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The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed computed tomographic (CT) anatomic reference for the dromedary camel tarsus. Six cadaver pelvic limbs, obtained from three clinically and radiographically sound dromedary camels, were scanned in both soft tissue and bone windows starting from the calcaneal tuber towards the proximal metatarsus. Limbs were frozen at ?20°C and sectioned transversely via an electric bone saw. The CT images were evaluated and correlated with their corresponding cryosections. The resulting images provided detailed anatomic features for bones, joints and soft tissue components of the tarsus and are intended to serve as a basic reference for the CT scanning of the dromedary camel tarsal pathology.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old, clinically healthy, male dromedary camel had presented a history of progressive unilateral testicular enlargement over the past 5 years. The animal had mated with 32 females during that period; all had conceived. The sex ratio of his offspring was one male to 31 females. Ultrasound examination of the right testicle revealed a diffusely heterogeneous parenchyma with no identifiable normal testicular tissue. The enlarged testicle was surgically removed. Macroscopically, the testicle had a glistening pink surface and contained multiple soft, bulging nodules. Histopathologically, a well‐differentiated, diffuse seminoma was diagnosed. In conclusion, this study describes the fertility, sex ratio, clinical findings and ultrasonographic imaging in a male dromedary camel affected with unilateral testicular seminoma.  相似文献   

In 1998, two cases of silica urolithiasis occurred in castrated male dromedaries on an intensive camel farm in the Canary Islands. The immediate attributable cause was the ingestion of large amounts of silica in the feed, estimated as 84.44 g/day. An associated cause was the low level of salt in the diet. Daily ingestion of salt from feed and water was estimated to be 21.8 g (8.6 g of sodium). Seventy-six castrated males from the same farm were divided into four groups: group A received 30 g of salt daily; group B received 40 g; group C received 60 g; and group D received no added salt in the diet (control). The animals were maintained on these dietary regimes for 2 years. No animals from groups A, B or C suffered overt urinary retention. One animal from group D had an obstructive urinary retention 10 months after the study commenced. Thus, 52 g of salt daily appears to be sufficient to prevent urinary retention in dromedaries raised in a subtropical climate.  相似文献   

Six cadaver pelvic limbs were obtained from clinically sound dromedary camels and examined radiographically and ultrasonographically using a 7.5 MHz convex transducer. Radiographic examination was performed in dorsoplantar, lateromedial, dorsolateral‐plantaromedial oblique and plantarolateral‐dorsomedial oblique projections, and the bony structures and articulations of the tarsal joint were outlined. The tarsus was ultrasonographically investigated in four planes (dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar), and each plane was scrutinized in four levels (calcaneal tuber, tibial malleoli, base of calcaneus and proximal end of metatarsus) in both transverse and longitudinal views. Limbs were examined grossly, frozen at ?20°C and sectioned. Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings correlated well with the gross anatomy and frozen sections. The normal appearance of bony and soft structures of the tarsus described in this study provided basic reference data for ultrasonographic and radiographic investigations of tarsal disorders in the dromedary camel.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a highly regulated mode of cell death that occurs in the absence of inflammation. Light microscopic (LM) examination of the myocardium of apparently healthy camel did not reveal evidence of apoptosis in any samples; however, evidence of apoptosis was apparent by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The most common apoptotic features observed by TEM included (1) an intact sarcolemma with some bleb formation; (2) nuclear chromatin condensation and margination with nucleolar disruption; (3) mitochondrial swelling and disorganization, accompanied by degeneration or hypercondensation of cristae; and (4) an intercalated disc region with a higher-than-normal mitochondrion/myofibril ratio, or surrounded from both sides by asymmetrically contracted sarcomeres. Apoptotic alterations were also noted among the endothelial cells lining the microvasculature of the myocardium. These alterations included (1) marked nuclear chromatin condensation and margination; (2) villous blebs on the adluminal plasmalemma, which projected into the lumen; (3) cytoplasmic vacuolation; (4) presence of intraluminal membrane-bounded vesicles; and (5) occasional pericapillary edema and accumulations of cellular debris. The results of this study indicate that myocardial apoptosis can occur in apparently healthy camels, in the absence of a clear-cut etiology.  相似文献   

The Coronary Arteries of the Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of distribution of the coronary arteries of the camel was studied by combining dissection and vinyl acetate casts. The results showed that in the camel the right coronary artery supplies the interventricular subsinuosal artery, characteristic of a right coronary pattern. The septal branch that supplied the interventricular septum originated from the paraconal interventricular artery. A muscular bridge was observed crossing each of the paraconal and subsinuosal interventricular arteries in the middle third of the longitudinal grooves.  相似文献   

Studies of ocular development in the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) have not been reported previously. The aim of the present investigation was therefore to document the major landmarks and the time course in the prenatal development of the eye tunics in dromedary camel and its accommodation with the surrounding hard environment of the desert. Serial histological sections of dromedary camel embryos and foetuses were used. Age estimation was made on the basis of gestational size, crown vertebral‐rump length (CVRL), which ranged 1.2–110 cm. The eye of the dromedary camel developed in a similar manner to that of the human and domestic animals eyes; the principal differences were in the time of occurrence of certain developmental events, pigmented peripheral cornea near the limbus, a remarkably thickened Descemet's membrane and pigmentation in the corneo‐scleral junction, which represent an adaptive modification in relation to a severe environment.  相似文献   

The morphology of the terminal segment of the common carotid artery of the camel was studied. It was found that this artery terminated by giving off a patent internal carotid artery and continuing as the external carotid artery. A presumptive carotid sinus was present at the region of origin of the internal carotid. Similar to that of other mammals, the carotid sinus of the camel was characterized by a comparatively thin vascular wall rich in elastic fibres. With the electron microscope, free (non-encapsulated) afferent endings, efferent endings, encapsulated axons and bundles of unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibres were found in the wall of the presumptive carotid sinus. The free afferent endings closely resembled baroreceptor endings of the carotid sinus of other mammalian species in their mitochondrial content and the presence of abnormal organelles such as lamellar bodies, vesicular mitochondria and dense bodies. They were regarded as slowly adapting baroreceptors. The presumptive efferent endings were considered adrenergic whereas the encapsulated axons were thought to be the proximal parts of encapsulated sensory nerve endings.  相似文献   

Traumatic and infectious diseases of the eye and orbit can occur in horses. For diagnosis and monitoring of such diseases, medical imaging is useful including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the current study was to describe CT and MRI anatomy of the equine orbit and ocular globe. The heads from four adult horses were scanned with a 6‐slice Emotion 6 CT (Siemens, Erlangen), and a 3.0 Tesla Siemens Verio 6 MRI using T1 and T2‐weighted sequences. To validate CT and MR reference images, these were compared with anatomical models and gross anatomical sections. The bony limits of the orbital cavity, the relationship of the orbit with sinuses and foramina of the skull were well identified by CT. MRI was useful to observe soft tissues and was able to identify adnexae of the ocular globe (eyelids, periorbital fat, extraocular muscles, lacrymal and tarsal glands). Although MRI was able to identify all components of the eye (including the posterior chamber), it could not differentiate sclera from choroid and retina. The only nerve identified was the optic nerve. Vessels were not seen in this series of cadaver heads. This study showed that CT and MRI are useful techniques to image the equine orbit and eye that can have clinical applications.  相似文献   

选用健康家兔40只,取仰卧位保定,5%戊巴比妥钠溶液麻醉,对家兔胸部体层摄影技术进行了探讨。几何条件:使用直线轨迹时,曝光角度以20°为好;使用区域圆轨迹时,以12°为好。显示支气管的最佳层次()与胸厚(X)的回归方程(?)=0.739X-1.922。物理条件:kVP=胸厚(cm)+40+10(滤线器);mA及s:直线轨迹时100mA,0.3s;区域圆轨迹时20mA,2.8s。并对所拍摄的X线体层照片进行了分析,在显示胸部某一层面的结构上和对肺脏、支气管部位病变的诊断上,体层摄影有明显的优点,而麻醉对改善体层片的质量有一定作用。  相似文献   

The pig has recently become popular as a large animal experimental model in many fields of biomedical research. The aim of this study is to evaluate the basic anatomical structures in the head region of the pig to lay the groundwork for its practical clinical usage or pre‐clinical research in the future. We used three different diagnostic imaging methods: radiography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The analysis showed that radiographic imaging is suitable only for general evaluation of the facial area of the pig skull. CT images showed excellent spatial definition of bony structures of the whole craniofacial area, and MRI images revealed fine soft tissue details. Radiography is preferentially suited to general assessment of bone structures of the facial skeleton; however, the thick layer of adipose tissue in the craniofacial region of the pig makes the imaging of some parts difficult or even impossible. CT is useful for revealing morphological details of mineralized tissues, whereas MRI is more suitable for soft tissue analysis and the detection of subtle pathologic changes in both bone and soft tissues. Therefore, before using pigs as an experimental model in craniofacial research, it is necessary to evaluate the suitability and disadvantages of potential imaging methods and how appropriate they are for accurate visualization of desired structures.  相似文献   

The guttural pouches of the donkey are a pair of pouches located dorsoposteriorly to the posterior pharynx. The pouches have a close contact rostrally with the sphenoid bone, ventrally with the pharynx and esophagus, and caudally with the atlantoaxial joint. The left and right guttural pouches have almost the same capacity. In this study, topographic anatomy, computed tomography (CT) examination, and a surgical approach were carried out in the heads of donkeys. Results of the CT examination, transverse and sagittal sections of the heads, revealed that the donkeys possessed large, symmetrical guttural pouches incompletely divided into medial and lateral compartments by the stylohyoid bone. Moreover, the right and left guttural pouches met each other at the median part to form a thin membranous septum. As CT sections approached the occipital condyle, the lateral compartment disappeared and the medial compartment gradually became smaller toward the base of the skull. Two cadaver heads were examined to assess the anatomic limits of the surgical approach and whether vital structures might be damaged. Direct access to the lateral compartment was performed using a modified Garm's technique, whereas direct access to the medial compartment was gained through Viborg's triangle.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted to examine (1) the morphology of dromedary cumulus‐oocytes complexes (COCs), (2) to study the incidence of spontaneous development of oocytes in vivo and (3) to assess the ability of in vitro matured dromedary oocytes to chemical parthenogenetic activation compared with in vitro fertilized (IVF) oocytes. COCs were recovered from dromedary ovaries classified according to their morphology into six categories. Oocyte diameter was measured using eye piece micrometer. For chemical activation, COCs with at least three layers of cumulus‐cells were in vitro matured (IVM) in TCM 199 + 10 μg/ml FSH + 10 IU hCG/ml + 10% FCS + 50 μg/ml gentamycin. COCs were incubated for 40 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2 in humidified air. After IVM, matured oocytes with first polar body (first Pb) were divided into two groups. Group 1: activated in 7% ethanol (E) for 5 min followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐dimethylaminopurin (6‐DMAP, E D, subgroup 1) or 10 μg/ml cycloheximide (CHX, E CHX, subgroup 2) for 3.5 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2. In group 2, oocytes were activated using 50 μM Ca A23187 (Ca A) for 5 min followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐DMAP (Ca D, subgroup 3) or 10 μg/ml CHX(Ca CHX, subgroup 4) for 3.5 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2. For control group, IVM oocytes were fertilized using frozen‐thawed camel spermatozoa separated by swim‐up method then suspended in Fert‐TALP medium supplemented with 6 mg/ml BSA (FAF) + 10 μg/ml heparin. In all groups, oocytes were in vitro cultured in SOFaa medium + 5% FCS and 5 μg/ml insulin + 50 μg/ml gentamycin. Cleavage rate and embryo development were checked on Days 2, 5 and 8. An average of 11.3 ± 0.3 COCs were recovered/dromedary ovary. Categories 1 and 2 represented 33.1% and 34.8%, respectively, and were significantly higher (p < 0.01) than the other categories (19.1, 9.2 and 2.6% for categories 3–5, respectively). Category 6 (embryo‐like structures) represented 1.2% of the recovered oocytes, staining of these embryo‐like structures with orcien dye indicated the presence of divided cells with condensed nuclei. Dromedary oocytes averaged 166.2 ± 2.6 μm in diameter with black cytoplasm. Chemical activation of IVM dromedary oocyte with first Pb in 7% ethanol or 50 μM Ca A followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐DMAP showed significantly higher (p < 0.01) cleavage and developmental rates to the morula stage than oocytes activated using 7% ethanol or 50 μM Ca A followed by 10 μg/ml CHX or in vitro fertilized control group. Higher (p < 0.01) proportion of oocytes sequentially cultured in 10 μg/ml CHX or that in vitro fertilized were arrested at the 2–4‐cell stage compared with that cultured in 6‐DMAP.  相似文献   

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