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水稻土的水理性质与土壤耕作的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵诚斋  赵渭生 《土壤学报》1983,20(2):140-153
最近的研究工作证明[10,13,18]生长与土壤物理环境有密切关系.一般水稻土有水、旱两作过程,土壤随着淹水、排水和落干的变化相应地发生膨胀、分散、凝聚和收缩.水稻土的物理环境不是固定不变的.  相似文献   

Clod crushing resistance, bulk density, moisture content, and size distribution, together with fifteen bulk soil physical properties, were determined at thirty sites. Regression analyses indicated that the plasticity index of the soil is the principal property affecting both the clod crushing resistance and the yield of clods. Other less closely related properties are not always consistent in their effect between clod size ranges. A‘clod factor’ was derived from the product of the clod crushing resistance and the weight of clods in the ridge for each soil. The clod factor is linearly correlated with plasticity index (r= 0·587, P= 0·002) and a clod factor > 1000 was found for soils with a plasticity index greater than about 5. Harvest observations suggest that where the clod factor exceeded 1000, the efficiency of a mechanical potato harvester was reduced.  相似文献   

该文主要讨论了在陕、甘、宁境内作为黄土风成成因的主要颗粒组成从北向南或从西向东的分布规律,以砂粒、粗粉粒、粘粒及物理性粘粒四种粒级作为黄土风成成因的主要指标粒级,并讨论了随着土壤颗粒的变化,而产生的土壤一系列物理性质的变化:土壤比重愈向南愈大;土壤容重则是最南部及最北部最大,而中间过渡地带较小;对于破坏土壤(无结构的土壤),土壤质地愈粘重,渗透性能愈差,质地愈轻则渗透性能愈好,而对于有结构的原状土壤则恰好相反。另外,黄土地区的土壤水分常数如最大吸湿水、凋萎湿度、自然含水量及田间持水量亦是从北向南相应的逐渐递增变大,然而毛管持水量则是最南部及最北部较小,而中间过渡地带最大,和土壤粗粉粒分布规律恰相吻合。  相似文献   

田积瑩  黄义端 《土壤学报》1964,12(3):286-296
黄土地区,地形起伏,丘陵沟壑很多。由于长期耕作,植被破坏,致使土壤表层遭受侵触,引起土壤肥力及农业生产下降,故防止土壤侵触是当前增加农业生产的重要措施。  相似文献   

于天仁 《土壤学报》1979,16(3):203-210
关于我国土壤物理化学的进展,李庆逵(1959)从主要土类的矿物组成、水稻土的化学特性、土壤吸附性能的研究、土壤有机质等方面,总结了建国后前十年的研究成果;于天仁、刘志光(1964)总结了在氧化还原过程方面的研究;熊毅、朱祖祥(1965)在一本书的前言中做了简要概述。在中国科学院南京土壤研究所主编的《中国土壤》(1978)一书中,分别以土壤有机质、土壤有机无机复合体、土壤表面化学性质、土壤酸碱性、土壤中的氧化还原过程等章,总结了我国在有关方面的主要研究成果。本文不拟全面介绍我国三十年来在土壤物理化学研究方面的具体成就,而仅就几个主要问题,以历史回顾的方式,谈谈个人的看法。  相似文献   


红壤、砖红壤以及在这些土壤上发育的水稻土,都呈酸性或强酸性反应,在栽培水稻时,农民素有施用石灰的习惯.近年来这些地区种植大麦的面积日益扩大,例如浙江金华地区1978年大麦种植面积即达54万亩.但在大麦栽培上普遍存在早衰低产现象,这是否和土壤酸度有关?不同石灰物质对大麦生长的影响如何?为此,我们进行了以下三方面的工作.  相似文献   

土壤中锌的形态分布及其影响因素   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文

土壤温度与气温及纬度和海拔关系的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
冯学民  蔡德利 《土壤学报》2004,41(3):489-491
土壤温度影响植物根系的生长和分布,影响土壤化学过程的速度和成土母质中原生矿物的风化,所以在美国土壤系统分类中,把在土表下5 0cm深度处的年均土壤温度作为分异特性,用于不同分类级别的区分[1] ,在我国的土壤系统分类中也采用了此办法,把土壤温度状况作为土壤分类的重要依据  相似文献   

The study was designed to obtain information on flow and salinity of the groundwater, and on moisture regimes above the water table at selected sites near Vegreville, Alberta, and to relate this information to features of soil genesis revealed by soil mapping and analysis. All soils on the lower slopes, unlike those at upper elevations, contained accumulations of salts and gypsum, but the depth of salt accumulation and therefore the kind of soil appeared to be related only partly to current groundwater flow directions and the depth of the water table. The sodium content of the discharging groundwater and past flow conditions also appeared to be important. Lateral flow above the water table is suggested as being of possible importance in desalinization of surface horizons.  相似文献   

水稻土的力学性质与水分含量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
趙诚斋  吕秉光 《土壤学报》1964,12(2):132-142
土壤的抗剪强度和抗压强度以及变形性质是决定耕作阻力、机具的通行性能及耕作质量的重要因素,也是机具正确设计所必须考虑的因素。过去对于耕作土壤的强度研究,多从旱地的松散状况出发,把土体的粘结只归因于水膜的表面张力和水膜的数量,并得出结论:土壤强度与含水量呈抛物线关系。对于搅动后土壤粘结的机制,认为包括水膜粘结和分子引力粘结两种[1]。最近山中金次郎指出[2],在这二种不同粘结机制的转折处有明显的破折现象,但对水稻土的情况研究极少。  相似文献   

The iodine content in successive 10 cm horizons of eighteen soil profiles from England and Wales was determined and correlated with contents of‘free’ aluminium and iron oxides (oxalate-soluble) and organic matter. The pattern of change in iodine content with depth varied considerably with soil type. In the rendzina soils, the content was relatively high in the surface 10 cm but declined markedly with depth. In the podsols, iodine was low at the surface but increased in the B horizon: in one of these soils an iron pan of about 1 cm thickness had an iodine content as high as 37.6 mg/kg. In two soils derived from Ordovician, and one from igneous, rock material, the iodine content was relatively high (up to 25 mg/kg) with maximum values at intermediate depths. In contrast, soils derived from river alluvium and from lowland clays generally had low iodine contents (< 6 mg/kg) which showed little variation with depth in the profile. In a peat soil the iodine content was relatively high in the horizons above 60 cm but was low (1. 3 mg/kg) in the underlying clay. In all 154 samples from the eighteen sites, iodine content was closely correlated with oxalate-soluble aluminium (r= 0.834***) but not with oxalate-soluble iron (r= 0. 35) or organic matter (r= 0.37). However, in the five most acidic soils, with pH below 4. 8, the iodine content was more closely correlated with iron than with aluminium.  相似文献   

低磷土壤条件下菜豆根构型的适应性变化与磷效率   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
曹爱琴  廖红  严小龙 《土壤学报》2002,39(2):276-282
利用分层隔网式土壤盆栽系统结合计算机图像分析技术 ,以基根根长、根表面积等在生长介质各层中的相对分布量为指标 ,定量测定菜豆 (PhaseolusvulgarisL .)根构型在低磷胁迫下的适应性变化及其与磷效率的关系。研究结果表明 :在低磷条件下 ,菜豆根部生物量减少 ,根系总长度变短 ,根总表面积减少 ,磷高效基因型G1 9833、G1 9839的基根根长、根表面积降低较少且在介质表层的相对分布量增加 ;而磷低效品种DOR364的根长、根表面积降低较多而在表层的相对分布量减少 ,说明菜豆根构型特征对低磷胁迫具有适应性变化 ,磷高效基因型在低磷条件下能保持一定的根长、根表面积 ,且根系向地性减弱而形成浅根式的根构型 ,使根系内竞争减少 ,从而能够利用更多的土壤磷  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻土的物理特性与少免耕法的关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
赵誠斋 《土壤学报》1989,26(2):101-108
本文从土壤物理特性和作物生长的关系探讨了耕作的要求.土壤水分能量特性可被机械扰动改变,这是导致土壤粘闭的重要原因.水稻土的含水量和有效水均以表土高,而下层低,含水量和容重成线性负相关(n=62,r=-0.909**).土壤扰动可提高持水量,长年免耕在干旱年份可能会出现水分不足问题.土壤含水量、气容量和机械强度三者的变化相互联系.由三个因素决定的小麦生长最佳范围是在水分吸力0.02-0.5巴内,而田间持水量大于塑性限,所以秋季耕作必然导致土壤粘闭.免耕土壤的容重一般在1-1.25g/cm3之间,是稻麦生长的较佳环境,所以水稻土本身存在适合稻麦免耕生产的条件.根据水稻和三麦分别52和23组次对比试验,水稻免耕增产19斤/亩,三麦49斤/亩,均达到极显著水平(p=0.01).平田地区连续三年免耕土壤不恶化,囊水型土壤第二年开始有变差趋势,但产量不减低.免耕有保护土壤结构的作用,但不利于结构发展.  相似文献   

黑土肥力变化特点及其与土壤复合胶体性质的关系   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李庆民  尹达龙 《土壤学报》1982,19(4):351-359
黑土占黑龙江省耕地面积一半以上,是肥沃的土壤.但是,开垦后用养结合不好,土壤肥力呈现明显下降的趋势.本文拟从研究黑土肥力下降及其与土壤复合胶体的关系,以及有机质培肥黑土的效果及其对土壤复合胶体的影响,探索黑土肥力下降原因及培育高产黑土的技术途径,以便为快速培育高产黑土提供科学依据.为此,我们采集不同开垦年限的黑土和施用有机质不同程度培肥的黑土,进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

晋西黄土区基于地形因子的土壤水分分异规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以山西省吉县蔡家川小流域典型梁峁坡面为研究对象,在研究区共布设313个土壤水分监测点,用TDR测定土壤(0~30cm,30~60cm)水分,经克立格(kriging)插值得到了研究区土壤水分分布图,并与基于数字高程模型(DEM)提取的研究区域坡向、坡度、高程3个地形因子分布图叠加,生成土壤水分与地形因子相对应的数据库,用以分析坡面尺度地形因子对土壤水分的影响情况及基于地形因子的土壤水分分异规律。通过主成分分析得出:地形因子对土壤水分影响的次序依次为坡向>高程>坡度。通过对坡向和坡度聚类分析得出:影响土壤水分分异的坡向可分为两类,即292.5°~360°(0°)~112.5°(阴坡),112.5°~292.5°(阳坡);影响土壤水分分异的坡度分为:5°~20°,20°~35°两类。依据坡度和坡向的分类结果,分别拟合土壤水分和地形因子的函数关系,求出不同坡度、坡向土壤水分的关系系数:若假定坡度为5°~20°、坡向为阴坡时,土壤水分关系系数为1,则坡度为5°~20°、坡向为时阳坡时土壤水分关系系数为0.99,坡度20°~35°、坡向为阴坡时土壤水分关系系数是0.82,坡度20°~35°、坡向为阳坡时土壤水分关系系数为0.8。  相似文献   

四川盆地紫色土肥力与母质特性的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
紫色土在四川盆地分布最广,占全省总面积的28%,占耕地总面积的68.7%,是该省粮食生产基地,粮食产量约占全省总量的70%.这种土壤除种植粮食作物外,还适宜种植蔗、棉、油、桑和水果.紫色土生产潜力极大,但也存在不少问题.从三十年代以来,许多土壤学者对紫色土进行过一系列研究,一致认为紫色土肥力与母质特性关系密切.本文以底土或岩石风化碎屑(即母质,C)为基本材料,同时用表土(A)和岩石(R)作辅助样品,研究了紫色土肥力与母质特性的关系.  相似文献   

The proportional differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) and its fractions under different land uses are of significance for understanding the process of aggregation and soil carbon sequestration mechanisms. A study was conducted in a mixed vegetation cover watershed with forest, grass, cultivated and eroded lands in the degraded Shiwaliks of the lower Himalayas to assess land‐use effects on profile SOC distribution and storage and to quantify the SOC fractions in water‐stable aggregates (WSA) and bulk soils. The soil samples were collected from eroded, cultivated, forest and grassland soils for the analysis of SOC fractions and aggregate stability. The SOC in eroded surface soils was lower than in less disturbed grassland, cultivated and forest soils. The surface and subsurface soils of grassland and forest lands differentially contributed to the total profile carbon stock. The SOC stock in the 1.05‐m soil profile was highest (83.5 Mg ha−1) under forest and lowest (55.6 Mg ha−1) in eroded lands. The SOC stock in the surface (0–15 cm) soil constituted 6.95, 27.6, 27 and 42.4 per cent of the total stock in the 1.05‐m profile of eroded, cultivated, forest and grassland soils, respectively. The forest soils were found to sequester 22.4 Mg ha−1 more SOC than the cultivated soils as measured in the 1.05‐m soil profiles. The differences in aggregate SOC content among the land uses were more conspicuous in bigger water‐stable macro‐aggregates (WSA > 2 mm) than in water‐stable micro‐aggregates (WSA < 0.25 mm). The SOC in micro‐aggregates (WSA < 0.25 mm) was found to be less vulnerable to changes in land use. The hot water soluble and labile carbon fractions were higher in the bulk soils of grasslands than in the individual aggregates, whereas particulate organic carbon was higher in the aggregates than in bulk soils. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The nitrate load in drainage water from a freely-draining calcareous soil under deciduous woodland increased consistently as the rate of water flow increased, suggesting that nitrate was rapidly available and not readily exhausted.  相似文献   

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