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We used modified Leslie matrix models to explore the life history of Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ). By examining the sensitivity of long-term population growth rates to changes in vital rates, we identified those life history components which can cause large population level responses. Our models subdivide the first year of life into five stages (eggs, early larvae, late larvae, juveniles, and 'peanuts' or subadults), and population growth rate responds most strongly to changes in juvenile and late larval stages. The relative ranking between these stages is dependent on the magnitude of mortality during the prejuvenile stages relative to juvenile mortality. An examination of low-level model parameters indicates that the population growth rate is influenced by the growth and mortality rates during the time when young-of-the-year menhaden are gaining access to and residing in the estuaries. Sensitivity to changes in many adult metrics, such as fishing mortality, were relatively low. We conclude that a better understanding of biotic and abiotic factors that influence the late larval and juvenile stages will further our understanding of population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

The South Atlantic Bight Recruitment Experiment (SABRE) brought together a interdisciplinary team of scientists to conduct research to enhance our understanding of the relationship between variation in environmental factors and the variable recruitment of 'estuarine dependent' fishes within the SAB. The project sought to develop a new fusion of government and academic scientists, each possessing unique skills, to address the difficult problem of recruitment variability in fishes. This fusion required the development of appropriate and at that time novel management and administrative strategies. SABRE initially focused on recruitment dynamics of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus , in the South Atlantic Bight, but expanded over time to include several estuarine-dependent species and much of the Middle Atlantic Bight as well. The project was conducted from 1991 to 1997 and resulted in a substantial improvement in our understanding of the life history and ecology of Atlantic menhaden and the potential constraints upon its recruitment. SABRE also contributed to our understanding of the physical oceanography of the western North Atlantic shelf and adjacent coastal inlets and the implications of physical dynamics upon the potential pathways for larval transport.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional circulation model was used in conjunction with larval fish vertical behaviour models to study the interaction between larval vertical distribution, advection and the outcome of larval transport along the central portion of the east coast of the United States. The circulation model was forced by tides, a northern boundary inflow, and winds. Vertical behaviour models were developed for Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ) and spot ( Leiostomus xanthurus ). The purpose of this modelling effort was to investigate the transport pathways of Atlantic menhaden and spot larvae from offshore spawning grounds to estuarine nursery habitats. The coupled circulation and behavioural model demonstrated the importance of along-shelf transport in what is generally thought to be a 'cross-shelf' problem. Cross-shelf transport was associated with bathymetric features, such as shoals. Both physical (e.g. wind) and biological (e.g. changes in larval behaviour) events were responsible for many of the observed patterns in larval transport. Overall, larval transport was determined by circulation but was modified by larval vertical distributions.  相似文献   

Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ) is an estuarine-dependent fish that spawns in coastal waters of the Middle and South Atlantic Bights. Circulation modelling studies of larval transport suggest that recruitment of larvae into the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Carolina, is linked to dynamics on the shelf from New York to South Carolina. Field-collected menhaden egg data (from MARMAP and SABRE) define a range of temperatures within which menhaden eggs have been found. In this study we refine the transport model-predicted spawning grounds for the 1994–95 season by using satellite-derived sea surface temperature data to highlight regions that are outside the observed spawning temperature range. We also use transport pathways leading from source locations to the estuarine system to characterize the temperature field experienced by particles/larvae during their spawning-ground to inlet transit. The modelled nearshore location of source regions agrees well with MARMAP and SABRE egg data, and points to the importance of understanding biological and physical linkages between the Middle and South Atlantic Bights. The combination of modelled transport and synoptic temperature maps can provide useful guidance to future sampling efforts as well as help refine our understanding of menhaden ecology.  相似文献   

A previous study documented a correlation between Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) recruitment in the Gulf of Maine and an annual index of the north component of May winds. This correlation was supported by modeling studies that indicated strong recruitment of Gulf of Maine Atlantic Cod results from high retention of spring‐spawned larvae in years when winds were predominately out of the north, which favor downwelling. We re‐evaluated this relationship using updated recruitment estimates and found that the correlation decreased between recruitment and wind. The original relationship was largely driven by two recruitment estimates, one of which (2005 year‐class) was highly uncertain because it was near the terminal year of the assessment. With additional data, the updated assessment estimated lower recruitment for the 2005 year‐class, which consequently lowered the correlation between recruitment and wind. We then investigated whether an environmentally‐explicit stock recruit function that incorporated an annual wind index was supported by either the original or updated assessment output. Although incorporation of the annual wind index produced a better fitting model, the uncertainty in the estimated parameters and the implied unexploited conditions were not appropriate for providing management advice. These results suggest the need for caution in the development of environmentally‐explicit stock recruitment relationships, in particular when basing relationships and hypotheses on recruitment estimates from the terminal years of stock assessment models. More broadly, this study highlights a number of sources of uncertainty that should be considered when analyzes are performed on the output of stock assessment models.  相似文献   

Community-based management of subsistence fisheries in Samoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much subsistence fishing in tropical regions is based in discrete communities which have a high level of marine awareness and some degree of control of adjacent waters. These factors provide an ideal basis on which to motivate communities to manage their own marine resources. A fisheries extension programme in Samoa encouraged each village community to define its key problems, discuss causes, propose solutions and take appropriate actions. Various village groups, including women's and untitled men's groups, provided information which was recorded (as problem/solution trees) on portable white-boards. The extension process culminated in a community-owned Fisheries Management Plan which listed the resource management and conservation undertakings of the community. Undertakings ranged from enforcing laws banning destructive fishing methods to protecting critical marine habitats. Within the first 2 years, the extension process commenced in 65 villages, of which 44 have produced Village Fisheries Management Plans to date. A large number (38) of these villages chose to establish community-owned Marine Protected Areas.  相似文献   

In this study we show how substantial gains towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) can be achieved by different single-species management. We show that fishing has much less impact on stocks if fish are caught after they have reached the size (Lopt) where growth rate and cohort biomass are maximum. To demonstrate our point we compare the impact of three fishing scenarios on 9 stocks from the North Sea and the Baltic. Scenario (1) is the current fishing regime, scenario (2) is a new management regime proposed by the European Commission, aiming for maximum sustainable yield obtained from all stocks, and scenario (3) is set so that it achieves the same yield as scenario (2), albeit with fishing on sizes beyond Lopt. Results show that scenarios (2) and (3) are significant improvements compared to current fishing practice. However, scenario (3) consistently shows least impact on the stocks, with seven-fold higher biomass of demersal fishes and an age structure similar to an unfished stock. This allows juveniles and adults to better fulfil their ecological roles, a major step towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management. We give examples where scenario (3) is practiced in successful fisheries. We present a new interpretation of the relative yield per recruit isopleth diagram with indication of a new target area for fisheries operating within the context of EBFM. We present a new expression of the relative biomass per recruit isopleth diagram, which supports our analysis. We conclude that size matters for precautionary and ecosystem-based fisheries management and present a list of additional advantages associated with fishing at Lopt.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries‐induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life‐history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

In a number of recent papers Cushing has advocated that the Great Salinity Anomaly (GSA), which entered the northern North Atlantic in the early 1970s, adversely affected the recruitment of a number of deep-water fish stocks of this ocean. Cushing envisages that a temperature anomaly accompanying the GSA slowed and/or delayed growth in the spring phytoplankton bloom which sequentially affected zooplankton growth and fish recruitment. We test a number of hypotheses relating to Cushing's picture, focusing on the waters of the West Greenland, Labrador and Newfoundland Shelves. We find that, south of Greenland waters, there were no significant temperature anomalies corresponding to the GSA. In addition we show that stability of the shelf waters increased during the GSA, casting doubt on the contention that the phytoplankton bloom was delayed by retardation of the spring stabilization of the water column due to the influence of cold water. Our analysis indicates that the food chain coupling of environment to recruitment (climate to phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish) is not strong in the study region.  相似文献   

Forage fish occupy a central position in marine food‐webs worldwide by mediating the transfer of energy and organic matter from lower to higher trophic levels. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) is one of the ecologically and economically most important forage fish species in the North‐east Atlantic, acting as a key prey for predatory fish and sea birds, as well as supporting a large commercial fishery. In this case study, we investigate the underlying factors affecting recruitment and how these in turn affect productivity of the North Sea sandeel using long‐term data and modelling. Our results demonstrate how sandeel productivity in the central North Sea (Dogger Bank) depends on a combination of external and internal regulatory factors, including fishing and climate effects, as well as density dependence and food availability of the preferred zooplankton prey (Calanus finmarchicus and Temora longicornis). Furthermore, our model scenarios suggest that while fishing largely contributed to the abrupt stock decline during the late 1990s and the following period of low biomass, a complete recovery of the stock to the highly productive levels of the early 1980s would only be possible through changes in the surrounding ecosystem, involving lower temperatures and improved feeding conditions. To that end, we stress the need for ecosystem‐based management accounting for multiple internal and external factors occurring within the broader context of the ecosystem in which forage fish species, such as sandeel, play an important and integral part.  相似文献   

The growing awareness of the impact that recreational fishers can have on fish stocks has highlighted the paucity of information used to inform their management. Most of the available information on the scale and nature of recreational catch and effort has come from intermittent and labour‐intensive surveys that provide fragmented insights into often highly variable fisheries. Digital cameras offer a more cost‐effective means of continuously monitoring trends in recreational fishing effort, and it is surprising that greater use of this approach has not been made to date given its widespread use in other contexts. We share lessons learnt from four early adopter studies in New Zealand, Australia and Germany, where digital cameras have been used to monitor recreational fishing effort. Many of the challenges that we have encountered and overcome were initially unforeseen, and we suggest solutions and strategies to address these issues. We conclude that all aspects of a camera‐based monitoring system should be considered from the outset, to optimize the utility and value of the information they provide over the long term. Aspects to consider include the location and configuration of a camera system, ensuring service continuity, image quality, data storage, image interpretation and ultimately the analysis of any data collected. Robustly designed digital camera monitoring systems can be used to gain greater insight into recreational fishery dynamics, leading to more informed, responsive and effective fisheries management.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystem management has traditionally been divided between fisheries management and biodiversity conservation approaches, and the merging of these disparate agendas has proven difficult. Here, we offer a pathway that can unite fishers, scientists, resource managers and conservationists towards a single vision for some areas of the ocean where small investments in management can offer disproportionately large benefits to fisheries and biodiversity conservation. Specifically, we provide a series of evidenced‐based arguments that support an urgent need to recognize fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) as a focal point for fisheries management and conservation on a global scale, with a particular emphasis placed on the protection of multispecies FSA sites. We illustrate that these sites serve as productivity hotspots – small areas of the ocean that are dictated by the interactions between physical forces and geomorphology, attract multiple species to reproduce in large numbers and support food web dynamics, ecosystem health and robust fisheries. FSAs are comparable in vulnerability, importance and magnificence to breeding aggregations of seabirds, sea turtles and whales yet they receive insufficient attention and are declining worldwide. Numerous case‐studies confirm that protected aggregations do recover to benefit fisheries through increases in fish biomass, catch rates and larval recruitment at fished sites. The small size and spatio‐temporal predictability of FSAs allow monitoring, assessment and enforcement to be scaled down while benefits of protection scale up to entire populations. Fishers intuitively understand the linkages between protecting FSAs and healthy fisheries and thus tend to support their protection.  相似文献   

Artisanal coral reef fisheries provide food and employment to hundreds of millions of people in developing countries, making their sustainability a high priority. However, many of these fisheries are degraded and not yielding their maximum socioeconomic returns. We present a literature review that evaluates foci and trends in research effort on coral reef fisheries. We describe the types of data and categories of management recommendations presented in the 464 peer‐reviewed articles returned. Identified trends include a decline in articles reporting time‐series data, fish catch biomass and catch‐per‐unit effort, and an increase in articles containing bycatch and stakeholder interview data. Management implications were discussed in 80% of articles, with increasing frequency over time, but only 22% of articles made management recommendations based on the research presented in the article, as opposed to more general recommendations. Key future research priorities, which we deem underrepresented in the literature at present, are: (i) effectiveness of management approaches, (ii) ecological thresholds, trade‐offs and sustainable levels of extraction, (iii) effects of climate change, (iv) food security, (v) the role of aquaculture, (vi) access to and control of fishery resources, (vii) relationships between economic development and fishery exploitation, (viii) alternative livelihoods and (ix) integration of ecological and socioeconomic research.  相似文献   

Long-term density data for the sea cucumber, Isostichopus fuscus, from Canal Bolivar (separating western Isabela and eastern Fernandina Islands), Galápagos, were compared with catch statistics and used in a stock depletion model to determine the extent of the effects of the fishery on the existing population and the potential for the population to recover after each fishing season. Recruitment indices were found to be low from 1994 until mid-1999, when a mass recruitment event was registered and numbers of small individuals increased dramatically. The increase in density of juveniles peaked in 2001 and has declined since. Recruitment in this species of sea cucumber appears to be highly sporadic and may depend on intense climatic events such as the warm El Niño. Current levels of fishing activity are unsustainable. The management implications of pulse recruitment in this fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive environment of the South-west Atlantic anchovy, Engraulis anchoita , in the southern Brazilian coast was investigated using maritime weather reports from the US National Climatic Center. These reports were summarized to yield seasonal distributions of sea surface temperature, wind stress and Ekman transport for 2-month segments of the seasonal cycle. The vertical oceanographic structure and dynamics were studied using temperature and salinity data collected from oceanographic cruises. The seasonal distribution and biomass of South-west Atlantic anchovy spawners were estimated by acoustic surveys. Anchoita spawns intensively off southern Brazil during winter and early spring when the Ekman transport is directed onshore, and the combined effects of freshwater run-off and the flow of cold water near the bottom result in a strong vertical stability over the continental shelf. During this season, primary production peaks due to nutrient input from Sub-Antarctic waters and freshwater run-off. These conditions would avoid dispersal of eggs and larvae offshore and favour the production and maintenance of fine-scale food particle aggregations required for successful first feeding of newly hatched larvae. In summer, the conditions are almost reversed and anchoita spawners are virtually absent from the area. Thus, the spawning strategy of anchoita in southern Brazil seems to be tuned in a way to optimize larval retention, minimize exposure to turbulent mixing and take advantage of enhanced plankton productivity.  相似文献   

The Negombo estuary brush park fishery in Sri Lanka was investigated from June 1998 to March 1999. The mean fish yield (all species) in the fishery was 12.46 t ha−1 yr−1. Fin fish species formed about 91% of the yield and the rest was formed by penaeid shrimps and crabs. Fish yield and the twig density in the brush park exhibited a second order polynomial relationship indicating a minimum yield at an intermediate value of twig density in the brush parks. The relationship between fish yield and duration of implantation of brush parks showed an optimal period of 30–40 days for high fish yields. Income levels of fishermen, availability of construction material and suitable sites for implantation of brush parks are some of the factors determining size and number of brush parks per fisherman and duration of installation. Indigenous knowledge within the fishing community about the effect of salinity variations, twig density and mangrove species used on the harvests greatly contribute to effective operation of this fishing practice. Cultivation of mangroves to obtain twigs and branches is a unique feature in this estuary. Indigenous knowledge on mangroves has led to the adoption of sound silvicultural practices. Although cultivating mono-specific mangrove stands may not increase diversity of mangrove forests, it reduces denudation of naturally occurring mangrove forests because of brush park construction, and retains habitats for other organisms. Mangrove management plans in the Negombo estuary should therefore be viewed and treated in an integrated manner that takes into account both resource and social components.  相似文献   

Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem‐based perspective, using objective and evidence‐based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long‐term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem‐based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go together.  相似文献   

渔业管理中生物学参考点的理论及其应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
生物学参考点常被表示为与渔业管理相关联的捕捞死亡率和生物量,是单从生物学角度来衡量渔业资源及其开发状况的指标。通常可分为目标参考点、限制参考点和阈值参考点。目标参考点是为了持续获得某一目标渔获量所需的最小生物量和相应捕捞死亡率,包括目标生物量(Bmsy)、目标产卵亲体量(Smsy、SSB35%、SSB40%)、目标捕捞死亡率(Fmsy、Fmax、F0.1、Fmed、F40%、F40%)等参数。限制参考点用于保证捕捞死亡率不会高到危害鱼类种群的可持续利用和其生物量不会低到危害其生存,主要包括Fmsy、Fmax、F0.1、Fcrash、F20%、Bloss等参数。阈值参考点介于目标参考点和限制参考点之间,包括预防性捕捞死亡率Fpa、预防性生物量Bpa,主要对渔业资源的开发和管理进行预警,防止生物量小于BL。生物学参考点主要应用动态综合模型、产量模型和亲体量补充量关系模型来估算,估算过程中需要考虑到补充、生长、死亡等生命史过程中的不确定性。本文对生物学参考点的发展和应用进行了综述,并以金枪鱼渔业为例阐述它在渔业管理上的应用。近几十年来,我国近海渔业资源出现衰退,亟需利用生物学参考点的原理和方法对重要渔业资源种类进行...  相似文献   

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