effects of exogenous TGF‐β1 on muscle regeneration and adipogenesis in glycerol‐injured muscle of normal mice. Tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were injured by glycerol injection. TGF‐β1 was either co‐injected with glycerol, as an ‘early treatment’ group, or injected at day 4 after glycerol, as a ‘late treatment’ group and the TA muscles were collected at day 7 after initial injury. Myotube density was significantly lower in the early treatment group than in the glycerol‐injured group (without TGF‐β1 treatment). Moreover, the Oil red O‐positive area was significantly smaller in the early treatment group than in the late treatment group and glycerol‐injured group. Furthermore, TGF‐β1 treatment increased endomysial fibrosis and induced immunostaining of α‐smooth muscle actin. The greater inhibitory effects of early TGF‐β1 treatment than that of late TGF‐β1 treatment during regeneration in glycerol‐injured muscle suggest a more potent effect of TGF‐β1 on the initial stage of muscle regeneration and adipogenesis. Combination of TGF‐β1 with glycerol might be an alternative to enhance muscle fibrosis for future studies.  相似文献   

Muscle damage induces massive macrophage infiltration of the injury site, in which activated pro‐inflammatory and anti‐inflammatory phenotypes (currently classified as M1 and M2, respectively) have been documented as distinct functional populations predominant at different times after the conventional acute injury by intramuscular injection of snake venoms (cardiotoxin, notexin) or chemicals (bupivacaine hydrochloride, barium chloride). The present study employed a muscle‐crush injury model that may better reflect the physiologic damage and repair processes initiated by contusing a gastrocnemius muscle in the lower hind‐limb of adult mice with hemostat forceps, and examined the time‐course invasion of M1 and M2 macrophages during muscle regeneration by immunocytochemistry of CD197 and CD206 marker proteins. CD197‐positive M1 macrophages were observed exclusively at 1–4 days after crush followed by the alternative prevalence of CD206‐positive M2 at 7 days of myogenic differentiation, characterized by increasing levels of myogenin messenger RNA expression. Preliminary PCR analysis showed that M2 may produce hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in culture, providing additional benefit to understanding that M2 populations actively promote regenerative myogenesis (muscle fiber repair) and moto‐neuritogenesis (re‐attachment of motoneuron terminals onto damaged fibers) through their time‐specific infiltration and release of growth factor at the injury site early in muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of excess leucine (Leu) vs. its metabolites α‐ketoisocaproate (KIC) and β‐hydroxy‐β‐methyl butyrate (HMB) on Leu metabolism, muscle fibre composition and muscle growth in growing pigs. Thirty‐two pigs with a similar initial weight (9.55 ± 0.19 kg) were fed 1 of 4 diets for 45 days: basal diet, basal diet + 1.25% L‐Leu, basal diet + 1.25% KIC‐Ca, basal diet + 0.62% HMB‐Ca. Results indicated that relative to the basal diet and HMB groups, Leu and KIC groups exhibited increased Leu concentrations and decreased concentrations of isoleucine, valine and EAAs in selected muscle (< 0.05) and had lower mRNA levels of MyHC I and higher expression of MyHC IIx/IIb (< 0.05), and there was no significant difference between the basal and HMB‐supplemented groups. Moreover, the mRNA expression levels of AMPKα and UCP3 were higher but the myostatin mRNA levels were lower in the soleus muscle of the HMB group than those from other groups (< 0.05). These findings demonstrated that doubling dietary Leu content exerted growth‐depressing effects in growing pigs; dietary KIC supplementation induced muscular branched‐chain amino acid imbalance and promoted muscle toward a more glycolytic phenotype; while dietary HMB supplementation promoted the generation of more oxidative muscle types and increased muscle growth specially in oxidative skeletal muscle, and these effects of HMB might be associated with the AMPKα‐Sirt1‐PGC‐1α axis and mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Radiotherapy represents the standard of care for intranasal carcinomas. Responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been reported but data on expression of target receptor tyrosine kinases (rTKs) is limited. This study characterizes the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), platelet‐derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)‐α and PDGFR‐β in canine intranasal carcinomas. Histological samples from 187 dogs were retrieved. Immunohistochemistry was performed using commercially available antibodies. Expression of rTKs was classified into weak, moderate or intense and additionally recorded as cytoplasmic, membranous, cytoplasmic‐membranous, nuclear or stromal. VEGFR was expressed in 158 dogs with predominantly moderate expression (36.9%) and a cytoplasmic‐membranous expression pattern (70.9%). PDGFR‐α was detected in 133 with predominantly weak expression (57.9%) and cytoplasmic pattern (87.9%). PDGFR‐β was identified in 74 patients with a predominantly moderate expression (17.6%) and cytoplasmic expression pattern (63.5%). Co‐expression of rTKs was common. These results confirm expression of VEGFR, PDGFR‐α and PDGFR‐β in canine intranasal carcinomas and support the utility of TKIs.  相似文献   

The leucine metabolite β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate (HMB) has been studied by many researchers over the last two decades. In particular, the utility of HMB supplementation in animals has been shown in numerous studies, which have demonstrated enhanced body weight gain and carcass yield in slaughter animals; positive immunostimulatory effect; decreased mortality; attenuation of sarcopenia in elderly animals; and potential use in pathological conditions such as glucocorticoid‐induced muscle loss. The aim of this study was to summarize the body of research on HMB supplementation in animals and to examine possible mechanisms of HMB action. Furthermore, while the safety of HMB supplementation in animals is well documented, studies demonstrating efficacy are less clear. The possible reasons for differences in these findings will also be examined.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the diet, mother type and sex of the offspring on the mechanical and geometric parameters of long bones as well as bone tissue density in minks. Primiparous and multiparous dams were supplemented with β‐hydroxy β‐methylbutyrate (a metabolite of leucine, at the daily dosage of 0.02 g/kg of body weight) and/or 2‐oxoglutaric acid (a precursor of glutamine, at the daily dosage of 0.4 g/kg of body weight) during gestation. The diet did not influence bone tissue density and the length of the humerus. An increase in the length of the femur was noted in male offspring delivered by multiparous dams. The diet resulted in an increase in the weight of the humerus in males from multiparous dams and a decrease in offspring from primiparous dams. Heavier femora were noted in male offspring delivered by both types of dams. The maximum elastic strength of the humerus was higher in the offspring delivered by multiparous than primiparous dams, irrespective of the offspring sex. The diet resulted in reduction in the ultimate strength of the femur in the male offspring delivered by primiparous dams. Only females born by multiparous dams, irrespective of the diet, showed a significant increase in the cross‐sectional area of the humerus, while a significant decline was noted in males delivered by multiparous dams and in all the offspring delivered by primiparous dams. An increase in the cross‐sectional area of the femur was noted in the offspring delivered by multiparous dams, while reduction was observed in the offspring delivered by primiparous dams. These results have shown for the first time that the presence of β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate or 2‐oxoglutaric acid in the diet of pregnant primiparous or multiparous dams unambiguously affects the geometry and mechanical properties of offspring's long bones.  相似文献   

Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most common neoplasia of the canine urinary tract. It tends to be locally invasive and has a moderate metastatic rate. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) play an important role in promoting cell growth, differentiation and regulation of cell function. RTK inhibitor toceranib phosphate has been used anecdotally to treat TCC. The goal of this study was to evaluate archived normal urinary bladder, TCC and cystitis bladder samples for expression of toceranib phosphate targets: VEGFR2, PDGFR‐β and stem cell factor receptor (KIT). A significant number of TCC samples expressed PDGFR‐β compared with cystitis and normal bladder samples (P<.0001). While all the tumour samples stained positively for VEGFR2, there was no significant difference between tumour, cystitis and normal bladder samples in intensity scores or staining distribution. Minimal positive staining for KIT was noted in the tumour samples. Based on this proof of target study, further investigation is warranted to determine clinical response of TCC to toceranib phosphate.  相似文献   

Data from 18 β‐carotene‐deficient Japanese Black cows were collected to clarify the effects of feeding β‐carotene‐enriched dry carrots on β‐carotene status and colostral immunoglobulin (Ig) in cows. Cows were assigned to control or carrot groups from 3 weeks before the expected calving date to parturition, and supplemental β‐carotene from dry carrots was 138 mg/day in the carrot group. Plasma β‐carotene concentrations in the control and carrot groups at parturition were 95 and 120 μg/dL, and feeding dry carrots slightly improved plasma β‐carotene at parturition. Feeding dry carrots increased colostral IgA concentrations in cows and tended to increase colostral IgG1, but colostral IgM, IgG2, β‐carotene and vitamin A were not affected by the treatment. Feeding dry carrots had no effects on plasma IgG1, IgA and IgM concentrations in cows, but plasma IgG1 concentrations decreased rapidly from 3 weeks before the expected calving date to parturition. These results indicate that feeding β‐carotene‐enriched dry carrots is effective to enhance colostral IgA and IgG1 concentrations in β‐carotene‐deficient cows.  相似文献   

α‐1,3‐Galactosyltransferase (α‐GalT), an enzyme creating Galα1‐3Gal (α‐Gal) epitope on the cell surface in some mammalian species such as pigs, is known to be a key factor that causes hyperacute rejection upon transplantation from pigs to humans. To establish the RNA interference‐based suppression of endogenous α‐GalT messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis in porcine preimplantation embryos, we determined the suitable embryonic stage at which stage such approach is possible by using the semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR (qRT‐PCR) and the cytochemical method using a fluorescence‐labeled Bandeiraea simplicifolia Isolectin B4 (BS‐I‐B4). Staining with BS‐I‐B4 demonstrated that α‐Gal epitope expression was first recognized at the 8‐cell stage, and increased up to the hatched blastocyst stage. Single embryo‐based qRT‐PCR also confirmed this pattern. These results indicate that creation of α‐Gal epitope is proceeded by de novo synthesis of α‐GalT mRNA in porcine preimplantation embryos with peaking at the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Data from 26 Japanese Black cows were collected to clarify the effects of supplemental β‐carotene on colostral immunoglobulin (Ig) and plasma β‐carotene and Ig in the cows. Cows were assigned to control or β‐carotene groups from 21 days before the expected calving date to 60 days after parturition. Supplemental β‐carotene was provided at 500 mg/day in the β‐carotene group. Supplemental β‐carotene drastically increased plasma β‐carotene concentrations in the cows from parturition to 60 days after parturition, and plasma β‐carotene concentrations in the control and β‐carotene groups at parturition were 202 and 452 μg/dl, respectively. Supplemental β‐carotene had no effects on plasma IgG1, IgA or IgM concentrations at parturition. Supplemental β‐carotene increased colostral IgG1 concentrations in the cows, but colostral β‐carotene, IgA and IgM concentrations were not affected by supplemental β‐carotene. These results indicate that supplemental β‐carotene is effective to enhance colostral IgG1 concentrations and plasma β‐carotene concentrations in Japanese Black cows.  相似文献   

β‐carotene is one of the most abundant carotenoids, has potential anti‐inflammatory effect, it has been reported that β‐carotene could suppress LPS‐induced inflammatory responses by inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B (NF‐κB) translocation, but the more detailed molecular mechanisms underlying the anti‐inflammatory action of β‐carotene remain to be fully understood. In this study, we investigated the influence of β‐carotene on the activation of JAK2/STAT3, MAPK, and NF‐κB signaling pathway induced by LPS in RAW264.7 cells and peritoneal macrophages. Cells were treated with different concentrations of β‐carotene for 3 hr after LPS treatment for 24 hr. The mRNA expression and the release of IL‐1β, IL‐6, and TNF‐α were evaluated by RT‐PCR and ELISA, and the level of signaling proteins of JAK2/STAT3, MAPK, and NF‐κB signaling pathway were detected by Western blot. The results showed that β‐carotene significantly suppressed (p < 0.05) LPS‐induced release of IL‐1β, IL‐6, and TNF‐α and their mRNA expression. LPS‐induced JAK2/STAT3, IκB/NF‐κB p65, JNK/p38 MAPK signal activation were significantly attenuated (p < 0.05) by β‐carotene in a dose‐dependent manner. In conclusion, β‐carotene could attenuate LPS‐induced inflammation via inhibition of the NF‐κB, JAK2/STAT3, and JNK/p38 MAPK signaling pathways in macrophages.  相似文献   

Thiamine is recognized as a cofactor for many enzymes involved in intermediary metabolism responsible for energy production. Animal model of thiamine deficiency (TD) included direct evaluation of glucose uptake by estimation of 3H‐deoxyglucose transport across red blood cells membranes and β‐oxidation of fatty acids in isolated leucocytes. Feeding of animals with the thiamine‐deficient diet (0.018 mg/kg diet) for 30 days resulted in disturbances in energy production. The thiamine intake was limited not only by vitamin B1 deficiency in the diet, but also by time‐dependent drop of feed consumption by rats fed this diet. At the end of experiment, diet consumption in this group of rats was 52% lower than in the control group. This was accompanied by low glucose uptake by erythrocytes of rats suffering vitamin B1 deficiency for longer time. At the end of experimental period, glucose uptake was over 2 times lower in TD erythrocytes than in control RBC. Such drop of energy production was not compensated by delivery of energy from fatty acid degradation. In leucocytes from TD rats, the β‐oxidation was also suppressed. Observed significant decrease of serum insulin from 2.25 ± 0.25 ng/ml (day 0) to 1.94 ± 0.17 ng/ml (day 30) might have significant impact on observed energy production disorders. The results from this study indicate that the thiamine deficiency significantly reduces feed intake and causes modest abnormalities in glucose and fatty acid utilization.  相似文献   

Oviducts play roles in reproductive processes, including gametes transport, fertilization and early embryo development. Oviductal transport is controlled by various factors such as endothelins (EDNs) and nitric oxide (NO), smooth muscle contracting and relaxing factor, respectively. EDNs and NO production depend on an ovarian steroid hormone, oestradiol‐17β (E2) and E2 quickly exerts their biological functions through G protein‐coupled oestrogen receptor 1 (GPER1), which mediates rapid intracellular signalling. Because follicular fluid which contains a high concentration of E2 enters the oviduct, we hypothesized that E2 in the follicular fluid participates via GPER1 in producing EDNs and NO. To test this hypothesis, we investigated 1) the expression and localization of GPER1 in bovine oviductal tissues and 2) rapid effects of E2 via GPER1 on EDN1, EDN2 and inducible NO synthase (iNOS) expression in cultured bovine oviductal isthmic epithelial cells. GPER1 was observed in the oviductal epithelium, stroma and smooth muscle, and its expression was highest in the isthmus. Short‐term treatments (≤1 hr) of E2 increased EDN2 mRNA expression in the isthmic epithelial cells, although E2 did not affect EDN1 and iNOS mRNA expressions. Results of GPER1‐selective agonist G‐1 and GPER1‐selective antagonist G‐15 treatments revealed acute stimulation by E2, which is mediated via GPER1. The overall findings suggested that E2 in follicular fluid rapidly stimulates EDN2 expression via GPER1 in the isthmic epithelial cells. Follicular fluid may play a role in retention of the ovulated oocyte in the end of ampulla by contracting the isthmus for successful fertilization.  相似文献   

Thirty calves were randomly assigned to two treatments and fed until weaning [42 days (d) of age]. Treatments were a control group (n = 15), which did not receive Megasphaera elsdenii (Me0) and a M. elsdenii group, which received a 50‐ml oral dose of M. elsdenii NCIMB 41125 (108 CFU/ml) at day 14 day of age (Me14). Calves were given colostrum for the first 3 day followed by limited whole milk feeding. A commercial calf starter was offered ad libitum starting at day 4 until the end of the study. Fresh water was available throughout the study. Feed intake and growth were measured. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture to determine β‐hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentrations. Fourteen male calves (seven per group) were euthanised on day 42 and digestive tracts harvested. Reticulo‐rumen weight was determined and rumen tissue samples collected from the cranial and caudal sacs of the ventral and dorsal portions of the rumen for measurements of papillae length, papillae width and rumen wall thickness. Dosing with M. elsdenii NCIMB 41125 improved starter dry matter intake (DMI), weaning body weight (BW) and tended to improve average daily gain. Calves in Me14 group had greater plasma BHBA concentration than Me0‐calves during the last 3 weeks of the trial and had at day 42 greater reticulo‐rumen weight, papillae width and papillae density compared to Me0. No differences in rumen wall thickness or papillae length were observed between the two groups. Total volatile fatty acids, acetate and propionate production did not differ between treatments, but butyrate production was greater in Me14 than Me0. Dosing M. elsdenii NCIMB 41125 showed benefit for calves with improved feed intake and rumen development suggesting increased epithelium metabolism and improved absorption of digestive end products.  相似文献   

Satellite cells attached to skeletal muscle fibers play a crucial role in skeletal muscle regeneration. During regeneration, the satellite cells proliferate, migrate to the damaged region, and fuse to each other. Although it is important to determine the cellular mechanisms controlling myoblast behavior, their regulators are not well understood. In this study, we evaluated the roles of Fbxw7 in primary myoblasts and determined its potential as a therapeutic target for muscle disease. We originally found that Fbxw7β, one of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Fbxw7 subtypes, negatively regulates differentiation, proliferation and migration of myoblasts and satellite cells on muscle fiber. However, these phenomena were not observed in myoblasts expressing a dominant‐negative, F‐box deleted Fbxw7β, mutant. Our results suggest that myoblast differentiation potential and muscle regeneration can be regulated by Fbxw7β.  相似文献   

Mutations in the β‐carotene oxygenase 2 (BCO2) gene can impair the function of the enzyme that breaks down carotenoids. As a result, gradual accumulation of unoxidized carotenoids in animal tissues gives them a yellow colour. The aim of the study was to determine the content of carotenoids, retinol and α‐tocopherol in the liver, fat and milk of rabbit does with three different genotypes determined by AAT‐deletion mutation at codon 248 of the BCO2 gene and to find out whether differences in the concentrations of the above compounds in the tissues and milk of the does affect reproduction parameters and the rearing rate of kittens. The experimental materials comprised 36 does, 12 of each genotype of the BCO2 gene, with their litters. Females with their litters were placed in individual cages, on deep litter. Between days 7 and 13 of lactation, samples of milk were collected from the does. The kittens stayed with their mothers until 35 days of age. After weaning, the does were sacrificed. Tissue samples of liver and perirenal fat were collected for chemical analyses. Additionally, based on samples taken from one female, RNA expression levels were determined from the mammary gland and liver, adipose tissue and skin. It was found that homozygous does with deletion at codon 248 of the BCO2 gene were characterized by considerably higher concentrations of xanthophylls and beta‐carotene in the liver, adipose tissue and milk than does with the remaining genotypes. However, the differences in the content of the above compounds in milk had no influence on litter weight or the number and rearing rate of kittens. Additionally, RNA expression of the BCO2 gene was found in the mammary tissue of lactating doe and its level was similar to those noted in the liver and adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Wnt10b is a member of Wnt family that plays a variety of roles in biological functions, including those in the development of hair follicles. To investigate the effect of Wnt10b on hair growth in the Angora rabbit and to determine the underlying molecular mechanism, we cultured dermal papilla (DP) cells with exogenous Wnt10b in vitro. We observed the expressions of downstream critical gene β‐catenin and lymphoid enhancer‐binding factor 1 (LEF1) in Wnt/β‐catenin pathway. The levels of β‐catenin mRNA and protein were higher in the Wnt10b group of DP cells than in the Control group, and the mRNA level of LEF1 in the Wnt10b group was higher than in the Control group. Moreover, translocation of β‐catenin from cytoplasm to nucleus was activated in the Wnt10b group. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of the hair follicle‐regulatory genes, insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and the protein activity of ALP was also upregulated in the Wnt10b group compared to their corresponding levels in the Control group. These data suggest that Wnt10b could activate the canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway to induce DP cells in the Angora rabbit. In addition, the proliferation of DP cells was significantly promoted when cultured with Wnt10b for 48 and 72 hr, suggesting that Wnt10b plays a pivotal role in the proliferation and maintenance of DP cells in vitro. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that Wnt10b may promote hair follicle growth in Angora rabbit through the canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway that promotes the proliferation of DP cells.  相似文献   

The long‐term effect of α‐ketoglutarate (AKG) given for 21–24 days post‐partum, on the skeleton of commercial pigs, was investigated. In experiment A, 12 pigs were given AKG [0.1 g/kg of body weight (b.w.) per day per os], while 12 controls were administered vehicle. At day 169, the left and right femur, humerus and sixth ribs were analysed for mechanical and geometrical properties and quantitative computed tomography. In experiment B, 32 piglets were divided equally into an AKG group (0.3 g/kg of b.w. per day) or a control group. Blood, taken at days 24 and 53 was analysed for plasma 17 β‐oestradiol. The main bone effect of AKG was to increase bone length in the sixth rib (7.3%, p < 0.01), ultimate strength (23%, p < 0.05), Young´s modulus (52%, p < 0.001) and maximum elastic strength (31%, p = 0.056) compared with controls. In both experiments, AKG preferentially increased the growth of female piglets, whilst for male piglets AKG had the opposite effect. In addition, AKG elevated plasma 17 β‐oestradiol levels compared to those of controls at the end of the period of treatment (20%, p = 0.002). It is concluded that AKG has long‐term effects on rib properties when given early in postnatal life whilst it elevates plasma 17 β‐oestradiol levels only so long as it is being administered.  相似文献   

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