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An unusual compound of small molecular weight has been detected in serum from horses with acute grass sickness by solvent extractions and thin-layer chromatography. The substance has not been detected in the serum of normal horses or cases of equine colic and apparently disappears from grass sickness serum after two to three days of clinical illness. Although this compound is found in sera which are known to possess in vivo neurotoxicity, this property could not be demonstrated in either the total chloroform extract which contains the compound or in the hydrophilic serum components remaining after extraction. These findings suggest that, although the compound may be related to the neurotoxin present in the original serum, the toxicity is inactivated during the extraction procedure or that the emulsion necessary for administration precludes absorption of an active toxin.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that equine grass sickness may be associated with the ingestion of cyanogenic glycosides from white clover (Trifolium repens), the concentrations of whole blood cyanide, and plasma and urinary thiocyanate, the main metabolite of cyanide, were measured in 12 horses with acute grass sickness and 10 horses with subacute grass sickness, and in 43 control horses, of which 21 were co-grazing with cases of acute grass sickness, 12 grazed pastures where grass sickness had not been reported, and 10 were stabled horses. The healthy horses which grazed with cases of acute grass sickness had higher concentrations of blood cyanide, and plasma and urinary thiocyanate than the other control horses, consistent with an increased exposure to cyanogens. The horses with grass sickness had no evidence of a recent intake of cyanogens, but may have been exposed to increased levels of cyanogens before they became anorexic.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Equine grass sickness is a dysautonomia characterised by widespread destruction of autonomic ganglia, resulting in the clinical signs of dysphagia, constipation, profuse sweating, tachycardia, rhinitis sicca and high mortality rate. Rhinitis sicca is a common finding in horses with the chronic form and we have postulated that alterations in autonomic innervation of the nasal mucosa might underlie this clinical presentation. OBJECTIVES: In this study, the expression and distribution of nerve fibres immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), the general neuronal marker protein gene-product 9.5 (PGP 9.5; ubiquitin) and the intermediate neurofilaments (PAN-N; neurorfilaments L, M and H) in the nasal mucosa of normal horses (n = 10) and horses with EGS (n = 18; acute n = 8, subacute n = 3, chronic n = 7) was assessed. METHODS: Innervation density and distribution was investigated in the different groups using standard immunohistochemical techniques. RESULTS: Significant differences were noted when comparing the density and distribution of nerve fibres immunoreactive for PGP 95 and PAN-N, with PGP 95 consistently giving better staining in all groups and at all sites in the nasal mucosa. An apparent increase in the density of innervation was noted for acute vs. normal cases. A significant reduction in the density of innervation was noted only with PAN-N when comparing normal horses and acute cases with the chronic group (P < 0.05). CGRP and SP immunoreactive nerve fibres were typically most abundant in the epithelial and subepithelial layers, but the quality of staining and nerve fibre density was greater for SP, achieving significant difference in several comparisons. The density of innervation for SP was significantly reduced in the chronic group compared to the normal and acute groups (P < 0.01). A significant decrease was noted for CGRP only for the acute and chronic groups (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a reduction in the expression of the sensory neuropeptides in nasal mucosal innervation as a consequence of equine dysautonomia, and may underlie the clinical presentation of rhinitis sicca noted with this disease. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Nasal biopsy may be of use in antemortem diagnosis of grass sickness and identification of mucosal denervation; and might also be useful in the treatment of rhinitis in EGS cases.  相似文献   

Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a pan-dysautonomia of horses that involves central and peripheral neuronal degeneration and ultimately depletion. This is the first reported functional study on the motility of equine intestine taken immediatelypost mortem from horses with EGS. Strips of smooth muscle from the small intestine of healthy and EGS-affected horses were suspended in an organ bath and their motility was measured isometrically. The activity of the cholinergic system was studied. Physostigmine enhanced the motility of all muscle strips. Tissues taken from horses suffering from acute grass sickness (AGS) had the longest latency before a measurable response could be obtained (p<0.05). The ileum appeared to be damaged by EGS to a greater extent than the duodenum. For the duodenal strips the enhanced rate of spontaneous contractions was significant (p<0.05) for both normal tissue and that affected by grass sickness but this was not the case for the ileal strips. Muscarinic receptor sensitivity investigation using bethanecol suggested a hypersensitivity of receptors with AGS material,Abbreviations AGS acute grass sickness - CGS chronic grass sickness - ED50 median effective dose - EGS equine grass sickness - VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING THE STUDY: Clinical evidence of motor neuron involvement in equine grass sickness (EGS) has not been reported. HYPOTHESIS: Quantitative electromyography (EMG) analysis can elucidate subtle changes of the lower motor neuron system present in horses with EGS, performed ante mortem. METHODS: Fourteen horses diagnosed clinically with acute, subacute or chronic EGS were examined and quantitative EMG performed. Previously published data on healthy horses and horses with proven lower motor neuron disease (LMND) were used as controls. In 8 horses post mortem examination was performed, and in 7 muscle biopsies of the lateral vastus muscle underwent histopathology and morphometry. RESULTS: Clinical electrophysiological evidence of neuropathy was present in 12 horses. Analysis of data from the first 4 horses resulted in 95% confidence intervals (CI) of nontransformed data for motor unit action potential (MUP) duration in subclavian, triceps and lateral vastus muscle of 11.0-13.7, 14.8-20.3 and 12.2-17.2 msecs, respectively, and for MUP amplitude 291-453, 1026-1892 and 957-1736 microV, respectively. For number of phases the 95% CI was 3.6-4.4, 2.9-3.6 and 2.9-3.4, respectively, and for number of turns 5.0-6.5, 4.3-5.3 and 3.7-4.6, respectively. No changes in duration of insertional activity were measured. Pathological spontaneous activity was observed in all horses. EGS as evidenced by degenerative changes in the autonomic ganglia in combination with minor degenerative changes of the spinal lower motor neurons was observed on post mortem examination in all 8 available autopsies. In muscle biopsies of 4 out of 7 horses changes consistent with slight neurogenic atrophy were found. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: EMG results demonstrated the presence of a neuropathy of skeletal muscles in all horses suspected to have EGS. The combination of clinical and electrophysiological evidence may aid differential diagnosis of neurogenic disease in cases of weight loss and colic.  相似文献   

This study compares quantitatively the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract of healthy horses with that of horses with equine grass sickness (EGS). Faecal and ileal samples were cultured quantitatively on selective and non-selective media. Confirmed anaerobes were identified to species level.Overall faecal counts gave a ratio of aerobes:anaerobes of approximately 1:1. However, the mean counts in healthy horses of 4.4x10(8) aerobes:3.7x10(8) anaerobes per gram wet weight were different from counts in EGS (means were 10-100-fold higher), with statistically significant differences for the anaerobes (p=0.04). There were 10-100-fold more anaerobic cocci in EGS samples compared to healthy controls. Most of the seven species of anaerobic cocci were found in both healthy horses and EGS. Differences in clostridia isolated between health and disease were notable: fourteen species were isolated from EGS cases, compared to only one (C. bifermentans) in controls. The mean faecal clostridial counts in chronic disease were higher than in controls (10-fold) and in acute EGS (100-fold). In contrast, mean counts for ileal samples from acute cases, showed a 10-fold increase for clostridia compared to 1000-fold reduction in chronic cases (compared to faecal counts). Results indicate an increase in the bacterial numbers in the GI tract of animals with EGS compared to the controls and clostridia are prominent in EGS. Whether the increase in clostridia is the cause of GI stasis or a consequence remains uncertain.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The aetiopathogenesis of equine grass sickness (EGS) is unknown. The role of free radical-mediated neuronal damage has not previously been investigated in this condition. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the potential contribution of oxidative damage and antioxidant status to neurodegeneration in EGS. METHODS: Systemic levels of surrogate biomarkers were determined in 10 horses with acute EGS and in 2 control populations; 10 healthy horses co-grazing with the 10 EGS horses at the onset of clinical disease, and 10 healthy mares grazing where EGS has not been reported. RESULTS: EGS horses had alterations in levels of several antioxidants, consistent with oxidative stress, the acute phase response and/or the secondary metabolic complications of EGS. EGS horses had elevated plasma dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) levels. CONCLUSIONS: The elevated DOPA levels probably reflected a generalised disturbance of catecholamine metabolism rather than increased DOPA production via free radical-mediated oxidation of tyrosine. However, there was no evidence of systemic macromolecular oxidative damage. POTENTIAL CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Further work is required to determine whether macromolecular oxidative damage occurring at the neuronal level contributes to EGS.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: While previous studies have demonstrated an association between equine grass sickness (EGS) and the presence of Clostridium botulinum within ileal contents and faeces, no such associations with other intestinal‐derived anaerobic bacteria have been extensively investigated. Hypothesis: The prevalence of C. perfringens in the ileal contents and faeces of EGS horses is greater than control horses; the detection of C. perfringens in faeces by ELISA could be diagnostically beneficial in a clinical setting. Methods: The prevalence of C. perfringens in faeces from EGS horses and healthy grazing control horses was determined by both selective culture and ELISA to permit both validation of the ELISA and inter‐group comparisons. Additionally, the prevalence of C. perfringens (ELISA) in ileal contents from EGS horses was compared with that for control horses with nongastrointestinal disease. Finally, the prevalence of C. perfringens (ELISA) in faeces from EGS cases was compared with that from both horses with which they shared pasture at the time of disease onset and non‐EGS colic horses. Results: When compared with culture, the ELISA had a sensitivity and specificity of 86 and 98%, respectively. The prevalence of C. perfringens in faeces as determined by both culture and ELISA was significantly higher (P<0.001) for EGS horses (7/9 and 15/37, respectively) than for healthy grazing controls (0/60 and 1/74, respectively). The prevalence of C. perfringens in ileal contents from EGS horses (5/10) was greater than that for horses with nongastrointestinal disease (1/12) at a level that approached significance (P = 0.056). EGS cases had a significantly greater prevalence of C. perfringens in faeces (15/37) than co‐grazing horses (1/18) and colic (1/16) horses. The specificity (93%) and PPV (94%) of the detection of C. perfringens by ELISA on faecal samples in relation to disease status (EGS compared with colic horses) was good. Sensitivity (41%) and NPV (39%) were poor. Conclusions and potential relevance: The use of a commercial ELISA to detect faecal C. perfringens may be diagnostically beneficial when differentiating EGS cases from colic cases, although further work is required to fully evaluate its potential.  相似文献   

An autopsy study of one dead and two sick hares from an East Anglian estate on which two mares had died of grass sickness revealed that two of the hares were suffering from a polyganglionopathy and alimentary tract changes, remarkably similar to those seen in grass sickness in horses. No such abnormalities were found in two healthy hares from the same locality.  相似文献   

The aetiology of equine grass sickness (EGS) is still unknown. There is increasing evidence that toxicoinfection with Clostridium botulinum type C is involved. Epidemiological evidence shows that resistance to EGS can occur in older horses and those that have been on a particular pasture for longer or have been in prior contact with the disease. This resistance may be in the form of an immune response to the aetiological agent. Levels of systemic antibodies to the surface antigens of C. botulinum type C (using the closely related and safe C. novyi type A as a phenotypic marker) and to the botulinum type C neurotoxin (BoNT/C) were investigated in horses with and without EGS. Horses with grass sickness were found to have significantly lower levels of systemic IgG to both surface antigens and BoNT/C. Horses with low levels of systemic immunity to these antigens may be more susceptible to developing EGS. There were no significant differences in antibody levels between the different categories of EGS, suggesting systemic immunity to C. botulinum type C does not play a significant role in influencing the severity of the disease. However, horses that had been in contact with EGS or that were grazing land where it had occurred frequently in the past had significantly higher antibody levels to these antigens. These horses may have been exposed to subclinical doses of C. botulinum type C and BoNT/C, resulting in the production of a protective immune response against the putative aetiological agent. This finding is of potential significance for the prospect of prevention of EGS by vaccination against C. botulinum type C.  相似文献   

Although a presumptive diagnosis of acute grass sickness (AGS) can be made on the basis of clinical signs, a definitive ante mortem diagnosis currently requires histological examination of enteric ganglia. Development of an accurate noninvasive ante mortem diagnostic test is therefore warranted. The objective of this study was to determine whether quantification of the plasma concentrations of the heavily phosphorylated form of major neurofilament subunit NF-H (pNF-H), which mirror the degree of axonal degeneration in some human and animal neurodegenerative disorders, could distinguish AGS-affected and control horses. The pNF-H was quantified in plasma from 20 AGS cases and 20 control horses using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Five AGS and 4 control samples had detectable pNF-H concentrations (>0.0759 ng/ml). There was no significant intergroup difference in pNF-H concentrations. It was concluded that plasma pNF-H is not a useful biomarker for the diagnosis of AGS.  相似文献   

Twenty-one strains of Nocardia farcinica isolated from cattle with bovine farcy in the Sudan were examined to determine their taxonomic relationships. The strains had morphological, cultural and physiological properties of Nocardia, but exhibited some variations of minor taxonomic importance. All strains contained lipids characteristic of nocardiae (LCN-As) and all except two were found by immunodiffusion tests to be serologically related to each other, to N asteroides but not to Mycobacterium tuberculosis nor M bovis. Consequently, these organisms were regarded as true members of the genus Nocardia.  相似文献   

Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting grazing equids of which a single case of the chronic clinical presentation has previously been reported in a Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii). A group of 8 Przewalski's horses were moved to a new enclosure, recently vacated by a group of 4 Eastern kiang (Equus kiang holdereri) that showed no evidence of disease. After 23 days the first Przewalski's horse showed clinical signs of acute EGS including flank sweating, belly kicking, rapid loss of body condition, cessation of faecal passage, nasogastric reflux and mouthing water. It was subjected to euthanasia within 48 h due to lack of therapeutic response. Within 24 h of this first case developing clinical signs, a further 5 Przewalski's horses showed similar clinical signs of acute EGS and were subjected to euthanasia. Post mortem examinations confirmed acute EGS, with all animals demonstrating typical chromatolysis, cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, cellular swelling, vacuolation, pyknosis and loss of nuclei in approximately 90% of neurones in the cranial cervical and cranial mesenteric ganglia and myenteric and submucosal plexi of the ileum. Two Przewalski's horses within the group showed no clinical signs of disease. No single pathogen was identified as the causal agent, but the epidemiological pattern of the outbreak was typical for that previously reported for acute EGS in domestic equids. All affected animals and the 2 surviving Przewalski's horses had low antibody titres to Clostridium botulinum type C. This is the first report of acute EGS in a herd of Przewalski's horses.  相似文献   

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