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比较了保护剂平衡时间、解冻温度、线虫浓度及线虫发育期对低温冷冻松材线虫存活的影响.结果表明,平衡时间对冷冻保存有较大影响,以20%甘油为保护剂,在4℃下平衡12h后转入-80℃超低温冰箱,1d后线虫存活率为(41.7±4.9)%;冻存存活率与线虫发育期有一定关系,幼虫显著高于成虫,幼虫、雌成虫和雄成虫的存活率分别为(31.5±7.4)%,(7.9%±3.5)%,(6.6±2.8)%.在所选择的解冻温度(30 ~45℃)和线虫浓度(10 500 条/mL~8 4000条/mL)范围内,解冻温度及线虫浓度对存活率影响差异不明显.  相似文献   

Summary Mode I fracture energy of premature plantation-grown red pine is discussed, for crack growth in the longitudinal direction. It is demonstrated that fracture energy is influenced by moisture content at test and the direction that stress is applied in the radial-tangential plane. Secondary influences of moisture conditioning and density on fracture energy were observed, with the severity related to the moisture content of the material at test. Discrepancies with findings in the literature are identified and discussed. It is likely that results of this study apply to other conifer species with low extractive contents.The work was undertaken with financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under operating grants OGP 0004417 and OGP 0109473  相似文献   

There are indications that the drying process may have negative effects on the natural durability of wood. The impact of various drying processes on the durability of Scots pine lumber has been evaluated with mass loss in a decay test with brown rot fungus, Coniophora puteana, as measure of the decay resistance of sapwood and inner and outer heartwood. Drying with or without steam conditioning was performed in six different series: air drying, kiln drying at temperature ranges commonly used in Swedish sawmills at 70°C and 90°C with two different regulation principles, and one high-temperature drying at 110°C. Durability varied considerably both between and within boards. Sapwood showed considerable less durability than heartwood. No difference in durability was found between inner heartwood and outer heartwood. Air-dried heartwood showed the highest durability compared to other drying series. The lowest durability in sapwood and heartwood was found for series dried at the 90°C temperature level with high material temperature early in drying. The interpretation is that the duration of high material temperature at high moisture content (MC) is the critical combination for decay resistance in heartwood. Steam conditioning after drying decreased durability in sapwood.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop models for estimating yields of lumber grades and by-products of individual Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees using stem and crown dimensions as explanatory variables. Two separate data sets were used: (1) one simulated by the process-based growth model, PipeQual, which provides information about stem form and branch properties. The model was used to predict the 3D structure of Scots pine stems from thinning regimes of varying intensity and rotation periods and (2) an empirical data set with detailed 3D measurements of stem structure. The stems were sawn using the WoodCim sawing simulator and the yields and grades of the individual sawn pieces, as well as by-products, were recorded. The sawn timber was classified on A, B, C and D-grades for side and centre boards separately (Nordic Timber grading). By-products were pulpwood, sawmill chips, sawdust and bark.  相似文献   

Dothistroma needle blight is a forest disease of increasing international importance due to its ability to kill as well as to retard the growth of pines. It is caused by fungi in the genus Dothistroma that produce dothistromin, a non‐host selective toxin and virulence factor that is involved in necrosis of pine tissue. Recent studies of the genome of one of the main pathogenic species, Dothistroma septosporum, showed that it contains many similarities to that of the biotroph Cladosporium fulvum, including the presence of candidate biotrophic effector genes, which supported the hypothesis that D. septosporum has a hemi‐biotrophic lifestyle. Using Pinus radiata as a host, we used a combination of microscopy, histological and molecular tools to further test this hypothesis and to determine the stage of the disease cycle in which dothistromin toxin is produced. The results showed a biotrophic‐type phase in which the fungus grew over the needle surface, penetrated through stomatal pores and colonized epistomatal chambers. The subsequent necrotrophic phase was characterized by colonization of the mesophyll and production of dothistromin, with a >100‐fold increase in dothistromin levels from early necrotic lesion to sporulating lesion stages. This is consistent with the role of dothistromin as a virulence factor that is involved in lesion expansion.  相似文献   

This study investigated near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to rapidly estimate physical and mechanical properties of No. 2 2 × 4 southern pine lumber. A total of 718 lumber samples were acquired from six mills across the Southeast and destructively tested in bending. From each piece of lumber, a 25-mm-length block was cut and diffuse reflectance NIR spectra were collected from the transverse face using a FOSS 5000 scanning spectrometer. Calibrations were created using partial least squares (PLS) regression and their performance checked with a prediction set. Overall moderate predictive ability was found between NIRS and the properties for the calibration and prediction sets: block specific gravity (SG) (R 2 = 0.66 and R p 2  = 0.63), lumber SG (0.54 and 0.53), modulus of elasticity (MOE) (0.54 and 0.58), and modulus of rupture (MOR) (0.5 and 0.4). Model performance for MOE (R p 2  = 0.70) and MOR (R p 2  = 0.50) improved when performing PLS regression on a matrix containing lumber SG and NIR spectra. Overall NIRS predicted MOE better than linear models using lumber SG (R 2 = 0.46), whereas lumber SG (R 2 = 0.51) predicted MOR better than NIRS. Overall NIRS has reasonably good predictive ability considering the small volume of wood that is scanned with the instrument.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the effect of Atropellis canker,Atropellis piniphila (Weir) Lohman and Cash, and stalactiform blister rust,Cronartium coleosporioides Arth., on the bending strength and stiffness of lumber from lodgepole pine,Pinus contorta Dougl. var.latifolia Engelm. The modulus of rupture, was unaffected by either disease. However, the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of lumber from infected trees, as determined by the Cook Bolinders and static bending tests, was significantly reduced from those of healthy trees. This impact should affect the use of lumber from infected trees when serviceability criteria govern the design of a structure. Should MOE-based, machine stress-rating of lumber become standard in the future, there may be an adverse, stress-related impact of these diseases on lumber value.We thank Mr. D. Hutcheson, B.C. Forest Service, Kamloops Region for advice and assistance, Messers, T. Jeanes, B. Geiselmann and D. Crabtree, Balco Forest Products Ltd., for advice, assistance, and particularly for harvesting and manufacture of the test material; Mr. L. Olsen, Forintek Canada Ltd. for assistance, and Dr. A. Harestad, Simon Fraser University for critical review. The research was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grant No. A3881  相似文献   

Modern forwarders are an effective extraction option for timber harvesting operations that provide the opportunity for higher levels of mechanization. With their ability to carry logs from the forest to the roadside or processing areas, they have an established lower environmental impact in comparison to tree-length skidding options. However, little is published regarding their productivity potential or the factors that influence productivity. Three case studies were carried out; (1) a selective harvest in Calabria, Italy, with a smaller 12 t capacity John Deere 1110E, (2) a clear-cut on the West Coast of New Zealand, with a larger 19 t capacity John Deere 1910E and (3) a larger clear-cut operation in Canterbury, New Zealand, with two John Deere 1910E forwarders. An elemental time and motion study was used resulting in 73.4 h of detailed data, with 159 cycles extracting 2241 m3 of timber. Productivity models were created for all three sites as well as one combined model. Average cycle time was 33.2, 24.2 and 22.8 min, and average productivity 24.6, 37.1 and 42.7 t per productive machine hour, respectively. Cycle time was the fastest, and consequently productivity the highest, at the Canterbury site where the terrain roughness was low, overcoming any effect of the average small piece size (0.59 m3). Travel speed was slowest at the West Coast site showing the effect of wet and difficult terrain, with travel empty speed being just 3.8 km/h, compared to 6.7 and 6.9 km/h at the other two sites. Productivity at the two clear-cut operations was significantly higher than the selective cut, compounded by the use of the larger capacity forwarders. Distance and payload were significant factors for each cycle time model; in the combined model the sites were also significant. The calculated unit cost of forwarder extraction in the sites ranged from €2.55 to €4.70/m3. For regions such as southern Italy that have relatively low levels of forest mechanization, this information can be used to help design and improve more traditional labor-intensive harvesting systems.  相似文献   

In July and in October of 1978, 1979, 1980 five Picea abies stands in Baden-Württemberg, Germany were green-pruned up to a tree height level of c. 10 m. In 1993–94, 30 pruned trees and five control trees from each stand were harvested for investigation. The quality of pruning proved to be excellent because only few branch collar, bark injuries or too long branch stubs were detected. Based on isolations from more than 6000 wood specimens of c. 20 mm3 obtained from 175 trees, specific infection rates are given for different tree compartments. Wood decay fungi as well as important blue stain fungi were only rarely present. Tolerable discolourations were limited to the stub containing core of a few trees. Wood formed after pruning showed neither more fungal infections nor other related disadvantages compared with the respective increment from unpruned control trees. Nectria fuckeliana, proved to be the most abundant fungus in pruned trees especially in the branch stubs. Respective infection rates in and close to dry branches were compared. Bacteria could be found in the pruned branch stubs, however, they did not penetrate into the heartwood or sapwood of the stems. Both summer and autumn pruning involve only very low risk of wood deterioration. However, summer pruning shows some advantages with respect to lower infection rates by N. fuckeliana.  相似文献   

近几年来,松枯梢病在我国蔓延速度加快,危害不断加重,已成为我国的重大森林病害。文章详细阐述了环境因子、虫害、人为因素等有关因素是如何影响松枯梢病发生和发展的。  相似文献   

The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity (MOE) between bluestained and non-bluestained lumber of Lodgepole pine were tested and analyzed by using three methods of Non-destructive testing (NDT), Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Testing (Pundit), Metriguard and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the normal bending method. Results showed that the dynamic and static MOE of bluestained wood were higher than those of non-bluestained wood. The significant differences in dynamic MOE and static MOE were found between bulestained and non-bluestained wood, of which, the difference in each of three dynamic MOE (Ep. the ultrasonic wave modulus of elasticity, Ems, the stress wave modulus of elasticity and El, the longitudinal wave modulus of elasticity) between bulestained and non-bluestained wood arrived at the 0.01 significance level, whereas that in the static MOE at the 0.05 significance level. The differences in MOE between bulestained and non-bluestained wood were induced by the variation between sapwood and heartwood and the different densities of bulestained and non-bluestained wood. The correlation between dynamic MOE and static MOE was statistically significant at the 0.01 significance level. Although the dynamic MOE values of Ep, Em, Er were significantly different, there exists a close relationship between them (arriving at the 0.01 correlation level). Comparative analysis among the three techniques indicated that the accurateness of FFT was higher than that of Pundit and Metriguard. Effect of tree knots on MOE was also investigated. Result showed that the dynamic and static MOE gradually decreased with the increase of knot number, indicating that knot number had significant effect on MOE value.  相似文献   

采用Pundit、Metriguard、FFT等三种无损检测方法和常规弯曲法对加拿大扭叶松(lodgepole pine)蓝变与非蓝变实木板材的动态及静态弹性模量进行检测和比较研究。结果表明,蓝变材三种动态弹性模量及静态弹性模量均高于非蓝变材;对比分析表明,蓝变材和非蓝变材的动态及静态弹性模量存在差异,其中动态弹性模量差异均达到0.01显著性水平,静态弹性模量差异达到0.05显著性水平,并且心、边材及密度值不同是导致以上差异的主要原因。相关性分析表明,动态与静态弹性模量间相关性达到0.01显著性水平;尽管三种无损检测方法测量结果存在差异,但它们之间仍存在密切相关性,FFT 技术测量的准确性高于Pundit和Metriguard;板材中结子数影响木材动态和静态弹性模量,随着板材结子数增加弹性模量相应地降低。  相似文献   

Wood of Chinese fir and poplar were liquefied in phenol at 150℃ and atmospheric pressure. The liquefied wood were reacted with formaldehyde to synthesize the liquefied wood-based resin. The factors affecting the resinification and the properties of new resin were investigated. The results show that the formaldehyde/liquefied wood molar ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time and sodium hydroxide/liquefied wood molar ratio have important influence on the resin characteristics. With the increase of formaldehyde/liquefied wood molar ratio, the yield of resin increases, and the flee phenol content of resins decreases, showing that the resinification of liquefied wood is more complete at higher formaldehyde/liquefied wood molar ratios. The reaction temperature on the viscosity of the liquefied resin has considerable effect; the viscosity of resin increased with increasing reaction temperature, and the amount of liquefied poplar resin increased more quickly than that of liquefied Chinese fir resin. The resinification time also has obvious influence on the viscosity of resin; the viscosity of liquefied poplar resin is more sensitive to resinification time compared with that of liquefied Chinese fir. The amount of sodium hydroxide can improve the water miscibility of liquefied wood resin. The optimum sodium hydroxide/liquefied wood molar ratio for preparation of liquefied wood-based resins exceeds 0.4.  相似文献   

本文研究了龙里林场5种造林密度,15年生马尾松纸浆林木材基干密度和管胞形态。结果表明:造林密度对木材基本密度影响不大,但具明显的趋势,即一定造林密度条件下,木材基本密度随造林密度增加而增加,造林密度对管胞形态的影响,表现出因年龄而异,不同造林密度马尾松管胞形态总平均值变化不大,但管胞长度随树龄的增大而增加的趋势,受到造林密度影响,较低的造林密度各生长轮管胞形态差异不显著。管胞长度频率分布具一定的规律,中等长度(2501-3500um)管胞长度频率分布最大,占总频率的45%-74.19%,随着造林密度加大,中等长度的管胞增加,较短管胞长度(≤2500um)减少。  相似文献   


Thermal modification at elevated temperatures changes the chemical, biological and physical properties of wood. In this study, the effects of the level of thermal modification and the decay exposure (natural durability against soft-rot microfungi) on the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the sapwood and heartwood of Scots pine and Norway spruce were investigated with a static bending test using a central loading method in accordance with EN 408 (1995). The results were compared with four reference wood species: Siberian larch, bangkirai, merbau and western red cedar. In general, both the thermal modification and the decay exposure decreased the strength properties. On average, the higher the thermal modification temperature, the more MOE and MOR decreased with unexposed samples and increased with decayed samples, compared with the unmodified reference samples. The strength of bangkirai was least reduced in the group of the reference wood species. On average, untreated wood material will be stronger than thermally modified wood material until wood is exposed to decaying fungi. Thermal modification at high temperatures over 210°C very effectively prevents wood from decay; however, strength properties are then affected by thermal modification itself.  相似文献   

In order to increase its hardness and gravity as well as dimension stability, the technology of hot-compressing onPaulownia wood was studied. The main factors of affecting the spring back of the compressedPaulownia samples were discussed. It was discovered that every factor in the experiment had obvious effects on wood hardness and dimension stability of compressed wood. When the MC (Moisture Content) of experimental specimens was 13.89%, it was useful to spray water on the surface of samples before hot pressing. The best result was the recovery of compression set could decrease from 90.69% of untreated wood to 45.51% of soaking specimens into PF (Phenol Formaldehyde) water solution. The hot pressing time was 8 min at 190°C. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

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