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<正>软儿梨又称香水梨、化心梨、冻梨,属秋子梨系统,枝干强韧,生长旺盛,高产长寿,属晚熟品种,抗旱耐寒,对土壤选择不严,在甘肃和青海一带均有栽培,以甘肃兰州、定西、白银和青海乐都为栽培中心,是不可多得的地方优良品种,深得群众喜爱。  相似文献   

从陕西、河北、山东、兰州等地引进红梨、皇冠梨、京白梨、冬果梨等7个优质梨品种,搜集、采收引进本地多年,表现性状良好,与已安家落户的锦丰梨、早酥梨等4个优质梨品种,采取无性繁殖方式、相同管理措施进行了适生丰产性试验。结果表明:早酥梨、苹果梨、红梨、红香酥可进行大面积推广栽培;锦丰梨、车头梨、皇冠梨、软儿梨不适于大面积栽植;京白梨、黄金梨、冬果梨不适宜栽植。  相似文献   

小红梨是滇梨系统中的自然杂交品种,在弥渡已有500余年栽培历史,其栽培面积大、分布广。该品种具有抗逆性强、容易栽培、丰产、经济寿命长、果实美观、极耐贮运等许多优点。它经济收入高,对经济栽培十分有利,已成为我县梨果生产的晚熟当家品种。目前,弥渡已拥有百亩以上成片的小红梨生产基地八个。当地果农自筹资金建盖小红梨简易贮藏室800余所(当地人称之为梨房),年贮放小红梨400万斤,创产值200  相似文献   

11个中国梨品种S基因型的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用梨自交不亲和基因的特异引物"FTQQYQ"和"anti-IIWPNV",对11个梨品种的基因组DNA进行了特异PCR扩增,对扩增片段进行回收、克隆和测序。利用生物信息学软件对各序列进行比对分析,最后确定了各品种的S基因型,即早熟句句、新疆黄梨、绿句句、魁克句句等4个新疆梨品种的S基因型均为S22S28;圆香为S16S15,福安尖把为S16S22,晋蜜梨为S21S28,兰州软儿为SdS12,迟咸丰为S5aS18,红秀2号为S1S12,鸭广梨为S19S30。  相似文献   

基于基因芯片的梨品种S基因型鉴定的技术方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梨是典型的配子体自交不亲和植物,梨品种自交不亲和基因型(S基因型)确定的研究对于梨的栽培和遗传改良具有重要的意义.综合分析了运用杂交授粉试验、PCR-RFLP技术、DNA序列分析、cDNA克隆等技术在确定梨品种S基因型方面的优点和不足之处,提出了运用基因芯片技术确定梨品种S基因型的新方法,并分析了该技术的优势以及在梨品种S基因型确定方面的应用前景.  相似文献   

绿宝石梨(又名中梨1号),系早酥梨×新世纪杂交选育而成的优质早熟梨新品种.2002年春引入我县,经过4年栽培观察,认为该品种早果、丰产、质优,综合性状优良,适应性、抗逆性强,商品价值高,是极有发展前景的早熟梨新品种.现将该品种在成武试栽表现和早期丰产栽培试验报道如下.  相似文献   

阳信鸭梨生产现状、存在问题及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1阳信鸭梨发展概况 阳信鸭梨是我国具有地域优势的名特优梨品种之一,是阳信县的主要传统栽培果树,栽培历史悠久,迄今已有1300多年的栽培历史。  相似文献   

石家庄市辖6区17县(市),是我国的主要梨产区之一。梨栽培历史悠久,现有梨树面积4万hm^2,年产鲜梨8.5亿kg,占河北省梨产量的1/3。品种以鸭梨、雪花梨为主,栽培面积约占本地梨树总面积的近70%,其它品种有黄冠、黄金、酥梨系列,绿宝石、冀密、丰水等。近年来,果品市场持续疲软,梨果价格下跌,收益下降,导致果农的管理投入减少,梨树病虫为害加重;再加上梨树栽培方式的变革,病虫防治手段及农药品种的更新,  相似文献   

甘肃省农业科学院林果花卉研究所2009年引进21个桃品种在兰州地区试栽,经5年的系统观察结果表明:"油桃夏至早红"、普通桃"北京51号"适应性强、综合性状优良,适合在兰州地区发展。同时,配套开展了肥水管理、整形修剪、病虫害防治等栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

据报道,美国西北部的果树栽培业,特别是苹果栽培业,目前正处于惊惶状态中。这一方面是因为需要改变品种栽培的方向,另一方面是在栽培上少用或不用杀虫药剂的压力越来越大。苹果栽培者都在急于寻找新的苹果品种,有些人认为富士将成为来日之主要栽培的苹果品种。目前在美国为了梨栽培业的多样化,正在兴起栽培亚洲梨和红皮  相似文献   

A dramatic decline in forest cover in eastern Africa along with a growing population means that timber and poles for building and fuelwood are in short supply. To overcome this shortage, the region is increasingly turning to eucalyptus. But eucalyptus raises environmental concerns of its own. Fears that it will deplete water supply, affect wildlife and reduce associated crop yields have caused many countries in the region to discourage farmers from planting this exotic. This paper is part of a series of investigations on the growth and water use efficiency of faster growing eucalyptus hybrids, which was introduced from South Africa to Kenya. The hypothesis is that the new hybrids are more efficient in using water and more suitable for the semi-arid tropics than existing eucalyptus and two popular agroforestry species. Gas exchange characteristics of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden), two eucalyptus hybrids (E. grandis × Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), Grevillea robusta (A. Cunn) and Cordia africana (Lam) was studied under field and pot conditions using an infrared gas analyzer was used to measure photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (g s) and transpiration rate (E) at CO2 concentrations of 360 μmol mol−1 and ambient humidity and temperature. A, E and g s varied between species, being highest in eucalyptus hybrid GC 15 (24.6 μmol m−2 s−1) compared to eucalyptus hybrid GC 584 (21.0 μmol m−2 s−1), E. grandis (19.2 μmol m−2 s−1), C. africana (17.7 μmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (11.1 μmol m−2 s−1). C. africana exhibited high E values (7.0 mmol m−2 s−1) at optimal soil moisture contents than G. robusta (3.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (5.3 mmol m−2 s−1) in field experiment and G. robusta (3.2 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (4.2 mmol m−2 s−1) in pot-grown trees. At very low soil moisture content, extremely small g s values were recorded in GC 15 and E. grandis (8 mmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (14 mmol m−2 s−1) compared to GC 584 (46.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and C. africana (90.0 mmol m−2 s−1) indicating strong stomatal control by the species. Instantaneous water use efficiency ranged between 3 and 5 μmol mmol−1 and generally decreased with decline in soil moisture in pot-grown trees but increased with declining soil moisture in field-grown trees.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Einige der wichtigsten gegenwärtigen Probleme hinsichtlich der landwirtschaftlichen Schädlinge in Finnland sind folgende:Bei Getreide die Schäden durchCalligypona pellucida am Hafer sowie die Schäden durch die Fritfliege(Oscinella frit) an Saat von Winter- und Sommergetreide, die durch Blasenfüßer(Thysanoptera) u. a. Arten verursachte Weißährigkeit und Schmachtkörnigkeit, deren Bekämpfung noch nicht befriedigend entschieden ist. — Beim RotkleePhytonomus nigrirostris, Apion apricans undA. assimile, Sitona spp. undDitylenchus dipsaci, deren Biologie und Bekämpfung weiterhin fortgesetzt werden, — Bei ÖlpflanzenCeuthorrhynchus assimilis undC. quadridens sowieDasyneura brassicae, deren Bekä mpfung zu ermitteln ist. — Bei Zuckerrübe sowie einigen anderen Kulturpflanzen Bedeutung und Bekä mpfung vonLygus-Arten (besondersL. rugulipennis undL. pratensis). Bekämpfung der Rübenfliege(Pegomyia hyoscyami) bei Zuckerrübenkulturen. — Bei den Wurzelschädlingen von Gemüse und Hackfrüchten Klären von Biologie und Bekämpfung der Kohlfliegen (Hylemyia brassicae undH. floralis), der Fliegenschädlinge von Zwiebeln (Hylemyia antiqua, Eumerus tuberculatus undE. strigatus) und der Möhrenfliege. — Die Wirkung der Spritzungen in Obstgärten auf die wichtigsten Schä dlinge(Metatetranychus pilosus, Doralina pomi, Psylla mali, Carpocapsa pomonella, Argyresthia conjugella) und ihre wirksamsten Feinde.— In Beerengärten bei den ArtenTarsonemus fragariae, Eriophyes ribis undPachynematus pumilio sowie in Obstgärten bei der ArtAnisandrus dispar Intensivierung der Bekä mpfung. — Älchen(Anguillulidae), besondersdas Kleeälchen und Klärung von Lebensbedingungen und Bekämpfung desKartoffelälchens. — Bedeutung und Bekämpfung der Wühlmäuse (besondersMicrotus agrestis, M. arvalis undArvicola terrestris). — Untersuchung der Bedeutung von virusverbreitenden Insektenarten. — Erforschung der Nachteile von Bekämpfungsmitteln für die Pflanzen.  相似文献   

重庆酸雨区缙云山典型林分冠层酸雨淋洗特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选取重庆缙云山的针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、毛竹林、灌木林4种典型林分,观测酸性降水过程中林外雨、穿透雨及干流等林内水分转换分量中的主要离子含量变化,分析林分冠层对雨水化学组成的影响,结果表明:(1)降雨中的离子当量浓度大小依次是SO42->Ca2+> NH4+>Mg2+>K+>Na+>NO3-;(2)降雨经过林冠层后pH值降低,干流的酸化程度增加最大;(3)降雨经林冠层后离子浓度明显增加(除灌木林),穿透雨中通量增加最大的阴离子和阳离子分别为SO42-(2.19×103~6.47×103 eq·hm-2)和Ca2+(1.41×103~3.39×103 eq-hm-2),离子来源主要为大气沉降和植物分泌物或淋出;(4)同一离子在不同林分的干流和穿透雨中的通量变化不同,反映出不同林分冠层的离子交换性差异.在针阔混交林中,林下降雨净淋溶量大小顺序为SO42->Ca2+> NO3->K+>NH4+>Mg2+> Na+;常绿阔叶林为SO42-> Ca2+> K+>NO3-> NH4+> Mg2+ >Na+;毛竹林为Ca2+> SO42-> K+>NO3-> NH4+>Na+>Mg2+;灌木林为Ca2+> NO3-> K+> Na+>Mg2+> NH4+> SO42-.  相似文献   

广州市酸雨对不同森林冠层淋溶规律的研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
1998年4月至1999年3月对广州市白云山马尾松林和常绿阔叶林、广州市龙眼洞马尾松林两试验点进行了酸雨的监测,并测定和分析了林内穿透雨物理量及化学量,旨在探讨酸雨对不同森林冠层养分淋溶规律的影响。结果表明:(1)广州市酸雨占次数的79.7%或占降雨量的95.1%。(2)酸雨通过林冠层后,pH值明显增加。(3)在马尾松林和常绿阔叶林中,某些单次降雨出现SO4^2-、NO3^-、NH4^+Al^3+、Na^+的负淋溶现象,说明森林对这些离子(特别是NO3^-、Aa^3+)具有吸收作用;阔叶林全年的NO3^-和Al^3+净淋溶为负值,说明阔叶林比马尾松林对这两种离子具有更强的吸收能力。(4)雨水酸度增加(即pH值减小),明显提高阳离子Ca^2+、Mg^2+、K^+和Na^+冠层淋溶面分率。(5)NH4^+、SO4^  相似文献   

A typhoon event catastrophically destroyed a 45-year-old Japanese larch plantation in southern Hokkaido, northern Japan in September 2004, and about 90% of trees were blown down. Vegetation was measured to investigate its regeneration process and CO2 flux, or net ecosystem production (NEP), was measured in 2006–2008 using an automated chamber system to investigate the effects of typhoon disturbance on the ecosystem carbon balance. Annual maximum aboveground biomass (AGB) increased from 2.7 Mg ha−1 in 2006 to 4.0 Mg ha−1 in 2007, whereas no change occurred in annual maximum leaf area index (LAI), which was 3.7 m2 m−2 in 2006 and 3.9 m2 m−2 in 2007. Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) had become dominant within 2 years after the typhoon disturbance, and came to account for about 60% and 50% of AGB and LAI, respectively. In comparison with CO2 fluxes measured by the eddy covariance technique in 2001–2003, for 4.5 months during the growing season, the sum of gross primary production (GPP) decreased on average by 739 gC m−2 (64%) after the disturbance, whereas ecosystem respiration (RE) decreased by 501 gC m−2 (51%). As a result, NEP decreased from 159 ± 57 gC m−2 to −80 ± 30 gC m−2, which shows that the ecosystem shifted from a carbon sink to a source. Seasonal variation in RE was strongly correlated to soil temperature. The interannual variation in the seasonal trend of RE was small. Light-saturated GPP (Pmax) decreased from 30–45 μmol m−2 s−1 to 8–12 μmol m−2 s−1 during the summer season through the disturbance because of large reduction in LAI.  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (as ammonium nitrate) was applied monthly onto the forest floor of one old-growth forest (>400 years old, at levels of 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and two young forests (both about 70 years old, at levels of 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) over 3 years (2004–2006), to investigate how nitrogen (N) input influenced N leaching output, and if there were differences in N retention between the old-growth and the young forests in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China. The ambient throughfall inputs were 23–27 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the young forests and 29–35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the old-growth forest. In the control plots without experimental N addition, a net N retention was observed in the young forests (on average 6–11 kg N ha−1 yr−1), but a net N loss occurred in the old-growth forest (−13 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Experimental N addition immediately increased DIN leaching in all three forests, with 25–66% of added N leached over the 3-year experiment. At the lowest level of N addition (50 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the percentage N loss was higher in the old-growth forest (66% of added N) than in the two young forests (38% and 26%). However, at higher levels of N addition (100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the old-growth forest exhibited similar N losses (25–43%) to those in the young forests (28–43%). These results indicate that N retention is largely determined by the forest successional stages and the levels of N addition. Compared to most temperate forests studied in Europe and North America, N leaching loss in these seasonal monsoon subtropical forests occurred mainly in the rainy growing season, with measured N loss in leaching substantially higher under both ambient deposition and experimental N additions.  相似文献   

Five new ursane-type triterpenoidal saponins (15), together with five known ones (610), were isolated from the EtOH extract of the roots of Ilex cornuta. The structures of saponins 15 were elucidated as 19α-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 3β-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside (1), 19α-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 3β-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside-6-O-ethyl ester (2), 19α-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 3β-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1  2)-β-D-glucuronopyranoside (3), 3β-O-[α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1  2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl]-19α-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 28-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (4) and 3β-O-[α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1  2)-β-D-glucuronopyranoside-6-O-methyl ester]-19α-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid 28-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (5), on the basis of spectroscopic analyses (IR, ESI-MS, HR-ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR) and chemical reactions. Protective effects of compounds 110 against H2O2-induced H9c2 cardiomyocyte injury were tested. Compounds 15, 7, and 10 showed cell-protective effects. Among them compound 5 exhibited the highest activity. No significant DPPH radical scavenging activity was observed for compounds 110.  相似文献   

A new canker disease of Salix alba and Populus alba has been observed in Xinjiang, China. Black circular spots on dead branches and stems are the symptoms of the disease. Sixty‐seven isolates recovered from Salix matsudana, S. alba and Populus alba were identified as Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis based on morphological features and multigene phylogeny. Pathogenicity tests were performed on S. alba and P. alba stems using the C. pullmanensis isolates. Cankers on and Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis of C. pullmanensis from the stems fulfilled Koch's postulates and confirmed C. pullmanensis as the causal agent of the canker disease. C. pullmanensis is characterized by its yellow stromatic tissue surrounded by a black conceptacle with regularly arranged multiple locules sharing common walls and hyaline, allantoid, aseptate conidia (mean size 7.42 × 1.72 μm). This is the first report of C. pullmanensis causing Cryptosphaeria canker in China, and S. alba and P. alba are new host records for C. pullmanensis.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine carbon (C) dynamics following forest tending works (FTW) which are one of the most important forest management activities conducted by Korean forest police and managers. We measured organic C storage (above- and below-ground biomass C, forest floor C, and soil C at 50 cm depth), soil environmental factors (soil CO2 efflux, soil temperature, soil water content, soil pH, and soil organic C concentration), and organic C input and output (litterfall and litter decomposition rates) for one year in FTW and non-FTW (control) stands of approximately 40-year-old red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) forests in the Hwangmaesan Soopkakkugi model forest in Sancheonggun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. This forest was thinned in 2005 as a representative FTW practice. The total C stored in tree biomass was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the FTW stand (40.17 Mg C ha−1) than in the control stand (64.52 Mg C ha−1). However, C storage of forest floor and soil layers measured at four different depths was not changed by FTW, except for that at the surface soil depth (0–10 cm). The organic C input due to litterfall and output due to needle litter decomposition were both significantly lower in the FTW stand than in the control stand (2.02 Mg C ha−1 year−1 vs. 2.80 Mg C ha−1 year−1 and 308 g C kg−1 year−1 vs. 364 g C kg−1 year−1, respectively, both P < 0.05). Soil environmental factors were significantly affected (P < 0.05) by FTW, except for soil CO2 efflux rates and organic C concentration at soil depth of 0–20 cm. The mean annual soil CO2 efflux rates were the same in the FTW (0.24 g CO2 m−2 h−1) and control (0.24 g CO2 m−2 h−1) stands despite monthly variations of soil CO2 efflux over the one-year study period. The mean soil organic C concentration at a soil depth of 0–20 cm was lower in the FTW stand (81.3 g kg−1) than in the control stand (86.4 g kg−1) but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). In contrast, the mean soil temperature was significantly higher, the mean soil water content was significantly lower, and the soil pH was significantly higher in the FTW stand than in the control stand (10.34 °C vs. 8.98 °C, 48.2% vs. 56.4%, and pH 4.83 vs. pH 4.60, respectively, all P < 0.05). These results indicated that FTW can influence tree biomass C dynamics, organic C input and output, and soil environmental factors such as soil temperature, soil water content and soil pH, while soil C dynamics such as soil CO2 efflux rates and soil organic C concentration were little affected by FTW in a red pine stand.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper reports on an outbreak of the False Pine Webworm (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) in the Steinfeld of Lower Austria, from its detection in July 1964 up to swarming of wasps in April 1967. The course of gradation and resulting damages are described, and data obtained on development, manner of life, and mortality given. In plantations of predominant Austrian Black Pine (Pinus nigra ssp.austriaca) and Scots Pine(Pinus silvestris) the former, too, was attacked though to a considerably lesser extent than the latter. Among mortality factors observed, most important was a nuclear polyhedrosis, which, during the first year of outbreak, killed numerous pseudocaterpillars, but sensibly diminished in lethal effect in the further course of calamity. In connection with the outbreak ofAcantholyda erythrocephala, some other pest occurrences in the plantations are mentioned. A possible competition effect of a previous outbreak ofNeodiprion sertifer, lasting several years, and one ofDendrolimus pini L., lasting two years, resulting in inhibitions of a more precocious development of the outbreak ofAcantholyda erythrocephala, and in prevention of a nascent gradation ofPanolis flammea by the multiplication ofAcantholyda taking its course, is particularly referred to. Control experiments were done with the fumigant “Kerfex-Nebelk?rper/rd. An effective control by this product, too, must be carried out soon after emerging of young larvae.
Résumé Le présent mémoire rend compte d'une pullulation de la Lyde bleue du Pin (Acantholyda erythrocephala L.) au Steinfeld en Basse-Autriché, à partir de sa découverte au mois de Juillet 1964 jusqu'à l'essaimage des guépes au mois d'Avril 1967. Le cours de la gradation et ses effets nuisibles sont caracté risés avec des données obtenues sur le développement, la manière de vivre et la mortalité de l'insecte. Dans les plantations où dominaient le Pin noir d'Autriche (Pinus nigra ssp.austriaca) et le Pin sylvestre(Pinus silvestris), le Pin noir a aussi été attaqué, mais à un bien moindre degré que le Pin sylvestre. Parmi les facteurs relevés de mortalité le plus important a été une maladie cubique nucléaire, faisant dépérir de nombreuses fausses chenilles pendant la première année de la calamité, mais ne déployant que peu d'activité pernicieuse au cours ultérieur de la gradation. En rapport avec cette gradation deAcantholyda erythrocephala on mentionne quelques autres apparitions d'insectes nuisibles dans les plantations. On met spécialement en relief des effets possibles de compétition de la part d'une précédente calamité de plusieurs années deNeodiprion sertifer et d'une autre, de deux années, deDendrolimus pini L., par rapport à un ralentissement du développement de l'attaque massive del'Acantholyda erythrocephala et à l'empéchement d'une gradation naissante dePanolis flammea par ie déroulement de la gradation deAcantholyda. Des essais de lutte ont été entrepris avec le fumigant ?Kerfex-Nebelk?rper?. Si la lutte doit être efficace, il faut l'exécuter peu de temps après l'eclosion finie des jeunes larves.

Резюме Настоящая статья доносит о массовом размножении красноголового общественного пилильщика — ткача,Acatholyda erythrocephala L., в Штейнфельде (Нижняя Австрия), от его открытия в июле 1964г. до роения ос в апреле 1967г. Характеризуются ход градащии и вредные действия так как приводятся информации о развитии, способе жизни и смертности. В культурах, составленных преимущестнно из сосен австрийской (Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca) и обыкновенной (P. silvestris) была поражена и австрийская, хотя в значительно менышей степени, чем обыкновенная. Среди действующих факторов смертиности была важнейшим ядерная полиэдровая болезнь, которая убила в первом году бедствия многочисленных лжегусениц, а в далышем ходу показывала уже мало смертного действия. В связи с градацииAcantholyda erythrocephala упомнаются и другие появления вредителей в культурах. Указывается особенно на возможные конкуренцийные действия предшествующей долголетной градацииNeodiprion sertifer и двухлетной таковойDendrolimus pini L. по отношению к торможениям более ранного развития массового появленияAcontholyda erythrocephala и препятствованию возникающей градацииPanolis flammea протекающим размножением акантолиды. Попытки борьбы были установлены фумигантом ?Керфекс -Небелькерпер?. Борьбу, если должна быть успешной, нужно проводить и этим средством скоро после вылупляния молодых личинок.

Die vorliegenden Beobachtungen der derzeit noch weiter laufenden Kalamit?t schlie?en mit der Flugperiode 1967 ab. Von H. Schmutzenhofer werden bzw. wurden weitere Untersuchungen zum Auftreten dieses Sch? dlings besonders zur Erlangung kritischer Ei- und Larvenzahlen, zur Kl?rung des Problems des überliegens und Auffindung wirksamer Bek?mpfungsmittel durchgeführt.  相似文献   

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