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随着我们国家对于西部发展战略的改革不断的深入发展,我们国家的山区逐渐的改变了以往的闭塞的形式,正在紧跟着时代发展的脚步,不断的向前发展,随着现在信息技术的发展,人们的思想观念也正在发生着重大的改变.其中,作为基础性产业的畜牧业的发展在这种发展形式的带动下,农业的发展技术得到了很大的提高,对于农业的生产发展来说具有十分重要的意义.可以说,在这种新的形式条件的之下,人们的思想观念也在发生着很大的变化,在农业的生产发展的过程中,一个最重要的影响因素就是在促进畜牧业快速发展的同时也要促进其稳定健康的可持续发展.所以说,实现畜牧业的绿色环保养殖,推进山区的畜牧产业的可持续发展是当前的一项重要的任务.本文将从如何实现绿色环保养殖进行一系列的分析.  相似文献   

我国是一个以农业发展为主要发展方向的国家,一直以来我国的农业发展在世界上都是处于一个相对而言比较高的地位,而谈到农业发展,其中占有相当大的比重的无疑就是我国的畜牧业及其副产物的发展状况了。因此,想要提高我国经济发展的步伐,我们就需要把注意力转移到如何降低我国的畜牧养殖的动物疾病的发病率上面,但是尽管我国的很多部门对此已经提起了注意力,我国的动物养殖产业的重大的疫病暴发的实例却还是屡见不鲜,其中最为尤甚的就是牛羊疾病的暴发,几乎每年都会暴发好几次,而且给有关的饲养企业所带来的经济损失也是相当的大。在此,本文将就我国的奶牛的饲养过程中频繁暴发的疾病—奶牛乳房炎的治疗为主要的范例,浅谈我国的大部分的奶牛的养殖企业在奶牛的乳房炎的治疗以及防治当中所存在的问题,并就问题提出切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

为了将我们的计算机教育落到实处,真正的提高我们的学生们的计算机的实际应用水平,我们应该让我们的计算机的教学方法顺应时代的发展,提出更好的计算机教学方案,这样才能适应我们的社会发展,我们会在本文来提出我们的应该对我们的整个计算机的教学体系和我们的教学方法应该做出什么样的改革,我们应该做到我们的计算机教学应该以我们的学生们为教学的主体,希望我们的文章对我们的计算机教学改革做出贡献。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展经济的进步,我国在电视新闻方面的发展也得到了进一步的提升,电视记者的现场出镜在这里发挥着重要的作用,在电视现场的新闻报道方面能否得到较好的效果这对于电视记者的现场出镜的技巧有着密切的联系,电视记者是电视新闻报道的一个核心,记者在新闻现场的出镜在各方面都有着严格的要求,由于时代发展的原因观众对于电视新闻的要求也在进一步的提高,故此顺应时代的发展潮流才能够使得电视新闻走的更远,这就要求电视记者在现场出镜方面要做的更好。本文主要对于电视记者在当下的电视新闻的报道方面应具备的素质加以阐述,并对当下的电视记者在现场出镜上出现的一些问题加以深入的分析探究,并给出适当的建议,希望能够对此领域的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

孙魏垚 《山东饲料》2014,(8):227+251
建筑行业在近几年里取得了空前的发展,使我们的居住的环境发生了很大的改变,慢慢的我们摆脱了传统的观念,在很多的领域进行了新的方向的发展。这也是我们这个时代进步的重要的体现,其改革的方向遍布于我们身边的各个角落,我们建筑行业有一个非常重要的方面是我们必须要进行考虑的,那就是暖空调的排烟技术,这一方面,直接的关系着我们的生活的质量,如果建筑排烟进行的不好将直接的影响到人们的身体健康,本文主要就这些方向进行了详尽的分析,目的就是为了更好的提高我们的生活的质量,使得人们更好的在这一领域提升技术。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,企业的数量也在大幅度的增加,企业最注重的经济利益,员工面对着条条框框的规定怎么才能更好保护好自身的利益不受侵害呢,正是面临着这样的新形势,工会的意义显得更加重要。企业工会是企业员工自发组织的团体,把所有的员工很好的团结在一起能够很好的反映广大职工的心声,同时也能够很好的激发广大员工的工作热情。现阶段的工会不断加强自身建设,在不同的时期认识到自己肩负的使命与责任,更好的服务于人类,服务于社会,服务于企业,服务于广大职工的根本利益。该文详细的阐述了当今工会的责任与义务,存在的意义,以及如何更好的发挥其组织职能。希望读了此文章能为广大的工会工作者带来帮助。  相似文献   

高校的思想教育教学能否成功是教学的关键,最主要的就是依靠教师的管理,只有通过教师的良好的管理才能够在学生的良好的管理之下不断的进行学习,基于这个因素,本文主要对高校的思想政治教育的老师运用什么样的方法引导学生学习进行了一系列的探讨性的学习进行了阐述。  相似文献   

在我国的计算技术迅猛发展的背景下,电力企业各个方面的工作也在此技术的支持下得到了大幅度的进步,在当下的各个企业对于电力信息的重视程度也逐渐的在加强,电力信息的安全问题一直是电力企业所关注的重要内容。由于电力系统在正常运行的情况下很容易受到黑客的攻击以及病毒的侵入,所以加强电力信息的安全保障体系的建设也就在这一情况下显得格外的迫切。本文主要就当前我国的电力信息安全问题进行详细的分析探究,希望能够通过此次的努力对电力信息安全保障体系的建设领域的发展起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

经济全球化的发展趋势对我国的影响是非常大的,我国的食品企业在加入世界经济组织后的发展的格局也发生了很大的变化,对于企业的管理要逐渐的健全质量管理体系,更好的满足顾客的需求,同时也是食品企业持续发展的要求.提高食品企业的安全管理水平,对于提高企业的经济效益也是非常有帮助的.  相似文献   

健全的生物安全体系能够最大限度地降低猪场暴发疾病的风险。本文借鉴国外发达养猪业生物安全体系的实践,结合笔者在规模化猪场的管理经验,从猪场的选址、区域的划分、栏舍的布局、车辆的管理、消毒流程的制定、消毒制度的建立、免疫体系的建立、疫病的监测、人员的管理、引种的管理、有害生物及其他动物的控制等多方面阐述规模化猪场生物安全体系的构建。  相似文献   

沟垄集雨对紫花苜蓿和裸燕麦出苗及土壤贮水量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用沟垄覆膜集雨种植紫花苜蓿和裸燕麦,测定不同沟垄比和不同垄覆盖材料对植物土壤贮水量和出苗数的影响。结果表明,沟中土壤贮水量随沟垄比增加而增加。普通地膜、可降解地膜和自然降水形成的土壤结皮具有减少土壤蒸发的作用,从而提高土壤贮水量。2012年5月7日紫花苜蓿出苗期测定结果显示,普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄种植紫花苜蓿的土壤贮水量比平作分别提高为77,61和38mm。2012年4月27日裸燕麦出苗期测定结果显示,普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄种植裸燕麦的土壤贮水量比平作分别提高102,83和61mm。普通地膜、可降解地膜和土垄处理提高了土壤含水量,从而提高裸燕麦株数;普通膜垄、可降解膜垄和土垄的裸燕麦株数比平作分别提高47,37和11株/m2。但高强度集雨不一定利于紫花苜蓿发芽,平作土壤含水量分布均匀,更有利于紫花苜蓿发芽。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that horses with right dorsal displacement of the large colon (RDDLC) have elevations in serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity when compared with horses with left dorsal displacement of the large colon (LDDLC). Medical records from 37 horses with RDDLC and 48 horses with LDDLC were reviewed. Horses were included for study if the RDDLC or LDDLC was confirmed by exploratory laparotomy or postmortem examination and if a serum GGT measurement was obtained within 24 hours before surgery. The proportion of horses with GGT activity within or above the reference range was determined. Of 37 horses, 18 (49%; exact binomial 95% confidence interval, 32-66%) with RDDLC and, of 48 horses, 1 (2%; 95% CI, 0-11%) with LDDLC had GGT above the reference range. Horses with RDDLC had higher serum GGT than did horses with LDDLC. Of 37 horses, 36 (97%) with RDDLC were discharged with a good prognosis and none returned as a result of hepatic disease. Evaluation of surgical and postmortem examinations revealed that positioning of the colon in horses with RDDLC results in compression of the bile duct, which can cause extrahepatic bile duct obstruction and a subsequent elevation in serum GGT activity.  相似文献   

During a 12-month period lameness, claw lesions and claw infections were studied in 15 herds with loose housing of pregnant sows on partly slatted concrete floors. Of these herds, 12 herds had concrete slats and 3 herds had plastic slats. The mean prevalence proportion of lame sows in the herds was 13.1%. The risk of lameness increased with increasing claw lesion score and with the presence of claw infections. In the herds with concrete slats, the relative risk of lame sows was 2.4 times higher than in the herds with plastic slats. In the herds with poor floor hygiene, the relative risk of lameness was 2.8 times higher than in the herds with dry and clean floors. The mean prevalence proportion of sows with claw infections at the 3 separate examinations in the 15 herds was 3.8%. Claw infections were more prevalent in herds with dirty floors and in herds with little space per animal (<2m2). In the herds with concrete slats, the relative risk of claw infections was 2 times higher than in the herds with plastic slats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of two antimicrobial-chondroitin sulfate ophthalmic solutions in the therapy of spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects (SCCED) and ulcerative keratitis associated with bullous keratopathy in dogs. ANIMALS STUDIED: Eighty dogs with SCCED and 14 dogs with ulcerative keratitis associated with bullous keratopathy. PROCEDURE: Following manual debridement of nonadherent epithelium, dogs were treated topically with a chondroitin sulfate ophthalmic solution containing either tobramycin or ciprofloxacin. Patients were re-evaluated at 2-week intervals for 4 weeks. RESULTS: After 2 weeks of treatment, 53.6% of eyes with SCCED and 17.6% of eyes with ulcerative keratitis associated with bullous keratopathy had healed. After 4 weeks of treatment, 81.0% of eyes with SCCED and 23.5% of eyes with ulcerative keratitis associated with bullous keratopathy had healed. There were no statistically significant differences in healing percentages between the tobramycin-chondroitin sulfate solution treatment groups and the ciprofloxacin-chondroitin sulfate solution treatment groups. Two dogs with SCCED, one treated with the tobramycin-chondroitin sulfate solution and the other treated with the ciprofloxacin-chondroitin sulfate solution, developed sterile corneal stromal abscesses during the study. CONCLUSIONS: Topical therapy with an antimicrobial-chondroitin sulfate ophthalmic solution combined with manual debridement of nonadherent epithelium compares favorably with other published medical and surgical therapies for SCCED; however, these compounds are only equivocally more effective than therapy with manual debridement alone. These solutions appear to be ineffective in the treatment of ulcerative keratitis associated with bullous keratopathy. The significance of the two cases of corneal stromal abscessation is unknown at this time and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Serology is currently used for the diagnosis of canine sino-nasal aspergillosis (SNA). However, the accuracy of serological testing using commercially available, standardized purified antigen preparations of Aspergillus (CAPurAspAg) has only been poorly documented. The aim of the present study was to assess the diagnostic value of an agar-gel double immunodiffusion (AGDD) test and an anti-Aspergillus IgG ELISA, using CAPurAspAg and the commercially available Platelia test for the detection of serum galactomannan. Sera from 17 dogs with SNA, 18 dogs with a nasal tumour (NT), 11 dogs with lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis (LPR) and 33 control dogs were tested with the 3 methods. AGDD result was positive in 76.5% of dogs with SNA, whereas all sera from dogs with non-fungal nasal disease and control dogs were negative. A positive IgG ELISA result was obtained in 88% of dogs with SNA and in 18% of dogs with LPR. All patients with NT and control dogs had a negative IgG ELISA result. The Platelia test was positive in 24% of dogs with SNA, 11% of dogs with NT, 9% of dogs with LPR and 24% of control dogs. The results of this study suggest that (1) the detection of serum Aspergillus-specific antibodies with AGDD or ELISA, using CAPurAspAg, provides excellent specificity and good sensitivity, (2) the specificity is higher for AGDD (100%) than for ELISA (96.8%) while sensitivity is higher for ELISA (88.2%) than for AGDD (76.5%) and (3) serum galactomannan quantification with the Plateliat test is unreliable for the diagnosis of canine SNA.  相似文献   

采用天然染料改善真丝性能有利于环保和人体健康。研究了以天然薯莨提取液为染料,应用汽蒸染色方法对真丝织物进行染色增重的最佳工艺,比较了分别用Fe3+、Cu2+、Cr6+3种金属离子进行后处理的改性效果。薯莨提取液对真丝增重的最佳工艺是:汽蒸温度110℃、湿度85%,汽蒸8次,汽蒸时间4 min,带液率180%、含固量6.28%。用Fe3+、Cu2+、Cr6+金属离子后处理的最佳质量浓度分别为12、10、10 g/L。Fe3+、Cr6+后处理的真丝织物其增重率随离子浓度的增加逐渐增大,而Cu2+后处理的真丝织物增重率在离子浓度上升到一定程度后有所降低。用Fe3+后处理的真丝织物颜色最深,呈红黑色;用Cu2+后处理的真丝织物颜色偏深,色相在红黄之间;用Cr6+后处理的真丝织物偏暗黄色。3种金属离子用于染色真丝织物的后处理,均在一定程度上提高了薯莨提取液染色增重真丝的色牢度和拒水性能,能明显提高真丝织物的紫外屏蔽性能,其中经Cr6+后处理的真丝织物拒水性能和紫外屏蔽性能最为显著。  相似文献   

1,2-O-dilauryl-rac-glycero glutaric acid-(6′-methylresorufin) ester (DGGR) lipase activity has been proposed as a faster and less expensive test used in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (AP) compared to canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI), which is considered the most sensitive and specific serum test available for dogs. Elevations in lipase activity have been observed in dogs with naturally occurring hypercortisolism (HC) and in those treated with exogenous steroids, which complicates the diagnosis of AP in dogs with HC. We compared lipase activity measured by DGGR and 1,2-diglyceride (1,2-DiG) assays in 22 dogs with HC, 22 with AP, and 22 healthy dogs. The dogs with HC had no clinical signs or ultrasonographic findings consistent with AP. DGGR lipase activity was elevated in 64% and 73% of the dogs with HC and AP, respectively, and in 18% of healthy dogs. 1,2-DiG lipase activity was high in 23% and 36% of the dogs with HC and AP, respectively, and in 5% of the healthy dogs. Both DGGR and 1,2-DiG lipase activities were significantly different between the healthy dogs and the other 2 groups, whereas no differences were detected between the dogs with HC and those with AP. Our results support a lack of specificity for both DGGR and 1,2-DiG lipase activity assays in aiding the diagnosis of AP in dogs with HC.  相似文献   

Abstract Macroscopic and cytological aspects of anal sac content were evaluated in 40 normal dogs and 10 dogs each with pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis associated with atopic dermatitis and uncomplicated atopic dermatitis. Bacteria isolated from anal sacs were compared with those from abdominal skin and hair in 20 normal dogs and 10 dogs with pyoderma. There was no difference between the groups in anal sac dimension, or in the colour, consistency or presence of granules in their content. Extracellular bacteria were found in higher numbers in diseased animals, whereas intracellular bacteria were observed in 40% of dogs with pyoderma and in only 2.5% of normal dogs. Malassezia spp. were present in 15.7% of dogs, with no difference between groups. Neutrophils were observed in 12.5% of normal dogs, 30% of dogs with Malassezia dermatitis with underlying atopic dermatitis and in 70 and 80% of dogs with pyoderma and uncomplicated atopic dermatitis, respectively. Seven bacterial species were isolated from anal sacs, with no difference between normal dogs and dogs with pyoderma. In five normal animals and in four dogs with pyoderma the same bacterial strains were isolated from anal sacs and from abdominal skin and hair.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin to prevent transmission of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina by Boophilus microplus to cattle under conditions of relatively intense experimental challenge. DESIGN: Naive Bos taurus calves were treated with either pour-on or injectable formulations of either ivermectin or moxidectin and then exposed to larvae of B microplus infected with B bovis or larvae or adults of B microplus infected with B bigemina. One calf was used for each combination of haemoparasite, B microplus life stage, drug and application route. PROCEDURE: Groups of calves were treated with the test drugs in either pour-on or injectable formulation and then infested with B microplus larvae infected with B bovis or B bigemina. B bigemina infected adult male ticks grown on an untreated calf were later transferred to a fourth group of animals. Infections were monitored via peripheral blood smears to determine haemoparasite transmission. RESULTS: Cattle treated with either pour-on or injectable formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin became infected with B bovis after infestation with infected larvae. Similarly, larvae infected with B bigemina survived to the nymphal stage to transmit the haemoparasite to animals treated with each drug preparation. Cattle treated with pour-on formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin then infested with adult male ticks infected with B bigemina did not become infected with B bigemina whereas those treated with the injectable formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin did show a parasitaemia. CONCLUSIONS: Injectable or pour-on formulations of ivermectin and moxidectin do not prevent transmission of Babesia to cattle by B microplus. Use of these drugs can therefore not be recommended as a primary means of protecting susceptible cattle from the risk of Babesia infection.  相似文献   

Background: Increased numbers of regulatory T cells (Treg) and decreased ratios of CD8+ T cells to Treg have been shown to correlate with decreased survival times (ST) in humans with certain malignancies. A possible connection between Treg and ST in dogs with cancer has not been investigated previously. Hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to compare numbers of Treg and T lymphocyte subsets in dogs with osteosarcoma (OSA) to those of healthy dogs and to determine whether pretreatment values were associated with disease‐free interval or with ST. We hypothesized that Treg numbers would be increased in dogs with cancer and that dogs with a high percentage of Treg would have a poorer prognosis. Animals: Twelve client‐owned dogs with appendicular OSA were entered into a prospective clinical trial. Twenty‐two healthy dogs were used as controls. Methods: The percentages and numbers of Treg and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in blood, lymph nodes, and tumors were determined with flow cytometry and compared between dogs with OSA and control dogs. Results: Dogs with OSA had significantly fewer circulating CD8+ T cells and significantly more Treg compared with healthy dogs. The CD8/Treg ratio also was significantly lower in dogs with OSA compared with control dogs. In dogs with OSA, a decreased CD8/Treg ratio was associated with significantly shorter STs. Conclusions: These data support a role for Treg in the immune control of canine OSA and suggest that determination of the CD8/Treg ratio may be useful for assessing outcomes.  相似文献   

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