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近年来,疫情对企业在交通运输、经营成本等方面都存在不同程度的影响,逐渐成为影响企业经济效益的重要因素。为研究疫情下各类企业经济效益的变化情况,运用Python爬虫方法搜集各类企业数据,基于多准则决策模型,通过建立指标评价体系,利用G1序列模型以及熵权法对评价指标进行赋权,充分考虑评价指标的主观性、客观性,并通过建立变权理论模型进一步优化指标权重,最终利用优劣解距离法计算评价对象得分,依据评分大小评估疫情对不同类型中小微企业的影响,并根据混淆矩阵及其一系列评估指标对模型结果进行检验。通过分析得出:建立的模型为经济指标与经济效益评价建立了良好的量化桥梁,具有解决企业经济评价问题的实际意义。  相似文献   

森林经营问题在新一轮集体林权制度改革中得到重视.以福建省邵武市和尤溪县作为研究区域,通过156个农户样本数据,分析农户造林、砍杂、施肥和管护4方面的森林经营行为现状;基于利润最大化理论,选择Probit模型,分析家庭、林地、非林生产、林业生产、制度因素5方面17个变量对农户森林经营行为的影响.研究表明:农户造林、砍杂、施肥和管护4类森林经营活动的参与性分别为64.1%、36.5%、33.3%和46.2%;造林行为受户主受教育水平、户主是否主要从事农林业超过10年、用材林比重、林改前是否进行过造林、家庭耕地面积、非农收入占家庭总收入比重的影响显著;砍杂行为受户主年龄、家庭劳动力数量、林地是否距家庭远、林改前是否进行过造林、农户是否对经营制度改革满意的影响显著;施肥行为受户主是否主要从事农林业超过10年、家庭劳动力数量、林地是否距家庭远、非农收入占家庭收入比重、是否对税费制度改革满意、是否对经营制度改革满意的影响显著;管护行为受新一轮集体权制度改革中获得的林地占家庭林地总面积比重、林地是否距家庭远、是否计划修建林道的影响显著.为提高农户森林经营积极性,需要关注农户家庭、林地、非林生产和林业生产方面的特殊性,优化有助于农户提高营林收益和降低营林成本的制度措施.  相似文献   

“我们今年的订单需求达到500个货柜、2万多立方米.按照目前这个生产进度,今年产值将达到5000万元。”近日.位于江苏省连云港市东海县房山镇木业集中区的连云港宏杨木业有限公司的负责人讲起今年“一片大好”的生产形势。在该公司的生产车间.  相似文献   

《国际木业》:在此次的“2011年中国优质板材评价推荐”活动中,宝源木业的中密度纤维板和精木板都被作为了优顷板材的推荐对象,请问宝源是如何保证优质板材的原材料供应?蔡维金:宝源木业从2002年开始,不断吸取行业的发展经验和方式,一直坚持走差异化的发展之路。目前宝源木业的人造板年产量有45万m3,其中有23万m3中密度纤维板和22万m30SB生产能力。宝源木业一直以来都将第一车间建在农村,对第一车间进行远程培殖,这也是企业发展的最基本点。宝源木业推行的“公司+基地+农户”的经营模式,从2002年开始公司陆续在这一模式上投入的3000多万资金,免费提供树苗给工厂周围的农民栽种,共同来培殖园区基地,目前已拥有30万亩的园区基地林,从而保证了板材原材料并保证现在的生产规模。这样,既带动了当地农民致富,又保证的企业生产,实现林农和企业的双赢。  相似文献   

浙江现有多少种花卉苗木?数量有多少?浙江花木业的规模如何?效益怎样?浙江花木业的发展如何实现新的突破?这些问题,不仅为浙江的园林绿化和花木生产流通企业关心,政府相关部门也非常重视。要回答这些问题,首先要对浙江省花木产业资源状况有一个准确翔实的掌握。自2001年起,全省花木业得到井喷式发展,号称“花木大省”的浙  相似文献   

去年在浙江嘉善县参加了一个木业研讨会。随后参观了数家当地的木业企业。有外资管理的企业,也有民营企业。林林总总,一派生机勃勃的景象。据了解,由于拥有良好的交通条件(距上海市仅半小时路程),以及相当优惠的政策,近年来嘉善木业异军突起,其生产总量及规模一下子压倒了广东省的木业大县,形成了嘉善旋风。在佩服嘉善发展木业经济的同时,细心的人们参观工厂时,发现当地仍有一些企业不重视环保,从而存在着厂房甲醛浓度较大的问题。工人在此环境下工作,拿着并不太高的工资,万一得上什么病,岂不是得不偿失?故而在老板们大赚特…  相似文献   

德国哥廷根大学森林经营研究所2000年出版的《可持续的森林经营》一书指出,全世界现有约5亿人口依靠森林谋生,森林工业、木材工业工人占很大数量。可持续的森林经营必须包含工人的职业稳定,生产安全,作业条件良好,相应的工资收入。这两类工人与森林的关系密切,对森林的可持续性有着关键性影响。因此,在制定国际森林政策时,工人对可持续性的认识、兴趣以及他们可能发挥的影响必须受到充分重视。世界上有5亿人口依靠森林谋生@柴禾  相似文献   

中国林机协会会员单位2010年第四季度生产经营情况统计报告1生产经营情况总体统计1.1订单相对增减情况订单数比上年度同期增加的企业占填报企业总数的83.68%;订单数比上年度同期减少的企业占填报企业总数的8.16%;订单数与上年度同期持平的企业占填报企业总数的8.16%。①国内订单相对增减情况:国内订单比上年度同期  相似文献   

文章介绍了内蒙古根河源国家湿地公园自然概况、社会经济条件、分期建设规划及投资估算,对营业收入、经营成本、经营利润、投资回收期等方面进行了分析评价。  相似文献   

基于企业全面库存管理思想,对库存成本、库存控制、库存系统优化等管理经验与前人研究成果进行分析,借鉴先进企业的库存管理理念和方法,以大型制造企业为核心研究对象,在集供应商、制造商、经销商为一体的供应链作为研究框架的基础上,运用供应链系统理论作为研究方法,分析了库存管理现状、影响因素及产生原因,从优化生产管理、整合企业内部供应链和跨企业供应链的角度提出库存控制的相应对策,以实现全面的库存优化,从而提高企业的经营效益。  相似文献   

The state of urban seedling nurseries in the north-eastern region of Bangladesh is examined with a focus on production and profitability of the enterprises. Twenty-eight sample nurseries out of the 97 nursery enterprises in Sylhet town were selected at random, and operators personally interviewed. It was found that the entrepreneurs are not highly educated though they believed that a basic level of education is required to understand the management of young nursery stock. Labourers of various employment categories work in the enterprises and their wage is determined by their skill, gender and efficiency. Capital and operating costs vary among the enterprises according to land value, production capacity, infrastructure type and workforce size. Production capacity ranges from 10,000 to 5 M seedlings/year with an average 836,000, though actual average production is only 341,000 seedlings/year. The production cost per seedling ranges from Tk. 4 to 50 while sale value ranges from Tk. 10 to 60. The most frequently sold species are Acacia mangium, Swietenia macrophylla, Tectona grandis, Mangifera indica, Litchi chinensis and Cocos nucifera. Nursery techniques and cultural practices adopted by nursery operators depend on the type of species and its silvicultural requirement. Despite some problems, including lack of suitable land for nursery establishment and inadequate level of technical knowledge for high quality seedling management, it seems that production of tree seedlings is a promising profitable small-scale business in the study area.  相似文献   

浙江安吉县实施毛竹收购价格指数保险的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着劳动力工资水平的快速提高以及一系列严格的环保政策的出台,浙江安吉县毛竹收购价格持续走低并在较长时期处于低价徘徊,直接影响了竹农的经济收入和生产管理的积极性,出现了毛竹林抛荒失管现象。为保障竹林经营者的基本收益,扶持竹产业健康持续发展,安吉县探索实施了毛竹收购价格指数保险措施。文章介绍了安吉县毛竹收购价格指数保险的提出、方案设置以及实施2年来的实践情况,探讨了该保险所发挥的作用,提出了进一步改进的建议。  相似文献   

钟达来  卞彩楼  鲍德江 《森林工程》2001,17(2):17-17,19
本文着重对木材生产伐区阶段的劳动工资管理加以细化,对比、分析,从而为森工企业管理者提供决策依据,提高木材生产的经营管理水平,调动生产一线工人的积极性,以达到提高林业木材生产效率的目的。  相似文献   

桉树组培苗以苗繁苗技术具有成苗周期短,利用系数大,成本低,便于生产单位大规模推广使用等特点,而且通过嫩梢扦插育苗,可获得苗木整齐粗壮,量多,遗传增益大,具有极大的生产潜力和经济效益。文章根据实际生产,具体介绍了桉树组培苗以苗繁苗技术及病虫害防治对策,旨在促进育苗技术的推广和进步,为育苗工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

Rattan, an important non-timber forest product, is a flexible palm used in weaving baskets or furniture. Rattan is light yet sturdy, making it suitable for furniture that can be moved often. Bangladesh has a large number of rattan-based enterprises. This paper reports a case study carried out in Sylhet City Corporation of north-eastern Bangladesh, exploring the production, financial profitability and marketing of rattan-based products, and the problems and priorities of rattan-based enterprises as well as their potential contribution to employment opportunity. A sample survey was conducted of 58 randomly selected rattan-based enterprises with entrepreneurs personally interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Based on the total investment, the enterprises were divided into large, medium and small categories. Three origins of rattan (Local, Myanmar and Indonesia) and five species were used by the enterprises to produce 29 rattan-based product types. Rattan products were divided into three basic categories, viz. domestic utensils, domestic decorative articles and others for which uses are not specific. Among the three rattan origins, processing cost of local and Myanmar rattan species products was less and more articles were sold than for Indonesia rattan species. Financial analysis indicated that rattan-based enterprises are a profitable and attractive option for local socio-economic development. Entrepreneurs’ views on major problems and issues in rattan-based product trading and suggested measures to improve the condition of rattan-based enterprises also collected. Rattan-based enterprises will generate more domestic revenue, foreign exchange and employment if policies are adopted to provide the enterprises with a reliable source of raw materials and technical and financial assistance from Government to NGOs to sell the products, and expand market facilities in both local and international markets.  相似文献   

机械化是林业采伐未来发展的方向,为探索机械采伐的优缺点,本文通过试验对比分析,得出机械采伐效率是人工采伐的4倍,单位采伐成本比人工采伐高28.8%。机械采伐降低了对人工的依赖,减少管理成本开支,安全性高,木材计量损失少;缺点是不适合在个别极端地形作业,对采伐迹地土壤质量有一定影响等。总体上机械采伐是值得大力推广的林业采伐方式,如何控制成本和提高采伐效率是其推广过程中需要解决的重点问题。  相似文献   

Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are extensively used to simulate the economic impact of forest policies. In this study, we conduct a counterfactual analysis to assess the impact of an export tax ranging from 5 to 20% on the plywood sector to the Indonesian economy. The indonesian economy is aggregated into 5 sectors: 2 sectors are related to forest,i.e., (1) log, and (2) plywood. The other three sectors are not related to forest,i.e., (3) non-wood manufacturing, (4) agriculture, quarrying, and services, and (5) construction. The simulation results show that an export tax on the plywood processing sector is negatively correlated with real GDP and labor demand in log and plywood sectors, but is positively correlated with total labor demand, government revenue, income distribution, wood resources and social welfare. Reduction in labor demand by log and plywood sectors, due to a plywood export tax, can be absorbed in other sectors. The simulated policy of an export tax on plywood can reserve trees in production forests for future use.  相似文献   

汪仁斌 《林产工业》2007,34(4):14-17
家具企业对库存管理重视不够,导致库存费用高,资金使用效率低。笔者从家具生产企业的材料仓库、半成品仓库入手,以数学分析手段,建立了在允许缺货、不允许缺货条件下的仓库管理模型,同时还分析了在大规模生产时,如何合理确定生产批量,并建立了数学模型。通过在企业实际实施,证明了此模型具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

基于最优轮伐期模型的超限额采伐现象及其约束机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中将最优轮伐期模型应用于对超限额采伐现象的研究,认为由于国有森工企业的利润大多来自于木材销售收入,而企业领导的任期是有限的,他们只关心自己任期内的业绩,导致企业经营的目标实际上是短期木材收益的最大化,而不是我们所期待的可持续木材与生态综合收益最大化,甚至也不是私人拥有森林时所追求的长期木材收益的最大化。他们会设法突破政府设定的采伐限额,增加采伐量,造成森林资源加速衰退的不良后果,不仅生态功能迅速萎缩,木材产量也无法长期维持下去。同样的情形在国有林场短期租赁给私人经营时也极易发生。为尽量杜绝这种现象,有必要通过建立有效的监督和惩罚机制使超采所带来的额外收益小于被发现时上缴罚款的数学期望值,以此从根本上遏制住企业超限额采伐的动机。  相似文献   

This study uses land expectation value (LEV) as a criterion to conduct economic analyses of natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) and tea (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) monoculture, and rubber-tea intercropping. We calculated LEV by using the Faustmann model that combines annual revenue flow from latex production with final timber harvest of rubber trees. Production and cost data were collected from Xinwei Farm in Hainan, China. We found that rubber-tea intercropping generated higher LEV than rubber and tea monoculture under current socio-economic circumstances. Sensitivity analysis has been conducted to examine the impacts on land expectation value by interest rate, prices of natural rubber and tea, and labor costs.  相似文献   

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